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Show 214 7 befecond Booke of the jrelt part - Cur: x 6 §.VI. Of the Solary and Lunary yeeres and bow they are reconciled: with the formeof the Hebrey yeere,andtheir mannerofintercalation, The Hebrew Moneths are thus named, The firit Moneth,Wi/an,or Abib. 1 i March; The fecond,?ar,or Tiar,Zio, or Zin. 2. April, The third, Sivan, or Sinan; or Sibans 3: Ait 1.64: Q .Noneraber, 10.Devémber 411; Ssenapit, 12s Febraary. merinto the Winter feafon,to the great confufion ofall account) was more neceflarily to be regarded of the Hebrewes,becaufe ofthe diuine Precept. For Godappointed elpeciall Featts to be'celebrated precifely in fucha Monethofthe yéare,and withall ona fee day, both ofthe Mooneand of the Moncth, asthe Feaft of the firft fruits ; the new Moones, and thelike : which could not ‘haue fo: beene kept, if-either the dayofthe Moonchadfallen in fomeotherpart ofthe Monethor the Monethit felfe beene found farre diftant fromhis place in the feafon ofthe yeares Other Nations,the better to obferue their Sotemnitiesin the due tithe, and toafcer- 3! taine all reckonings and remembrances, (whichis the principal commodityof tint, that is the meafure ofendurance) were driven in like manner to: maketheir yeares vnc quall,by adding fometimes,& fometimes abating one ormore dayes, as the error cou mitted in foregoing yeares required. The error gtewatfirft,by nor knowing whatnum- ber ofdaies madevp'a compleat yeare.For thoughby the continual! courfe ofthe Sut, caufing Summer and Winter duly tofueceed each Otherjitis plaine enough euen rothe moft fauage ofall people,whena yeare hath'paffed ouer them;yetthe neceflity ofofdie haty occurrences,that are to be numbred by a fhorter Tally,makes this long meafure o! Whole years infufficient for the fmaller fort ofmore daily Therfore men obfe the'Monethly confpicuons revolution ofthe Moone, by affairs. which they diuidedthe yeateyp 30.€%29, into twelue Parts,fubdiuiding the Monethinto 29: dayesand nights:, and thofeagaint into their quarters and houres. But as the marke s oftimeare fenfible and cafily dileer ned: fo the exa& calculation ofitis very intricate, and:worketh much perplexity inthe vaderftanding. ‘Twelue revolutions ofth e Moon e, containing leffe time by 1x.days or thereabout, than the yearly courfe of the of fixteene yeates,euery moneth was found Sunne, through the Zodiacke, in the {pact that whereinit was placed at the fir. This in the quite Contrary part of the yeare, caufed theth toadde fomedaies to the yet making it to confit oftwelue Moneths,and.as many daies tore.as they thought woul make the courfes of the Sun anid: Moon tted many ne# crrors: Forneitherdid the Suiane deterto agree. Butherein were commi > C ch mine: hisyearely revolution by any {et numbe! of whole dayes ; neytlier did the Moon e changealwaiesia nutes and leffer fractions wereto beobferued by him, thattone houre: burthe very would feeke to reduce thel motions (which motions alfo were not fill alike) into anyicertaine rule. Here lay much Wifedome and deep Art,w hich could not foone bee broug fection. Yet asm ameerorenacsnieen én Demetrius Phalereus, which were(f aith he) 360, whileft as yet the yéare exceeded not that number ofdayes.. Bythis account neither did any certain e age of the Modite bé. gin or end their Moneths ; neither could their Moneths continue many yeares; if their owneplaces : but muft needs be fhifted bylittle and little from Wintetto Summerjand from Summerto Winter, as the dayes forgotten to be inferted into the Almariaci eb men, but not forgotten by the {uperiour bodies inthe courfes; fiould occupy' their Owne roomesin their due turnes. Now, becaufe the fo inity.ofthe Olympian eames was to be held at thefull Moone 5 and withall onthe 15. day of by adding fometwodaiesto the laft Moneth ofevery year: thofe Ga cing Held onéein foure years. This intercalationfufficed not to makethe rr uen; which caufed themfom- V" Adar was an intercalory Moneth, added, fome yeares,yntothe other twelue, » tomake the Solarie and Lunary yeare agree' ‘which(befides the generall inconuenience that would otherwife haue rifen, by cafting the Monethsof Sum Bewt16, ©ofthe Hiftorie oftheWorld. 52° Tulie 6. 