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Show The fecondBooke ofthe firkt part Cuaring.§. . ee Of the Antiquities of Italie, and foundation of R ome in the time of Ahaz. my ‘valuation)greater 4 > hath beene mixed with the truth ‘ pn o Likewife OF Italie,and whit of thofe elde anitations, . Italie before the fall of _- Troy, was-knowne to the Greekes by & diuers names: as firft Hejperia, then -4afoma, the one name i WY rifing of the feate, the other of the e4ufones, people inhib ting, part of it: one ancient name of it was alfo Ocnotria, whic aRLL. Ocenotri: whom Halicarnajfens thinkes to haue beene the firft, that lonie of Arcadians into that Land» Afterward it was called fs cerning which changes ofnames, Virgil {peakes thus : ES locus, Hefperiam Crag cogmomine dicant + Terra antigua, potems armis,atque vberealeba: Ocwstry colucre viri,nunc famamineres Italiam dixiffe, ducis de nOmine,sentem, There is a Land which Greekes Hefperia nanac > Ancient,and ftrong,ofmuchfertilitie ; Ocnotrians held it,but we heare by fame, Thatbylate ages of Pofteritie, Tis from aCaptaines namecalled sralie. Whothis Captaine orking mayhauebin no moreofhim; and the opinions ofothers,it is very vncertaine. For Virgil {ptakts But likeenou it is, that thename whichhath continuedfo are manyand repugnant. long vpon the whele Count: ie,and worne outall other dénom Halicarnt.t. Tafihr2. Serabel,6. Pha.L30.50 inations,was not at the firft accepted without. good caufe.. Thett? foreto find out the originall of this name,and thefir ft planters ofthis noble Coutt s | Resnecciws hath made a very painfull fearch,and not improbleconiedture . And all he gtoands vpon that ofHalicarnaffeus,who {peakes ofa Colonie which' firto! | the Alea did leade into 7«lie, before the nameo f/talie was giventoit : Secondly, vpoa thai . laflinewlio faith; that Brundufium was a Colonie ofthe e£tolians « Thirdly, ypont® ofStrabo,who affirnies the fame ofTemefa or Tempfaa Citic of the Brats in stalesLa ly,vpon the authoritie of Phizie,who fhewes that the Its/iansdid inhabite oly one Ree gion of the Land;whence afterward the name was detin edoner all. Concemning that which is faid ofthe Eléamsand tolia o (as he fhewes ) had one them he bringsithe rianit ofalice. Forns,wh all fine the word /talie, differs in nothiorigin ng from Ait fauethat the firft Letteris caft away,which in the Greeke words is common,and ter(a)is changed into()which change thele is found in the name of£thalia an Ifland nett Italie, peopled bythe £tholians: and the like changes are yeryfam iliasin the i Diale&;of which Dialeé(being almof t properto thee£tolians the accen t and pron 4 Clation togetherwith many words little fas Halicarnaffens, Luintilian and altered. were retained by the Lasime s,as ae Priftian the Grammarian teach. fas Heereunto appertaines that ofiulian the of the Latines, Alfo the common Original] A poftata,who called the Greekes cous of the Greekes and Latines from1s atid the Fable ofJanus, whofe Inrage had twofaces, looking Eaft aud Welt, tsei he iaaped as oid on Coynes, ) he and ftronge r, @ trey,not long before t he War: @y Ns Nations poficit it before the artivall of Uemcas. the place may1g a cair 2)aq feeme to inuite ys'; the rather'becaufe much fal \ Sf mani Ailasplace him beforethe time OF Mofe he the {on of Janaz,and-nephewof 7. Of the old lwhabitantspandof the wwe of Italie AO ‘oF the Fiflorie of the World, of Atlwand Italus belone th to-ofle called Cethim, Ihalus chor whileft he abodein ‘wae with El Cuar, XXILIL oad Nd here to {peake of the