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Show Thefirft Booke ofthefir(tpart 19 Cuar.8. $a Cuar.£i§.2. . i Genarae. \\ beene:bortowedthence,and therefore later thanit;>as.all carefull obferuers of time hauenoréd:: among which thus writethizsfebmsin the! Préame ofthis Chronologie: Greeians. makermwhi kiitlong Moses isifoand more antient. thas all thofewhom the yeere (to wit )the hundreth yeere following, camethe generall floud; twoyeeresafter which Shem begate Arphaxad , which wasin the yeere 602. of Noahslife, andinthe Rivs; and APoL po,and:théreft ofthegods ofthe nations, their Cerevtonies, or holy Rites Geng.uirt g iI Hower, Hesiton,-audthe Traian warrey andfarre beforeHercyiizs;Myseys. 16 oxProphetrand before all thedeedsof Ive ttER, whom the:Greekes bane-feated ithe top éndchighepTarvevoftheir Dininitie. ; 2, For ofthd three opitersremembred by cicero,theancienteft wasthe fonne ofwther.ciero de Nat: yowhoferive fonnes begotten on Proferpina, were bornelar Athemspof which»Geeraps was the firft King : and in theend ofCecrapstime did: Mofes bring! the children of raed embred hath denyed him,and thatit is alfo written : Thew NoaH awoke from Ais wint, and knew whathis youngerfonne had done vntohim (towit) Ham; of neceffitie the firt place doth belongto aphet. This yonger‘fonueLo conuerted by the vulgar and Genena,lus out of Egypt: Eduxit MOSES popalum Dei ex Egypto nout{sinotempore CECROP 1 5 Athenienfis Regis; Mos %s brought the children of ifracl out of Eoypt, in the lastdayes of Crcrops,King of the Athenians, faith S. Auguftine sand yet was not Cecrops the Founnecigzenst nines turnesitflinsminimes, His yongeftfonne, butS. Chryfoftometakes itotherwile, and E der ofthe Citic it-felf,but, The/ews long after him.But becaufe the truth:hereofisdiuérfl ten prooued;aad by many learned Authors, L-will not cuta funderthe purpofe.inchand 33 alleaging manyauthorities in ancedlefle queftion, buvleaue itto.the properplace. 2D} findes Chamto beethe middle orfecond brother, and Japhet the yongeft fonne ofall | ( InGem which Cham for his difobedience andthe contempt ofhis Father ( whofe nakedneffe he derided )wasdif-inherited, & loftthe preeminencie ofhis birth,as Z/aw and Ruben did. Pererius conceiueth that Ham wascalled the yonger in refpect of Shem the eldeft, but auoweth withall , that the Hebrew hath notthatprecife difference ofyonger andyonge/, becaufe itwanteth the comparatiue degree. It istrue that Shem himfelfe was alwai namedinthe firft place, yet whereas inthefirft Verfe of thetenth Chapter ofGenefi, Shem is accounted before laphet : inthe fecond Verfe Mofés leaueth to begin withthe iffue by Shem, and reciteth the children oflaphet firft.. So the firft place was giuento Shem forhis election and benedi@ion, and forthis weightie refpedt, that the Hebrew . { Hy | H Nation, Abraham, the Prophets, Danid , and Chriff our Sauiour were defcended ofhim. And therefore, whether we thall follow the Vulgar Pagninus , and the Genena , who greein this conuerfion, Suum Frater TapH et maior, or with the Septuagint , lwaith and Tremelive,S 12m fratris A? xT maiorisyor with Pererius,SHEMfrater LArHiT | | tlle magnue:interring that Shemwasthe great and famous brotherofZaphet , let the Ret, det iudge.But for ought that I haue feeneto thecontrarie,it appeareth to me that Japhet? ‘ : | likey wasthe eldeft. For where Pererius qualifieth theftrength ofthe former Argument, That Shems age at the time ofthe floud didnot agree with the elderthip ( with a fuppofition that the Scripturestookeno accountof finaller numbers ) I doe not finde in the Sctip: Genarvrto, tures any fuch neglectaall : for it is written,that Sem was an hundred yeeres old, ome gat ARPHAXAD twoyeeres after thefloud; and againeinthe 12. Verfe: So SHELA huts after be begat Exan, foure bundred andthree yeeres, ec. foas the number oftwo yee! of three pr offie yeeres ;:and afterward off two yeeres,were alwayes preciley accounted, { Gomer, £6 CAskenazs Magog, (The Sonnes of Gomer were,2Ripbath, Madai, The Sonnesof TarueTgsaman, were, Tubal, CFaormay. 