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Show eaea . - The fift Bookeof the first pare . 378 ee -_-_- oCHar3.§.7: er Ttbehouedthe Matter ofthe horle, toomake good the opinion whichhad thus adnan. eedhim. Thereforche was no leffe carefalljof getting occafion to fight; than was Fp bins ofauoiding the neceffity. That which Minatins and Hannibal equally defiredicould riot lohg be wahtitig? The Country lying between them: was ‘open and bares. yetas ft forambuth, as couldbe withed*s forthar the fidesofanaked valleyradioyning, had ina. AYnd{pacious canes; ablepfpmne one ofthem,to.hidetwo orthree hundred mens Ia thefe‘ lurking "places; Hawnibal tseftoveed-five hundred horfe, andifiuethoufand! foor, thrufting them foxelofe together, that they could notbedifcouered. But left by any mif. aduenturethey fhould be foutelout and buried in|theirholes s. he made offer, betimes inthe morning, to Rize vpona'piece ofgro tind that layonith@other:hand): wherby he 10 drewtheeyes aa dtlic thoughts ofthe Romans, fromtheir mbrencedfull carey tobuf. neffelitcte concerning thei...hike vnrothiswas the occafion, which not long betore; had prouoked Wimanins, to adtienture vpon the Carthaginians. Hoping thereforé to:in- create his honour, inlike fort ts he gor itzhe fent fir his lightarmature,then his horfe, andiatlengrhdecifig that Hannib2/ feconded his ownetronpes withifieth companies)he followedia perfon with theLesions2 Mews foonecaught,and{ohbtly chargedonall fidessehat hektiewineitherhowto make réfiftance, mbrany fafe retraie! fa thisdanges nous Calewhiehthe Romarisdefended them lues;lofing manyaud thofe oftheir bett menpFabintdrewhecte,in' Very good ofdtritorclicuethem-.For this old' Captaine,per- cette a fatre Ofinto what extremity lisnew Colleagne had rafhly ckrownehimfelfe anidihisfolldwersidid the officeofa god Citizen; and reeardingi more the benefit of his Gountry; thatthe diferacéwhich he had wrongfully fuftainéd,. fought rather to approuchimfelfby hating to doe posd|than by fiftering his enemy to feelethe reward ofdeing ill:VponFabius hisapprochndibal tevpréd: fearing to be well werted with afhowre,fromithe cloud (ashe termédthe Digaror) that had hung folong onthe Hiltops? Minutiae forthwith fubmitted hitnfelfeto ‘Fabius, by whofe benefit he confeffed his lifeto hase becn faued. So fromthisitime forwards; the Ward proceeded' coldly as theDictator would haucity both whilefthis-O fiicelafted; which was not long} and Ithéwifeafterwards,when he deliueredivphis chidtee wnto the.Confuls; that followed his inftructions. ; ~"SePuilids the Conful had patfued in-vainiea Garchaginian fidettolwhich he:camente- 30 uer Withifi kensing. He ranalongall the coalt of Italic: tooke hoftages ofthe Satdini- ans arid Corficatis; pattedout into Aftickerand there negligentlyfallingto fpoylethe Coiifitrie, was thamefully Beaten aboord his (hhips/with the foffe ofa:thdufaid men. Weighing anchor theréforeitt all hafte}ercturnedhomeby: Sicilyand (beingforequlféd'by the Dictators lettersjiepuitedito thecampewith his fellow-Confiul, wherethey tokechargeoFthic Arnie: eHOIEN3 198179) Atobivib Nog mings biuo sits 1 O OF03 eRVe vid sd totic Hindi Me L. $tud H-: T cent bie 10% Chait Ilsups f The Romar people,defizous,t9 finifhshe ware quickly, schoole a,.rally and: vamarehy, Cole arentfousesewted-agaief klannibal.Hannibal.sakesh the Romansprowifioas inthecele \fiGapne.ThenerGoufulofatforthagai¢gf Hannibale, jso:\ 5:1 Yiowrt ohiow ‘4 th little'pfeanive did they fithe pooter rein Romieshes thi prear‘com . \ } "mendations thar werdBillents Fabimby the prattipall Citizbns:HICH nee eae 4 tideedpieited theth Hoi revehiniBa seat otidrhrow? Bitliehad neh fhEr finithed thewat,nbPaoe anyHiiin' appedravec tereteterediiioy Ratherietnigs {eemé,thatthe fépitaniowofthis hisOne worthy adowas Nearounceiianverne flow proceedings, or petHapt thecomdtdizceiPit were he WorleoFthote that faliowed him;oy fit Protracting theworkerd'a aréatiedae)Elites whtaeimeaethe Conudsedite tHe 59 WholeWinker,contrarytOaP fottherChitte HelneeWas tieterheard betone,thet wy Cong.wileicalls a Comniifialtie were théin facta toodjasabanebabtly fhpplieddiphis ddecaiyyhar. me in to‘helpeyhehad a-kinfman; Bibins Herenwiaszthen'Tribune of the Peéple-who tparedinor'to vferhe libervy:of his place; in fayingwhat hee lifted without all 'peoar OF truth, or modefties: This:bold.