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Show The Jecond Booke ofthefirst part Caar.n.g8 vpon the Amonites,they were intore't to fecke Jephta, whomtheyhad formerly defpifed and caft from them, becaufe he was bafe borne; but he( notwithftanding thole former iniries ) participating more of godly compaffion, thanof diuellifh hatred and reuenge, wascontent to lead the Gileaditesta the Warre, vponconditionthat they fhould eft blith him their Gouernontafter victory. And when bee had difpured with Ammonfor the Land, difproued Ammons right, and fortified the tile of J/rael by many arguments, the fame preuailing nothing, he began the warre; and being ftrengthened by God,outer. threw them: and did not onely beate them outof the plaines, but forc't them owerthe Yudtr.z3. mountaines of Arabia, euen to Ainnith, and Abel of the vineyards, Cities exprett here. toforein the defcription ofthe holy Land. After which vidtoryit is faid, that he petfor-y f med the vaine vow which he made, to facrifice the firltlining creature hee incountred coming out of his houfeto meet him ; which happenedto be his owne daughter, and onely childe, who withall patience fubmitted her {elfe, and onelydefired two monetls time to bewaile her Virginitic on the mountaines ofGilead: becaufe in her the iffues of Berintids Yudgra, 2925. 3942. her Father ended : butthe other opinion, that thee was not ‘offered, is more probable, which Borkéwsand others prouc {ufficiently. After thefe thingsthe children of J/rael, of the' Tribe of Ephraim, cither enwiousof leptha's vitorie, or othetwife making way ro theirfurure calamitie, and to the moft grieuous flauery thateuer//rae/ futfered, quarrelled with tephta, that they were notcalled to the Warre, as before timethey had contelted with Gideom . Lephta hereuponinforced to" defend himfelfe againft their fury,in the incounterflew ofthem two and forty thouland, Which fo weakened the body of the Land,as the Philiftims had an cafie conqueft ofthem all not long after. Zephta,after he had iudged J/rael fixe yeares, died : to whom fuccee: ded /bz4m, who ruled feucn yeares: after him Blow was their Tudge tenne yeares + ia al whicktime Y/rae/ had peace. Eu/ebiws findes not Elon, whom hee calleth don,for inthe Septuagint, approucd inhis time, this Tudge was omitted. Nowbefore I goe on with thereft,it hall be neceffary vpon the occafion of Zphta!\ accougt of the times,fad.11.28.( wherehe fayes that //raelhad then poffelt the Eaft fide of Jerdan 300.yeares)to {peake fomewhat ofthe times ofthe ludges,and ofthe differing fuderes, opinions among the Diuines & Chronologers : there being found three placesot Scrip-y turestouchingthis point,feeming repugnant, ordifapreeing = the firlt is in' this difpute Aé.t320. betweene Zephtaand Ammon, for the tightand poffeffion of Gilead: the {econdisthat of tKingsé.r. Saint Paul, Ads 13. the third is that which is in the firft ofKings. Tephte here challengeth the poffeffion of Gilézdfor 300.yeates: Saint Paul giueth tothe fadges, asit feemes,ftom the end ofJo/wa, tothe laftof Heli, 450.yeares. In the Git of Kings ic is taught, that ftom the departing of '//r4el out of Egype,co the foundation of Sa/omons Temple, thete were confumed 480. yeares. Tothe firlt Beros/dwsfindeth Lephta's 300. yeares to be bit 266. yeares, to wit, 18. of Jofza, 40. Of Othonicl, 80. of aed and Samgar, 40.0f Debit, 14fact, ume- 49» OF Gideon,3. of Abimelech ,r3.0£ Thola,and 22.0 lair : But sephra({aith Bersala) ments pro ine putteth or propolerh acerraine oumbet, for an vncertaine : ‘Sic vt hee iain agé pre Bic brecentefineam,ex quo nulls litem ea dere mouerit Yraeli. sohee [peakerh faith he) a mt ning, that thenit was about or wel-nioh the three hudreth yeare, fince Ifrael popes thot Countries, no man making queition of their right. Codomas on the conteary findes more yeares than 7ephra named by 65. to wir, 365. whereof 71.we re fpent in z/raels capt at {cueralltimes, of which (as Codoman thinketh ) sepbea forbar e to repeate the WHO famme or any Cuavi3§.8 of Beroalduswhichreckoncth noneof thefe, we hauethe int number gf 300.y Neitheris ic ftrangethat 2eph+a fhouldleatie out more thai halfeofthee yeers o fitiom:feeing,as it is already fatd,cheAmmonites. might except againtt thef yeares,& fay that duringthefe yeares; or at leaft a good patt of them, the Ifjael had no quiet poffefsion of the countries in queftion. Martin Luther is the author ofx third opinion,making thofe 300.yeares remembred by lephta;co be 306.which odde yeares,{aith he, lephta omitteth, But becaufe the yeares of enetic ludge' as theyreigs