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Show -=--« befocundBooheofthefirfpart, -- -- ~- eo . ~ Cuaragss. 7 5 Gaaraz§.1.oftheHiflorieofthe World. ay ae bisa ate,Calpbinrnins Pifa,Sempronius,& others, feeketo deriuethe Romans from Langs. but Heredotus,Adar/p/as and many others of equall credit,giue the Greciens fortheiran naa mf ~ : F SweLft3% Ceftorssandias Strabo reporteth in his fifth Booke;Cacilius rerum RomauarumScriptor 0 S a arbails canal ae t argumento collicit,Romama Gracis effe conditam, quod Romani Gracoritn, antiqno lnpitute 2 : ‘ : ~ X é d role, Herculirem facram queque Euandri venerantur Romani ;3 Cacilius (aich ig facinnt, matrem ; ; anne nonour of building Keme - a ae cietiacmneaieiatl at his deathjand that he might {laine witha thunder-bolt : fo Carus the Emperour( who fucceeded Probus) whileft he ; ae ; d ; so We igs Gone Remanesvalfaveorpip the mother of Evander } f | q : J ef a ; 2 AIT, & Plutarch inthediteof Romulus remembred many founders of thatCitie:as Romanys ws tlthe y fourvol Képffes andSSinee,' Renewsthe fo0.0fEmarbien, wk : jomedesan {ent hither er fy & . et Kd joer Se faesetHO pikes ? ope ee tent thither from tg - orth? . atines. Ww rane one -Tulcans San: co spuiit it olen, tatcoe nO .draue é der: out of that 26 3 - iro.E 1 ling J - the Ta/car ne oe - be {laine by thunder or lightning, it is not volikely, For > e : 1: . ; ; : the Emperour Avastafins wasflaine with lightning ; fo was Strabothe Father of sa] Pompey : : 2 Dink he)« Rowaxe Hiflortegrapher,doth by this argument gather,that Rome was built bythe Greeks 3 oes Pp aun 7 > becaufe the Romanesyafter Grecki{h falbion.by ancient ordimance doe facrifice to Hercn lessthe oul crey bef Se mls ar. eh eae pat shonetfats alfofp eakerh modells fox Besteak th oe opinion that the rmeay. : 2 Se s -emeth to adhere partially te cing vp: See ce. te SenatOrS Serre eects Parealye > this taking v Ps and : many Authorsagree, ,that there : was an (a4 vonaturall darkeneffe, his birthand : pete bothat ay lodged with his Armie vpon the RinerT7grv,was there flain withlightning, But a Mars C m ; . : @ ofthe fame kinde might end himthat began him;forhe was begotten by aman ofwar. : : el ete atin eels ; Seat nie tation: e die by viol= ttl Ae : & ae by violence deftroyed.7 Andthat he died by violence (whichaldeftinie followed moft : 10 ofthe Reman Emperors)it appeareth by Tarquinius Superbus , who was the feuenth king 55 z : sae 5 ‘ ; after1 him ; who when he had murtheredhis Father-in-law,commanded that hefhould : Sea(faidhe ex ) Roreulus ; : notbe buried,for Ficots himfelfedied vpon Ewander faying, Thatit was Ogre " eavVa catia Heraclides giues thedenominationtoa captiue and was not buried. But let Haljcar. ; 5 nalfens endthis difpute ; whofe words arethefe: They ( faith he.) who drew necreft to the Een pet meg re others fay, Thatit was anciently calledFebyi, after the name of Febrwa,the mother of Mars witnefle Saint dagu/linein his third Boke trath,fay that he wasflaine by his onue Citizens; andthat his crnelties ia punifbment of offeadors together with hisarrazancie, werethe caufe. of his flanghter. For it isreported that <eNest ties one haucit tobe the worke of Ronenlus, euen fromthefounda. both when bis mother was vauifbed, whetherbyfome ee oe orts,/waenaltora Roman Citizen,vauntingof their original, € 2 Les: ees longe repetas,longeque eae? , : : Maisrurs quifquisprimus fuit ille tworum, : Autpflorfuitant illud quod dicere nolo. firon ofbodie, patient f ll.and temperate indict, as forbearing the vie of wine& ging ambition he knewnotot howto es:but his raging how to sWhich: temper, whichcaufedhimto ir flay ay elect torreuenge thed athof Tatins, his companion in the Kingdome, night.be Lordaloneinthofenarrow Territories.He reie reigned 37-yecrs 37.yeers D f alone,then Tatixs, andafter hisS.acath, ythen with w Tatius, anda death,fingle, tingle, till t heewwas flaine, 1, éas is alread eadie Some Shepheard was,or elfe,that Ile forbeare. meaning,cither a Shepheard,ora Theefe. y aid happen at his death, Gitar aene bicrhesc. deathofPoi alae iM atiade te hiftorified ‘toaetecttby Platarch, ; , doth ate Such were the birthand Re ales hofe life aine(béeGide: : is hMateuleaactud nal of baneCc We of a4 few fey miles otiles which whi 2 Fargnelhehiess what realready ipoken conqueft Jad Loone bin forgotten, ifthe Romangreatnefie built vponthat foundation, had not giuen it memorie in all ages following,cuen vntothis day., A valiant man he Was,very Yet thoughthou fetch thy pedegree fo farre; Thyfirlt Progenitor,who ere he were, ; Nayak ; uate SOU | Het of Remalus begetting,of his education and preferuation, it is {aid, Thathehed A4ar's fuppofedto his father irft by aWoltt, a Wolf feRhea for his mother;and > Ppotedto be behis father, that he was nurft ound andtaken away by Faa/tule,a Shepheards wife.The fame vanaturall nurfioghad +5 5 . ; woe e9) gia Ccgrussthe fameincrediblefoftering : 5 ‘ D3 hadSemstramis.the one by aBitch.the other bybitds But.as Plutarch faith, itis lik #;the one by aBitch,the otnet by ch : 2 i,t is Like enongh that Amsulius came couered with armourgo, Meh the motherofRomulus;when hebegat hild:and thereinit therein feemeth.tom feemeth tomethat Soneitaucss a oe g her5 with ith child:and { foie afhiclde: rere adds eee eftroy her,becaufethe was the cast ir : 2 Of fee ater Cry; ees 4 a nee Aniurioufly. held the kingdome; theotnct om ieWeapa es seals Eas aireand goodly. Forthe being madea Nunn? Ping unasae leKefla. it waside: ve allo i Dtstt88 pea am her, by the Law, to breake herchaftitie.. Monier ofthe Sea: is a erat Merouee, king. ofthe Francs, was begotten) sees hits oe e Sn ANEEE fayes, Let.thera beleewe it that lift, ILlecroira qu en os xander, and of ScipioAfricanthere are poeticalinuentions: butto4é thewed:after which time: oueraigntyfel intothe hands of Nwma,a.man to him yn2 Been ce pet ; Ded Bape t? pins known,& more Prieft-likethan King-like:wherein Rome it felfcin herlater hath Sol bee i tect es ee ak Pia Ah al uernetie DadOn cs tillSage latimes leat a g040mewhat refembledthis s King. Kin or Having long binfole ConftantinoFor.having long binfole Gouerneffe till Con/f, be thaved stick . pag Oat ae pore pledhared wich he terwards,whenas the Grecke Emperourwas,crufhed by forraine enemies,and.the Letézes difpoyled of Imperiall power,the fell into the fubiedtion of a Decheie . patty ' ; THOR AL e relate, fivelling by degrees from the Sheepe-hooketo the Sword, & therewith vido- riousto exceffiue magnificence,from whencebythe fame degrecsit fell, being-driuen ) bror erckor ~ % x i S from luxurieto defenfiue armes; andtherein hating bin vnfortunate;at length betakes herfelfeagainctotheCrofierftaffe. Se ne , : mu : f nS And thus muchof Rome in this place by occafionof the Storie ofthetimes of king 4vaz,during whofe reigne in Iwrie,the foundations ofthis famous Citie werelaid. ' iho ekedSs. co 3, oer ne Sneeepaionsin general, if is true, thatin thofetimes, when the, Wo Idolatry, and when therewer here wet ere as manygodsas ther of the minde,-oras there were.of vices andws vertues; then al ; or : PWG:: CERN 9 "ecalled: Adarsy He god of battell, according to the fenfe nee ee ftrong wit, andby fuch a one as had thofe properties afcribed to U4polo, The Mothet? Merosie might fanciea Sea Captaine, tobe Sotten with youns - hich a one: as the Daughter of sathiys fancied, according 6 Weidieae eee Woe a baftard andi? eee the childof luf,. which is "enus. Romulus was purtt-b EB Wolfe. which was Halicarnaffeus) honeitiori vocabule arnice appellanturs "which oo Boy an bomepet Panecalled friends. It is-alfo written that Romulus was in the endofhislife ake? tint heauen,or outfaid ofthe world by his father aters,in greatBinet formeNumi of thats eFandlightn :fo wasit that eEncas wanithed awaylbya. he ingrather : 7 eee : ie en Wed tects bers: z Ofthe; beginning ofEzechias and ofthe agrecing of Ptolomies,Nabonaffar, Nabopolaffar; eee anéMardocempadus, with the eipiaieofthe Bick: . » SD) begotten yponfomefaire Harlot, called for sher beautie. ¥enus, and, was therefor 4,01 Lapina ; forthe Curtefansin thofe dayes sere mh es Ww slfes, que nano Lai eA cite ee Of Ezekia, and his Contemporaries, kings, ;or paffions capayomen greatly.borne, -couerfuch flips as they-made, by, protefting to be fore oy seecuabenene Boeet: {0 did Orgone confefleto Paris, that: {he had beens needy uApollo. and Auchyfes boafted.that he had. knowne 5. Bur Ries 0 made with eae Cwar XXV., rbarous childe by fome man ofof Watre. ran, or by agod, the while body of the Saane was ecliofed,and all the carth couered withdarkeneffelike vate night, that thefame Sas ws, dl és Kenpo) z i Sods e\ i EA : Sthefit yeere of Abaz his Reigne was confounded withthe laft of his father Zorham,fo was the later end of his fixteen yeares > i (ken vp inthethree firftof Ezekias his fon, Thisiappeares by Sl} Of Aeaz, andtherefore thethird thereof was concurrent with VS rats | the Réigne of Ho/ea, ouet I/rae/, which beganin the twelfth thaz his fourt bh. But thethird ofHo/4a wasthe firft ofEzefo followes Ezekia began to reignein his Fathers ughoftitis, thethird H9{pentthat when Ezekisyeereof began, and {a |