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Show The fifhBookeoh thefirpare -= * = my CQuaris, §.6: re and therctorc luch geod.fell owesavillmottake machpaihest obring thewartoan end, But the victory. of,alycantsmekes himdtand inneed of moreifuch helpers: becaufe that afterithe doth wrongtemiore}as hauinigmoredubicdts;andrhecefdre ands in-feare of more,thar-fhould {aeketo take retienge\vpon him. The ftipendaties therefore ‘ofthe Acheans;being forcedte giue grotiid;werevrged foviolentlyin theirretrait bythofe of Machanidas, chat{hortlythey beroakerhtmfeluesto flight; and could notbe ftaid bya: ny. petfwations of Phjgtemen; but raniawayquitebeyond the batedileof the A cheats: ‘This dilaiter had bbehefafficientto take from Phitopaimen the honourofthe dayshad he notyilely ob{erucd theciniean our Of Acadhenides,and foundinhimthat etrour which might reftere the victerys The ‘Tyrantwith hisMercenaries gaueichafe vneo thofe that 1° fled ag behind himsdn gooddrder of battailhis Lacedxmonians,whorm hethought entto dealewightheMchwans,thavwereaiready-difheartened by the Aightoftheit companions. But whefi this his tafhimefie had carried him ouvofight ; Philopimen ad- uancsdro wards the Lacediemonians that ftood before him: ‘Therelay between'then a¢ thar: the Gountriea lone ditch; without waterat that time; and therefore paffable(as it feemed) yithone nichditlicultie, &pecially for Foot.'The Lacedemonians aduenta: redou sthinking thenifeluesinetter fouldiers than the Achaansjwhohidinaman: net already-loftthe days Bur herebythey greatlydifordered their owne Battaile ; and had.no fooner thefouemof of them recovered the further banke,than they werettoutly charged by the Achzansy who dtauethem headlonginto the ditch apainé: Their firft 20 tankes being brokensiallthe reft beganne to fhrinke: fo jas Philopaimen getting onerthe ditch, eafily, chafed them:out of rhe Field, Philopemen. knew: betvershow-to v{e hi uantage.than Macheniaarhad done) He fuffercd not dll hissA rmimtd.dishandand fol: low thechafe: but retained withlim'a fufficient iticngth, forthe cuftodieof a bridge that was ouertheditchyby!whichhe knew thatthe tyrantmuft:comice‘backe: 'The'ty- raat with bis Mercenaries teturaing fromthe chafe; looked very heauily when he faw whatavas fallen out, Yet withalufly troupe ofHorfe about himyhe madetowards the bridges hoping to finderhe Ach®ansitrdiforder sand tofet vpon their backes; as they Werecarcleily purlning theirwiddrgs Butwhen lice and his company faw Philepemen feady.to make good thobridgeagainftthém ;then'began every oneto look, which way 3% he might fhift,for hinafelfe: Thetytatitswith nolmore.than twosin his company; rode along the diteh fide;dnddéatohed foraineafie paflagé ouer. He wasafily difcoucréed by his purple Caffock, & the coftly trappings ofhis Horfe. Phitepemes therfore leaning the charge ofthe bridget atiothetycoafted him allithe way ‘asheirodé. and falling vpon him.at lengsh in the dite} ir felfesashewas getting ouerit; flew him'tlrere with his own hand.Thete-dy ed.in this Rattaile ofthe! Lacedemonians fide ‘about foure thoufand? »agdmorethan fourechqufand weretaken Prifoners. OftheAchzeaa Mercenaries , ‘pro- bablejt.is chat the loffe wasnot greatlycared for fince thar Watre wasatan end, afd fortheir,m oney they,might hiremore when theyfhould:haue need: §..VI. ofthe Hiftorie of theWorld, This Attalws,though aking,was fcarceyeta Noble-man, otherwifethan a hee was en nobled by his owne,and by his Fathers vertue. His fortune beganne in Phileteras his Vacle:, who being guelded,by reafon ofa mithap which he had when he was childe} grew afterwards thereby to bethe more efteemed?-as great men inthofe times repefed much confidence in Eunuches, whofe affections could not be obliged -vnto wiues or children. He.was entertained into the family of Décimus,a Captaiftefollowing Antizoa aus the fir/t; and after the death of Antigonus, he accompanied his Mafter, that bétooke him{elfeto Lifimachws King of Thrace.Lyfimachus had a good opinion ofhimj and put o himintruft with his money and accompts. But whenat lengthhe ftood in feare of this King, that grewabloudy Tyrant: Hefled into Afia, where he feized vponthe Towne of Pergamus, and nine tlioufarid talents belonging to Lyfimuchas. The Towne and money, together with his owne feruice, Hee offered vntoSelenchus thefirft, that then was ready to giue Ly/imachas battell. His offer was kindly accepted; but neuer performed 2 forthat Se/ewchus hauing flaine Lyfimachus, dyed fhortlyafter himfelfe, before he made vic of Phileterus or his money. So this Eunuchftill retained Pergamus