ned,carinot make vp the numberof 306,but do only compound 266.therefore doth Luthér adde tothisnumber the wholetime which Asofes {pent in the Defarts ofA= retabia'Petraa ; whichforty ycares of 240/¢s added to the!number which findethhof 266.make indeed 306. But Pfee nothing inthe Text to warrant. Zethers iudgement hetein : for in the di- {pute between sephia'& Ammoz for the land ofGilead it is written inthe perfo not Ammon,in thefe wotds: Becaue-2{rael tookemyLahdwhenthey camevp from Foyt. f «Arion unto labor &c. wow therefore reflore thofe lands quietly.or in p place it is plaine,that the timeis not to be accounite gypebut fromthetimethat the land was pofleft.E meam,Behold Ifraeltooke my lanza:and therfore the be ed to the time ofthe taking ; which 7ephta's anfwenalfo:icor 20 Words: w#en Iracl dwelt in Hefbboxsand inher Townes,andin Avoer PMCS. Pd x andinallthe Citiesthat arcby the coaft ofArnon 300 yeeréss why. dé ye wot then reconer jem in tharfpace? fo as this place {peakes:it directly, that ifr dwelt inthe Cities of Gilead 300.yeetes : and theréfore to accoun the hopes.orintents,that Ifrael had to pofleffe itsir eemeth fome 1 edto i for we do not vfe to reckonthe time of our cong ce, trom our Prin intents or purpofes,but from their victoriesand poflesio Junius nenertheletfelikes the opinion ofLuther, 8fayes,that this time of 200. i " the Art hath reference,andis sto at take beginning Jephta' fromthe fittt ofE Jephta's i :+ w! narration makes a briefe repetition of Aofes wholeiourney:to wit the fixteenth V. lenenth Chapterof /adges,in our tranflation in thele wo : But when Ifrael can 7 Egypt,erc.and therefore Mofes his 40. yeeres (as he thir Jareto beaccou nt which makethe number of305 .yeetes:and not only the timein which Ifrzel Dn G ilead,according to the Text & /ephta's own words: ot whichI leaue the indgem to others;to whom alfo I leaue to iudge, whether we may not begin the 480.yeer 5. fromthedeliueranceout of Eg ypt tothe Temple;euen from the firtt departare out of E2ypr,and yet finde a more probablereconciliation of Saint Pauls and lephta's ac count with this reckoning, than anyof thofet as yet haue beene fignified. For firft, touching Jephta's three hundredyeeres 0 fiefsion ofthe Eaft fide of Jordan,it nbred,that for a goodwhile before theIfraclites pofletled it, Sehowand offefled Afoab and Ammon thereof : fo'that when the Iraeli tes had conand Og,theright of poffefsion which theyhad, paffed to If Tael: and fo y that they had poffeffed thofe C . o.yeeres,reck« MIN 266 . s of their ownpoffefsion,and thereft of P sion of the two' Kings schon whofe right theIfraelites "or conquett. Chefecond place difputed is th ginning ofSam . t Np ehumins oF 365, Thefe 28. yeares hee th out thus: twenty years " » Blues to the Seniors berweene Jofwa and Orheniel ifinde and where Beroa/dus alloweth oF Mie, ‘Ws his gouet NS 10yoevp Zofephus; whereas nment, Cedoman accouints that his rule lated 0 Saint Auguftine and' Eu/ebiuus e onis hi 27., Meeef Ye more Sprde on of eel nes 28. yeares is farre yychan theart doubtfull o of 71. Butthough wee admit not js of thisaddirion, yet by accounting of fomep MSates of afiction(to wit,3 4-ycares of the 71.) if wee adde : : The truethis, that this additi them to the 266-Y° z of S. Paul, Ad.x3. that from the end of ofna to Reade the +43 there paft 45 0.yeeressAnd this place Luther vndetftandeth (1 %o™ befides the letter(as I findhis opinion cited by Fuxétius: Kr catzhemiussand Be (24) tFam haue not read his Commentaries. For he: ‘ounteth fol, 4.Bex fiom the death OF Afofes {nid ee fk ycere of Heli,but 357.yeeres : at > his Anne > aotn the better to approue the ons vpon the omtheegrefsion out of Esypt to the biuuiding ofthe Temple » Which in the 13-0f the 4d, Kings 641s {aid to be 480.5 great part, left rhe Ammonitethould haue iuftly obiett ed,that 7 rfthol yeares, the Ttaclites wertini captivityand vaflals to their neighbour Princes; and there fore knowing that to name three ; cla He! ; 8 ree hundred yeares, it was enoush for refeription, NC mitted the reft. : Daten gh for preferip ‘ of: the Fiftorie ofthe World. Nig ‘ Now fo v-.0. a ae D ves/ nuchas S. Paw finde Amputianec L.. } S)iin ds.450. yeers from the d eath offofua,to the 1 t Dauid laftv of Helj,& lan ty yeeresfot Saul and Samuc ty) ; rt a eee CS SEEN ORGS ‘ ES who gonerned 40.for me three whole yeéres ere ore Luther takesit, that there was erpiece of Scripture of S. Pasl:to wit, Then afAVENE BS O8-JEREESS vate the ue of Samuel the Pyg- a then afterward being cleerely referred to the death or after the death 4139 Nn of |