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Show ee Cusr.6.§.2. The Jecond Bookeof thefirst part ~ Cuar.66 262 uincethit tohaue beene otherwiie. For the Ifraclites were forbidden to prouoke the HiT .9 JeertNS: Bdomites, or doe them any wrong,whicteas contrariwife Ama/ek was curled, andenlefle Taelites. 3) F the Kings of the Canaanites; defcended of Cham,.(for Melchizedek may be Mi thotighttobe of'a better Petierecywe finde foure named by Atofex:and one and For of himthofe twelue Princes came; which inhabited,in effect, all that Tractof Land betweene Hauilah vpon Tigris,and Sur which isthe Weft part of the Defert of Arabic Petrea, Yet howfoeuerthe ftrength of thefe later named Nations, which defcended from Abraham, were great ; iris not valikely, but that (ome reafon which moued then not to fanour the entrance ofthe Ifraelites into Canaan, was inrefpect of feare : becauley all Princes and States doe notwillingly permitany ftranger or powerfull Nationtoenter their Territories. Wherefore, thoughall thefe Families before named, werenot{ vnited, in andamong themfelues, butthatthey had their iealoufies of each other, and contended for dominion : yet fearing a third more {trong than themfelues, whetherthey Rood apart or vnited, they were taught by the care of their owne preferuation, to ioyne themfelues together againft //rae/ + thoughthey did it nothing {6 malicioufly and refol uedly as the Canaanites did, For the Edumzans onely denied the Hebrewes-a pattige? whichthe Moabites durft not denie: becaufe their Countrey lay more open;and becaule themfelues had lately beene beaten out ofthe richeft part oftheir Dominions, bytheA: morites:andas for the Ammonites,their Countrey lay altogetherout ofthe way,andthe" {trength ofsehoz and Og Kings ofthe Amorites,wasinteriacent:and befides that,the bor der ofthe Ammonites wasftrong,by reafon ofthe mountains which diuidedit from 3s chitty remembred by /o/#2} thoughfew ofthefe named; otherwife than by the ~ Cities ouer which they commanded 2¢o which eachof them hadia {malk Ter- ro titory:adioyning, and-to other Dominion: Thefe.Canaanitesina general confideration are to be ynderftoodforallhofe Nations, defcended ofCham by Canaamyasthe Hittites, e Lebufites, Amorites,Gergefites, Heuites,cxc.and{o here we vnderftand this name in {peaking ofthe Kings ofthe Cazaazites :and fo alfo we calkthe Countrey oftheirhabitation, the holy Land, orthe Landofpromife: for God hath appointed that the feuen Pp milies fhould be rootedout : and that his owne peoplefhould inherite: their:.L Cities. But ifwe confider of the name‘and Nationinparticular, thenis theirproy bitation boundedby/ordaz, on the Eaft, andbythe Atediterzaz Sea onithe W which narrow Countrey,and in the choy{eft places thereofithofe Canaznites wh their Paternall name chiefly inhabited. 20 Thefirft King of thefe Nations, namedinthe Scriptures was Hamor Or Hemer, of the Gen.34. Heuites, whomSimeon and Leut flew, together withhis fonne Sichem,in reuenge of their fifters rauifhment. 4radwasthe fecond King whichthe Scriptures haue remembred) whahad that part Nume.st.v. (42. Againe,that which moued the Moabites in their owne reafon not much to interrupt 24 J/rael,in the conqueft of Sehox the Amorite,and of Og his confederate,was that the Moa- of Cazaan towards the South, neighbouring Edam and the dead Sea; the fame which furNum. 21.1 priled 2/rae/,as they encampedinthewildernefe.in the edge of Edumea. Thethird named was Sehex King ofEfebon, whobefore AZo/es atriuall had beaten the bites might hopeafterfuchtimeas the Amorites were beaten by Mofes, that themlelues might recouer againe their owneinheritance: to'wit, the Vallies and Plaines lying be- Moabites out of the Welt part of Arabia Petreaor Nabathea, and thtuftthem o tweene the mountaines of Arabia and Jordan: Butas fooneas Schon was flaine, and thet the King of Afoab, Balac, perceiuedthat Mofes allotted that valley, to the. Tribes of Gu and Ruben, he beganto practife with Balaam againtt Yrael, and by the daughters of Mr. dian as aforelaidstoallurethem to Idolatry : aad thus atthe length the Moabitesby ft' ciall occafion were morejand more. ftirred vpto enmity againtt J/rae/.,,Andas fot diuers of the reft that were defcended from Abrahams kindred, we may note, how ia the beginning, betweeneth¢Authors oftheir Petigtees,God permitted fome enmitiest? be as it were prefages of future. quarrels,which inthe pofterity mightbe thecafier incenfed, by the memory of old grudges : andwithall by fome difdaine from