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Show ~ The Fourth Booke oftbefirst park' Guary $204.1 "Obmpia the OldQueene (as itis icommodn with fep-damies hited the'childienof her husbatidby his other wities.It waschotighe that the had gitien poyfon tovsriduaswhith failingto take awayhis lifé, had much impaired bothhis body and wits. Nowthe con. fidering, that Eumenes was too fullof bufinefleto-come hontefo foone as fhe' withed thar Ke fhould s"and'that Ca//ander daily preuailed in Greece» choughtit the beft way to idyne With Poly/perchonand fet vp, a8 King, her Nephew Alexanderthé fon' of Roxane: rendttittg Arideies befOre Cuffander Were able to defend hitt:Tothis intent (he procured rien amione her kitid¥edin Epsrusand fotookcher way towards*Po/yperchan, who ioy: Sing With her,chtredito Azaredons : big Earydice hearingthefe newes,wrote very eattiettly to Ca/anaer, praying hitato fet'a. fide all other bufineffe,and cometo fuccour her.Sheherfelfe by entreatie,giftsand promifes,drewto her partieas many ofthe Macedonians as the could, vntill the thought her 2 owncfide ftrong enough ; and then taking her husband with her, vvent boldly forth a- gaintt Olympiasand the Traitor Pely/perchon, ; Thefetwo Queens met armed,as ifthe matter fhould haue beene determined by thei ownhands,which ended without any ftrokeftricken,by the reuolt of thofe whofollowed Eurydice.Fot as foone'as the Adasedonians beheld Ofmpsxe 3 calling to minde her former Eftate,and the victorious reignes of her husband and fonne,they refirfed to liftany weapon againtt licr.Eurydice finding herfelfethus forfaken,fled towards mpbipelis, but wasintercepted and madeprifoner with her husband. . Olympids hauing obtained this viGorywithout bloud, ‘thought that'all things would fucceed as eafily; and*vpon the fame-confiderations for' which ‘they ‘hadrefufedto beare Armes againft her, the Macedonians would not fticketo maintaine her,wharfocuer her proceedings weré.Hauing therefore fhut vp ‘dridews and his' Wife inaclofe roome, wherethey could fearce turne round,the fed them through litrl¢hole,till after awhile it came in her head,forfeare left the people fhould haue commiferation of him,that had reigned almoft fixe yeares and' halfe') to put them to death. So fhe deliuered Aridews to fome barbarous Thraciansy who téoke away: his life by cruell torments: to Ewrydice fhe fent.a fword,a halter,& a cup ofpoyfon,willing herto choofe the inftrament of het owne death;whopraying that'the like prefents might one day befent to Olympias, yecl- 36 ded her. necke to the halter,hauing fpént her laft curfes notiti vaine. A'icaworthe brother ofCafander,and a hundredthe chiete of his friends, ‘did Obmpia then choofe out, all vvhom fhe commanded to be flaine/His brother zo/aws that was already dead & buried, the accufed of poyfon giuen to Alexander,& thereuponcaufed his Tombeto be thrown dowac,and his bones'to be feartered abroad: The Macedopians wondering atthis futie, began to condemnethemifelues,and thefolly ofPelo/perchor,who had,quite contrarie t0 Antipaters charge giuen on his death-bed,called this outragious womanto the gouerne- mentdfthe Empire. GuargS2expn ofthelisforie oftheHorldss\ \\ podedling wichthem, go0togetherasmanythippes axe could, ereatdud imal. vith: enoneported:hisArmy: incoorbujabcPhovehedilidelttetcsonaperinn appoint ting fore vader Callsafabrile Captaitie,co hobd2oly/serehon butied whothentlay!itc cattipedd Heereto Prebebix:wich the ren he marched. direatly- again{tOlpmpias,Sheihaving onceprevailed by therefpect pinen torher dignitichookemorecatehow to appeareMa- fefticalli chan to make het (élfc MrongoPorhis cadthesiadeaxtolenme ptogrefferaryd- aA Sealrowne, and well :fencedlhaving inher comipanie all: the flowre ofthe Court; efpecially the great Ladies,amongwhoin was Roveney/8 her youn? for Alexandenheire S'tothegreat Alexander by hisgrandmothers defignement: whoduring his minotity kept 10 the Souéraigne powerinher ownhands\Butall thispomipeferuedte-lictlemfe; apaintt the violence ofthe enemy,that fooneprefented hitnfelfbeforethelwalsjonely it fed the befieged-with a-vaine hope offuccour,that would fromall parts arriue,to refcue perfons oftheir quality. And hereofthere foone appeared faire