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Show an Theff Bodkeof thejirftpart ee Ciharig, $10 ~ peed offach their Partonage. \Whatmighrit bethatmade' theth'fo bufie' in obtruding theirprotectionvpon thofethataceded itnove Surely itwasceuen the general hatred; whichihefe Barbarians bore: vntothe Greeks: Fot!euen aftertlic fame fort had they lene theirhelptothe Mamertines:andaftetwards deliuered Syracufe,whenit was oppréfled by Garthaginiantyrants;butnow both Syracufe & Meflana;were fubicc vnto the Rods and Axes oftheRomans.To thefame effect healleaged many examples; adding, That in like fart.it would happen to theAirolians: whoifthty drew firch mafters into Greece, mutt notilooke hereafter to hold,as now, free: Parliaments oftheir owne, wherein to confuleabout Warreand Peace: the Romans would eafethem.ofthis care,& fendthem fuch a.Modexator, aswent every yeere from Rometo Syracufe, Wherefore he conclue!9 ded;, thatlitwas beft forthem,whileft as yet they might, and whilft one of them as yetcouldhelpe the other,to-continuein their League with Philip:with whom ifatany time, vpondig ht occafion, they happened tofallout}they mightas lightly bereconciled: and with whom,theyhadithreeyeersagoe made the peace which ftill continued; althoughthat the very fame Romans werethen againtt icy who fought to breakeitnow. It. would hauetroubledthe Romans; toframcaigdod:anfwer tothefe obiedtions, For the Macedonian had{poken the very truth; in fhewing whereunto this their Patronage, whichthey offered withfuch importunitie, did tend.Wherforethe Athenians werefet on by-them tofpeakenext : who had {tore of eloquence, andimatterof: recrintination enough, to make Phi/ipodious. Thefé afiitmed,thatit wasa.greatiimpudence in che Ma-20 cedonian Embaffadoursto cal the Romans by thé nameofBarbarians: knowing in what batharousmannerjhis owneking had; in few daies paft, made Warre vpon the gods themfelues,-by deftroying all their Temples in: Attica. Herewithall they madea p. falt reheatfallioftheir ownecalamities:and faid,that if Philip fight) haue: his will, Z- tolia,andall the reft ofGreece, thould feele the fame thar Attica had félc; yea tha. Athensis felfetogether with Aténernd, Lopiter,Ceres,andother.of the gods, .weteliketo hauefelt,.ifithe wallesandthe Romanarmes had nor defendedthem. Phen fpaketheR omans:whoexcufing, as wellas they could) their:owne oppreffion ofall. thole, in whofedefence they:had heretoforetaken Armes > went roundlyto the point,ini hand. They faid; that theychddoflatecmadé Warreiin the! Atolians behalfe, 32 andthatche Aitolians had withour their confentmadepeace'swhereoffince the Etoliaasmuft excufechemfelues;byallédging that the Romans, being buyfied with Carthage, wantedleifure to gine them aide conuenient:fo thisexcufe beinginow taken iaway, and the R omansiwholly bent againfttheitcommon Enemy,it concerned tlc Actolians to takeipart with them inthtir wanandvictory ;waleffe they had:rather périth with Php. Temight ¢afily bepetceiued; thatthey which were fo vehement; in oftring cheithelp exit wasidefired,were thémfeluescdrried vato theavarre by More earneft motinesthan afimpledefire cohelpéthofeftiehds swith wham they: hadnopreat acquaintaite: This may hane been.thé.caufe; why Dorymachws the Actolian Prxtot (hifted them offawhile With aidilasoricanfiersthough herokthis Contitry-men;Thacby referuingthemfelues; till the matter wereinelinedione way-orother cheyanight aftérwatds: take patt with thofethap had the better fortunéHis'anfiver was, firt;id Penerall termes 3"Thati ouermuchhafte wasan cnemyto.good-coiinfaile':ifor which caufertey mutt further delibetateyereshey concluded. Bur commifig oeererto the mattérin handy Hee pafied'a Decree} That the Pratonsmightatanytimacall an Affembly of the States\ikud therein con clade Upomthas bufinelfe iany Lew tothe coxtrary wotmithlanding = whéreas. otherwife it was Volawwfull to.creat offachaffaires, exceptingtwooftheir great: Parliaments, that wer heldiae fet timessas oa sy §. XI. The7 petting f ofPhilip with the Romans,and skirmifbittg with them on bis borders, The-A'®pret: iwade his dominions, andare beaten howe. Same Asings of Attalus aed the Ramat Fiect. " ead ' : Pp Hilip was gladto heare,that the Romans had {ped nobetter in their follicication ofthe Aeolidts,> Hée thought them. hereby difappoidted=in -theevery ss anotii tes His { hing; of, one.givathelpe's) and: meant himfelfeto difappoint them ofan aise is Lone Berfeus, avery boywasfehrto keepethe Streights:of eon agua danians ; Cunri.§ale ofthe Etifiorie ofthe World. 