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Show aaice A cr ThiffeBedkeoftbefirparr: Cuar.6.63. Cuar.6.$9. withthe fame crime. But what will this auaile, when the minifter of the factbeitg" brought intoiudgement,hall (as isto be feared)appeachthe author? Perfus therefore willed Evander to haue confidcration ofthe little fauourthat can be expected at the Romans hand ; whoare liké'to beprefidents and ouctfecesiofthis itdgement : foas it were Vponthesirlt tani¢ofthe overthrow, they hadvemptied their towne of ‘twethoufand Thraciansthatlay rhetein gartifonsfending then'forth vnder.colousofa gaincfull employment,& fhuttingthégatesafter ths m.And now tobe ricde of the king; theyiplainly badextwander tabegoné. The king:hearing this,bad no mindctotarry:s: burcmbarking himfelfe and the treafuire which hehad there, incérraine veflells that hee found in the riuerStrymon ; paiied ouer to the Ifle of Samothrace:: where hee hoped tolliue fafe, by ial priviledge ofithe religious Sanctuarie therein. Thefe mifcrable thifts.ofthe king make it the leffe doubtful; how all the kingdome fell into the power of<imy/sus, within fo few dayesafter:his victories Pydia which 10 was ncereft at hand; was the laft thatyeclded. Aboutfixe thonfand of the fouldiours, that were of fundry Nations, fled out ofthe battaile intothat Towne; and prepared for defénce: the confufed rabble of fo many ftrangers hittdering all deliberation and confents Hippins who had kept the paflageouer Oflaagainft Martins ,;with Pantauchas, who had beene{ent Embafladourto Gentias the Illyrian,were the firft that came inziycelding themfeluesandthe Towneof Betta, whither they had retyred out ofthe battell.. With the like'meflage came others from Theffalonica, from Pellasand from all the Townes of Maceden,withinitwwo dayes:the loffeiof the head ber¢auing the whole bedyof all fenfe and ftrength: Neither didthey of Pydnaftand out-any longer,when they knewthatthe king hadforfaken his Countrey:but opened their gates vponftich termes, that the facke* of it was prantedtathe Roman Armic.\ e£mylins fent abroad:into the Countrey, fuch as he thought meeteft,\to take. charge of other Cities : hee himfelfe marching towards Pella... Hee found in-Pella.no morecthan three! hundred Talents; the fame whereof Pérféws had lately defrauded the Hlyrian. But within a very:little while hee hall haue MOLess5 iwi wet 1 2 It was foonevaderftood, that Perfeus hadtaken Santuariesin! the Temple at Samo* thrace: bis.owneletterstothe Conful; confirming thé reports "Hee fen: thefe letters by perfon offuch meane condition ; that his cafe waspittied, for that he wanted the {ernice of better menThe fcope ofithis;writing was, to defite fanours which though hee beggediincermesill befeeming 2kingsyer fincethein{cription of his Epiftle was, Xing PRerfens\tethe'Conful-Paulus; the Confuk,who had taken from hin his Kingdome, and ao ‘wouldnotallow himtoxetaine theshitles refufed:to make any anfwer thereunto. So there cameother letters,, ashumbléas could bee: expedted:: whereby hee craued and obtained, that. fomemightbeefentre conferrewithhim about matters of his: prefent eftate,, Neuertheleffe, in, this, .comference,.:hee <was-maruellous: earneft, that hee might bee:allowedftillto-reraine,the name ofckings \-Andotay this end :it was pet haps, that, hee had {9 carefully preferued his Tréafure, vnto the:-very la(t «flattering himfelfe with fuch yainchopesasthefe ;, That:the Romans would neither violate 2 Sandtuarie, nor yetnegleé thofegreat:riches. imhis:poilefion; but compound with him, for money, Jetting himhauehis defireto: live lat eafe;vandito bee called King. Yeait {eemes that hee had indeede, cuen fromelie beginning; a. defire to:liue in this Ifleof Samothrace ;) both forthatinone of his confultatioris aboutthe Warre; he was ® Liulib.g2, dehorted by his friends, from feeking to exchange:his kingdome of Macedon, fot * fucha paltrie Hand ; andfor that he offered to day vptheimoney which Ewmenes de: manded:, in the;holy/Temple that was there: But hee findes irotherwife. They vig¢ hintto giueplacevato:necellitic, andiwithout moreadoe, tO yeeld to the.diforetion and mercieof the people of Romes,, Thisis fo farreagainfthisiminde, thatthe conference breakes offwithout cfiect. Prefently'there arriuesiat Samothiace:Cu\. OGamie she Ra- man Admirall, withhis fleet: who affayes,as well by terriblethucates, as-by faire language,todraw. the kingiout ofhis Jurking holesiwhercin;fov féare ofimprifonment, hechadnow alreadi¢, imprifoned himfelfex When/alll would: not ferue, a queftion ‘wasmoned to the Samothtacians,| How they-durft:polluces their ‘Temple, by rece se uing.iaro it one thar had violated théllike: priuiledge of Sanctuary, by attempting th¢ murderof king Egmenes at DelphiThiswentitalthe quickesTheSamothracians, being now in the powenofthe Romans,take thismarted tocheatts and fend word tothe kings That, Euguder, svho lives, with-him in: thé: Temple, is-accufed-of :an-impious tas committed at. Delphij whereof ynleffe he¢ab¢leere himfelfe in indgement, bee soot notbe fiffered to, prophane that holy place,by. his abiding im its The venérence borne ay, that: Pet/ew himfelfe: is chases to his7 Majestic, now paft,makes then forbearetof oa eect wit ofthe Hiftorie oftheW orld, hetterto dye valiantly,fince none other.hope remaines, than hope tomake good qnill caufe ; where,though he hada goodplea! yerit could nét helpe him. ‘Of this motion Ewander feemes to like well: and either kils hitn{elfesor hoping to efcape thence, iby deferring thetimeasit were to get poyfon whetewith to end his life,is killed bythe Kings commandement. The death ofthis man, whohad ftucke to Perfeas in‘all-times of Yo neede,makesall the Kingsfriends that retnained hitherto, to forfaké him: foasnoneate left withhim,fauehis wife and children,withhis Pages. It is much to be fapected, that they whichleaue hima vponthis occafiéh,willtell periflous talesandfay, Thatthe King hath loft the priuiledge ofthis holy Sanuaric,by murdering Exandér therein Or ifthe Romanswill affirme fo much,whofhall'dare to gainefay them? ‘Since ‘therefore there is nothing but a point offormalitie,and euen that alfo lyable to difpute,which; preferucs him from captiuitieshe purpofeth tomakean efcape, and Aye, With his Trealuites, vnto ‘Cotys his goodfriend, into Thrace, Oroandes.a Cretian, lay at Samathrace with oné thip ; Who cafily was perfwadedto waft the King thence. With all fecréciethe Kibgs mon ‘ ** "a8muchas could be fo conueyed,was catried aboord By night ; and the king himfel ¢, 20 with his wife and * childrenGf rather it' were not trué,that he had with him onely *FAL privet, lip his elder fonne,who.wasonely by adoptionhis fonne, being Nis *brorher by lature) Amy. ‘with mach doe gotout ata window by arope,and ouleramuddewall. At His com- edhe "ming to the Sea-fide, he found no Oroandes there's‘ the Cretians "had played. Chetian "tticke, and he was gone with the moneyto his ownehome. So irbegan to waxe ‘cleare day, whilett Per/eas was fearching allalong thefhoare : who hadftayed fo long abour this,that he might feare to be intercepted ere he could recouer the Temple. |He ranne therefore amaine towardshis lodging : and thinking it not fafeto enterit the common way, leftlic fhould be taken ; he hid himfelfe in'an obfcure corner. His Pages miffing him, rane vp and downe making enquirie ; till Oc2auias made Proclamation, That afl Jo the Kings Pages, and Adacedomians whatfoeuer,abiding with theit matterin Samothyace, fhould haue their livesand libertie,with all tothem' belonging,which they had either ia that Ileorar homiein 42acedonconditionally, Thar they fhould prcfently yeeld themfelues tothe Romans. Hercupolitlicy all came in. Likewile Joa, 2 The//a/onian, to whom the King had giuen the cuftodie of his children, deliuered ‘them vp to Ocanias. Laitly, Perfeus himfelfe,with his fonne Ldilip,accufing the gods ofSamothrace, that had no-bets ter protected him; rendered himfelfe, and made the Roman victory compleate. If he had not trufted in thofe gods of Samethrace,but employed his wholecare in the defence of Macedox,without other hope ofliving,than ofreigning therein he might well haue brought this Warre to an happier end. Now,bydiuidinghis cogitations, and purfuing, ot once,thofe contrary hopesof fauing his Kingdome by armes, andhimfelfe by fight , he isbecome afpectaclé ofmifery; 'and:one amongithe number ofthofe Prificys, tliat haud beene wretched by their owne default. He was prefencly: fentaway tore pypiu ; beforewhom hefelltothe ground fo bafely,that hefeemed therby todifhonourthe ¥- toryouerhim{elfe,as' gotten vponone ofabiectqisalicicyaidthereforethe lefle th Be eftcemed: «Zmylins vied to him the language ofa gentle Vidtars blaming hin, though mildly,for hauing,with{fo hoftileaminde,made Warre vpon the Romans. Hereto good anfwerimighthauecbeene returned by one of better: fpirins :Asifor; Berfeqs; heianfwered all -with a-featefull Glence. He wascomforted withhbpeof life;-0n (asthe Confultcar thefe medit) almoft affurance; forthatfuch was thetnetey ofthe peapleofRomertifter $° goed words,bcing inuited to the Confuls Table,é refpectiugly entreated;he was.conv- Mittedprifoner to QosElima 0 : : &'fiuch end thereSuchend had this séecedonien War,after fonteyeers continuance : Withall had the Kingdomie ofMapedom sthégloryivhereof, that liad fometime filled abl Parthofthe World thta knowne,wasnow tranflated vito ames: / Yi) ,2 Noe ct damier mot 7 Ge1K. |