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Show Thefecond Bonkeofthefeport - CaanasGy Plut. & Enfeb: ‘Aboutthis time Archics with hiscompanion Mifcellas, atid ot her Corinthian s fone ded Syracuiz inSicily,a Cityin after-times exceeding famous. * Wheneein The City of Nicomedia fometime * Aftacus, was enlargéd arid beautifiedin thisage Smrabo there is by. Zipartes natiue of Thiace. Spbiil of Samus,according to Pawfanias lined ihiuchabout fnus Aftacenss . apart of Pro. this time. % : -- pontiswhere About thefetimes alfo was Croton founded vponthe Bayof Tarentumby Mifellis, crippebreg companion of Archias that built Syracufe. Strabo makes it fomewhat more ancient: Halil,3. "*"and fo doth Panfanics. y , , Strabolé, Aboutthe fame time the Parthenians being of age,& banifhed Lacedzmon,were conTwinz. dusted by Phalantus into Italy;whereitis faid they founded Tarentum: but Jeitine and 19 Panto. "Poyfanias finde it built before, and by them conquered and amplified : andabout the fametime AMana/fe yet liuing,the city Phafelis was founded in Pamphylia,Gela in Sicily,Interamnein the region ofthe Vmbri, now Vrbin in Italy. "About whicli timealo Chalcedonin Afia,ouer againft Byzantium (now Conftantinople) was foundedbythe Megarenfes: who therfore were vpbraided asblind,becaufethey chofe notthe other fide of Bofphotus.It were a long work to rehearfe all that is {aid to haue bin done in the fue andfifty yeares ofAfama//es : that whichalreadyhath beentoldis enough : thereft being not greatly worth remembrance,may well be omitted,referuing on! y Ben Merodach, and Wabwlaffar,co the bufineffe that will fhortly require more mentionofthem. e Cuar.XXVIIL S.-i. Oy £ 2 Kings 22. 2 Chran.34, J N Pees Mmoz the fonneof Manaffe,a man noleffe wicked thanwashis Qs Father beforehis conuerfion,reftored the exercife ofall forts of Rv24/0 Idolatry : for which God hardened the hearts of his owne fereee? uants again{t him:whoflew himafter he had reigned two years. Philo, Eufebinsand Nicephorus giue himten yeares followingthe ) Septuagint, i : 2 30 Jofias facceeded ynto Ammon, being butachilde of 8.yeares ae S old,he began to feck after the God ofDanid his Father; and in h ) his twelfth yeare he purged sada and Lerufalem fromthe bigh 46 ak places, and thegroues, and the carued and molten Images : and the) brake downein hisfight the Altars ofBaalim:Hecaufed all the Imagesas well thofe which were graucn,as molten,to be ftampt to powder,andftrewed on their sraues thathad e- ete shige pee to be done throughout all his Dominions.Healfo i Kings 13. ew thoiethatfacrificed tothe Sun Pap ari Jorfes of the Sunneto be burnt. .OfF ioe serene, ‘ peeinsthe pene _firtt, : ofias it'was prophecied in thetimeof Jeroboamthe whenhe erected the Golden Galfe at Bethel,that a child thould be born vato the houle wee at Zofia by name, and vponthee (faidthe Prophet {peaking to the Altar) {hall e aeDoaeHet ofthe highplaces, that burne incenfe vponthee: a prophecy v& In the eighteenth yeare of his teigne, he rebuileand repaired the Temple,at which *? ne Helkiah the Prieftfound the Booke of Mofes, called Deuteronomy, ofthe Law eueistepone. Be 5meeapr he had cauled i be read before or, aan ae that obferue ther n,atidd the forrow:andextirpation eye inten thiereft, profpsnity and the forrow tothe he rent ee his garments, a commanded Helkiah, and others, to aske counfell ofthe Prophetefle Huldah, ory O44, concerning the Book, who anfweredthe meflengers in thefe words; Thwsfaiththe Lo 4, & Chr0.3.4,24, Bebold, imill bring euill vpon this place, and-upon the inhabitants thereof. ene that are written inthe Booke, which they hane read before the Kingof inda, becay) Terufaleminhis daies,but that he himfelfe fhouldinherit his grauein peace. Te Iofivsaflembledthe Elders, caufed the Booke'to be' read vito them, tnade a couenant withthe Lord ,.