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Show i TheJecondBooke ofthefirstpart Cuar.1.61, s Ne ° O] 4 ‘le orthatycere, lauowit no otherwifethan as. a borrowed knowledge, orat leaftas 4 pris uate opinion : which I fubmitto better iudgements. Namiv prifcis rebus veritas non ad unguem querandas In ancient things wee are not.torequireanexacl warration of the truth, fayes Diodore. other times wherein they wanted Gouernors, were fpent vnder fuch oppreffion offran. gers, as would Hiaue giulen them no leaue to haue attempted fuch a ciuill Warre,if theit powerhad beeneas great, asit was ia the managing of this a@tion; wherein they f weakened the body oftheir.eftate, by effufion of bloud,rhat in many ages they could norbring into theficld fuch numbersas formerly they had muttered againft their borde. ring-enemies: §. IIL Of Ehuds time, and of Proferpitia; Orrithya; Tereus, Tantalus, Tityus; Admetus, aad others that lined about thofe times. 19 j Os Te Of the memorable things of thitzoein other Nations :and ofthe difficultie in the compatatiin of times. n GQLQAGP Here livedin this Age of Orhoniel, Pandon or Pandareus, according to Homer, F&A GA\ thefift King of Athens; who beganto rulein the twentieth yeare of Orhoniel, and gouernedfoitie yeares, He was Fatherto Eri@?hems: his Daughters were Progaeand Philomela, {o greatly mentioned in fables, Cadmus al{o aboutthis ime obtained Thebes : of whofe Daugliter Semele was borne Dionyfius, or Liber Pater: vnder whom Lénus the Mufician lived. In his timealfo the Cities of Ade/us, Papbus,and Tharfie werebuilt: ida and Dadylus floutifhed inthis age, whoare faid to haue found outthe vie ofIron: bur Genefis hath taught vsthe contrary,and that Tubaleain long before wroughtcu nning-10 Whence came ly.both in Iron and Brafle.Nor long after Yeon by A whom diuers Chronolegers finde in Ehuds this time,Amphion & Zethus gouerned Thelts: time. But SicAuguftin "enfiofthe thofe fables, which were deuifed among the Greciansand othere making a repetition of Nations, duringthego_ bernment of the ludges, begins with Triptolemus, of whofe parentage there is as little * agreement. /##es vponthe thirteenth Chapter of S.Augufline de Cinktate Dei, and the eighteenth booke, hath gathered all the opinions of this mans progenie, wherehecthiat defireshis pedigree mayfinde it. Lecastivsand Enfebins make him native of Attica: andthe fonne of Eleufins King of Elenfiaa: which Elenfins by carefull induftric had fed the people of that Territorie in thetime of, agreat famine. This, when vponthe calion Triptolemus could not performe, fearing the furie like oc helpe from, thereby to make thenrfeelethe difference berweene ‘his grace and his di pleafure') thefe Heathen neighbouring Nations had an:eafic conqueft ouer J/rael: whom God himfelfe expofed tothofe perills +: within which they were fo {peedilie folded vp.< In this miferable eftate they continuedfull eighteene yecres vader Egloxz King of the Moabites, and his confederates. "Yet; as the mercies of God are infinite, 2° hee turnednot his'eares from theif crying repentance: but raifed vp. Zhad the fonne of Gers to deliuer them Sby whichweake man, though maimed in his right hand, yer con- fidentin the iuftneffc of his quarrell,and fearing that the Iffaclites were too few in numberstocontend with the Headofthofe valiant Nations, hee refolued to attempt vp- onthe perfon ofEgloawhom if he could bur extinguith, heeaflured himfelfe of the fol- lowing vitory: efpecially giuinghis Nation notimeto reeftablifh their gouernment,or to.choofea King to command and dite@tthem‘in the Warres: According to which re- folution, E4ad went on'asan Embafladour to Eglon, loadenwith prefents from the Hraelites, asitoappeafehim,and obiaining priuate acceffe vponthe pretence of fome fecret tobe réuealed, hepiert'phisbody witha Poniard,made ot purpofe witha double edge: 3Qand fhuteing the doores$fhis clofervpon him, efcaped. It may‘feeme thar being con fidentof his good fucceffe, hee had prepared the ftrength of //raelin teaditicfle.: Bor fuddénlyatter hisrcturne, he did repafle Jordag,and inuading ofthe people, he fled thence by 3¢ Seainakinde of Galley or long Boat,which cartiedinher Prow a graven or caruedSet the Tertivory ofAdozbjbuerthreweheir Army confiftingoft0c00.ableand