more ancient times Cuarags4, witha Ship onthe other fide j ae ty: Iymieenn tied 10 Jawan, father of the Greeke s and Latines : WhO. 4th and the Welterne parts ot Gree onerthe Joxian Sea, that lies betwe nd Usalie, planted Coloniesin both. enee#tolia Now whereas Reincecius thinkes,that thenam Virgil, whofj s of Atlas; and of Dardanus his his meeting with herin' Palie,but calleth Eleéra é s ofthe Mountaine Atla:in Africa, nam the Aborigenes: which he wouldnot hane As forthe authoritie of Zero/ neccias himfelfe, whofe coni Aanius hathfilled Berofusjh 1s ic but'a fi That the'name of /talieb nlonza Atlas, it appeares by theverfes of ry, rehearfed, wherein he would not e faid, Nunc fama minores Italixm dicts de nomine gentemshad that namebeeneheard ofere Dardanus left the Count But feeing thar,;when Hercules, who diedafew yeares before the Warre of Troy, yo left in /a/tea Colonie ofthe Eleans (who in at fr wereone andthe fame Natior with the £/olians,a Strabo,Herodotus,andPaufanias teach \then the nameof/talie be gan: &feeing Virgil makes mention of /ta/us among the Ita/iav Kings, it were n boldneffeto faythat stalus was Commanderofthele E/cans. For tho hot that Thaue read ofany {uch Greeke'as was named Ttales . yer the written in Greeke Jitolus:was veryfamous among the 4% oliansjand am he being fon of a King of E/s, and founder of the <4rolian Kingdome, it- more hard to deriue thé name of "érlys from eAtolis; than Talia fron may Virgils authoritic ftand ‘well' with the colle@ions of Reyis 4ebeing taken both froma Captaine, and from the: 30-people were: ‘ 2 pee §. IT. Ofthe Aborigines,aud other Jahabitants of Latium, andof the reafan ofthe names ofLatin and Latinus, J Nuttaliethe Latines and Hetrurians were molt famous 3 the Hetraria ns having held the greateft part ofit vndert heir fubieion;and thezLatines by-thevertue andfelici. ty.ofthe Romanswho werea ‘branch of them, fubduing all vralie, ‘and in few ages whatfoeuer Nation was knowne in Earope: together with all the Wefterné paits of &o'Afi zjand North ofafick: TheRegioncalled Latium.was firftinhabited bythe Aborigi nes,whom 1.Alicavnalfens; Varrozand Reyaeccius following them)thinke to haue bin-Arcadiaivs sandth is oF Aborigines(to omit other fignifications that are ftraine d)im portsas mitich as originaljor natiucof the'place;which they-poffeffed: whichtitle the drcadi ting mahnér to hauealwaies viurped, fetching theirantiquity aws ave knownin Van n= from beyondthe Moone; becaufeindeed, neither Were the inhabitants of Peleponnefius inforced to forfake their feates fo oftas otherGreekes were;:who did dwell-withont that halfe Tan d} ‘neyther had theti4rczdian's fo vnfurea dwelling as the réft-6fthe Peloponwefians,becale theit Country wasleffefrniefull in land mountainous,and hatdofaccefle, & they themfelues 5564s in‘fltch places commonly are found)very warlikemen. Someofthefe therefore ‘haz ung occupied agreat part of Latium,8 held itlongjdidaccordinp to the Arcadian mans ner, ftile'themfelues Absriginessin that Janguage,which eithertheir riew Seate; or their Neighbours thereby had taughtthém.How it might be that the Arcadians. who dwele omwhat far fromSed,&aire alwaiesinoted as'vnaptmenhto proue goodMariners;thould hauebin Authors ofnew difcoueries;wetea queftion Hot eafieto beantwe > Wereir not fo,that bothfruicfalnete ofchildrén, in which thofe ages abounded, {uperfuons companie to feeke another:feat,& he that:fome expeditions ofthe Arcadians. as effpecially that ofwasder,into the fame parts ofstale, are: generally acknowledged, Ccc3 After |