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Show - Thefecond BookeofthefirSt part Crary. G43. 4.1.2 : =Cuar.7.§.1, ntothe yourcoal?(hall be fromthe wilderneffeand from Libanen, and fr - R jae ; . _ with craggia Mountaines, and faffereth the penurie of thirfk: [os it preferucth raine water, audfupplieth the fcarcitie of wells by building ofCeflermes 3 Gut this Hierufalem is in Gods hands;tombichit 7sfaid, Thy builders hawehaflened : {o farre Suklitrome, where alfo to pre- ‘determi Sea. Now For thelengthof the Countric North and Sou h, this defcription agreeth with the former:only Libaston is put for Zédon: andthe wilderne(fe for - and Azzab, which make nodifference:but forthebreadth andextent Eaft an d Wet: if Pee uent miftaking hethus expoundeth himfelfe. Neg, hoc dicoin fi agillationem terra Judes. ut havetions Scycophanta mentitur: aut quo anferam hiftorie veritatem : que fundarientum eftintellizentie (piritualts,fed vt decutiamfupercilinum ludeorum: gui §ynagige anguftias la titudini Ecclefie preferunt. Si enim occidentemtantiim fequuntur literam, oO non fpiritum ralybe taken for Euphrates : then the Land promifed ftreecheth it {e Ife bot h ouer Arabis Petres, andi the Defert,as farre'as the border of Baby/on: which the// raclites neuct poflets noratanytite did fo muchas inuade or attempt. And therfore Vadianus doth conceiue, that by the Riuer Perah,was meant Jordan,and not Eup hrates:takinglight fi om this place of tofiia :Bebold, thawe dinided unto you by lot thefe Nations, that remaine to bee i wceaccording to your Tribes :from lordanwithall the Nations that 1 hae deflroyed, even) vito the: great Seawe/lward. Eneit . And thoughit be true that Dawid greatly enlarged the Territorie of the Holy Land: Hadian,Epits. yetas Vadianus well noteth,if Perahin the former place betaken for£ uphrates: then tril terre pat ie purper gentes in amicitiam réceptas. Bor Dawid did notatanytime enter fo farre tothe eit. Cat Fa- Fathas Affjria,or Babylonia, Neither doth the not pofleffing of all thefe Countries giue aduantagetothofe that would make anyirreligious cauill, as touching the promiie ot GodtotheIftaelites vnperformed : For when boththeir Kings, Magiftrates, and People,fell from his worfhip and feruice, itpleafed him not onely to inc lofe them with that Territorie, which wasfor fo many people exceeding narrow; but therein and elle. Where to {ubieét them vnto thofe Idolatrous Nations, whofe falfe andfoolith gods thernfeluesalfo ferued and obeyed. And fure the promife by which the Hebrewes clai- Denrr. v.2r. med the inheritance of Canaan, and the lafting inioying thereof,to wit, long asthe hea: wens were abouethe earth, wastied to thofe conditions, bothin the Ver{es p receding,and fubfequent ; which the Ifraelites neuer performed. Andtherefore they couldnot hope for other thanall mankinde could or can expe@; whoknew thatall forts of comforts fromthe merciful goodnefle of God lookedfor,as well in thislife as afterit,areno gerto be attended,than whilewe perfeuere in his loue,feruice,and obedience. Soint : eight Verfe ofthe eleuenth of Deuteronamy, the keeping ofGods CommandementsDeut. 12, acondition ioynedto'the profperity ofIfrael.Forthereinit is written, Therefore foals : keepe all the Commandements which Icommand you this day:thatye nsay be firong,andi i) andpolfe(fethe Land,whitheryeegoe topo/fe(feit. Alfo thatyou maey prolorig your dayesintle $$ of the Hiftorie ofthe World, vinificantemastendant terram promifsionis late cy mellemanantem 3 Neither ( faith hee) fal this to difgrace the land of Iudaa(as the Heretitall[ycophant doth belie meyor totake away 10 the truth ofthe Hiflorie, which tsthe foundation of {pirituall underflanding but to beat down the pride of the Lewes, which enlargethe tratts ofthe Synagogue farther than the breadth of the Church: for if they follow onely the killing letter, an Anot the hequickening foiritlet themlhew, the Land of promife, fi lowing with milke and honey. Bythis iemayalfobe gathered, howfocuerit be valikely ( feeing the Weit-bound in the place,De#f:n1t.24.bad histruth in thelirerall nfe,that Euphrates or Perath w hich is made the Eaft-bound) fhould be taken onely ina fpirituall fenfe ) yet neuerthele fle that Hieroms opinion inclinethto'this}as if this Perath vvere not to be vnderftood for Eyporates , and that the promife itfelfe w asneuerfo large: muchlefle the plantation and conqueft of d/rael. 20: Andnowforamoreparticular defcription of this Holy