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Show the Athenians,that theindominion overthcir fubieéts;was rannic ; though it.were foythatithey themfelucs'were:s greattioneothe thant ameers ty. Citie,and apopular eftate, Neitheris.it; poeemnnnsaieean needful, chas'Tthonld-callthis forme of cotmmans dina.vialenesanen it may: well and éafily be conceiued,that no matiwil obedience,to.one regardlefle ofhislife:and welfare ;waleffe binifel lingly performes mansor(whichis little better) wholly pofieffed with fome extreme fe be cither:a mad paffionofloue;The PraGice oktyrennic,isnotalwaies ofalikelextremiti¢ t:for fome Lords are more gentle, thanorhers, to theirvery flaues ydodhethatis mot cruellt o fome; is milde enough towards oghers, thoughit be but forhisowne advantages: Neuerth eleffe, in largelDo. minions,whereintheRulersdifcretion:eannot extend it felfe¢y nto Notice of ‘the diffe1 rencewhich mightbefound betweemthe worth offenerall'me my inis commonly feene, that shetafte-of{weetnefle;drawne ourofopprefiion, hath folgood .arellith, as continu. ally inftmes the Tyrants appetite; andivill alt fufferit to be reftrai ned with any dJimits ofiuefpects!-W ahy fhould he feeke out boutidsito pteferibe vnto hisvidef ires, whorcannot endurethe face ofone fohoneft; as may put hity in rememb rance ofany moderationsit ismuchthathe hath gotren;by extorting from fome few:: by {paring none, ‘hee thould hauesiches ingoodly.abundance., He hathtaken a greatidealef romeueryone : but eue- ry.onc could haue {pated more.He bath wrungallcheir purfcs, &inow. he hathenough : but (as Qoueroufnelleis neuer fatishied he thinkes that all this:ist o6little foraiftocke; thoughitweve indeedagoodyeerely.AnicothesEhtrfore he deuifet hnewtricks ofrob-20 berieandiisinot better pleafed with thé gaines; thah with theAttofgetting. Heis hated forthis,andhe knowesiitwell: but he thinkes by:crueltieto change‘hatred into feate. Sohe makes:it his exercife, to tormentaid murder all; whom he-fufpecteth in! which courtesif hefalped none vainttly, be may be faidito deale craftily notfaicshow:canallthis make any. Confpiratourtoftand in feare,fi; but ifInnacencybe nce the Traitor isno worfe rewarded, than-the quiet man ‘Wherefore he can vpontione other fecutitie;than to dif-armeallhis Subiedts,to-fortifichimfelfethine within fome ftrong placeand for defence ofhis Perfoandtate; toyhireas many duftie Souldier s:asthall bee thought fufficient.. Thefe mutt notbe of his o: wne-Countrie : for if not cnery oné, yet fome one onouher may chance tohauea feeling of the publiquié mifetie. This confidered, he alluresvnto himadefjperaterabble of ftrangers,the moftvnhoneftthat can be found;fich ge as-hane neither wealth por creditat home,and will therefo re be carefull to fixpport him, by whofeionely fauour they aremaintained: Now Jet any ofthefe ,either by deteftation oFhis wickednefle, or (which in wickedmen:is moftlikely ) by promife of greater reward; than;he doth giue; fhould:bee drawne to turnehis. fword againit the Tyranthimfelfe: they thall all be petnitted to doc:as hedoth: toxrobbe ,torav tofatisSe their owneappetites, inmofroutragious manner sbeing ith, to murder, and t fomuch the more aiflured to their Mafter, by how muchthemore hedees them: though grow hatefulltoall Ondriziy.2.}.2. ofcheHitorrofchatRond Ae tohis:Guand-mother'Amtomiay shat Imeay dee what Wiftsandsambachi tlewords wereaccougted hottible;thouigh hcedid-herno harme sdAnd damppelveckons iilagthe complemént ofall robments;infliéted by.aciuehR omanD leftthe was whipping them,fi¢ painted her, face, talked- aihevpon hex flanesthas whie swith hes, Gofhips; and.-vfed,-alh fignesofneglecting: what thofe' wretchesfelt;No w feging wherewith a domineering Stare ffenderh:her Subie&s,are. shatche gkeateltigricnahtes frec from-all fenleok.indignitie: likely itisichatthey:will not extreamely hate heh, although deficeof liberty make them wearie of herEmpire.»iIn theferefpectsitisnor néedful Guard oflicentious cut-throats,and tnaintainerhem in alk ls tharthe should keepe-a villanysasa Dionyfins Orcdgas to thaclesmiifdoe ? het owne Gitizensare able to terrifieyandto hold-perforce in obedii ence,all.male-contents. ‘Thefe things, confideved aloneby themfelues may: ferlierre rou, Thata Citieis {carceablé.to defernethena ine Of aTyvannefles in the proper ication. ; i dos I5yy Sane notwWithftanding; it fhallappeatesthat the miferies, wherewith a Tytant lode detiihisipeople|are not fo heauieyastheibutd¢ns impofe ouddbmbappéarafce oftruth, ivmaybe faidy that Luftiandd by actnell Gitie,! Norwiths Many othersprivate paffibis; wenowayincidenttoia City or Cotporations: But tomake this godd, «wee fhallohane needtowfe the hélpe