ftrong men: pent; who becaufe hee made exceeding great {peed to whereofnot anyone efcaped. After which victorie, and that Samgar his Succeffour had miraciiloufly (laine 600! Philitims wich'an Oxe goade : the Land and People of //rae/ liuedin peace vntotheend of fourefdore yceres from the death of Orhovie/,which rermé returne and to relicue his people with Corne, from fome neighbour Nation: it was fained bythe Poets, that his Coaclt wascarried by Serpents through theayre. «i;Whetherthe times of thefe Kings which liued together with i expirdd inthe Worlds yeere 2691. Orhoniel, and after hit with the reft ofthe Iudges and Kings of /f/raela nd Iuda,be precifely fer downe, T cannot auow; for theChronolugers, both of the former and latcerti mesy differ in many: particu lars;to,examine all which-would require the whole timeiofa long life : and therefore delixe to beexcuf ed, ifinthefe compatifons Terre with thers ofbett er iudgement. For Whether Exfebjus and all that followhim,orhis oppofites / who make them{elues {ocon-#? verfant with thefe ancient Kings,and with the very yeare when they beganto rule ) have uy pe marke oftime, ofall other thefartheft off.and moft defaced; I cate but greatly fr ats mesa the‘Authors themfelues, from whom Secon: ly, tdsg a had Hothing forthe warrantoftheir the ancienteft chronalge® owne workes,but conicAute: iat of ourowne ageamone the laboure rsin times. is {iiel yet fo edified any mans andi eee ae hem hatals ter what patienns co sedanca e atthe his greatly cigeaet* This diforeemenr iss found Noronely- ia iagreementi - the raignesiof , ‘ Heathen Kings & Princess but cuca in the computation of thofe times which the indifput ableauthoriry ofholy Scrip 5 Hebath mane Vpsasinthat of _4rabamsbitth sand after inthe rimes ofthe/#4 s4 Feriphetek apsoffrat in thetimes fromtheegreffion to the building of ae geea ee e er en apis the {euentic Weekes,and aeivk tre esmy ui ¥ cxaimination, the argiment in whatnot? Wherefoeuct! ‘ s.are oppofite, and contention tithedayes hecebyne geenemhaue foughe dbythe:clou fo manyds.moré: waiestocondenfe wnconerthe ett aisie ¥ are madeimo re darkesan thanres a d quad hb= =- Wartant,thanothermen haue done in thefe - Gitncxcfore thatfuch andfueh Kings:and Kingdomestooke beginning in : Frer the death ofOshoniel, when I/rae/fell backe to their former Idolatrie, God A incouraged 44ozbto inuadeand {upprefle them : ‘to performe which he loyned -® the forces of Ammon, and Amalec vnto his owne;andfo Casall kinde of miferi readilyfindeth out' thofe whom God hath abandoned, or for a time with:draw In theddyesof Bhad, Naomi with Elimelech het husband) and with her two fonnes, tranailed into A¢ozhjandfothe ftorieof Rurh isto bee teferredtothis tine: 4 About the aning of the fourefcore yecres whichare given to Ehud) ie was that Ovens King of alofstenssorhetiwife Pluto, tole Proferpina,asthee walkedito gathet flowers in the Ids of Hipponianrin sytiha or (according to'Paufanizs ) bythe River Cephi/us, whichpz elfewherehe calleth chemer, if hee meane not twodiftin@ Rivers. This ftealth being made knhowne ta Pyrithous, with whomHercdlesand Thefews ioyned themfelues, theya- greed togerherto tecouer her: bute Plard or Orcds (owhomothers call Aideminvs) had (as they fapyaveryhuge Dogge,which fattened on Pyrithows,and taré himin peecesjandhad alfo worried Thefeusburthat Hercales {peedilyrefened him: and by ftrength tooke and mafteredthe Dogge Cerberus whereof grewthe fable ofHércales his deliuering The/ews out of Helle Bur Zezess as Ttake it, hath writterrthis {tory fomewhat more according to 29 the truth. For Thefeusand Pyritheus, faith Hees attemptedto fteale Proferpina Daughterto Aidowias; King df the MolofMians; who had Ccrés to Wife; the mother-of Profers Pe ps ; rf gia general! name alfo for alf faire women.) ‘This purpofe oftheirs owneto identass Thefens-and Pyrithous were both taken; and‘ béecaule Py- prineipalhin this con {piracie,and Thefews dtawne‘on by a kinde ofaf forcement, the onc was piuenfor: food to Aidomins his great Dogge Cereld prifondr,tilbrereides by:thé:inftigation of Euriftheus deliuered a by ftror The Adolofsiwhich Stephanus writeswith a fingle y(S) were a eae PcOpic of Epirus, Diting necre: the Mountaines: ofPizdas : of which Mountaines Li 3 Octa |