3 % i 9 Elia, Mefbach, | The Sonnes"of Tavan wereTar/biv, band UTiras. D4 Kittinsand Dodanim Firft,wearto confider,that the world after the Elotid siotplantéd 'by imagination neither had the‘children ofWoah witivs to flic from Shisdarsto the ttermont bordei of o Europe, Africaand Afia in hafte,buvthat thefe children were direSedby a wife Father who knewthofe parts ofthe world b@fSre the Floudjtéwhich he difpofedhis children afterit,and .fent them notas Difcottefers,or at all-aduenture, but afiened8 allotted to euery Sonne and theiriffiies; thei proper parts. "Andnot to' harken to fabulous Aue thours, who haue no otherendthan to flatter Princes(as Virgil did Augufiss inthe fii on of «£nea Yor elfe to'glorifie their owne Nations; Let vs build heerein vponthe Scripturesthémfelues, ‘and"after them vpon Reafon‘and Nature, Firft thereforé wee muft call to minde and confider;what mannerof face the earth euery- where‘hadifthe 130.yeere after the great intindation,and by comparing thofe fruitfullent Vallies; with our own barren and cold ground, informeourfelues thereby,what wonderfull Défaits o What impaffable'faftnefle of woods; réeds} bryars; and rotten graffe, what Lakes and Ss. tI. Ofdiners things that in all reafon aretobepre[umed,tonching thé first planting ofthe worUa a that all Hiflories mustyeelatoM os 2s that the world was-not planted all at once, nor withoutgreat direction : and that kuovene oreat Lords ofthefir/l ages. were ofthe Iifue ofHam. ib 44. zie, Tin) pS 1465 Velet ws govntothe Worlds plantation after the foud, which bei ly Vnderftood , we thall find that manhy-Nations hauic fuppofed 9 themielues thofe Anceftors and Fathers swhich neues: {awor approaeny, thebounds oftheir Countries, and.of whomthey are by.no way, orbratty aie \aclecndes Fort is plaine inthe Scriptures how.thef{onnes ap opiflucs eu! ere cuftributedand what Regions were firtt planted. bythem, fromwast" degrees thercht of the world was4l{o peopled. And, if any. propane Author), ceiuc allowancehereinsthe fame muyfibedwithithis caution,That they take. anne where he Serprures end, For{o farreas theftorie.of Nations is race en noateas boththe. truth,and antiquitie ofthe bookes hone shane equa Ls ay actinageoranthoritie..Allrecord,. memorie,ofGod and ccfbin pt quitie whatfoeuer , Which tach come.totheknowledge ofmen, the fae - nvs, Guri6s,;OxnPHevs,Casror,Porivs, AscvbaPivys;:Baconvs Mideric ycere of Shemslife one hundred': foas Shem was but roo.yeeres old , two yceresafter the foud:and Noah begathis firft borne being 560. yeeres old;& therefore, were Shem the elder,he hadthen beenea hundred yeeres oldatthe floud, andin the fixe hundreth yeere of Noahslife, and not two yeeres after. Whichfeeing the Scriptures beforete- 1 i lil Bi en fc nt Shem ploud,but to the eldeft in pietiesyet the arguments at eftronger for lap or incducali danger any And where the Scriptures are plainely vnderftood without coniecturall ar. of on valuati make fhould ent iudger of man it feemeth ftrange why any uments; or mens opinions. Forit appeareththat Neshin the fue hundreth yeere ofhis life, begate the firft of his three Sonnes, Shem, Hamsand laphet: and in thefixe hundreth | of the Eliftory.of the World, ftanding Pooles,and what Marifhes, Feris;and Bogs,all theface of the earch (excepting the Mountaines )was peftered withalli Forifinthis our Climate ( where the dead'and deftroying Winter depreffethall vegetatiue and growing Nature; for onc halfé ofthe yeere in effeéyet intweniryor thirty yeers,thefe our grounds would notall ouersfow and be couered/according to thenatutetherof)cither with Woods, or with Other oF fenfiue Thickets and Bufhments:much more did all forts of Plants; Reedes, and' Trees, profperin the'moft fruitful! Valliesjandin the Climate ofa long and watmé Sumner, and hauing withall theftart of 1 30. yecres,toraifethemfelues without conttolmen t: This being confidered)it will appeare;that all thefe people which came into'Shivaar, go and ouer whom Wimrod either by order orftrength tooke the Dominion, did afcér the c »ntufion of Languages,andat fuchtime as they grewto be a mighty People, difperfe themfelues into the Regions adioyning tothe faid Vallie ofShinaar, which con tained the beft part of Atcfopotamia, Babylonia, and Chalded and from the borders thereof in time they were propagated : fomeof them towards the South; others teWards the Weft and North. And although there were allottedto sham many Regions, both Eaft and Weft from Shinaar,with the Dominion ofPa/«fina,which the Canaanits firft pofleft yet could he not ehioythe lot of his inherirance on the fuddaific; but by time and degrees. Forwee finde, that Abraham,the tine fucceflour of Shem; » K 3 - "dweltin Chaldea |