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Show - Heri. Teo" = The fourth Booke ofthe fir part Cuars,Gas Cuarag.2.3. forty yeares. He didnot onely appeafethe wrath'of Megabarts 5 forthe flanghterof the Perfian Embaffadours,by giuing-Gyges his Sifter,to Bubares ofthe bloud of Perfia but by that matchhe grewfo great in Xerxes grace , as he obtainedall that Region Be tween the Mountains of Olympus and Hemus, to be vnitedto the Kingdome‘ofMacedon, Yet could not theft benefits buyhis affe@tion fromthe Greekes. For Xerxes being returned into Afia, and Afardomius made Generall ofthe Perfian Army ; Alexander ac_Quainted the Greeks withall his intents and purpofes.againft them.' He had threefons, Perdiccas,Altetas,and Philip. Perdiceas the fecond, the fonne ofAlexander, lied inthe time of the Peloponnefian Warre, and reignedinall eight and twenty yeares. The Watres which he made were1® not muchremarkeable:the Story ofthemis found here and there bypieces in Thucydi- des hisfirft fixe bookes. Heleft behind him twofons ; Perdiceas, who was vety young, 13 ftagea fecond time by: Alexander his brother. Perdiceaéthe third; after hee had flaine Alorites his bafe brother,gouerned:Macedon rofiue years,and wasthenflaine in a battaileagainftthe Illyrians,accordingto Diederis; -_ but /aftine affirmeth,that he perithed by the:praticeof Birydice his mother, as Alexap- Inf..7- der did. and Archelauswho was bafeborne. ee third,being ee tothe cuftody andcare of Archelans, was at feuen years of age caft into a Well and drownedby his falfe Guardian: who excufing this fad to Cleepatya the motherof the young King, hid, Thatthe child in fallowing'# Goole hattily,fell thereinto by mifaduenture. But Archelaus ftayednothere : for hauifig thus difpatched his brother,he flew bothhis Vncle Alcetas the fonneofAlexander the Rich, and Alexander the fon ofthis lcetas, his Cofen Germ aine, and enioyed the Kingdome ; Plat.in Gorg. Avift.in Pols. oftheFiftorie of theWorld. Daughtet Baryene or Exiowe, practifed theideath of Alexander her fonne, witha putofeto.conférrethe Kingdome'on her Paramour, which Prolomy Alorites did putin execution : by. mean¢s whereof' heheld Macedon forthree yeares ; but was foonafter flaine by Perdéceasthe brother of exander,. Diodare hath it otherwife ofPhilip being vied.tié.1;: madepledge ; and faith, That .Amyxtas his Father deliucred him for hoftageto the Illy- 11% rians,by as he was conueyedto Thebes, there to be-kept : others reportthat Philip (whilehis father was yct liuing)wasfirft ingaged tothe Thebans,and delinered forho- ofMacedonhimfelfe foure and twenty years. This Archelaus , of whom both P/ateand Ariftotle make mention , though he made him(elfe King by wicked murder, yet he performed manythingsgreatly tothe profit of his Nation.Ic is {aid,That he fought by all meansto drawSocrates vnto him,and that é §.11 Hi zobin pio The beginning ofPhilips reigne ; and how he delivered Apaesenere te cea whereis hefaundit entangled, Pist thefecond,the youngeft {onne of Aryntas by: Ewrydice, haning beene'in20 ftruéted in all knowledge requifite vato, the goucroment ofa Kingdome, in that excellent education which he had, vnder Epaminondas, making an efcape from Diod.lib.t6s Thebes, returned into Macedon, in the firft yeare of the hundredand fifth Olympiad, which was after the building ofRomethree hundred fourefcoreand thirteen yeatssand finding the many enemies and. dangers wherewith the Kingdome-was enuironed,‘hee hegreatly loued and honoured Ewrypides the Tragedian. He had two fons, Archelans and Orefies. Archeleus the fecond fucceededhis father, and hauing reiened feuen yeares, ie was flaine in hunting,either by chance,or ofpurpofe by Oli" Orefles his younger fonne was committed to the education‘of -£ropus, ofthe royall bloud ofMacedon,& had the fame meafure which Archelans had meafured to his Pupil; for-4ropas murdered himand viurped the Kingdome, which he held fomefixe years : 3° tookeon him, not asa King. (for Perdiceas left a fonne, tough but an infant) butas the Protettor ofhis Nephew,and Commanderofthe men ofWatre. "Yet hisfruitfulkam- bitionfoone ouer-grewhis modefty, and hee was eafily perfwaded by the peopleto accept both the Title ofKing, and withall; the abfolute