likelihood, which as foone vanifhed,and went awayin finoakes \ jmyloO* h ot Foraacides-King ofFpirwsmade greathafte to bring fuccourte O/ympiasbis conten, with whom Deademia his daughter was, alfo thut¥p.. Neuertheleffe, bis Subieds were hosing forwardin thisexpedition; but). finding certaine paflages taken:in chewayiby Calfuders macnthey called yponhim toretire,®& quitthe enterprie. The Kings impor= Setunitieveging them t@proccede, and the. obitinate refufall of the Atinie, .brakeoutat $0 lenerhincofuch termes, that when hebad raged in vaine againitthe multitude, his au- thority... wach which he thonghttohaueprenailed vpon them, wasby them caken front butandhe compelledroforlakehisRingdome,androwander vpand downan forraine Countriesabattithed man,his peoplcioyaing withthe cnemy,again whom hehad led POPTPLO ae io ate ye pe a Aviainthe cheane time was clo{ed vp itrcightly, both by Seaand Land, fothat.neither any couldiifueout of the Citie, nor any reliefebe conueyrd into ic. butitheld out aS longasanyfgod was left, Ho memorable feruicebeing, donethere," whilft great actions wereMatinaged abroad. «Ae ge Worm ; i id Baal axtgeso at : stir: Avéntinaarign ofOly capins ber flariePoly lperchon wefeated. Esrvéamefaminki Pydni Wh | Olympias:pee/dep to Callander! Owxchough ordler/oftime peti ft,that we fould'rehéarfe' thé doings OFLume? Nes Be "Ahtieonide ih this place) leanitig OPjmapies yet a while' td the houre ofher deftinyswhich growes the fatter yport het,beCdifethe maydifceine itcomming: yet that Weimhay aot be conipelled to interturpe the éout{e oFourrattation, byinferting her Tragediein the midft of things, not manifeftly coherent with it; we will heré( as elfes Where we hauedone,and-elfewhere muft)continuetoan end one Hiftory, that we may go D0tbetherewich diftracted, when vvefhafl cometo the relation of another. Allthe ae How Caflander was reaengedvpen Olympias. ast ly Thegreat expedition ofCallander. Olympiashats her Jelfe into Pydas, where Caffandet befieged her. Bacides King of Epirus, comming tofuccour Olympias, #f‘onfanen, banifhed by his owne Subiects, ai Affander at that time lay before Tegea,in Peloponnefus ,vvhither whenall thefeill 5a tidings wvere brought to him,he neuer ftaied to take the Cirie,norto giuie odes forthe: State of:things in"that' Countrie, (though Alexander the fonne of fe dyfperchen vverethere with an Armie) but com ounding with them of Teges,he wil 2 his affociates to looketo:themfelues.as wellas they could,till his' returne ; and os‘Sie, haftehe tookehis iourncy toward Matedon, cartied headlong with the greedit 0% inf keucnge. The»Atelianshadtaken the Streights of Thermepyle, in favour of ie Queeneand Pe/y/perchon,to hinder his pailage;but he,nor williogto mxi-fpead 207 hopeofithe beficged, remaining inFoly/perebomg was, in like: manner' -difappointed, as their formertruft had bin,which was repofed in the fuccoursiof the Epireri, For Callas, who Was fent againft him, found the meanesto corrupt the greateft part ofhis ArMe withmony; leaving him withit a' Licthei while fs tenderly accompanie d , #hat Swaicht: Forno other bufineffe of watte; thanarfwiftrettdic) WHet Famine hda"fo arte breuailed inthe Ciridy tharthe \horfes were Killed 'as'4 precidirs food, many inen. Sedingonthd deativarcaffes of theit fellowessand: faw-ditt Being gitien' to fheEle: Phamtsfor~prouch der, fomeofche Souldiers obrainitig the Queenes teane; Cwhd contd hordeniede } others; Wwithour asking leaue; yeeldedrhemfelues to the enethie! andvvere lngently reliewed> and fenwabtoad- into the! Country. Thenewes ofché Ciieeries ress) difperfed by thefemeny didfo affright hier wel: willers/"tha Tich4é Aad 1elek= td themftlues to thé event, camein apace, and filbinitted thein tto Ca/fardie, At foe wiencthe mortalitic was fogreavin che Tawne, thatthe tning were cen poy= d withthe noyfomefent ofthedéadd Qlyapide bethoughehet felfe oF Resting a Pore sezin a Galley that fhe:had :Iwherewith iher fucceffe:! wayas bid avihthe ret. ForGodhad appointed this. Towneyby:herchoferal aplacelofirefiibe:tobeuned Hep *ahoufeoftorment, anda Iaile, out of which the thouldnbebedeiucred> Bue Gh! Wanleuill death. Being therefore veterly broken with miferies, which daily afflicted Eece 2 hict |