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Show The fir Booke of whe first part Crary §xio tan ist hie The riefe famme of whofedifcous fe to aN f ‘ repole, Ri Kame 1 fe sithe*bc handred Qubites which moultiplyed byt 4 ed rebire declar learnedly dshewa ofthe length the w vote C sereneit Ane Gubitsandtheproduct by the height of thirtie Cubites,fhemeth s of Loe gi gs may tition herpar of and Walls, pots; the s wherta Beene 450000.NOW i ook swhic h ( the the of height the : feemne to hauetakenvp a great.part ofthe hollow fufticic nt ; ecom asa es,w al,Cub ubic 7500.c ned contai bit oneCu perpendicular being ff ect roomne for 89. diftine arice: If therefore inwShipot fuchgreatneffe we feeke eafily findplace kinds,we fhall of Beaftsjorlett any-thould be omitted)for ro@ifeucrall an {w erable tothe sas both forthemyand forthe Birds,which in hignefle are-no way whofe bodiesare. of a!! Beafts, of forts ee arethr there For for'meat to fuftaine them all reft may be Cuar.7.§ Aci 3. ofthe Eliftorie ofthe World. plantation , Iam refolued (without any prefumption ). that therein the'moft writers were vtterly miftakens-And Tam notled fotothinke out of my Humour or-newnefle of opinion,or fingularitie,but doe herein ground my felfe onthe originall & firfttruth, whichis the word of God, andafterthat vpon reafon ; andthe moft probable citcumftances thereon depending. For whereas itis written; that the Arke flaied. upon one of the monntaines of Ararat, whichthe Chaldean Paraphrafi hath converted Kardy, meaning the hils Gordei or Gordseiin-Armeniathe greater: ( asthe words Gordei and Kardufeeme Gen. 8, 4, to be'onearid the fame ).of which opinionalfo the moft ofout Interpreters are; I finde neither Scripture norreafon which teachethany, fuch thing':.( to wit.) that it refted on 10 that part of Ararat, whichis in the greater Armenia,Nicolaus Damafcenus cals this moun- See¢.$§.t- the quantitiebett knowne:the Béefe,the Sheepe,and the Wolfe : to which able to foure an{wer is nt Elepha one le that Ariftot to ding , (accor redaced,by faying feede on veges taine of Ararat,Barts,being the famewhich the Ghaldeaz nameth Karda;to which mountaine the Fryer Avaias ( citing this place out. of/o/ephas ) makes him finde anotherad- ort,fe ding on tables, others on fefh. ‘There are oneand thirtie, kinds of the greaterf Lawof Mos, vegetables +of which number,onely three are cleane, according.to the ,and one breede for s couple ee amelythr Arke,n the into whereof feuen'ofakind entred each oddeone for'facrifice : the othereight and twentie kindes Wwergtaken by twoof Hebrewes wrote) did firft take grotind on this Ocila. But I doe not-finde any fuch mountaine in being, as this Octla; neitheris there any mention ofit in the place of Jofephas. Strabo remembreth a Promontorie in Aradiafelix, ofthat name; and Plinie findes a Mart-towne fo called in the fame, which Ptolomiecals Ocilis, Pinztasdeyla, and Niger Zidom. But this Ocila of Damafcenus, or rather of Ansias , feemethto bee oneandapart t fiftie vacleane, eftimable for largenefle as ninetie one Beeuessyet forat upplement(le c Becutiy twenti and ed hundr a as valued. be them Jet. d ) petharpsany Species be omitte ofthe. Armenjan mountaines. Berofus calleth thofe mountaines of Armenia Gordizi,and 20 Curtins Cordei : Ptolomie Gordei and Gordie: * ofwhich the Countrie next adioyning is as reft. Of Beafts, fome Beeuesjone Lyontotwo Wolues, and fo of the & fix and kinde,fo that in all there werein the Arkeoncand twentygreat Beatts ¢ leanc, tim Oftheleffer fort feeding on vegetables,were in the, 4rke fixe and twentic kinds,e bie with good allowance for fupply,.as fourefcore Sheepe., OF thofe which deuoure ae .Aulth VV.O1 >of ficth were two and thirtiekinds, aafwerable to threefcore and foure Wolucs Arkesin the of roome or ftorie in.one kept be might two hundred and ‘eighti¢ Beafts on their feuerall Cabbines ; their meate inafecond: the Birds and their prouifi in third,‘ with :place to {pare for Woah and his family, andall theirneceflaries, on §X. That the: Arke vested upon part of the Hil Tauras ( or Caucafus ) betweene the Eaft ladies, and Scythia. ted Apreterition offowse queftions leffe material: witha note ofthe ufe ofthis question, +6 finde out the Metropolis ofNations. REF Hattime Wah tooke to build the Arke, Teaiie'to others to difpute : but heer \ fe ceiued the Commandement from Goda hundredyeers beforethe waters fell; 4 bested and had therefore choice oftime and