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Show Cwar.3.9.8. 387 ofthe Fiftorie ofthe World; company alighted; thinking thatthe Confil had giuenorder foto ddemasin many hattailes,the Roman mén atarmesihadleft their hiorfes,to help.theirfootindiftrefsWhen " Hannsbal(forhe vv.4 neer at hand)perceiuedthis, and vnderftood that the Confulhad yvilled his horfe-micn to difmount}He was very glad ofit, and pleafantly faid, 7had rather be would bane delivered them\vnto meé,bouwd band anafoot:meaning; that he had them nowalmoftasfafe;.as.ifthey,¥verefo bound, Allthis whilec. Terestins Varro, yvith thehorfe ofhis affociates, inthe left vyingwasmaruelloutly troubled by Hanwo(or Ma barbadyand the Numidians: who beating vpanddowne about that great fandy Plaine, raifed.a foule duftvvhichaftrong Southwinde; blowing there accuftoinarily,draueit 10,10 the syes\and mouthes ofthe Romanes. Thefe, vfing their aduantage both of numbe and of lightneffe,wearied the Confuland his followers, exceedingly : neither giuing, nor fultaining any.chiarge,buocontinually makingoffers, and! vyheeling ‘about, Yet at the firft, they feemedco promife him anhappy day of it, Por when the battailes yveree uentteady to ioyne;fiue hundred oftthefe Numidians came pricking away fromtheirfel lowes,with their thicldsicaft behinde their backes; (as wasthe manner ofthofe vvhich yeelded)and, throwing downetheir armes, rendredthemfelues,: This was good lucke to beginne withall,ifthere had been good meaning. Haro had not leifureto examing them;but.caufed them, vnweaponed as they vvere, ‘to get them behindé the' Armie; wherehe bade them reft quietly, tillall was dones''Thefe crafty aduenturers.did as he 20 badéthem, for a while,tillthey, found opportunitie to putin execution the purpofe;for whichthey had thusycelded.:Vinder their lacketsthey had fhort {words and ponyards3 befideswhich,they found other{eattered,weaporis aboutthe field,of fuchias were flaing and therewithall flew vpon the hindmoft of the Romans,vvhileft all eyes and thoughts were bent another way: {0 that theydid great mifchiefe,andiraifed yet agreatertetrors Thus Henwibal,ina plaine leuell ground, found méanesto layanambufhatthe backe of his enemies.The laft blow, thatendedallfight and: refiftance,'svas giuen by the: fame hand which gaue the firtt. A/arabal, haning indhore {pace bsokenthe Romanetroups of hos{e,and cutinpiecesall,fauethe!Gompanie ofemilins thatruthed into the grofle of his foot,anda very few befides,rhat reconered fome narrow paflage,betweenthe River 30 and their owne Battalions; did not {tay to charge vpon theface ofthe Legions, but fel backe behinde the Reare of his.owne,and fetching about,icame: vp to the Numidians!; with whomheioyned,and gauevpon Tenestins. This fearefull cloud, as it fhewedat the ficftappeatance, whatweatherit had left: be~ indeit,onthe other fide: fodid.it prognofticate'a difmall ftorme vato thofe vpon whomit vvas ready nowto fall.. Wherefore: Terentias his followers, hauing weatied themfelues muchin doinglictle,and {ecing more worke toward, than they could hope tofuftaine, thought itthe beft way;to auold thedanger by prefenrflight. The Confull Was noleffe wife than they,in apprehending the greatnefie of his own petill; nor more defperate,ia ftriuing to worke impoffibilitiestic being impoflible,when fo manyfhranke 4° from him, to fuftaine the impreffion alone, whichhe could. not have indured with theit affitance; Nowhe found, that it was one thing rotalke of Haanibal av Rome; and-a¥ nother, to incounter him. But ofthis; or ofoughtielfe, excepting hafty flight,' his prea fentleifiire would notferue him to,confider.;, Clofe avtheiheeles of him and his flying troupes,followed the light Numidians,appointed by A/drabal ynto the purfuit, as! fit» teft forthat feruice. A/drubal himfelfe; with the Gaules aad Spanith horfes compafs fing about,fell ypon the backes. of the Romans;: that vyere ere this hardly: diftreffed, andin a mannerfurrounded on all partselfe:, He brake them eafily; vvho before made ill refiftance,being inclofed,and laid at on eueryfide,not knowing which way: to, turne so Here began pittifull flaughrer:, the vanquithed multitude thronging vp and downey they knew not whither or which way;whileft edery one fought to anoid thofe enemies, vvhom he faw neereft.Some ofthe Roman Gentlementhat wereabout eAimilins,got vp to horfe, and faued themf{elues: which thoughit is-hardly vaderftood how they could does yer I will rather belceueit,than fuppofe that, Lrwie fo reportcth;to grace therby his Hiftorie with this following tale, Cn.Corndlius Lentulus; galloping along by a\ places where hee fav the Conful fitting all bloudied upon aifone, dntreated him +0. rife and fane bins eles offering him his afsifiance.and borfes But Paulus réfaféd it ; willing Lentulus Folbift for himfelfe, and. not t0lofitioe : faying, That it was not hispurpofe to bee brought Againe intoindgensemt by the People, either asanaccufer ofbis Colleague, Or at gniltie. hime filf |