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Show ~The fart Booke of the firSh.part e ET : uit of Serena Carat §u1, GC war.m§.2: hark famiwhat liké to this of ¢ Oniflor, theProphetia ee eeendianthie, ified facrilegis fait artis Thefe be ce kal abi seme nt ral fibemmein Arcam pror fis inferres in §.11. Of the name of, Magia: and thatit wid ancicutlyfarre dinersfrom Coniuring and witihe bus infecius,fciemspallufepafelaper 9 FNoalt)mbomes infectedwith thefe /aperfipatre insite,Ch am (the qua crat + cum of SNOW) cin i vious Artsknowing,t riaiiortixeda hatfoune becoald not bring anyhaolPervliemb coke orn Meas ‘ craft. S. Augaftine ee Dpamestticgba knowledge which afterward he attaynedvn children weepe;which pre EET REMI fortheCorruptPIer: . § pofnaturalkza gickeand otherArts: Arts; to:being > taken forthe Inuentero ki hat linieand Wéfine. But] doe not thinke that Zeroufler the doctrineo the Zoro: fhe inucnted ae Aer aparanfAS Bei or Watinities: 02 fir -d - =a Pn __ me ,-a hiss ‘ Set oeak enti ket Pialeasel nowledpes. werefar more ee ica eh : ‘othr sbi vi " had fiotany acquaintance SS elemgeetnapea ncient.and left by W6zhto -his fons. "For wl dt inch tae ae er inthat ee,if he exceeded not all men then g: ing REP oeie that he knew'and acknowledgedthe are oye - oe . in vertué to Natureand all Natarall things.;:-whereds: ot ae delide proper" difperfed,and vniuerfall power) admiredthie inftruiments, and ci 2 hitote ‘are ee CS wifey; é fireneth to the things themfelues, (fromwhichthe effects were fenfible ce - longed to that wifedomewhich being One,and rewaining in itfelfescan doe al things,a meweth all. : SGT excellenta Naturalift, itis donbred:"For Zoroajler the Ategician, Crefizs :a a Disiok whom P/inie finds ofa later time. And if Zoroaferwere taken away by se pa be "Naw whether this Zoroafler(ouer-throwne by Niwas were the fame w eae a. inthe middeft ofhis Difciples)as fome Authors reportsthen Zoroafter, {laine by Niu, Scalig, in Exfe. Was not the Magician: whichis alfo the‘opinionofs¢aliger. hrs aad Defgnlibte Neaine,tofehpus and Cedvennsaffirme, that seth firtt found out. the anets, aan - dring Staires, and other Motions ofthe Heauens:for if this Art had aera € ie Zoroafler, he could not haveattained'to any fuch exceHencie sehen in eegr time;but being aman (as it feemeth) of finglariudgement, hemight adde fom to this kind ofknowledge, and leaue it by writing to pofteritic. Cae But ofthis Zore/ler there is muchdifpute : and noleffe iangling about the - ae attof Afagick. Arnobins remembreth foure,to whomthe name of eroeflers or. cee fires was giuen:which by Hermodorus & Dinon feemethtobe but acognomen, Orn art, and wasas muchtofay,as a/frorumcultor. The: firft, Arnobius calleth the ja which may be the fame that Wézas ouerthrew: the fecond, a Chaldean, and the a hs wer of Nizas:the third was Zoroafter Pamphylins who linedin the tints of Cyrus . sel 0 familiar : the fourth, Zoroaiter Armenius, the Nephewiof Hofiznes; which Saat Xerxes into Greece: between whomand Cyrasthere paft threefcore & eighteeneyea! fe Swidas remembreth a fift,called Perfomedus fapiens : and Plato {peaketh of Zaroajler fonof Oromafdes,vvhich Picus Mirandula confirmeth. mt Nowof what Nationthe firft and chiete Zoroatter was,it is doibted. Plinie and s tius make hima Perfian. Gemifthias or Pletho, Ficinus and Stenchitis, make hima €<ta: dean. But by thofebookes of oneZoreafler, found by Picus Miraxzdula, it a PObal plainely,that the Authorof them was'a Chaldean by Nation,thotigh the word Ae of dean)was as often givento the learned Priefts peculiarly, as for any diftinghithmt Nations. Porphyrius makes the Chaldei and Magi diers; Pics the fame. But that kes ¢! Zoroafter was a Chaldean both by Nation and Profeffion, it appeareth byhis ae which ({aith,Piews) were written inthe Chaldean tongue-and the Comment in the "a | Nowthat the Magi & they were not differing, it may beiudged bythe ote 7 Which inan Epiftle of adtrandulato Ficinns, he faith, azre Loroaftris, Melchior mag orarn oracula, ell y. i Owfor Magickit felfe . which Art (faith Mirandala) panciinteMigunr, Sea bisgodiy Father, canfe he Precepts ‘aw ares in > wherein" he vseto vemiaimewith : Bales tree Pcpetnannee laught at his birth, when all other ofthe Fiiporie of the World: ‘ mileivyes* prehendants