\and caufed all that were found in Ierufalemand Beniamin to doe'tlie like,, promifing thereby to obferue the Lawe and Commandetents in the Book con- tained, The execution:done by Jofies vpon the Altar, idols,monuments, and bones ofthe falfé Prophets at Bethel,argucth his Dominion toh tended vnto thofe Countri yothat had:beene partofthe kingdome oftheten‘ . Yeti doenot think vidory of soiin warre got poffeifion of thefep wrathefthat Ezck: flight & death ofsexmacherth,when Merodach oppofed himfelfe againtt afar viethe aduantage which the fa@ionin the Northp onfemuchofthe kingdomeof Ifrael,as he was able imiptobable,that the € ria(as wanting power toraife the fiege of Azotws; though the Towneheld ont ninean twenty/yeares) did giue vnto Adaza/ therwith his liberty , as muchin Ifrael as himfelfecould not eafily defend. This wasa'good way to breakethe amity that the kings of luda had fo long & withall by this ben heldwith thof inga bone between them, fenlarging theirTerritories with addition of more than they bufineffe is int s the places delivered into-h making Letufalehvir fet already compounded \ whofe fide he hadfo of Ammon «ad Tofias, : « 457 Sorfaken mec, and birnt incen{eto other gods; Only for theking himfelfe,; becaufe he was alouet of God andhis Lawes, it was proinifed that this euill fhould hot fall on Iuda and 7 itmdybe that fomedirch of Ierufalem, . -.<ofthe Fiifforie oftheWorld. could challenge, td.redeem the friendfhip ofthe lewes; which had been loft by ininries donesinfecking to beteaue them oftheir owne.! When itis faidthat Adana(fes didafter his délinerance fromvim prifonment, pi te Citiesof Tada's » chyom.; 31g Of thetimes from the death of Manafles to the de/trugtion eles 3 Gbroms3. Cuir28.S.1. he cnrjes - t: ffeffion and fortifying of p nat he took muchpaines, in er beleewe, that he, hauirig lfe againft the Egyptians; ich prouifions, only for his mindes fake. Fhe pothatthecompofitionw! sel his quarrell,doth argue; ng or his‘Anceftor,wasvp- onfuchfriendly tearmes, asre quirec requitall. For no perfwafions could fuftice to make Jofizs bferuation, but a thankfull fit ftilland hold himfelfequiet in. g00d neutrality,when Pharao Weco king of Eeypt paflédalong byhim,to warre vpon the Countries about the Riuer of Euphrates. Thelat yeare of Yefizs his reigne it was,when as Wecothe fonne ofP/zmmiticus, came Witha powerfull Army towatds the borderof I ini ffethat way,be: ing the neareft toward Euphrates,eitherto ftrengthen the paf iuer about', chron, 3 5.2% Carchemith, or Cercinfium, forthe defence ofSyria(as long ny Anmianus Marcellinus to haue done, )or perhapsto his, Z fan is {aid inuade Syriait felf-Forit feemeth o "at theitrauaile of Pfammiticus had not becridlely confumied about that one Towne QF Azotus; but had putthe Egyptians in pofleffion ofnofmall partofSyria, efpecially iN Uiole quarters th ad formerly t elonged yntothe Adades Kings of Damafco. Neither was the induftry of wecoleffethan his Fathers had beene'j in purfuing the wares unft Babel. In which war, two things maygreatly haue auailed the Egyptians; aauancedtheiraffaires & hopes ; jinary valour of the mercenary Greeks, that ‘cre far better Souldiers th: rpt of i - couldafford;andthe danger wherin Afly tia ftood, by the force of the M , which vnder the command of more abfolute princes,beganto feele it felfe bet er; andto {hewwhatit could doe. Thefe were great Ryo of fhorter endurance than was the warre ; as in place more conuenient fhall be noted. At the péefentit fem sthat either fome preparation of the Chaldzangtto rep Sonquer,did enforce, or fome difabilityoftheirsto makerefiftance,didinuite the King intothe Countries botdering vpon Enphrates; whither Pharad Weeo afcene of dedEgypr; witha mighty Army. ‘Theferwog1 ar hase for the Em* efehe might adegegine Dy: am fet ino his'Teai i: : 2 a : . ¢ his Territory : inthe mic A ryuet" imthe inuadethec: he = he other AT.sburthat theyimuf of ncceflity tread Abas vponthe very face ‘body of ies and a <3 : 7 ‘ us Puntty.! Nowthoughit werd fo that Necohim(felfedefired by his Embafladours;: rs z 1 |