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Show The jinftBooke of the first part Cuar.i.§ 5 >megknelle oftheir capacities,whomhe then cared:to informe ofthofethings,W hich were more manifelt,(to wit)that God didnotonly by a. ftrong handdeliver them from the bondage of Egypt,according to his promife made t6 their forefathers: butal fe » that he created,and wasthe fole caufe of this afpectable;and perceiueable V niverfall;foron the otherfide I dare not thinke,that anyfupeceleftiall Heauensor whatfoeuer elfe (not himfelfjwas increate & cternall:and as forthe place of God before the world created, thefinite wifdom ofmortal men hathno perceptionof itneithercanit limit the (eatof infinite power,no more than infinite powerit felf.can be limited: forhisplaiiieis in him- ofthe Fiftorie ofthe: World, Gaarng.6. attribute was'not giuen to the Earth,whileitwas confufed; norto the Heauens, before they had motion,and adornement. God.fave that it was good'; that is; made perfect: for perfection is thacto-which nothing‘is: wanting. Bt! perfecti Deiperfedtafant opera's The an works ofthe perfec? God,areperfect. From this lampof imperfect Matter-had the ancient Poets theirinuenition of Dedps goreon : Hefiodes and' Anaxagoras the knowledge ofthat Chaos,of which Ovid: Isak Ante Marescy Tervas, & (quodteoit'omnia) Calum, Ouid.in Mets. Vinus erat toto natura viltusin Orbe, ‘Onem aixére Chaos, rudis indigefiag, méles. parz.2425- felfwhom nomagnitude elfecan contain:How great isthe honfe of God ( faith BARvcH) 3 lib. Before the Sea and Land was made,and Heauen,that all doth hide, bow large is theplace ofbis polfefsionslit ésgreatand hath noendit is high GO % mmeafurable, Inallthe World one onelyface of Nature did abide: But leauing multiplicity of opinion, it is more probable and allowed, that by. the cxfinincom words Heauen and Earth,was meant the folid matter and fubftance, afwell of all the Which Chaoshight,a huge rude heape. Geen Heauens,and Orbes fupernall,as ofthe Globe'ofthe Earth and Waters whichcouered it ouet,(to wit)that very matter of all things, materia, Chaos, pofsibilitas,fine poffe fieri. calninin Gere YAThich matter({aith Calvinywas fo called,quod totins mundifemenfuerit 5 Becanfe it was thefeed ofthe Vniner{al:2.n opinion ofancient Philofopherslong before: §. V. Thatthefubftance ofthe waters,as mixt in the body ofthe earthis by Mos ts vaderflagd 18 the word, Earth:and that the Barth,by the attributes of unformed and voide, is aefcriber a the Chaos of the aticient Heathen, Os #s firft nameth Heaven and Earth(putting waters butin the thir | place)as Me rehending watersin the word Earth;but afterwards he nameth them 2part,when Godbyhis Spirit beganto diftinguith the conf dMaffe, and (as Bafil {aith )preparare waturam aqua adfacunditatenvitalem taprepare tte watare of war ter toavitallfruitfulneffe. Por vnder the word Heauewwas the matter ofa Il heauenly bodies;& natures exprett: and by the name ofEarth and watersall y fas Meant, whatfoeuer is vader the Moone, §.. VI. Howit isto be underftood that the Spirit ofGed moued upon the Waters, audthat this is notte be fearched curion/ly. &4MA4 Frerthe Creation ofHeauen and Earth, then void and without forme; the S pix ee 4 rit of God moued vponthe Waters. TheSesentyInterpreters vfethe word /aper= 20 MMe ferabatur,moued vponorouer :.scubabat, orfouchat ( faith Hierome) out of Bak Bafil-Hexam, fil;and Bafil out of a Syrian Doctor; Eqguidem non meamtibifed viri Cuinfdam Syrtfens ‘tentiam recenfebo (faith Bafil:) which words incubare orfouere importing warmth, hatch= iagsor quickning;hane a {pecialllikenefle.Werbum tranflatumest ab anibus cpullitied face'ine wane cabantibus; quamuts. (pirituall > plane ixenarrabili, non. aktem corporalsodo. Thespord is takenof birds iatching thir your ygot carporally,but 12 aSpiritual and wnexprefsible manner. Someofthe Hebrewes:conuert it tothis effet, Spiritus Dei volitabat; The Spirit of id flutter:the Chaldxan'Paraphraftrinthis fenfe , Ventus aconfpedu Dei nf flibak s rv indtt eiChaldxan, Flabat, pellebut, remonebat': The wind fiom the/face Phtrorré, ad fiubieéto alteration. Corrupt feedes bring forth corruptplants; to whichth E/ay st. Gen.t.0,9+ e pure. heauensarenot fubiect,thoughfubiea to perithing. Earth; foritis written, Let the waters under the heauens be gathered into oneplace, aad lee Pfal.104.6, mixt and couered with the waters,andnot yet diftinguithed ; but no way,that the waters were the matteror {eede ofthe Earth much leffe of the Vaiuerfall. Initio ta Domine terramfundafii, Thow,O