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Show a nclrminenish Cihar292i, Cuar.2§.22, << of theHiftoryof the World, ThefredBaketeifipar\s miferie for want.of foode,thatofa-hundred andtwenty thoufand footjandtwelue thous fand horfe,which hecarried into /ndiajnot the fourth part returned aliues Alexanders tine, \But» Alexander pierg't not-fo farh¢ ihto theEaft. Ic fufiiced,: that hauing alreadie ouer-wearied his Armieshe difcouered the.reftiof sedia by famen The ludiak Kings whomhe hadfubdued;informed hith,thata Princecalled Azerdmenes,who come manded many Nations beyond the Rintr Gangésswasthe powertullelt king ofallthofe §. XX TI. Regions:andthat he was ablero\brinp into thedieldeivo hunduedthoufand Foodsthree OfAlexanders Rit, Cracltie, auddeath. Rom Gedrofia, «Alexander ledhis Armieinto'\Carmaniz, and fo drawing neeré thoufand Elephants;twenry thoufand Horfe,: aadtwoxhoufand.armed. Chariots) With this report,though Alexlender, were more inflamed thap.cuentopudceedin this difeouery and conqueft, yetalithe art: hehad, could nos pérfwade thé Sonldicrs to wander ouer thofe great Defartsbeyond Jade and Ganges,moraterrible writochéintham theigreatelt Armictliat the Eat could gathersYee dtthe laft-contentedthicy. weres: alter!many:per- 19 {wafiue Orations, toifollaw himtowards the South} -to difcoricrfuchpartofthe Ocean Sea, as-was neerer at hand, whereuntorthe Rivendfi wadvs wascheirin fallible guide. Alexander {ecing that inwould bene otherwife;dei fede prattic tricke, vvhetewith-he hoped ro beguilepoftcritiearid makeihimnfelfe feeme iguearerthanthe was. Heealarged his Gampe,madegréatentrenchts,éreater cabbines for Souldiers,grcater Horfe-ftalles, andhighermangers than, Horfes.could feede ite caufed:allifurniture of: Men and Horfles tobe made largerthan wouldfernéfor vfeamd{carcered thefeA rmours& Bridles about his Campeé,cobbekeptas reliques}and wondtedatby, theSauages., Proportiona: bletothele he rafedypawelue great-A ars xo\biethe: monument: of his :iournics end, This,wasa readie way toencreafethefamic of his bignefle;to hisgfeatneffe it could adde 5, nothing fauea-fufpition,that it-wasleflethanisthdught,{ecinghe ftxoneifoy.cauneltly:to make it thought more thanit was. 4 10 5prer This done,he returned againe to the banke of Acefines,and there determinedtofervp his fleet.where Acefines and Hyda/p+sincounter ; Where toteftifie by a fiurer monument, howfarhe had paft towards the Eafthe built by thoferiuerstwo Cities': theonehe cal- led Nicea,& the other Bucephalon,after thé nameof his beloued Horfe Bacephalus. Here againe hereceiued a fourth fupply of Axe thoufind Thrachiw Hofetterifencn thoufand Foot,and from his Licutenantat Bab7/on fiueand+wentyithoufandArmours, giroifhed withfiluer and gold,which hediftributed.among his Sduldiers, About thefe Rivers he wan. manyyLownes, and committedgreat flaughter on-thofe thanrefitted:sTtis then 4 written of him,that affaulting a Citie ofthe Oxidracaws,he Jepit ftomthetop of the wall into it,andfought, Lknownot howlong; againftall thelahabitanes;; tales like thofe of Beuis ofSouthampton, frivolous and incredible. Finally, -he pattidoywne the River with his fleet, at which.timealfo the. newes came vnroshim-of -anicbeliion-in Battris, and thenofthearriuall of-an hundred Bmbafladours from a Kingnof; India, who Anbinit- ted himfelfe vnto him. He feafted thefe Embaffadours vpona‘hundied bedsvof gold, with all the fumptuofity that. could be-;denifed, whordfoone after. their difpatch,returnedagaine witha pfefent ofthree hundred, Horfe; one hindrediandthirty Waggon, andtocach ofthem-foure Horfes; athoufand. Tasgets,| withomanyother, things 7° and rich, : per ! 440 bTheit entettainments.ended, hefailedtowardsthe South, »paffedrhrough many.0™ {cure Nations, which did all.yeeld'varo him citheiquietly, or compélled by weir among thefe he builded another Alexandria.Ofpany places which letooke in this P* fage, Samus was one,the Inhabitants whereoffoughr againit himsvithpoyfonediwore with one of which Ptalomsie'! ( afterward kingof kegpe.iwas wounded, andicuree by * hearb which.Alexander dreamt he had-feenein the mouthofa Sérpehr, When he,camenecrethe out-let.of Idus (beingignotanrofithe rides ofthe >*4 Gallics as they were ona fadden, fhuffied one vponanothenbyithe loud they were lefton,thedrie ground,and onthe fandi¢ bankes ofthe Rier 44acedonians weremuch amazed; butafter he had a fewdaics obferued well the a ule the Sea,he paft outiofthe.riners mouthfome few nrilesy.and. after) Sacrifices ORCI Neptane,rcturned: and the better