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Show a8 Lhe Jecond Bookeofthefirstpart Cuar.t7:§,9, eg etna great reuenue,yetnecdsthere muft hate beene foie other great meanes, Ir feemes that hemade the-vitermoft profit ofallthathe hadithat was-profitable, Eu/ebins in his ninth booke and laft chapter de preparatione Evangelica , citeth the words of Expolemus who reporteth that Dayéd,among other preparations forthe ‘Temple, built a Nauy in Atel. .g:? Cuarizg -- ofthefyftorieofthe World. ( ee "Out of this purchafe-was deducted the Lords tribute, which was one in fiftic,ofthar whielithe people receiued.and one in fiue hundred; of that which. was giuen: to the Souldiers;namely one hundred and one thoufand part of the whole bootie. Soin the {poyle of Adidiar, thirty two thoufand women being taken, the armie hadfixteene nis(oras Villalpandus corrects it,Achanis) acitie of Arabia,and fom thencefent mento thoufandofthemforflaues, and the Congregation had other fixteenethoufand ; but Nwm,31.48: outof the fixteene thoufand giuento the Armie,were exemptedtwo andthirty for the inthis place of: Ba/ebins (erring perhaps inthis cireumftance) faith that. this Handis in Lordstribute.Out of the peoples number were taken three hundred and twenty. By this meanes, the leffer that the Armie was which had expofed it felfe to danger, the diggefor gold in the Hand Vrphe,which Ortelius thinks was Ophir, though Eupolemus thered Sea : from whence,faith this Expolemusthey brought goldinto Lurie.Pivedas de rebus Salamonisc.1.thinkes that Dawid did this way alfo enrich himfelfe, and cyteth this teftimonie of Enpolemus:and yet certainly Dawid had many other wayesto gather 7 riches.Muchland doubtleffe he gained by conqueft from the Canaanites & Philiftims, befides thofe froitfull vallies necre Iordan in Trachonitis & Bafan, and thebeft ofSy. ria,and other countries bordering the Iftaelites, Thefe demaines belike he keptinhis ownhands,andwithhisinfinite numberofcaptiues,whichhe took in his warres,which wete not ableto redeeme themfelues, husbanded'thofe grounds forhis greateft aduantage. Foritis written,1.Chrov.1 7. that Jehonathan was ouerhis treafuresin the field,in thevillages,in the cities,in the townes y that Ezri was ouerthe labourersthat tilled his Cen.qye 2.Chrom26. ground ; Simei ouer the vineyards,and Sabai ouer the ftore ofthe wine; Baal Hanan ouer the oliue trees,and Zoafh ouerthe ftore of the oyle: alfo that hee had heard{men that had charge outerhis cattell,both in the high lands and in the plaines, ouerhis Sheepe,¢ Camelsand Affes.' And this cuftome of enriching themfelues by husbandrie and cattell, the ancient Kings euerie where held,both beforeand after Dasidstime. Forwee reade of Pharaoh, that hee {pake to Jofeph to'appoint fomeofhis brethrenoroftheit feruants,to be rulers ouerhis cattell. Wee reade of Fz2ia , that hee louedhusbandrie, had muchcattell; and plough-men,and dreffers of Vines : likewife wee readeit inall Grecke Poets,that the wealth ofthe ancient Kings did {pecially confift in their Herds and Flocks,whereof it weteneedleffe to cyte Augeas and Admetus,oranie otherfor examples,the rule holdingtrue inall. Now concerning Dawa it is not vnlikely,butthat thofe captines which were not imployedin husbandrie, were manie of them viedby him in all forts ofgainfull profeffions,as the ancient Romanesin like manerviedtheit 30 flaues. Tothefe profits (befides the tributes and impofitions, which doubtleffe were gteat, and befides'the innumerable prefents which yeatly were broughthim, or extraordinatily fent him,by Tohu and:others) wee may adde the great fpoyles whichhee found in the cities and countries which hee conquered? alfo the head money which was gatheredper legem capitationis , By the Lavy of capitation,er head money jeucrie man richot poore paying halfe fickle of the Sandtuarie! which: is about 4s muchas foureteene pence,andfo in all it amounted to a wondrous fummein that Kingdome : wherein one 1.Cbron21. thoufand thoufand fiue hundred andfeuentie thoufand fighting men were numbred by Joab. Now althoughthis law ofcapitation be thought by fome verie learned , not, hauebeene perpetual ( which opinion of theirs nenertheleffe they confefle is againtt the Hebrew expofitions ) yet Dawid vponthis occafion is not vilikely to haue puts affaires, did receiue by fo much the greater portion But the Lordstribute was alwaies certaine, yea manytimesit was increaledeither by fome e{peciall\commandement,as whenall the gold,and filuer, and other mettalls foundin terico, were confecrated ynto God;orby thankefulneffe of the Rulers and People; as when after the-viétorie obtais" C9. ned againft the Midianites without the loffe of one man, all Tewells, Bracelets, Eare~ num. 31.0. rings,andthe like, were offeredvp, as voluntarie prefents. | Nowhowfocuer the Ifraelites were many times oppreffed, & troden down byother Nations,yetwere not thefe treafures robbedor {poyle d:for the enémiesneuér gat pot fefsion ofthe Tabernacle that was in shilo. Whereforeit cannot otherwife be,than that gothe wealth ofthe Sanctuarie muft haue bin exceeding great; ‘as Containing*aboue one hundreth part ofall the moneyand other goods found bythe Ifraélites in the whole LandofCanaanz,and ofall that was purchated byfo many victories,as they obtaineda gainft the bordering Nations. For that this treaftifie'was not defrauded ofthe dite portion,itis euident; feeing that before the time of Dawid and his Lieutenant Joab; itis re corded that Sau/and Abzer, 8& before them Samuel had vied to dedicate of the {poiles obtainedih war,to maintaine the houfe ofthe Lord: thelike whereofmay be well prefumed of the former Tudges and Captaines of other'Ages. Certaine it is,that the Con- queft of Dawid broughtinto the Land fargreater aboundanceof riches, thananyforiner victories had'purchafed;thofe of/o/aa perhaps excepted : but thefe'vaft fimmes ofan hurdred'thotfand Talents offiluer,may feemerather to haue' binmade vp, by the ad- dition ofhis winnings and liberalitie;to the treafures' laid -vp in many former Ages, than to‘hae beene the meere fruits of his owne indufttiec. Nowconcétning thetickeés of Salomon, it is more nianifett howhe gathered them;for he recitied‘of yeerely Yeuetinues with his tributes 666-Talents ofgold, befides the Cuz A Talent of ftomes of Spices. Hehad alfofixe'rich Returnes from the Eaft India, which greatlyin- - ci creafedhis ftore. For his fhips performed that voyageeuerythree yeeres, and/he began : Kingto.r¢. LAZIO. btn that trade in the two and twentieth yeere of his réigne,andruled fottie yeeres:Befid thisjall'Tudiea and If'aelwerenowmatteredtohis'hands: all thearabyans his borde gorcts, the Syrians of Zobah,of Damalcene, of Palmyrena, of Ttwrea all of Idumea, Mo- , ; ab, and Sammon, paid himtribute } "as likewife did: the: Hittites ,who with the Periz- zites,Heultes, Tebufites, and other races ofthe Canaanites, were not.as yet extinguified thOush fubjected. prattife. And by thefe meanes might he be ableto leat thofe huge treafuresto 50" mon. Yet it may feemethat this gteat maffe ofgold and filuer leftby Dawid, theleal part washis ownein priuate,and fowill it appearé the leffe wonderfull that hee let? Thto this ASurifhne eftate was the KitigdomofIfrael reduced by- Dawid, who after 40 1 chroasg.28. ¥eers teiche,and 7o.yeets oflife,dyed in agdodage, full of dayessriches, and honour, threethoufand talents ofgold,and feuen thoufand talents of filuer ::a great fummeyt . Cha{mandi.or race of Maccabees, calléd‘himfelf King one thoufand and threehundred much. Ofhis owneliberalitie we finde , that hee gaueto the building of the Temp ¢ teliesofSandton riaoat weare ro cond me hauing receiuedcontinual ener eafe,wtae dfeswit foe eeeas eeeey ie ee hayecine any loflé or diminution euet fince i nd licadeice ott a he °. ae Sanctuarie ( befides all manner of : "eh Biles rind esssa: a tisis ‘sad y expences, and maintained the Priefts oi 4 yes Namb.3x,27, greater profit had euerySouldier,; but whenit confifted of marty hands, they whofete maining at home were faine to vndergoe more than ordinarie trauaile in' domefticall Mea theebacree ick eal ek before mentioned; partly out a ade Rad one,and the people which ik sined ae (apis by a) the countryreceiued benefite of cheiin ee a ; we gree ter' proportion than the reft fingle fhare. , as bein fe ‘os a ae eitt ae z for elserie. gtewer, andtherefore receiuing mo Out and was buried in the Citie of Dawid. Itis written by Lofephus that there was hid in DaCombea maruailous quantitie oftreafures, infomuchas Hyrcawus (who firft of the tf; fter,drew thencethree thoufand Talents, to rid‘hiimfelf of Astiochas then befieging Jerufalem:&afterward Herod opening another Cell,had alfoanié sopold and filuer therein:Anditwas an ancient' cuftome to burie tfeafirre with the dead: So thePeruvians &othet Americans did chelike,which being‘diftotiered by the Spa- Mards they inriched'themfelues by nothing fo much in their firft Conqueft. Thar demon butte fo mich treafure in his fathers eraue,it would hardly bebeleeuedjin te Bard of the breat exactions with which hee was faine to buithen the people, norwithi nding all th ri ches which hegot otherwife, ( or which wereleft Wité him : ¥ r¢é it thatt 64, idered thithis Want*6Fmony grew from finch magnificent imployPY ly of the'Sépulchte of Déid the Seriptires haue' no' mention, but fie Sepulchres‘ofthe KingsofJwdajas‘of an honourableplace of bu ialL Yet the \ Monuments |