Few onder(tard, and many reprebend , Etficut Canes ignetos (emper abatrants ‘As Dogs barke at thofe they know not : fo they condém ne and hatethe things they vnderftandnot':' Ithinke it not amiffe (leauing ems for a while) to fpdake fomewhat thereof. Ib istruethat many men abhorre the very name and word (Mages ) becaufe of Simin Magus, who being indeed, not atagus, but Goes,(thatis) familia r with euill piritsv fate pedthattitle. For Magicke, Coniuring, and Witchery,are far differing Arts, whereof Plinie being ignorant {coffeth therat. For Nerd (faith Plinie) who hadthe moft excellent PhinL,zo.bif Magicians ofthe Eaft fene him by Tyridates King ofArmenia, byhis grace, found the artafter long ftudy and labour altoget who heldthat Kingdom *** Magus:is a Perfian word primitiuely, wherebyis expreft herridiculous. {uch a oneasis altogether Porphyr& conuerfantinthingsdiuine:‘And (as Plato affirmeth) the Art of Magicke is theCLArt of worthipping God. * Towhich efe@ ctpollonius in his Epiftles expounding the Word © (ways) faith,that the Perfiais called ttheir gods Bele sg wtyse : whence headdeththat Magis is ‘ ‘ \ \. -« ae, either oxarepusw So¢ Or Steameirue Seaywthat ts)that A¢ague is isa. God by'nature;fometimes of himthatis in the feruice a name fomtimeof him that of God: in whichlatterfenfe itis taken, (Math.2,v.1. And this is the firftand highef t diuine Magicke : and théfe did the Latines newlyintitl kind: which Piccolomiudecallet e Sapientes or Wifemen + For, thé te Stare worfhip ofGod is thé beginning of,knowledge. Thefe Wifemen the Greeks cal Phi_ lofophers:the Indians, Bra¢hmans: whichiname they fomewhatneerelyretaine to this day,calling theirPriefts Bramines; among theEgy ptian the Hebrewes they were called Cabalifts, Prophets, s they were termed Priefts,with Scribes,and Pharifees:amongft the Babylonians they were differenced by the name of Chalde ans: & among the Peifians o Magicians:ofiwhom Arnobins ( {peaking ofHostazes;' one of the ancient Magicians) jn» vfeth thefe words: Et verurs Deummierita maicfa te profequitur.er Angeles minifiros Dei, Sed veriseins vencrationi wonit afsisteré. Idem demonsprodit herrendsvag oshumanitatis in~°%" smicos ; Sosthenes (for fo M. Felix calleth him, not Hoitanes') aferibeth the due maichie to" the trie Godard acknowledgeth that his Angels aremini flers and meffengers which attend the worfbip of thetrue Goa. He alfa hath delinered that there are Deuils earthly atd wanden ring, and enemies to mankindeé: His AMaiefiie alfo in his fir Rooke of Deménologi e?.3 ackno wledzeth,thatin the Perfian tongue the word (Magus) imports as much as a contem platorofdiuineand heanenlie fciences;but vniuitly fo called,becaufe the chald eans were ignorant of thetrue dinio hitie. Anditisalfo right which His Adaie/ie auoweth, that vnder the name ofMapicke all other vnlawfull Arts are comprehended, &yet doth His Majefie diftinguithit from Necromantie;Witchcraft,and the reft : ofall which he hath written largely and moft learnedly. For the Magicke which His Magies of the Diuell is a partie.Danie/ in his fecon ize condemneth, is of that kinde where-_ d chapter nameth foure. kindes of thof Wife men Ariali, Magi, Malefici, and Chalde Sophiitas Vatablus and Pagninus, Genethliacosi. Arioli the ofd Lative tranflation calleth » ,or Phyficos, or Philofophers, or (according tothenote of Vatablys') Naturalifis:Nempeun t Magi apud Barbaros, quod Ph Hofophi apud Gracos (feilicet) dininarum humanarumd, rerum Jctentiawmprofitentes, For the Magi are the pamse with the Bar barians,as the Philofog hers are with the Grecians (that is) men that profelf e the knowledge of things ° J ° : oth divine and humane, The Greeke &the} glith call chem Jxcoanters -Tnnius, gicsans , Castal ion,Co niectu rers:i n the Syrian the y areall foure by one namecalled Sapientes Babylonis ; The wife men ofBabel, Thefecond fort 7 ‘atables, Pagnin,luniusan d our E nglith, call Aftrologers. Eicrome and the Septuagint Magic ans. Thethird kind are Malefici,or' Venefici;in Hierom, Pagnin.and the Septuagint, WVitches Poyfo orPoy s ners:in luniusPreflisiatores or Sorce rers,as in Englifh. That Witches are alfo rightly fo called Venef ici,or Poyfonersand that indeedtherejs akinde of Maleficiwhich without any Art of Magicke or Necromanci¢ viethe helpe ? Pz ~~ 2 of |