to.informe him{elfeshefenr Mearabus and O7efe? to difcoucr the coafttowards the mouth of EupbratesiArrianusinthebeginning fixt Booke hathsyritten this paflagedowne the Riuer of Jadus arlength,with the ofthe Veflels,in which he tranfported his Army,the\Gommanders that were V4 in,and other the maruellous prouifious made. Neerethe out-lets.ofthis' riuer,. he {pent fomepatt of the Winter;:andine daics marchfrom theneg recouered.Gedrofia, in. which paflage. his Aimic fui © : F« Perfia, he gauc' himfelfe wholly to feafting and drinking, imitating the tris umphs of Bacchas. And ithough this Swinith vice behatefull enough init felfe; yetitalwaicsinflamedthis King to Crueltie. Fer ( faith Curtias ) the Hang-manfollowed thefea/t, for Afpaltes ane ofhis. Provincial Gouernors be commanded te beflaine,;:[0 as 2tia ther didthe exceffe ofvoluptuonfnelfe qualific bis erneltée, nor hiscrueltie hinder in ought his voluptuonfze/fe, Whilehe refrefhed his Army in thefe parts,a new fupply of fiue thonfand foor and a thoufand hovfe;was brought him by:C/eander,and his fellows, that had bin imployed in thekilling of Parmenio. Again{t thefé Murderers great complaint was made. by the De- puties.ofithe Prouinces,in which they had commanded ; andtheir offences were fo out. tagious,as dlexcander was perfwaded,that, hadthey notalrogether defpaired ofhis rez ture out ofIndia, they durft not haué commited them: All men wereglad ofthe occa20 fion,temembring the-Vertue of him,whom they had ‘flaughtered. ‘The end was, That Chander,and the other chiefe,with fixe hundted Souldiers by them imployed,were deliueted quer tothe Hang-mai: euery one reioycing thatthe Ire ofthe King wasat laft executed on the minifters ofhis Ire. Nearches and Oneficritus were nowreturned from' the coaft,and made feportiofan Tandrich in goldjand of otherftrange things ; whereupon they:were commanded to make fomefartherdifcouerie : which done, that they fhould enterthe mouth ofExphra= tes,and finde the King at Babylon. Ashe drew necreto Babylon, he vifited the Sepulchre ofCyrus in Pafargada, now cals 4rriamshath led Chalguera ; where he was prefented with many richgifts by Orfines, one ofthe Prin- lace ces OfPerfia,ofthe race ofCyras.But becaufe Bagoasjan Esnuch in efpeciall fauour with on of cyrus the King,was neglected he not only practifed certain loofe fellowes to witneffe againft Tom. Orfines,that he had robbed Cyrustombe, for which he was condemned todie; but he aflitted the Hang-manwith his own handsin tormenting him. At whichtime alfo Alex- auder canfed Phradites to be flaine, fufpecting his greatnefle. Ceperat (faith Curtis) effe Precepsadreprefentanda applica, itemad deteriora credenda, He began head-longly tebed Nded.andto beleeue fal{e reports, It istrue, that he tookea wayto makeall men weary of his poucrnement,fecing crueltie ismore fearcfull, thanall aduentures that can bemade aBainft ic, *! ; Atthistime it is faid,that Ca/anusthe Philofopher burnt himfelfe, when he hadliued thteefeore and rhirteene ycares. Whetherherein hefollowedthe cuftome of his Coun40 tre,being an Indian, or foughtto preuent the griefe and incommoditie ofelder ageyitis vacertaine : but in this the Hiftorians agree, that fore-feeing andfore-fhewing Alexan"rs death, he promifed to meet him fhortly after at Babylon. From Pafargada he came to Safa, where he maried Statira, Darius his eldeft Daugh"rspitiing her youngerfifter to his beloued Epheftion, and fourefcore other Perfian LaSesto his Captaines. There werefixe thoufand guefts inuited tothe feaft, to each of Which he gauea cup ofgold.Heretherecame vuto him three thoufand young fouldiers, Out of his conquered Prouinces,whereat the Adacedoniams greatly murmured. Harpalw, is Treafiurerin gaby/on, hauing lauifhly confumedthe monies in his keeping, gothim Boing with flue thoufindTalents, and fixe thoufand hired Souldiers; but he was reJolssred in Greece, and thereflaine. Alexander reatly reioyced at the fidelity ofthe Greeks, "om Harpalis with thefe forces andtreafares could notftirre: yet he fentcommandeseat, thattheyfhould a zinereceiuetheit banifhed men, whereunto (fearefull of his rr S8ation )all {ubmitted themfelues ( except the nee are ole ~ Was a manifeft pret i yards their bondage. After this therefolowed a Marvellous dione, jeebik Ae i cihehad reflied tofendinto Adacedon allthofeold ‘So ae which hic ideas aserendureetie of Wat, War,and tookeep keepe eld ‘Souldiers couldno longer endure the trauellel of metett in afia. He vied many Orations ro fatisfie them, but it-was in-vaipe en |