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Show The fourthBookefebefrit parrCaavia.gi atid'nener vnfortundre, Neuerdidthe Citievepentof bauingfollowkdhecannon noranyprinate nian of havitis'teutted his wordt: PHILP of. attedon Sipe him ; foyand much more did Alextinerwho (befides othetcfion es ofHisdoie) (ent re twohundred talentsof filuen& offered toBetow vpomhintoffoure Cities ii Afia ity one'which he wouldehoole, But Phocion refined thee &other giftshowfoenerty a tunately throaty ponhim ; reftiag well contented with his honett pouerty's trheten he liued aboue fourefcore yeares, and! ther! was comipelled by the vniuttitiddement of wicked mento drink that poyfon,which by ioftindgement oftheright eviis Gad (oid fected theCity ofAthens,as from that day forwatdsit\neuer brought forth an worth manrefembling the vertue'of thei "Anceftors. 3! y iS ree omy "& XV ofPolyfperchon his vaine expedstion again Caffan ae der. andmanning them very well, fent out Nihaner againe,affuring him of ‘the viGtoty, as wellhe might: For hefentout fuficient numbers oflight-armed men, whom hecanfed tobewafted duerthe ftreights in finall Veffelsiby night; thefe beforeday-lightferting ypon Clitad; drauehis men, that lay fecurely onthe land, head-long: into'their hips . inwhich tumult Wicanor arriuing did affaile themfo luftily, that fewor noneeftaped WMT OF,OD! } ; é P28 ffiti pv : ' ThislofleacSea, topethed with his bag fucceffe by Hand, bronght:Pély/perchon into great.cohtempt. Hehad agood facilitiein penning blondy decreés;. but when the exe: cution was tcterréd tochis:own fword, heieould finde the matter moredifficult: Wher: pofore the Achehians, percciuing that he;haditeft themo hift for themfelues,andwas not ableto giuéthem protection. again tttheenemy. whichlay in their bofomes, ‘cainetoa~ reement with Ca/fander.is/aeceptingaGouernourof hisappointment, and reftoring alithingsto theifame fate whercin Antipater had lefethemThedike inclination td rhe party of Gaffander,was found in'very many-Cities of Greece,whichidaily.and willingly e longafterthefe things were dotie °'Ca/fander with fach forces'a s Antigonas | i him,ehtred into Pirgeus 3 which newes drew Polyfper chow 2 a"ha a "pone Aimy; biit fo il! victtialléd; that he wasfain head?long into e to departwith: Saints co Only he'had given ftenon con tothe enemie; who,hotco ri: sees sea a ing what hee held, begat to looke out, and makéen ew purchalesa"em eee - = himfelfe vilable todriit C4fand er out df Athenis, Sates ee fach number of men; 'asexceeded hot the proport heeleft his ion ofvidhials, *° Pelaponndiat te = esbincten Thegreateft pattiof" his'A:mie¢'hee catried into Eeiendsuet an ma " the Countrey fure to hintfelfe, wherein Caffander had many heaha ot were fuch;asthey hadbeen ia otter parts of Gretce.Firlt, indent Mend‘eat‘ied . teftoring the Democratie,'or Popular' forine of gouernSuiid eiaiste en. cre theprincipall Citizens; ‘that had By C4abipater been made feeat a . he Cua P39a7. oftheHsftovie ofthe World. See SR ees Or driven into exile; This decteetooke itinediate effed spuianaas sp i en cn beingvery ready to feale the Charter oftheiif reedome Coane ws ne bloudof thofé who had keptthemin fibie@ion: Yet manyCi30 the rule of the chiefe Citizens 5 atid mattywhich wi- arsatetane on whom Poly/perchon meant to . aie pao obedience to him, which he tearmed Rebellion. a_a2 -- thoufand (ruiceable men; well fithithed ofneceffa ries, & ibe ‘he wortt. And fidede there Was oF fitch réfolation. ForFaly/perchen } Pigthe ee he ouerthrew,bya Mine,three of ae 2 4 1 wali between them. But the Defendants ninfilly fate ee which came vpto the breachiand atthe fame time with grcat Gilédeet at ac P ™ inner wall; to beare ont thé next affault. "The Affailantsh aebetan - ‘ ‘s ti at the firtt attempt,took much paine' to clearth insheie vi ae = lephants,whofeviolence waslikely to ouerthr e grotin ow atithdrcame with lng a 7 i: liter pereciuing their drift, prepared boortds driven through thc pointsapie. 