\Oracor ftucke norte aflirmey thar Hanibul Was arate into'Italicpand fuffered therein to range avhis pleafurey by the Noblentem:! That Assetins. indeed withhistiwo Legions, was likely'to have beene ouerchrows exnd was fefened by Pabéwswiththeothertwo +/ bat had/all beené ioyned together, what they miztic haue done, itwas apparent; by the vidtorie ofatinutins, when hee commanded ouer'all as Mafter of the horfes'that withduta Plebeian Confull,: the: warre would neuer bee {o.broughtto amend ; Tharfuch ofthe Plebeians,as hadlong fince beeneadudticed ta ho. nout by the people, were growneds proud asthe ‘old Nobilitie, and° contemned the meaner fort, cuet fince themfelues werefreed from contempt' of the imdre ‘mioheies Thatthereforeit was heedfull'to:choofea Confulywho fhouldbe altogethera Plebedin, ameere new man, one that could boaft of nothing but the Peoples loue; ‘norcould'with mote; thiam to keepeit,by wel) deferuing ofthem: Byfuch perfwafions; the Multitude was won,to be wholly forsTerentins sto the great vexation of the Nobles. who could fot endure;to feeamanraifed for none othervertue, tham his detraai hig from their! lionour; aod therefore dppofed hina with all their might.' ‘To hinder the defireof the People,irfell out, orat leaft was alleadged, thar neither of ‘the two prefeat Confuls 2° could wellibe'{pared,from attending:vpon Hennibal, to hold the Election. Wherefore 4Dictacot:was named/for that purpdfe:: and/he againe depofed';: ‘either (as.was pretended); forfome religious inapediment, or becaufethe Fathers'defired an Miterrepr avi, Wlicteinthiey/‘might betterhopeto-preuailein Choice of thé new Confuls:: ‘This piterregnumtooke name and being in Rome, atthe death of Zomnlus , andwasinvfe at the deathiofiovher-Kingsyi Theorder of it'wasthiss Ali the Fathers; or Senator$;who atthe fi werean hundredjparted themfelues into Ters,or Deturies and goueriied fixcceMine: ly,by the fpace of fiuedayes, one!Decdrie,fcer anotherin order : yet fo,thacrhe Zictors; onVirgersyearrying the'E4/cesjor bundles ofrods and axes,waited onely vpon the chiete Ofthem withthefe Enfighesofpower. This cuftome was retained;intinies of the Cont 30fuls; and putin vfe; when-by deathy orany cafualry;there wanted ordinary' Magiftrates of the.old yeare,to fybftiture newforthe yeere following.: Ihe aduantage! sf the Fathersherein was, thatibtlie Hlecion were notlike to gocas they weuldchate it) there heedédio more; thanta flip fiue dayes, dnd then wasalltoibegin'anew 2°by whichis ‘eruptionthe heat of the Multitude was comureniyawell affwaged: V pon fach change of thofethat were Prefidents ofthé Election pitnasal{olawfill vnto new Petitioners; ta fixe forithe Magifteaciesithat lay voiths which otherwife was hor allowed (bur atime limited, wherein thay filduld publikely declare themfeluesto ekethofe-O fices. Butta detiice tronld ferucyagainft the generall fauour borné vnto Lerewtinss One Inter-régniiee Pafled over; aid the malicé of the Fathers; againft the vertue( as:ie was belecued)ofthis #®meane, buc worthy man, feemed fo manifeftsthat whenthePeople had vrged the bufit Reflere difpatch;onely Térentins Was chofen Confalliin whofe handit waslefe,to Wéld theeleétion ofhis Collcague.Hereuponall the former Petiridners gaue ouer. For whees Metof ordinary markedhad ftood forthe place beforesiv wasnow thoughemecthacy oth tofapply che defeétand to bridle the violence of this wnexpérey andshorsheaded Manoncofgreat {ifficiencic,and: reputation; fhouldbeioyned with him, as bor Con Patton! ahd oppofite! Soil; «Azmilixs Panles; he who few yeeres fince hadouer-conie the Ytians, and chafed Demectrins Phariws out of his Kingdorme,waslyrged-by theNobile: ndforthe/placesiwhiclt he eafily obrainedjRabing no, Competitors Itwas hor the sp,delite ofthis honorable man,to trouble him felfe-anysmoreinfachgreat bufineffe ofthe ommodti-wealth.Borshotwithftaridirg his lace good fericesHejandusyDiginechachad his companionlin Office; wetcatterwards shiutioufly vexed by the People; and! Roftittr General hadwithingly santos Hide OPH Commando rin: away' Ag called Ynta iudgementt iri wherein Zéwiee was condepnedyhndiitwit hardly eleapedy they: ktiew riot Wwhiitsandwete'teatlyptintry nianives aAthiatoethe'sticfe aiidlatger OFS onfislthip, wherein hey fliatl honorably approuetheir worthytheoheobthem nobly RTHate hespleH ae oFerenbaprrrosirHistiinfote CofifttthipHtBehoudetiitn : ¢ toredke thatever befesl-chac Coimdn-wealth. 19) DINO WAM i Pa hefentwConfuls,erroand Paw/su,omittedind pate oftheindel igehice it preparing adity penfOritanee MASPiP iveFeHSn outaBle todoeiie nGENIAS ¥! "THis theyMlPe exis OWnpritixte FOE,vpor theiPad mines oe BHFcg20> yo Uc 1H0 Teas shite che? MisowReOHHFF ligtle ornone,and his credit ouer-weake, to make wayAWasHSE into that high Digalty- C ‘omnmie 3 ofthisiniuftice they ial puothé Romans wellda minde each ofsthemin his fetond? intheinoft gridugus lofletheother brauclyiwinning,inthe mofyhappyvidery? thesvarre:whercinshough ¥ernemadethegtearer noife; tip xelling whit nome6! a |