Ruleof|the Kingdome-And to faythettuth, The neceffity.ofthe State afMacedomatithat time required a King both SPprudentSeactiue, For.belides theincurfions ofthe Tllyriansand Pannonians; the King ofThrace did fer vp in oppofition Paufanias, the Athenians, drgeus, fonnesof the late the fame who denied paffageto Agefilaus King of Sparta, who defired after his returne Viurper eAropws seach of thefe labouring to place in Macedon a King of their owne E- dip wasthen preferued, when Archelausthe Baftard flew his Brother Perdiccas, his Vncle Alcetas, and his fonAlexander. This Amyatas reigned (though very vnquietly)foure that were wounded and taken prifoners ; and thatthe Pannonians were deftroying all beforethem in Macedon and that the Arhenians witha Fleet by Sea; and three t U- from the Afian expedition,to pafic by the way ofMacedon into Greece. DiedPohen. This Vfurper left three fons , Pas/anias, Argens, and Alexander. Panfawias {acces Plutin Demet. ded/his father e£ropus , and hauing reigned one year,he was driuen out by Anayntasthe fon ofPhilip, the fon ofthe firt Perdiccas, the fon Beaed the Rich « which Phi- ion. Thefe heauie burdens when Pé;lip could not well beate; hee bought offithe Weightieft by mony,andby faire promifes vnloaded himfelfe of fomanyof the reff, as heeranne vnder the remainder happily enough. For, notwithftanding that his brother Perditeas had his death accompanied with foure thoufand Macedonians, befide thefe & twentyyeares: for he was not only infefted by Pau/anjas, affifted bythe Thracians, andbyhis brother 4ygeus; incouraged by the Illyriahs ; and bythe faid Argews, fortW040 years difpofleft of Macedon: but on the other fide,the Olynthians his Neighboursnect the Migean Sea, made themfelues for a while Mafters ofPella." the chicfeCity of Ma: Codon. Amyntas the fecond had by his Wife Eurydice the Ulyrian,' three Sonnes : Alexader the {econd, Perdiccas the third, and Philp the fecond. Father'of Alexander the Greats and one Daughter called Euryone or Exiope: Hee had alfo by'hisfecond Wife G7 three Sons , L4rchelaus, Argeusand Menelaus, afterward {laine bytheir brother Pb! Sround ar hand , Alexander the fecond reigned not much aboué ofié veare: if Whieh time H . ded by Pasfanias, the fonne of Arepus, but defended by 2picarerehe At ‘ he Was atthat time about Amphipolis. He was alfo conftrained ‘(fort great fum of mony) to ledtic his youngeft brother Pbiip in Hoftace with whohad fubieétedhis farhier Amystasto the paymentof tribute.< AF being inuited bythe Alenade againft 4lexander thetyrant of Pheresir eet lis brother Philip ;to draw the Thebanstohis afiitance,' ent I racywith Pelépids , being atthat timein the fame Country; wit eft Philip with di at pr ; But Baa) fi diuers other principall perfons forthe gage ofhis t MP PaLCO TUS 5 notherfalling it loue with her Sonne-in-law whohad 1 ] >4 ' ns a! them with gifts; and had alfo bonght the King of Thracefrom Pawfanias, he enn madehead againft theAthenianshisftiffett enemies;and,forthefirftshe preuented their Fecouery ofAmphipolis,a city on the frontier of Macedo: andidid then purfire _ #sthefonne ofZrepus, fet againft him by the Athenians, and followed him ee i heeles ) in hisretrait from "Ziges, that he forced: himto abidethe battailes'w : Argeus loft,hauing the greateft part ofhis Army flaitic inthe-place Thofe shea i ‘ag nians; and others which remained vnbroken,tooke the aduantage ofa ftrong Poet i which thoughthey could novlong defend, yet anoiding there °y the Prefenitfury of the Souldiers they obtained of the vanquifherstifeand liberty to te- He had mote bya Concubine, Prolomy, furnamed Alorites of the City Aloras, where he was borne. fand Souldiers by Land vnder Matias, didbeate vpon him owall fides and roe 4? his Country s;Yetafter he-had practifed the menof warre‘of Pannonia; and Seas tumeintoActics, Whereupon a peace was concluded berweene. ‘hiin and the aa # ans for thar prefent, and for this clemency hee was greatly renowned‘and honoured by Greekes, = iI of ; Me ie j s I, pose ; Thegoed fucce/fe which Philip ad in many enterprifes. 1. 4 i id dPeo. N Ow had Philjp leafure to looke Northward,and.toattend the Hly:-_ hians, his Geconiaide enemies and bonderers toch arhich he iouaded a tt 2 |