Land, becaufe Afber, Neph- talim,and Zabulon, neldthe'Northermoft part; and were feated in Phenicia, I will beoin withithefethiee, taking afber forthe firlt : of which Tribe yet before I {peake, I mutt admonifh the Reader touching the names of | placesin this, and the other: ribes to bee ‘amentioned, that he remember that many namesby reafon of the diners fancies of ‘Fran- flatorsyare diuerfly expreffed, fothat tothe vnskilfull they may feeme diners, they ase one andthe fame: thereafon ofthis diuerfitie (asby thofe learned in thewhen Hebrew I amtaught)is; partly becaufethe ancient Editions of the Hebrew want vowels, ‘Pranflarorsimagined other vowels than now the Hebrew Editions haue;:and theold partly be- caufe the Ancient exprefied or omitted diners confonants, atherwife than the latter doe Sothinkefir. Landwhich the Lordfopare vntoyour Fatherscrc: §. IIL. Thelike condition was alfo annexed tothe enioying ofthe Land conquered, and the poffeffion thereof,fo long asthe heauens wereaboue the earth. For if yee keepe ailigen* THE TRIBE OF ASHER, Jour Codorc.then willthe Lord caft out allthefe Nations before youjand yceha Upapesesr Nations,mightier thanyou. And here,thoughitbe manifelt,that by reafon ofthe et Ts. ds The bounds ofthe Tribe of Alber. Ge; faith he, allthee commandements; which Icommand youto doe, that is, to loue the Lars of Gods Commandements,and their falling away fromthe worthipof his all-powe Miieltie; tothe'ldolatry of the Heathen, the conditional promifes of God: were ab e lutcly yoid,as depending vpon obedience vn performed : yerI cannot miflike eharexprt fition'of Aselanécthon For, faith he; Offendit promifiionem precipuam non effé de bs * ticoregno He fbemeth that his chiefepromife is not of acinill Kingdome. To which agte® thavanfwer which SiHierome made to a certaine Heretique in his Epiftle aa Derdantls Who atcufed S:Hierome that he ouerthrew the reputation ofthe Jewes Storie, & bie the 3 tfiththercofin dasee queftion, by:drawing it altogether into an 4Uezorie, and a4 CAD4gtgs et, adanikaxat vinentinns terram que in aime wien celis eft ;(thatis: ) Onely tothat Land ofthe lining weHeaicn® Quaaiiam tota ludeorums Regio adepanguftafit ambitu, vt vix longituas wi nem a bent 166 .milliarinm.latitudinem vers 40.0) imhis etiam regiones; leca; vrbes O ppm oo Pisrimasnunyuam aludeis occupatay fed tanthm divine pollicita tione promif]2; geile a whole Coutstrey ofthe lewes is fonarrowin compalfesthat itfearce hath 160.miles im lens se 4S .niilesin breadth,and in thefeare Countries places,Cities,<r many Townes whitbr ie Hinerpoffeft,but were owelygrantedby diuinepromife In like manner the fame Father -(6 keth vpon £/4) touching thebleflings promifedvnto Hierufalems': where hee hath t; Words : De quo difcinans Hierafalem megnaquam ia Paleftine Regione Prowintiz deterrima eft:t[axofis montibis a{peratur.chpenuriampa petendam : Yet z Riv titurfitis :it4 - f bis vtatur plunssjee Yaritatemfontinmciflernarizextrudlione foletur :fedin Dei me"? ie quam dicitur, feftinaneruntIructores tuisProm whence,faith he, we learne, that Hieraf} ia HOE t0 befought ia that region of.Palefiinasphich ts the mgerft ofthe whole Prouiniy?eb Ae Afberites defcended of Afber the Sonne of Jacob by Zelpha, the hand. naid of Lea, wereincreafed while they abode in Egypt, to the number of 4.1500. and:odde perfons,all men aboue twenty yeeres of age, and ableito deate atmes, acthe time when they weremuttered by: Adofes at Mount sina; : ait Winch oumberperifhing in the Deierts, there remained of their iflues, befides: womenanidchildren 5 34.00, bodies fit'for the warres : which paftthe River of Arnon, into the Plaines of Azoab, andafterthe Conqueft of Czseansh of Phenicia, from Zidon andthe fields of Libanus,vnto adfor their portion that part Ptolomais Aco alonott the Sea. coatts containing thirtie Englith miles orthereabout : and from the Mid-land fea to the Eat border fome twelue miles + though. datoninas, This partof Canaan was vety. fruitful, abounding it Wine,makes it fomewhat larger, datttix, Oyle,and Wheate, befides sothe Ba//amum,with other pleafantand profita commodities : according tothat Prophecie, Aller pinguis panies Concerning 4/fer;ble his bread thall bec fat. = vd heefoal gine C49: pleafur es for a King. ms e FETT Of Zidon. Rs firft City feated on the Northborder ofthe Territory ofAfer,was Zidon, Which Jofaa caileth the great Zidoa} both for ftrength ‘and ‘magnitude. The Greekes and Ee &: Curtins |