the. elder in naw torhe younger. For the I {maelitcs being de{cended trom theeldeft fonne of Abrabims and the Edomites from the eldeft fonnie of Jfaac; tacob, being bura fecondfonne, ofale cond brother. ; thofe Princes which were defcended ofthe elderHoutes, being nacutd! men might {cornet giue place, muchlefle to fabiect themfelyes to their inferiourss * theytooke it : and fora more aggrauation, the iflues of Eau Princes of Edumes, might# keepe in record that their Parent was boughtout ofhis birth-right by Jacobs. taking his vaduantage,and that he,was deceiued of his fathers bleflingalfo by him ; and that" after reconciliation cane not vnto himras he promifed, into 'Seiror Jdumeas 3 Soalfo.inthe pofterity of Yimact: it might remaine as a feed'or preterice ofen's ‘thattheirfore-father was by.the inftigation of Sara,caftourintothe Defért; with hism® ther Hager sand had therein perifhedy bur thatit pleafed God byshis Angell to relicue thea. d/ase/alfo.had an Egyptian both to his motherand tohis wifes:-and malcom »#lf9 an Horite byhis mother: which Horireswe re-ofthe ancient Canaanites. TheE* mans alfo, or Edomites, were by their Maternal! linedeftended of rhe Canaanite! E/autooke two wiues of that Nation's one ofthem was Adath,the daughter of.‘Elon, i) Hittite,andthe other wibolitamah, the grand-child ofZibeor the Hevite,L ord of ei Tay ate Was Conquered by E/av,and called afterhis flame, Edom,oxEdumes. wis. appeareththarallehofe Famili ; SP, hi ités, bicesAm ©ed,and te am imecorrupr ga drawaefro mthe kat" monites,Edomites,&c.were in tonite ee . eeand worthip ofGod,andbecame-Idolaters, infeed and feduced by.the:con whence thofe people among whoni they dwelt; and by thofe wivesof the Cana": be arari renely afewofthe Kenitesand thofeMadianites, which if . e € . SS pe thetrue and euct-liningGod.» whereofJethro was Prieft,or Priace,or both,w9 gL §o TT. Of the Kinasbfthe Candamites and Madianites, mentioned in the ancient warres of the Lf warre decreed againft him : but hereof more elfewhere, C chap. 8 §.3. OF sfnaels el. Erod.ciz% deft fonne Naboth {prungthe Arabians of Petraacalled Nabathei. Noweuenas Abrehambefought God to blefle H/mael, foit pleafed him both to promife and performe it 7 Gem ofthe Hiftory ofthe World, ler Av#08 Num I-240 into the Deferts, the faine whom #o/es ouerthtew inthe plainesof Mfoab:atwhichtime = 30 and: allthe he tooké£/fe4on, 6 : Cities:ofthe Amorites! , 4 ~Prefently after which victory,0g wasalfo flaine by J/racl,wwho.commandedthe North Tof:9. Ioféph. ant. lib.4.0-5e part ofthat Valley betweene the Mountaines Traconi or Galaadand Jordaz,who was alfo Nwm-21.35. a King of the Amorites. The fift was Adonizedek King ofthe Jebufites,andof Hierufalem, with whom Jo/wa nameth foure other Kings. Hoha King of Hebron. 2, King of Javenuth. cing of Lachés: and g of Egloa,, who were all Amoritées ouerthrowne im battell::-and hanged byTolua ro. Jofaa. Afterthis onerthrowso/ua'nameth labip, King of Hazer,and aoe 40: .olebaasiKing of Atadon : whomhealfo flaightered, andtooke his Cities : and this Z«biz icemed:to-haue fome dominion quer the refts-forit is {aid in the Text; For Hazor be- lofia 11.7.1. Sore tiemesinpas the head of all shefe Kingdomes. After thefe Adonibezek that notorious Tyrantis named : who confeftthat he had cut off thethumbes ofthe hands and:feete of feuchty Kings,.inforcing ‘them: to. gat : ICLJud, 1.lofeph. crummes vnder his Table : who,after Jadaand Simeon had:vfed the fame exeq wution lib-s.cap.2. vponhimfelfe, acknowledged itto beaiuft reuen ge of God: this King was carried to Hicrujalem where he died. Thelaft King namedis /abiz the fecond, who asit feemeth had rebuilt Hazor, burnt by /ofua. Forat fach time ashe employedS//ara againft 1/r2e/,whomhe oppreft twenty +9 yeeres, after the death ofEhud,Heinhabited Haxor. This labia, Barac (encouraged by 14. 4Debora) ouctthrew ; and his Captaine Sifarahad by Jae/, the wife ofHeher.the Kenite, a nailedrinen into his head while he fleptinher Tent: sabéa-himfelfe perifhingafterward Tud-4¢ Pfal, 23; inthat. warre. The Aadianites had alfo their Kings at times, but commonly. mixt with the Moabites: tofeph.t.s 655 and they helda corner of Land in Avebathea: tothe South-eaftof the Dead. Sea. They aelcended from Madian, Abrahams fonne, by Cethara Raguel {urnamed Gethegleus or le-} xod, 3. thres;laith lofephus,called Lethrein Exodus, Kenis in the firtt of Judges, the fonne of DaFan, the erand-childe ofJexanu, or lokfbam, the great grand-childe of Abraham by Cethura, |