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Show ne The Contents ‘ CHAP. IIf. CHAP. TI. Of thefecond Punicke Warre. Ofdiuers aétions pafsing, betweene the farft-and fecond'Panicke Wars. §. I, mi He wars ofHannibal in Spaine. Quer rr A rels betweenc the Romans and CarthaOL the cruell warre begunne betweene the ginians, Hannibal Zefiegeth and taketh Saguntum,whslef theRomansare bufied with Carthaginians and their Mercenaries, the Wlyrians,oe. go Th iI. Diners obferuations vpon this warre with the'Mercenuries. Me F Tyrannie: and- how Tyrants are driwento ofe helpe ofMercenaries, TER That the tyrannie of 2 City ouer her Sub- Hannibal takes order for the defence of Spaine and Africk. H1ieuyny into Italy. Il] How. theRomanesi wainefollicited the Spaniards 2#d Gauls to take theirpart, The rebellion of the Cifalpine Gaules against the Romanes, iecis,is worfethan the Tyrannie of one man > 6. IIIT. and that a tyrannical Citie must likewife ufé mercenary Souldiers, 4. SETS. The dangers, growingfrom the vfe ofmercenaricfouldiers,and forreigne Auxiliaries. sh f. TIT. Thatthe moderate gourrnement of the Ro- Scipiot4e Roman Con/ul ; onercome' by Hannibal 4¢ Ticinum. Both of the Roman Con/uls beaten by Hannibal,in agreat battel at Trebia, | The departure of6..V: Hannibal from the Ci- wians, gaue them affaranceto vfe the feruice falpine Gaules ##te Hetruria. Flaminius the Roman Con[ul flaine , and bis Army deoftheir ownefubiectsin the wars,cre. Sroyed bythe Carthaginians,at rae Lake of ; §. FIT. = How the warre againft the Mercenaries, was dinerfly managed by Hanno avd Amil2 car, with variablefuccelfe. The blondie conn- Thrafymene, §. VI. How Q. Fabius, the Romatie Dictatenr, JSailes ofthe Mercenaries, and their finallde- Sought to confume theforce, of Hannibal, 2 lingring war, Orc. frruttion, - . §. VII. of §e TITEL TheRoman People, defirous to frail the ~ How the Mercenaries ofthe Carthaginians, tbat were #8 Sardinia, rebeRediand were afterwards driven out by the landers: The Warre quickly, choofe 4 ralh and vawerthie Conful. Great forces leutedagainft Hannibal, Hannibal taketh the Romansprouifions 1? Saithleffe dealing of the Romanes with the Carthaginians,ia takingfrom them Sardi- the Caftle ofCannz,ec. : §. VIII. Nia, coutrary to the peace. Diffention betweenthe two Roman ConServe How the affayres of Carthage' went, be Salswhetber ix belikely, that Hannibal tweene the African Rebellion, andtheecon upon point of flying out of Italie, phew the Romans pre(//ed him tofight. The great batPunicke Warre. taile at Canne. §.°V Is = aaeGreece from the deathofPyy: rhus,to vi ercigne of Phili the metritis ia Macedon: 3 way §. VIL ow the ; 4 ee they Ofthings following the Battaile of Car ne. cas was dereed great [upel tbat cote yO the to bec fent to Hannibal Italy: I\lyrians' infested the Coal Greete: and bow §. TX. aod Meee a Carthage, oC froth, or i How by thé malice ofanno, Gaules nibal aay ,fomew hat befor Teac efore the coming j of Han- than ofthe thaginians, gremfafler Roman Hifloris®s od otber OfFabius.axd ia xI their tn were hove parttall they Romans, the/ip?') ** e)exobe ofthe Carchagipians, of BC Cat riches thé Warrebetweene the Romanes and fimony That tea lone doferred. Romans; TASER SIRT, Ofthe \ §. Xs \stranpe reports of the Riman\ victories i spainesbefore Afdtabal:rhe fonne ofAnil carfollowed thence bis brorber Hannibal ins to ltaly. 6. XIE i hegreat troubles thatHannibalray/ed in CHAP: TIL Of Philip the Father of Perfeus King ofMacedon,bis fir/t AGs and war withthe Romans;by whom be was fubdued. all quarters,tobhe Citic of Rome, Potthut mius the Roman Gener all, with his whole Ar wy, is flaine by the Gales; Fe. §. XIT1. "to -Howthe Romans began to recouer their fprength by degrees. The noble affection of she Romans, ia releening the publike nece/sities oftheir Common-vweale: §. H Ow the Romansgrew acquainted inthe Eaft Givatriesenddefirous ofwarthere. The beginning of many Princes, mith great Warres, at onetine,e, je HowPhilip was Sfeaduifed by illCoun §: X11. : who afterwards wrought treafon aThe Romans win fome Townes backes from faylours and weredufily punifbed. Hee inhin; gainefp Hannibal, Hannibal wizs'T aventum. T4e Asoliansia fecona time sand forthe uadeth Hannibal. of victories Two Capua. fiege of The iourney ofHannibal te thegates of Rome. i Capnatakenby the Romans. §. Ve Hom the Carthaginians making 4 partie in Sardiniaand Sicil, beldvvarre againfh the Romans in thofe lands; @ were onercomes ceth theus to fue for peaces which isgranted onto them. * §) TIL Philip, at the perfwafion of Demetrius Pharius,: esters into League with Hannibal againfithé Romans.Thetenor of the League betwtene Hannibal 4nd Philip. neh §. XV .ELIL Romans the betweene warpa(fed the How to his natural Vices, Philipspec/ded How of taking the from Italy, a and Hannibali by Demetrius Phafootbed thereunto being Capna tothe greatvictorpat Metaurus. rius,Qv. §. XVII. iV: How P) Cornelius Scipio the Romane, madeentire conquest of Spaine. Ow the Carthaginians were driueniby Scipio; from the Cowtinent into the Ifle of Gades, PoE Funeralgames held by Scipio. ADuel Gener all ofthe Acheans, oftioninn A and Machanidas Tyrant of Lacedemon. battailebetwicen them, wherein Machanidas | 7 is laine, Philip baming peace with Rome,ana e Afia. Of the all Greece, prepares againft Pontus, Cappadocia, betwcene two. Spanifb. Princes, .A digre/sion Kings of Pergamus, 4" d their, Linages. Bythinia; Paphlagonia, concerning Duels. +) IT. The laf ats of Scipio ix Spain.Héreture to Rome. where he ischofes Gonful. §.X VILL Scipiovbraines Veaue to make warrein A- Of the Galatians. ker by Philip, 4 the The towneofCiosita s of Bithyna, orcri g kin inflance of Prufias f ily defrayedere. Sr nion i> ald ; * toyned with Scipio. §. XTX par theiy Carthaginian ° \quarre of ter warre, feeke mat a n a ht flig 7 vpo lip. The Athenians,Philip; a fi as clainie warre againft r. Philip w/ aah streats with him about peace imvaits ofeth a battell at Nadagara,ers. slictone batin quis 24 a g.X.The Fricke: His preparations': Of Mafaniffa,who The Romanes sie eal aainf Phi- The Carthaginians defire truce :.and doe breake it, atte hy Attalusmbone theyfl §.. XX. C. es,O Town s diner timesafche Tambat fort Aatnibal (pent P, ter the battaile of Metaurus, The doings of warreagainit Phili The Romans decree fulsinto ont Mago tn Italy, éc. Con ana fend ones their eAchenians +0 a? ; §. X XM. e ofth Hannibaliz:Africk prepares to fight mith it werein defenc re the Athenians w? ederates, How poo |