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Show The Jecond Booke of thefirst part Cuar.n§.n veterly.ouertumnedl. Hiers/alemand the Temple burnt 132.yeares after the captiuiticof that of Ifracl and Samaria : the deftruction ofi/rael being in theninth yeare of Hofea: and Babylon held alfo Indeinthe cleuénthof Zedechia. Now the Emperours of Affyria hom the Kingdome ofSyria, from the eight yeare of Salmana(Jarrothe latt of Balta/far,w cy. from Perfians the thefe After s. 200-yeare ut :inallabo Labynitus calleth Heredotas - . 200.yeares about Spria held ras to Darius'their la{t King, Then Alexander Macedostookethis among other Prouinces of the Perfian Empite, and his facceffors the Selewcide raignedtherein,till it became fubicét vnto the powerof the Romanes, from whomit was wrefted long after by the Saracens, and remaineth now in poffeifion of the Turke,as fhall bee thewed in duc place. Thus muchofthe Nationsit bordering vpontheIfraelites,with whom they had moftto doe both in warre and peace, being the onely people, whoie Hiftory in thofe ancient umes catried an, affured face of truth. CuaraaiGA. ofthe Hiftory ofthe World, of whichithe bleffings, andon the ortier the curfings were to be read tothe people; both being the motntaines of ‘Ephrains, Purther, for the firuation of this Gifgs/, itisto benoted, that both it, and 24ipaof Besiamin( of whichalfo wee readeoft in the Scripture') were feated abour the miditof the length of the Land ofCawaan : for which reafon* Sa-2 1 Sem7.r3. muelchofe thefe two places; to eithet ofwhich he cathe yearely to giuc iudgementtothe Ifraclites ; of which two, Gilgal; (a8 is faid ) was néere Jordan on the aft fide ofthis cae Tribe and Aéi#/Pa neere the Welt Sea, towardsthe land of the Philiftims. Thethird place, which is named with thefe two,whither alfo Samuel vied yeately to b téniusin thie come,is > Bethel: which alfo was {eated in this Tribe ofBemiamin.Butto returne to Gilgal ore oe °yo.which wasthefirft place where the U4rke refided, after'they paft ouer Jordan ( from mum deifortic, whenceit was‘ carried to silo, and thence to Kiriath-icharim,and. at length to Hierufalem) *4 interprets ‘ . . it, Ktrcath-ien here in Gé/galic wasthat /ofwa pitched vp the rwelue ftones, which were taken out of the rset ohhe channell of Zordaz,when it was drie, tharthe Ifraelices might paffe ouer it : by; which the Ark abode, Storiesasit is fet downe Zo/-4. it appeates, that the fame day that they paffed ouer Jordan, palntea they lodged at Gilga/. Ar the fame Ge/ga/,to omit many other memorable things, it was £x0.23.17.the Cuapr. XII. OF THE TRIBE OF BENIAMIN, and of Hierufalem. that Samuel hewed dgagthe King ofthe Amalckitesin peeces. Andas for A4ii/pa, whi-sreseit mee. ther Samauel cate yearely to giue iudgement,there alfo were often the greateft meetings jana am held:asthat for the reuenge ofthe Lenites wife againft Giéha,and the Beniamites,Jud.26.weretobee, 1. and anotheragainftthe Philiftims, 1 Sam.7.12.-Thitheralfo /adas Aaccabews agathe- erea Ark a ors? 2o.redthe lewes;( when Hiers/alem was pofleft by the Heathen) as itis 1 AZacc.3.47. in\ place doth noe which placethis reafon of their meeting is added; Quia locus Orationsfuerat Mit[pe amtea ‘pette ofFett al, but of in Ufraeli Touchingthis 42it/p2,ro auoide confufion,it isto be remembred,thatthe Scrip- diciall mea, SEE tures mention foure places of this mame: A4it/pa of Inda, of which of. 15.38. © 24it/pa tings:-and be. Of diwers memorable places inthe Tribe ofBeniamin, whereof Hitritho, Gilgal, Mit/pa, Be ofGilead, of which we hauc fpoken already inthe Tribe of Gad. A4it/pa ofthe Moabites, a -s where Dawid fora while held himfelfe, commendinghis Parents to the King of A4oad,bring the arje 2 Sam.22.33:and laftly,this chiefe aviz/pa'ofthe Beniamites.And asinthis place the chiefe m© their great i eetings meetings were held bot before Hicrufalem was recouered from the lebufices,and alfoin whereiseuer ; thel, Rama, Gobah and Gibha. 5 Fthe Tribe of Besiamin, thetwelfethand youngeft fonneot Iac0b, » whom hee had by Rachel, there were muttered at Mount Sioat 35.000.able bodyes: all which perifhing inthe Defarts, thete en 3 uedthe Holy Land) oftheir iffues. 45600. fittobeare Armes: and thefe had their Territorie onthis fide lordan, betweene Inde}! 1 Chrom.8.43 and Ephraim : The Citieswithin this Tribe neereft Iordan, at ag Lod; Haded,and Ono: of which, Lodand Ono werebuilt by at Shemed a Beniamite : they were all three re-inhabited with Bet iamites, after the returne out of Captiuity,as is mentioned, Nebem. 