32 Dyrdanians; hauing, with hina fome of the Kings Gouncellto:gouerncboth him andhis Army. Irwas indged,as may {eeniesthat the prefence-ofthie Kings fonneshowyong-foewet, would bo th encouragehis followers, and tetrifie the enemies, by making then at leaft-belecue; that/heewasnquweakelyiattended; And thismay have beene the reafon; why thefame Per/eud, afew yeerts before this,was in like manner left vponthe borders of Atolia by his fathet); whom ¢arneft bufinesfe.calledthence another way ./No danger ofenemies being left on either tiand jis was thought, that the Macedonian Fleet vider Heraclides, would ferpeto keepe|Astalus, with the Rhodians and Romans, front doing harmeby Sea, whenthe Kingsbacke was turned; whotookebis iourncy Weftwardeagaintt Sudpicius the Gonful, 10" The Armies met inthe Countrey-ofthe Deffaretij, a people inthe vtmoft borders of Macedon towardsI!lyria,about the moyntaines of Candauias thatrunningalong from, Hainusin the Northyarill they ioyacin.the South with Pindus;-inclofe| the Wefterne parts of Macedon. Two orthree dayes they lay in fight the one of the other, withous making offer of battaile. The Conful wasthe firft that iflued foorth of his Gampeinto the open-field, But P4i/#p was not confident in the ftrength which. hee had.then about him;and therfore thought it better to fend foorth fome.of his light-a cmed M evcenanies, and fome part of his horfe, to entertaine themwith skirmifh... Thefe were eafily, vans quifhed by the Romans, and driuen backe into their Campe,, Nowalthoughiinwas, fo, thatthe king: was vnwilling to hazzard all at firftypon aCaft,and thereforg rider Per- 20/wwith his\Companies,to.increafe his owneforces: yet being no Jefe vawalling tolofa too much.in reputation, He madethewa dayafter,asif he would have fought. Hee had found the aduantage of a place fit forambuth, wherein hee, beftowed as;many, asshee thought mect of his Taxgettiers : andfo gaucchargeto Abhewagords, one of his Gaps tainsto prouoke out the Romanste.fight; infruding boch-him andthe Targettiershow. tobchauethemfeluesrefpectiuely, as. opportunitic thould fall ont. The Romans had ng miftru of any ambuth, haning fought yponthefameigroundaday before. W heréfore perhapsthey, might hauc fuftainedfome horable detriment, if the kings diredtions had beene well followeds',For when Athevagera began to fallbacke; they charged hin {6 horly,that they:draue him toan hafty flight,and purlued himas hard as theybwuer b abahes , Butthe Captainesof the Fargettiers, norftaying totet them runneiato the danger, rdile couered them felues before it wastime,and thereby made fruttrare the workes to which they were.appointed.|The Conful herebygathered, that the king had fome defire-to triethe forrune.ofa battaile: which he therfore prefeated the fecond timejleading foi tx his Army,and fetting itin:order,with BlephantSiathe front :.a kinde oshelp which the Romans. had-neuer vied before,but had takenthefe of late fromthe Carthaginlans,Suolt arethe alterations wrought by Time. It wasfedreeaboue fourelcore yeeres ert eee Pybus carried Elephants out of Greece into Icaly,co afftight the Romansys honed thot uerfeene any ofthofejbeatts before. But now.the {ame Romans ( msloiopart ae an i ing: Were yet aline,which hadknowathat Expedition of pyrrbus). ame joroMinee ¥ . - d Macedansans and Greeks hane n¢ ao 4 one. Elephants with-them.:.whereofthe for the ‘i Patience to let the Conful brauehimathis Freaches:whereinhedid wilely: manhad ereater.nced tofight, than Heeege; Sulpicinsf} svanrathing to } - oe Saas could he;without great danger,lyingfoneerethe Euemy that was fxong nl Age by os * ismemto.fetch in corne out ofthe fields.Wherefore he remoued eight ir fas off 2y set : Hming that Philip would not aduenture to macet bim on cuen grounds and pyres Idly hee fuffered his Forragers to ouer-ruang tne, GCounteeys A mG hae ae Oly of this ; but permitted the Romans te HaugSIRBOP plsaluassomnt" - os umption, and. his ownie fappofed ICARCS fhould Jats "l r $4 ech wht as hee occupied a, 5 OMEto pafleyhee tookeall hishoxfe,and lightatmes ons ch i "ie aes Place inthemid-way,..betweenctheForragers And ; a NaS =f uldefcape: The. refk Ouert with partiofhis forces s.tokecepe the paflages.t ab AR FOU o 1" ee efent abroad the Gountrey,tofall ypon cheftragles 5 nf ae vate preat sand Word-andlet none run home,withnewes tothe Lampe, The Haugh od eheldsy-lighabroad to {cow Lethe Ress :sam e the hands ofthemthat whi thofe whichefcaped ‘ awere fent nies intheirfight: foasthey, were * tedall ormoft ofthemvponthekiagand his comesth (xe But. im the, ead there cur offby the way.Long.it Was Ehe the Campehad a ti oe et howthe «matter taped {ome : who though they. couldnotmake any perkect rerat went |