leyfure-fufficient. As for the numbet Deckes & Partitions,which Origen diuides into foure,S: Augufliae into threc,I will 10 trouble the Reader with the controuetfie:or whetherthofe creatures which fometin® reft on the Land,othertimesin the Waters,as the Crocodiles(nowcalled Alegartes)iht Sea-Cowesor Sea-Horfes,were kept in the 4rke,or no,I thinke ita needleffe curiolits and yet to this faith Pereriusand others before him,that a Fifh-poole might be imades well within the 4rke,as'in Hierohis Ship of Syracu/e. Laftly,to confider or labout™ difprouethe foolerie ofthe Hebrewes, who fuppofe' that the Arke' waslightened byé Carbuncle,or had WindowsofCryftall-to receive ini Light,and keep out Water," but to reniue the buried vanities of formertimes:But that which I feeke moft to fatish® my felfe and others in,is.in'whatpatt ofthe World the Arke refted after the Floud:* caufethe true vnderftanding offomeofthefe placestas the Seat of the terreftriall aife,and the refting ofthe Arke ) doe onely'and truly teach the Worlds Plantarion,a™ the beginning of Nations,before andafter the Floud; and all ftotie, as well genet r particular,thereby maybe the better vnderftood. . at Sherer 4. ET. A propofall of the common opinion, that the Arke refed uponfome of the Hils of Armenia. A™ firft, forthe true placewhere the Arke refted.after the Floud, and from wi part ofthe Worldthe Childremof Woah trauailed to their firtt ferelemet ioyning,, called Oci/z, and to fay! that the "Arke (ofwhich Mofesthe Lawgiuerof the Lie/0. $1.27 bythis Nicolaus Damasfcenus called Ninyade, perhaps (as Becanas coniectures ) for Mélyada or rather Minsi': which word is vfed for Armenia Minors Andthevery word of Armenia feemes to be compoundedofthis word Mixni, and Aram : asif we fhould fay Nat. bist, l. $4 Minwiot Syria for that Armenia alfo was apart ofSyria, Plinie witnefleth. Epiphanius Cap. ts placeth the Cardyes about thefe mountaines, whom others'call Gordient or Gordeni.: The mountainés are {eated-apart from all other to the North ofthat Ledge of the mountaines:called Taurusjor' Niphates inthe plaines of Armeniathe great,neerethe Lake ThoSpitisewhence the Riuer of Tégrés flowethin 75..degrees of longitude,and 4.1.and 42 .degrees of latitude..Oneofthe mountaines: Gordiei ( that ‘which furmiounteth the: reft) Epiphanius cals Lubar , which in the Armenianfignifieth a place ofdefcent: but thisout 30 oflofephus, which name( faith Juins.) was ofthe euent, becaufe of Weabs comming 10/tphde Antig downe withhis children. Butthis alfoI take to be a fuppofed euent;feeing any hil from' oI, be 4s whenceoneucry fide we muft defcend, may'thus be called': as /usiws corrects the place in lofephus roifues ( Kubaris. ) Thatthe place is thus to be tead, he coniectureth, becaufe Tofep. Litera. fayes; the place is called «xsaniew(as it were the defcent or comming downe)\and Epiphans1. 1. contr. Heref, cals it »4a9.. which word inthe Armenian and Aigyptian tongue fignifieth defcent, of Labar, whichis to defeend; whencealfo Lubra is a Synagogue, becaufe it was commonly built onfome high place:whereof alfo the Latine De/ubrum may feeme to bee deriued; and A. 6. 9. they that belonged'to the Syma Segue of the Aeyptians are called Libertini, for Lubra tenn, Yet thisopinion hath beene 40 embraced from age to age, receiuing a habit offtrength by time, and'allowance with outanyfarther examination; although the name ofLabar mightotherwife tightly bee giuen, efpecially to that mountaine, by reafon that the paflage was more faire ; vp and cowneyntoit, than to any-ofthe reft adioyning. 7) TEE begs argumentagainst vies the common opinion. wm: Theythat came tobnild F Babel, would bane Thefirff come fooner, had they comefrom[a ncere aplace.as Armeniass B Ve; there are many arguments to perfwademe,that the Arke ofWoah didnotrefit " ‘fein any part of Armenia, and that the mountaine Ararat was not Pars , nor any 50 one of the Gerdean mountairics. For the firft,itis agreed byall which follow Bero/is,thatit'was in the tzo:yeere,OriNn gorof. 1.24 the reere 13 1.after the oud,when Wimrod cameintothe valley ofshisar,which Valley Was atrerward called pabyloniz'; Chafb , and Chaldea, If then the Arke hadfi rft found land in Armenia, itis very ynprobable, thatthe children of Woah which came into that valley could haue {pent{omany-yeeres in fo fhorta paflage:feeing the Region of M¢/o- Petamia wax onelyinteriacent, which mighvby eafie iousneyes haue beene paft ouerin * » I twenty |