4d 1¢0 th ey vied as gal-throps,beftowing thein fléightly,coucted any to dettimrecice, t me by which the beafts were to paffe. Neith¢rd id theif Gdesivinh pam In ne burappointed certaine light-arined men to Feate matiicé ofthat Gichedenethe Darts,as they were inftruded by fome that had fear reuoltedvinto himasto‘an'induftrious manyandlikeli toopreuaile incheend: Thus was thewhole.Gountry fer ina combuftionyyiieafie to be-quenched ; which prefented wnta: dntiganwsan opportunitié,that he neglected nor, ofmaking himfelfe Lord of :Afia3o1:!2 suemaHOD wehinh caw, rid filo: oF behiOVi 22 Antigonusfckes to make'bit/elfe an ab/olute Lord awd thereupon treates with Eumenes; who difappointeth bias Blrygia awd Lydia won by Antigonias. ; Neigensus had.in Awtipaters lifetimea firmrefolution, tomakevato himfelfe the yimoft benefitthat he might of the Army, committedtohisicharge.i Andinifair {eafon. for aduancementofhis purpoles cametheinewes of ~4xtipatersdeath s ; euenthen;: whenall the bufineflt in Pifidia was difpatched, and) nomore imployment for the:Armie remaining,, fauc' onely, sHe continuance of thefigge of Nora.a {mall thing ofit felfe, but as hard asa greater matter; andrequiring few men, but muchtimes When timeof all things was moft precious. Ewmenes lay inthat Fortot Nora, -ableto 30make the place good, and hoping that the mutabilitie,to which theprefenteftate was manifeftly fabiect, would in continuance of fomeyears (which hemight abide) worke more forhin, than his enemies in that fpace coitld worke againft him,_ .His moft feare Was,that FOr want ofexerdife in that hairowCattle, his men & horfes might growfickly andynferuiceable: which made him to-practife many‘déuifes of keeping them in health and luftie.. But whenhe had continued fhut vp in this manner about a yeare, his hopes cameto good: paffe, and he wascafed of his cares by wdatigonus himfelfe, whofe fatces held him befieged. ‘Aptizonus knowing the great {ufficiencie Of Bamencs', and con fidering-his fidelitie neWed: vnto, Perdice,: thought) that hee could; not finde invall the, world fitter m an 4° chan him, toimploy.in.managing thofehighdefignes, wherein he doubted nor shathe thould be withftood by the mightieft Princes ofthe Empire., Hee fent therefore to Ei menesby one that was friend tothem both, acquainting him, with fome part of hisintent, and promifingromake hima better, Lord,thanjeuer hee had beene, and the next man to; himfelfe, if things fell outas hee defired,s,in regard whereof -hee required onelyhis friendfhip,; and rherenpon,fent himan oath to take, which done, hee might at his good pleafure iffue fafely out of Nora and enioy,;-hisipet fect libertie. Eu menes perufing the forme-of the oath, did perceine the meaning Of datyone 5 which Nextaffanle Bor, by-th. he Afian Wars. Of thefe prouifions they made happyvie1 forely-hutyot vine - at were the Elephants(wherin the enemy Chieflytruited)¢ Was, rather to make him his follower.than his fellow,; For whereas, ina few words, it to Sea, to ioyne'with Aridexe that was come Admirat hisall = ee an l, which rygia, and to cut pee fuceotir might coifie to the enemyout of Afiz Mentioned the King. and Princcs of the bloud, rather to keepe the, Recanwm, than y pon Soanyloyallintene sthe binding words & fummeofall were fuch, as tied him Fatt onlyto hee liked Aatgonus, omitting alk referuation of dutic to the King or any. other, This hot, holding it vnfecmelyto become. afworne manto. him, withwhom hee,had fought, orthemafterie ; and being aflured that his voluntary, affiftance, whic h way-foeuer hee auc, would be more acceptable, and farre more-honourable, than the courle propours ed, Yet would he not therefore breake off for the negotiation, and waiteforfome bet~ ropoutis, where he fought with clirws, and was beaten. But Oucr-thtow, gathered togethet the thips chat were efcaa Oath it felfe, when he camcto take it, he made fhew.ofagdiflike, in thatit was not eee enou dyfperchon came asill f ack Vpon the Macedonians, whom they trampled vaderfeet: Pe fore being neither ae for long abode to Megalop olisas before to Athens. Thettequifité,lie forfook a ‘t difpatch the bufineffe quickly;‘no r rotake fuch leifiire as Was is Armieto. :lye Ae fle sift; cheFern et much difhonourslcaving foepart 0 ris Credit. : Cflect vnder Nicanor,who taking along witli him fome! - ap teroccafion ofinlargemept,which might perhaps be ce incomming : but feeming to Agforche Cwellapreed with datigesms; he prepared to give wp hisHold and depart. |