26 7 September The eighth,Atarchefaan,or Mechafuan, ox Bal, or with Lofephws,Marfonane, 8. October, Theninth, Chiflenjor Ca/len. Thetenth, Tebeth;or Thoberh. Theeleuenth, Seber, or Sabath: Thetweltth, Adar; andVe Adar. = the Moneth Hetaton6202 (whichan{wereth ina mannerto our June) they were catéfall to take order} that 4: _ : = Mie Thefourth, Tamaz. Thefifth, 44, Thefixth, Ehu/: rent Thefeuenth,74/7, or Ethanin,orEthanim, semis iat Cuarin§.6. to fe mate at randome,the Athenians held the yeartohtcontai lé of the Greekes concurred withthem. rhe ides many collateral] proofes) itis maniler, Phakg4e6. by that which Pliny directly affirmeth, telling ofthe Statnes, ereGted in honour ot DemelVie this Moneth might euer begin with the new Moone ; which theyeffected times to omit onedayin the fourth year,which was the fecondofthe Moneth Bedrowi. on ; (agreeing nearly with our. 4aguét) fonictimes not to omit it,of (which'isall one) tc infert another for it in their fourth Lunatyyear,accouiiting bythe Moone,after a mannerthat was not vulgar. All chis notwit hftanding, their Moricth ofjane would every yeare haue growne colder and colder,had theyno t fought to keepall vprighr, by intercalating in each other Olympiad , thatis, each eighth year one whole Monceth , whic! they called the fecond Pofideon or December: which was the deuice of Ha luswho alo 2° raught them to make one Moneth of29.daies, another of 30.daies, andfo fucceffiuely through the whole yeare. Thus with muchlabour they kept theit yeare as neare as they cotild, vnto the high wayofthe Planets ; but the(e markes which they obferued, were found at lengthto be deceitfull Guides. Forit was not pollibl e 6 to fathion this é yeares intercalation ; that ie fhould not deceiuethem in x t-houresand 18 svinut theleaft, orfome waies in 34.houresand Lo.minites, Or differences would,in few Agesshauebred much confuffion.36.and 41. miniites 5 whick good method,likely to continute,was Metexthe Atbhenian,whThe firt chat introduced 4 o not regarding the Ofyme. piads,and theeighth years intercalation, deuifed a cycle of 1g.yedres , wherein thé Moonehauing 235.timesrunne out her circuit , metwith the Sunnein the fame place; 3° andonthe fame day of the yeare} as inthe 19.yeare before uention ofAdetox was entertained with great applaufejand paft the had done. This in. wasthereinferted into the Kalendar in Golden Lettets paifine from Greece to Rome} , being called the Golden Numz ber,\vhich name it retaineth yntothis day. ‘Hereb y wereauoydedthe great and vacertaineintercalations that formerly had been vfed ; for bytheintercalation of7,Moneth$ in the rg.yeares, all was fo cuen, that no fenfible difference could be found. Yee that errour whichin one yeare could not be perceiued | was vety appara nt in a few ofthofe Cycles ;thenew Moones anticipating in one Cycle 7.houres, arid {Ome minutes of the precife rule. Therefore "alippis devifed a new Cycle contai ning foure of Metoxs, that ié to fay, 76.years; and afterw ards Hipparchus , a Noble Astrolager framed another, cone 409 taining foure ofCal ippus his Periods, each of themfink 5 fome errorin the forme? obz feruations, which they diligently corrected. Thelaft reformation ofthe Kalendarwa¢ that which olive Cefar made, who byaduice of the beft Mathematicians ; then to bé found,es amining the courfes of thofe heauenly bodies ,reducedthe yeat vnto the form which is nowin vfe with vs,containing 365 .daies and fix houtés{which houres in foure years makevp one whole day,thatis interca lated eueryfourth yeat,the 24.0f February. The correction ofthe saliaz ycare by Pope Gregoriethe 13. Anno Domini i 582. is not as yct entertained by generall confent; it ws indeed, but as a noteadded vnto the work of Cefar:yeta note of great importance. For whereas it was obferued, that the Sunne, which atthetimeofthe Nicene Councell, Anzo Dom,324,.entied the cghinotiell on the 50 21. day ofAsarch, was inthe year 1582.ten daics fooner rie ftrooke out ofthe Kalendarten daies,following the found in thiat time, Pope Gregefourth of of the fifth day was written the fifteenth ; by which means the Ofsber,fothat in ftead motieable Feafts depending on the Suns entra nceinto Artes, were againe celebyatedin fiich time, as at the Ni: seme Councell they had beeniAndthe better to preuent the like altefations, it was bythe Councellof Trext daythould} ord ained, that fromthenceforward in euery hundretlvyeare,the Leapé ourth hundred: becaufe the Sun doth not in es abouethe 365.daies ; but faileth fo many mi- ULES 46 IN 400.yeares makeabout three whole daies. Ts But |