11.35 «and Ej the time of the ‘Macchabees (as we haue faid ) when Hiern/alem was held by the wic- they were, a¢ ked vnderwantiochus, foalfo inthe time of Hieremie, afterthe deftru@ion of the Tem- gener eh 3o ple by the Ohildees, Gedaliah' whom Wabuchodonofor left in Lewrie, as Goucrnourouer 14.2-18, nein Yr Neérevnto this 4i#/p4, the Scripture mentioneth Beth-car, after called Aben-Hezer, Cite Bethel: that is} the'Stone of helpe : where Samuel pitched vp the Pillar orStone, for a Trophy alio ae againftthe Philiftims, Chaves. meetings for the miniftring ofIuftice, that it wasanciently called £uz,and howit was ta- 10.3, Samarim or Ffemaraim,named ofT/emary,oneofthe fons of Canaan, was another of their Cities: and further into the Land ftandeth Iericho, one of the Toparchies andthe ree latt of Iuda,feated.inamott fruitfull valley,adorned with manypalmetrees: and there" Iyens® forcelfewhere called the City ofPalmes, From the timeofJofva, who veterly deftroyedit, itlay waftevotill the time ofAchad: inwhofe dayes chiel of Bethel laid the new foundation ofit, in the lofle of Abiram his eldeft fonne, and built the gates-ofit ia porkofhis youngeft fonne cr :according to the curfe of Zo/ue in which and other"r 5 -:.>ee Jofvaa Z ; : r bet is) Prophet. Inafter-times it was deftroyed by Miof2 *x chron6.co, TOthe Southeatt of Iericho ftood * Halmon ofthe Leuites,ofwhich lof:21-18- 1° iedtae, ss the South Betharaba,of which Jofc.15.andci18s Then that Gilgal of ~ there is metbwhence MUCH Mention in the Scripture;where Jofwe firftare of the fruites of the land, circu defame t fed'all thofe bornein the Defarts, and celebrated the Pafleouer. pathsasifthis 22be teafonof the name,or rathera memorableapplication ofthe Etymologic of° Ce the Tewes):hee wasflaine by thetreafonof Z/mael, one ofthe royall bloud of Leda, as feee itis Hierent.g1. thah for the 35. where _4drichomius reading Lod, Hadid, Ono, makes befides Hadid in Nehem's Macc.12.38. a, fate called Lodhadid: This Hadid or Chadid was rebuilt by simon Me ¥ thofe that wereleft inthe land, held his abiding in this place : vntill( to the great hart of ther.is it eae cig Touchifig Bethel which (asit feemes) was the third place where Samuel held his chiefe wanete ah ken by theiffue of /o/éph (thoughit belonged tothe portion ofBemiamin, as it is Neher, <"wes vai 11.3 1andZo/. 18.22.) and how another Citiecalled'Zwz 4 neeteadioyning to it, was Mitipa ofGibuiltby the man of the Citie which fhewed the: entrance to the Spies,as itis /edz, 1. and 'ead , of which ‘ ; ‘ lofix as apof the occafion ofthe name from Zacobs vifion : and how Ieroboam, by erecting ONO OE. ore1.8.Sethes his calues:here, of Bethel ( which fignifieth the houfe of God) made it * Beth-auen, whichis added that is, rhehoufeof Vanitic, Hof. 4.15.and 10. 5.asalfo other memorable things of this yeleseben place, they are fo wellknowne, outofthe Hiftories of the Scriptute. that wed may well ieiies ceive paffe them over. ters, North The'Territorie of Bethel, which at the firft belongedtothe Kirigdomeofthe tenne fad Balt Tribes; froni the time of the great viGtorie of-4eia againkt seroboam(ofwhich 3 Chron. followed the 13.) Wastaken fromthem, and adioyned tothe Kingdome of/uda :andfo itcontinued, (@sviter. Seas appeares by the Storie of Jofias : Which performed the Prophecies againft the altar wisonal Bethel, 2 Keg. 23. whencethofe wh coalts 1AMace. 14234. are called thers out 9 calle capherama, which "4. this placeilimax: Greeke. word fignifieth as much asycafthingtekes away, to wit; from the tenne Tribes. Fincaadiypa, fermecks name, for itfeemes by the place; Deut, r1. 30.that the name wasknownebefore theco™ It was one ofthe three Seigntories ot Prafettures which Demetrius in his Epiftle montio- or Mafpha (as cafe their fore-skinnes {the people being there circumcifed ) were tumbled downe" Hill : which fromthence it,appenses 2 Chroni13.19.was Hephrasin; which 1of-18:23. iscalled Hophramjpclong: ag. tothe Leaves Pee ofthe Iftaelites into Ca#aan) isnoted Lof{5.9. Ob denolutionemprobri Aigyptisth : wascalled Collis preputiorum. This Gilgal wasalfo called Ge Devit.r1.30. loth,as appsares by comparing the places, za/.15.7,and 1 8.17. for it was in the bor . SEdandans af whicli lof-22.13.and,Geliloth fignifieth borders. It ftood ¢though!® ae ange ) directly Baltward,ouer againft the two * Hils Garasimeand Hebalivpo? the " neth,as added by himtothe Ditiow ofthe Iewes,ourof the Samaritan Countrey.A part of they wmaesg ing tothis Tribe of Benjamin. dSame q.n%4 Nov farre from this Bethel, in this*Tribe, we finde three other Cities often mentionedwees the name of .a deighbour townein the confines ofthe Kingdoms of Jada and J/rael beeweene Heiand Bethel,tof-7.2.And 18.12. o in |