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Show mens -_ C4 vaiews _ The fecond Booke of the first part : 7 - a 2 . "en Cuariry.§u ee - of Fhefely For ony felfe. Lam not miachtroubled when this Poet lived CHarr7gir neither would and wastheteby iféurable, howfocuer it foitictimes left-him: and yeelded voto thar Muficke}which God had ordained to bea meane of more gb0d to the Miifician than to Loffendithe Reader with thefe opinions,but onelyté few the vncertainty and difagree. and difputeoftime, ment ofHiftorians,afwell in this particular, as in all other quef wiofitie of thismans age is nolefleridiculous,than the iniquifition whyhe be, swith the word Adenia, as perhaps containing fome great myfterie. Indeon whercof ‘Lweiaw faihing himfelfe to haue beene‘in hell, and:to haue {poken with itig? aa Raine failediin' fach Open attempts,' gaue vité Danid the Command Gue¢ rodoifouldiers;toiconfront the Philsflims withall. Forlieé duit tot ttift him: 4s be. fore,about his perfon, fearing his teuenge. Now thebetter to couer is hatred' téwards there asked himthe caufe why he began his booke with that word : who antes red, That he began in that fort, becaufeit came in his head {o to do e: for 'T% Tt feeineththat Seayes: orafter Macrobins,Senemires, ruled Egypt at this nepherfobris was his facceflour, who preceded Paphres, father in law to Salomon, ul. Calin Coron. Afi him,he promifed him his daughter Aderab to wife : but hauing ‘maitied het*to' Adriel, hegaueto Dauid his yonger daughter Michol, but with 2 condition, to prefent himwith 0 according to Abouttheend ofSa#s'gouernment,orin the beginning of Dauid Cafsiodorus, the Amaz oves with the Cymmerians inuaded Sylaius then ruling ich fell 103. yeeres before Dawids time)theré were manyother changes inthe middle part of the world,not onely by reafon ofthofe Northerne Nations : but there {prung vp fomwhat necrelytogether,fixe Kindgomesinto greatneffe not before ereéted.In sralietl he Latines:in the South part of Greece, thofeof Latédemon,Corinth, and the Achei.In Arabia,SyrisSe ba,and Damafeus, the Adads made themfelues Prinets:of which there were ten Kings, which began and ended with the Kings ofIfrael in effe@ : and fomewhat beforethele, the State ofthe //raelirés hauing nowyaltétedthe forthe of Gouernment sbeganto flourih® vader Kings,ofwhich Danid,in a few yeeres, becanie ‘matter of all thofe ne ehbourin g Nations,who byinterchange oftimés had fubieted the Judeans, corruptedtheitreligi- an hundred foreskins of the Paisitims : hopingrather(in refpeéct of the valour of that I o Nation,)i thatthe 2hiliflims. would take Dawuds, head; than Hee their foreskit hopefailing, when as nowDanid's victories begat new feares andicalou es in Saul, hee pracifed wich Tonathan, and afterwards with his owne hands attempted his li purpofes werefill fruftrated. Afterall this he fought to murther hin in his 0 but Avicho?his wife deliueredhim: So Daaid fought Samuel at Ramah, and bei by Saal-fléd thence vito Nob In 'Beniamin, to «Abimelech, then. to Athi $ th Prince of Géth : where to obfcure himfelfe, he was fore't'to counterfeit Bot fimplicitie and'diftraction' But being ill affured among the Phsliftims; het coueréd ‘himfelfe in the Cane ofddullam : and after conueying fuch of hiskinsfolkes'as Were not' fit to. follow him;into #toab,he hid himfelfe in the defarts ofZiph, ataon ahdthe hils of Engadai,vehere 20 he'cut offthe lap ofSau/s garment, and{paredhis life : as hedid a fecondtime in the defare ofziphafter on, and held them vaderin a moft abiéét and grictious flauerie; to wit, the Edmean t his'mafter Saal was knowneto profecute him.' Tebufites, Gefburites, Machathites gall which acknowledged Dewid fortheir Soueraig ne Lord,andpaid himtribute. Of Athi: Danidobtained * Stklag in Simeon,pretending to iruade Wid#3 + but he bent +1 his forcesanorher wayand ftrooke the Amalekites,with otherenemies ‘ofIffacl, letting te sh rael, fumimoneth Daaidto alsift him, who diflembling his intent, fecneth very willing ars ae thereto. But the reft ofthePhiliftim Princes knowing his valour,and doubting his difpo- v6 Of Dauid, 4 Se ee §: 1. Of Dauids efate in the time of Saul. ; FRELUOTS HEhazzards which Dewid ran into while he was yet onely de . NG dove king; and tined asa private man, expecti ng the Empitg @ vere very many. The firft perfonall a@ of fame. washis ki ling of Goliab in the view- of both atmies, wherebyhee be came knowne to. Sag/, and fo highly affected of Jonatha n the fon cuer 4 t of Saul, that