Lord, in the beginnin 2 haft founded the Earth:and againe, The Earth was couercd noth phe Deepe (meaning with waters ) 4with « garment faith Daaid.And ifby natural! arguments-tt maybe proued,that water by condenfation may become earth, the fame reafon teacheth vsalfo,that earth rarified may become water: water,aire :aire,fire ; andfo on thes contrarie. Dew ignis[ubjlantiam per atremin agian connertit, Ged turneth the-fabfance of fire, by aire,into water. For the Heauens and the Earth remained in the fame ftate, in Gul.Pavif6o0. ate, re es Nears touchinF their fubftance,thoughthere was afterwards adf At Cc wit 2 e pe Weieiehice) OEPETACG 10,IN tee pect 1eof beautie ry, and Ornament. Calum veroPe.cr terra j ; és reman/erunt. quantum adSubfantiam, licer multiples: perfectio decoris o ornatiascis pollmodiimfuperaddita eft.And the word which the Hebrews cal Aves, is not oes be vnderftood according tothe Latine tranflation fimply,and as {pecifical water; but c OT arly ihe ' ? iraEeetrEscmah arm _ a dnie Conc wee et UNS ‘ pénuriam, Latina lineua plaralt numero gue fecit. For Maim(Laith he)ts 4 double Liquor (that is, of diuers natures) aed this. panse S indigefted matter, or Chaos created in the b oi ~ . aia without forme,that is,without the properforme, whichit afterwardesete she Spitit of God had feparated the Earth and dice! édj acquired, the a ye veidethat isnot producing sy eee ete if#qcrWard from theswaters. Andwhen the earth Burdaeese sy) sg €s,or adorned with any plants,fruits,or flow cm Buta! trit ofif GodGoi had moued ypon the wat ersand into that forme,whichit no a wrought this indigefte d7:mattet c retayneth,then did tae Efe earth budfarth the herb dethfecde,and thefruitfull treew acco e,wh ich fet rding tohis q#or. attribute 147.18. Mont.vt 40.48 For he makethfoure originals, whereofthree are agents , and the laft paffiue and materiall, to wit, Caw/a,which is the diuine goodneffe: Zehz,which is, fiat, fine crit, Let it Ar-Mont-de it fhalbe. Due vox verbo Dei prima prolate fuit whith voice (faith hee) was the, i eeeGt49 ? that was uttered by the wordofGod. Thethird, Spirits Elohim, the Spirit of God, id ‘ guedamdinina, agilis ac prefens, per omnia pertingens,omnia complens , that is sae dinine tower, or firength euery where, active and extending 4nd Sretching through ¢ adfinifbing all things: The fourth hecalleth Maim;iaeft, materies ad omnem ¥¢iCn! iciewdamhabilss; Matter apt to become euery thing. For my felfe,I amrefolued (Cum Devs fit [aperrationale omni ratione ; Steing God isin all reafon aboue reafon) that although the effeéts which'follow his wonderfull waies of working, mayin a meafu rebe perceiued by mans vnderftanding,yetthe maner &firft operation of his diuine power , cannot be conceiuedbyany mind, orfpirit, compaffed with a mortall body. nimalis home qua Dei fant, non percipit : For my thouchts faiththe Lordin Es a-x) are not your Efss.% thouzhts, neitherare your waies my waies. And asthe world*hath not khowne God him<' © felfe: fo are his wayes (according to S.Pav1 ) paft finding out. O righteous Father, the» t knowne thee faith Chrift. And therefore; whether that moti on, vitality on, were by incubation or howelfe, themanneris onely known to God. ar This mord Maile, the Latineswa nting « voice re exprelfe it,callis in the Plural, Aquas,waters. or kind,endGodfam thatit was goe d : which and the waters increafe: butthere w. 0syet no winll mor exhalation je Ar. fe words, Et Spiritus Elohim Merachsfet,id Cfcfficaciter smotitans, Co yi ouens, acagitans fuper facies gemini liquoris; The Spirit ofGod effecdually and often mo, keeping warme, andcher ifbing , quickning and flirriny uponthe faceof this double li5s Montanizs | llperif> (faith Dawid ) and the heanens{ball vawifb aveay like,fmoke,faith Efay.NeitTheyba her were the waters' the matter of the drie land appeare: which proueth,that the drieland was Aridevarremone, or did blow vpon 5 according to the 14.7.Pialmes 9 Pfal. | bas raid wei0doin omnibus fit rebus z v elfentiam,velper potentiam, intelleddus nofler mon ¢a~ Aut.Tralhse, eaking of his Vbiquitie)# in all. things , eyther' hy! 191725. [ fence, or power, our und nding cannot comprehe nd, nem diflarct. ficoniilia, Co difp mana: There would bene diffe ader flanding could con. teime the counfels a; ~-t Nithilinter Deum homi-# yes illins Maieflatis eterna, cogitatio affequerctur hye, ft. is Prefat, ; fore to bee ou ‘I'-Curious a sowerfull nd opet \ d of - God wroucht in the Cr eation of the diftinguifhing,gaue formeto the Matter A 2 of |