of{uch diftinéiors,.asthe Argume ntinhandidech«not require, Wasngt Rome lafciuious,when Cato was fainetorife andleauetheThearer,co the cad) ° thatthe reuerend regard-of his gravity, might not hinder the people; from calling fora thew ofpaked Qoustifuns; thacwere robe brought vpon:t he open ftage ¢; By:common practice,and generall:approued cuftome,weareto.ce nfarethe quality ofa whole Ssite; hot bythé prinaréveértue otviceof any one. many non -by,metaphyficall-abftricion of theuniner/all fromthe‘fingaleryor ofthe Gorpora tionsfrom thofe'af whore it is eebnponnded, Way therefore(as Thanefaid elfew hére) ‘That.ie were bettert o'liue ynder one pers niciols Tyrane,than vader niany. thoifaads.;Théreatons prouing this; aretoosany-to fet downe: but few may fuffice. Thedefires of one man, how inordinaréfoener,if they cannot be fatisfied,yet they may be wearied;he is not ableto {earchal] corners; hishu- mour may be found,and foothed, age or goodaduice,y ea,or fome ynexpeéted accident 32may reforme him: all which failing, yetis there hope,that his fucceff our may, prooue etter, , pis 7 » Many: Tyrants-haue beene changed into worthy Kings; and manyhaueill-v fedthete ill-gotten Dominion,whichbecomming hereditary rotheis pofteri ny, hath 2rownlinto themoRexcellentforme ofGoternmen t;evena lawful Monanehy..; Bucthey, thacoli ne vaderatyrannicall Gitieshane nofuch hope; ,theinMiftrefleis immortal], andwill nov acken the reines} vntill they be:pulled-ous ofher hands}, and het owae mouth menelfe.Confidering in what age,and in what Language I write; I muft be faineto that thefe are notdreames: though fome Englifhman perhaps that were vnacqua fay, | intea* seceiue thebridle ofa more mightier Chariotiers: This is wofull ihakethem le{leimindefull ofthe furure. Newrfliesand «yer, their prefent fuftrings hungry ones, fall vponthefame *rsontofwhich,others had already fucked theit: fill. Anew Gouernorcomes yearely "mong themattended byiall his-poorekindred.and. friends ) whomeane Not tolrctuene diers;-and-how thofe- Mercenaries are;-by mutuathoblig ation, firmely affured vnto the Tyrant, efe flieinte all Suatters;and are quickly acquainted. with every mans wealth,orhoney.Th wharfoener él fey cial thePronincesis worthy to beidefired; Theykvowall.a:mans encmié s,and all his-feares? _ -amming themfe with Hiftorie,lighting vponthis leafe, might {uppofe this difcour to be but little better. This is to thew, both how tyranfiegrowes to land in need feof mercena rie Soul- Fhatithetyrannleof.@Citie ones her Subse ee. ET. 1 of sts wore; thanthe tyrannie of one man ; Ae ae ‘Sa tyranpicall Citie mallikeniferfe mercenary Souldiers, f ip OW:concerning thetyrannie, wherewith'a Citieor i y State Ini iicth Suble ts emay.appeare fome waiesto be more mederate,than thatoppref of one manher: but ip - nythingsitis moreintolerable. A Citic isieal ous ofher Dominion ; but not, (asis man.) featefall of her life : the Pers: one need.hath the thetefore, to fecure her felfe clic. A Citieis not luxurious inleffe Piel confuming het treafures . and there fore needsthe oa ed to plucke from her Subiedts. If.Warre, or any othergreat oveafion, dritie Aaaee fitie taking from her Subieds more thanordinarie fymities of mone her'to ee y ste fame meee g exéufable: Indee d.no wrongs makeseither thecontribution eafieyor the takin fo gticuous Schatefull,as thofethat areinfolent, Remem ber{ait Galig w/the Empct " omeem pty to their hiues, without aigood lading of waxe and lnes.withina litle he enemicsthache feareth nioftTogso into acquaintance with thefemafterfullfpact,t guelts, inhopeto wiatheir fri¢ndthips wéreanw t end elabour(yerit tuft bew hdergone)and fuchas euexy one hath nGtameanesto goed tits but wete-rhis effected,whatauailethit? Thelone.of one, Gouerm our ig purchafed With Sifts:the Succeffar-ofthis man.heds morelouing:than could be wifhed ,in relpect off faire Wife or Daughter »then-comes the thirds-perkaps ofther conftaxy faction! at wilcsabitter enemy to bothihis fore-goersjwho feckes the ruineo foward with thém Sothemiferies of thistyranny-arenowlibple f achat hae beehe sbunii neérlaced-(asid Were) with thecalanities ofcinill warre; The Romans ihadd daw: DaRepersindey or; Of Aetteryiacninttextartinig Magifrarcs: tyar wee findesv {qeheditori wholly. cores ftraine their Prouinciall Gouernours; whoprefuming on hatir the fauour oftheir owee@itis biatid-ofthicic Rindred.aotl friendsat hiome;w ere boldsin their Provin worke all there otmititsrchearfedst though ifomewhat ithe tore {panitigly;eestd fotvteate of Tent ordfthéfnbiects ofRonic Stongdvinder fuchoppreM Pweilo} onsiwh wehink wetbaniifals vsite Carthage: The: Reknaps sisttpofed:ind!armtilt /ourthe ufiyne: P ppp % tributes |