heloned-him as his owne foule : In fo muchas when Saul fought to perfwade his fonne, that Dawid wouldaffuredly bee the ruine ofhis houfe, and eftate, and offered him violence pleaded his caule ; Jovathaz:could neuer be perfwaded, neuerforc't,nor Wea Wearr ed f for itl Ccar e of Dauids ife cso 3 swell do ne . It aftel th fig ‘ ; aes 2 ate : WwW aas not it ] lons1g £5 4arte his= houfhold as Sachiat eo al} ar . * me ' ofhim, though he were become af fpirit, was aduifed Octet atmor-bearer. Saul being harps anak : toeee vexed anethe fome cunning Mufician: to play before himwith vpon WCEDY It My Wast z hear HeAPES Eero - youl that . might find cafe; which taalv, came to paffe accordingly: (eae a ed : ase or this purpofe;and began to favour him,giuing him a place o's4 ; a e damo Bt he mén ofwarre, But the iealoys tyrant Reatecdl wearie ofhis he oe 8 ae nee ah raneite kill Dawid,being thereunto moued onely through enuie o! é LiTUC. $ Paision firft brake fireh i < Sees 3 s oat tiga liecthrewa Fen ‘ Sy nit brake forth inthe middeft of his raving fit, at which tim¢ seytak ce ioe) awid that was then playing onhis Harpetodochimeafe. _ | _ © oriaus remembreth one Afelepiusa Ph, fician, w) mGifed the curing of the Brenzie, maptty bythe i clike Muafickes.and ter Ket pie a eee. Prattiled, the >.curing 2 orew from {fol PalSion. That Fythacores lid alf empéredthereby thofe difeafes which grew #10" booke ofanoer Mg off ao m othe likeby fucha kind of harmonie, semeca 10 his chit¢ mow Witncheth., But the madnefle of Sani came from the caufe of caule; ee y an'e noreliué to complaine vpon him. wachis fuppofing that Dawid had drawWne bloud ofhisned sighs til wwiié Nation, thought hinifelfe aflured of him'! and therefore preparing to inuade Tf. lime it Cuar, XVIL_ Ms 1 Samz his paflage with Nabal and Abigail. After Which‘he repaired to Achis rsam.29, ofGeththe fetond time, and was kindly entertained,in repatd 6fthé hatred swirl Which AMoasbites, Ammonites, Midtanites, Itaréans,and the reft ofthe Arabians with the Philistins, Craft. racy of the Hiftorie ofthe World, e ° and fitionliked not his company,andthérctoré hé withdrew. himfelfe to, Stklag. At his re- a tite 3° surnehe found the townbufnt,his two wiues; with the wities andchildren ofhis people,King of uda takenby the dmialekites : Hereuponhis followers mutined,but Godgatie' him Comfort vate this cay; aad affurance to recouerall agairie ¢ whichhe did. This amie ofthe Philifims commanded by Aché,encountred Sawf at Gilbes, in which he'and histhree fonnes were flaine, The newes,with Sza/*Ctowne and bracelets, were broughtto Davidat Stklag,in his returnefiom being victotidus ouer Amalech, by a Man s sem. ofthe fame Nation,who auowed(though falfly)that him{felfe at sau/s requeft had flaine him. Dawid, becanfe he had accufed*himfelfe, made no fe iple to caufe him tobe flaine oat the iniftant:and thefooner, becaufethe probabilities eatic {trong enidence withall.O- therwifeit followeth not that enery man ought to be belecued Of hinifelfe to his owne preiudice.' Foritis héld in the law' Coxfé/sio reorum non habenda eff Pro explorato cri= in Fde quep: mite, wifi approbatio alia' caffiuit religionemt cognofcentis." The prifaners confe]sion mp/t.'wor betakenfor an exidence of the crime, vileffe'fome other proofe informe the confcience ofthe Tage. Foramenmayconfeflethofé things of himfelfe, thatthe Tudge by, exa- mination may knowto be impofsible.' But becaufeit ‘is ‘otherwife determined ii the title de caflodza rerum L. fi confe/fius, rin cap. de penis l. gut fententiam therefore doth the Gloffe reconcile thefe twoplacesin this fort : si quts in indicio {ponte defeipfa confiteatur, &&poftea manect in confe/sione, id eft falis. Uf489 tmanin indgement doe confe(fe of bimfelfe, ofbis ewne accord,and after doth perfencrein his confe/siowi¢ ts enough. That Dauid great- so ly bewailedSeu/,it is not improbable; for death euttethiafunder all competition : and the lamentable endthat befell him,being a King, with whomineffect the ftrength of Tftaelalfo fell,could not but fti'té vp forrow'; and molie compafsion in the heart of D The victorie which the Philiftims had gottén,was fo great, that fome townes ofthe i v fraelites ¢ uen ntoth beyondthe rineof Jordan, were abandoned bythe inhabitants,andleft nie,who tooke poffefsion ofthem without any refiftance made.: Where. feemeftrangé,thata Mation fo Warlike andambitious as were the Philiftims, orfollowtheir fornme with all diligence;andfecke to make the Congueft cnitire. Mott |