with the Country round aboutit ; and reigned therein twenty yeeresas an abfolute King. Hehadtwo brethren : ofwhichtheelderis faid co hanebeene a poore Carter ; and the yongerper- Rapsnot muchbetter; before fuch timethey were raifed by the fortune ofthis Eunuch. Philetarus\eft his Kingdometothe elder of thefeor tothefonne ofthe elder called Eu20 menes, This Ewmenes enlarged his kingdome; making his aduantage ofthediffention, betweene Selewchus Calinicasand Antiochus Hierax, thefonnes ofthe fesond: ntisthu, He foughta battell with Hierax.nect¢vnto Sardes,and wonthe vidtory.At whichtime, toanimate his men againft the Gaules that ferued vnderhis Enemy,he vied a pretty dehice: He wrote the word * 7id#ory vpon the handof his Soothfayer, in fuchcolours as ea Gk G1ky would eafily comeoff:and when the hot liter of the beaftthat was facrifized;had clean. © lytaken the princofthe lecters,He publifhedthis wato his Aravieas.a‘Miracle ; plainely forefhewing that the gods would be afliftant in that Battaile. After this victory, he BAR, grewa dreadfull enemyto Selewcus :> who neuer durft attempt frecouerfrom him,by Warre, the Tetritory that he had gotten andheld. "Finally, #when hehadreignedtwo and twenty yeeres, he died by furfeit of ouer-muchdrinke, andleft his kingdometo -4¢ta/ws,of whom wenowentreat,that\was fonne vnto Attalide the yonse(t brother ofPhileterus.. Attalus was an yidertaking Prince, very bountifull, and no Jefe valiant. By hisowne properforces He reftored :his friend Ariarathes the Cappadocianintohis kingdome, whence he hadbeen expelled:He was grieuoufly moeited by Achens:who fetting vp himfelfe as king againft Antiochus thegreat, reigned in theleffer A fia He was befieged in his owne City of Pergamus: butby the helpe of the Tetofase,a nation of the Gaules,whomhe called ouerout of Thrace, Herecoueredall that he had loft. When thefe Gaules had once gottenfootingin Affa,they fever wa nted Cmployment: butwere eicherentertained by fomeof thePrinces reigning in thofe quar #9lCts.or interpofed themfelues, without inuitation,and found themfelucs worke in quarfels ofthei,owne making. They caufed Prafias King of Bithyniato ceafe from his war Philip :hasing peace with Rowm eSand withoull Creede, prepares Kings of Perzamm, Oasppadocia, Portis, deainft Afta.." Of the Paphlagonia, Bythinia; and thei the Gslatians: LE CANet Caard.§.6, r Lisiges, of ; vittorythe Acheanslearnedtothihke:well of thethfe lues> Neithet eae ey.indecdafcera while(fuch was their difci pling, andicontinua ll exercile) int, themfelues in tatter of warre:inferiour to. any, thatshoulid ‘bane brought againftthem ao gceat ods oftnusibers nAs forthe Macedonian; Heimade 0 great vig of them : butwhen-+hehad-once conclu ded peace with wht Romans and itolias, h. facied howto enlarge his Dominion Fafiward gy ofince the "fortun e of his Friendsthe Carthaginians.declined in the WetcdHe tookeamharebmany, matter s Toge~ wherein tif the sAch#ans nothonimef:! and fonieo ‘acerel fthemping:h teat ould h;GY gone er,theyim y togeth himifeg nice, ut; by-hel ‘to oppreffe others that newer had wronged himi bane Faught him the way how to deale-witl, chemfeluess He greatly hated difa/4s Wing of yP ergamus: wlio hadioyned:with theRomans and Aeolian s it warre againhing. é ; This againft Byzantium. Whercunto when he had condefcended; they neuerthcleffe within awhile after inuaded his, Kingdome. Hee obtained againft them a great victory; and Vled it with great crueltie, {paring neither age nor fexe. But the ee f acney ligthey occupied the Region about Hellefpont: where in icating a ¢ ae sd Were much beholding vato Attalus, Neuertheleffe; prefuming pris ee = ftength they forced their Neighbour Princes and Cities to pay t = See ate tpe exaction whereof, they hadno more vefpect vato Atta ws;ehan = any® * ae Wore deferued ofthem... Bythis they compelled him tofight againftthem : atid a Jobeing vidtorious, compelted themto containe themfelucs within the bounds of elie Prouiince, which tooke name from them in time following,and was aeee fas Continued they ttill to oppreffe the weakeftof their neighbours; and-vofill vp the ArG oft h e the: iathole, oe guise pet parece the pofterity of fuch,as had faued theinfeliies € Kings reigning inthofe parts,w i Mieke and their Prostinces,in the flothful! reigne ofthe Perfiansae ; orgaa in che bufiettimes' mie Aofris dader and his Macedonian followers, The Cappadocians were very ante reset i if Oftheirline had married with Atofa, liter vntothe great ki wtf bins Hui WaStakenfromthemby Perdicces,as is fhewedbefore. Butthefonorchat king,Per aivcds whom |