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Show Thefife ‘Booke ofthe firft part Cuari2.§.6. §. VI. The eflate ofGreecefrom the death ofPytthius, to thereigne of Philip thefonne ofDemettins in Macedon, Princes but he affumed the name and power ofa King, though he refpected Philipas his own' fon, towhomihe leftthe Crowne, athis death ; This Aztigonusyyas called the Tutor,in regard of his protecorthips and wasalfo called Dofon, that isas much as, Wik gine,becaute he was flow in his liberalitic, He reprefled the Dardanians and The(falians, TF: the longterme of the vfirft Pavick war , andthe vacation following, betweene itand the fecond ; theeftate of Greece, after the death of Pyrrhus, was gtowne fomwhatlike vato that; ovvherein Pitsof sAdagedon had found it; though farre weaker, as in:an/after-fpring-The whole Countrie had recouered by degrees,a forme of libertie : the petty tyrannies(bred of thofe inferiour Captaines whichinth e times yo ofgenerall combuftion,had feifed each vpon fuch townes as he could get)weresbyforce or accident, extirpated, and reformed 3and fomé States were rifen to fuch greatneffe; as ‘notonly ferued to defend themfelues,but to giue protectionto others. Thisconvers fionto the better, proceeded from the likediffentions:and tumults in Macedoss ashad bin in Greece, when Philip firft began: to encroach vpon it.: Forafter many' quarrels and great wat'syabout the'Kingdome..of Macedon; beween datigonas.the elder, Caf: Sunder, Demetrias, Lyfimachus, Seleucus, Pyrthus,and the Gules : Antigenus, the fonneaf Demetrius, finally got and heldit, reigning fixe and thirtie yeares yet fo, that he was diuerstimes ‘thence expelledynot only:by the Gaalesy: and by Pyrrbus, as hatkbin als ready thewed, but by Alexander the fon of Pyrrhas:the Epirot, from whofefather he had ‘hardly wonit.'This happened ynto him, bythe renolt of his: fouldiers, even?" at fuch time,as hauing ouerthrowne With great flaughteran Armie ofthe Ganles,he was conuerting' his forces againft the Athenians, vvhom he compelled to teceiuehis Garrifons: Buthis young fonne Demetrius raifedan Atmi¢,wherewith he chafed Alexa onlyoutofMacedoz,but out of his ownEpirws, and reftored his fathertothe ingdome. By the help of this:young Prince Demetrius (though in another kind) Antigones got into his poffeffion the Citadell of ‘Corizeh s vvhich ‘was iuftly termed theyerter of Greece.The Citadel! called Acrocorinthus,ftood vpon afteepe rockie hill onthe)North fide ofthe towne,and was by natureandart' fo ftrong; that it feemied:impregnable. It 4 commanded the town:which was ofmuch importance,as occupying the wholebreadth ofthe /fhmus, that running betweene the cAgeqn and ‘Jonique Seas, soyneth Peloponne- fas tothemaineof Greece, Wherefore hethat held potfetizon ofithis Caftle,wasableto cut offall pallage by landsfrom one halfe.ofGreece vnto the other ybefidesthecommo- dity of thetwo'Seas,vpon both of which) this rich and goodly: Citiehiad commodious hauens.Alexander.the {on of Polyfperchon sand after his death; Crate/ipolishis wife, had gotten Corinth in the great fhuffling ofProuincesand Townes,thatswvas made betweene Alexanders Princes, Afterwards it paffed from hand:to hand, vatilhit'came; I know not how}ta one Alexander 3 ofvvhom I finde nothing elfe,than that he vvas thougheto be poytoned bythis Antigonuswho deceitiedhis wite Wicea thereof; andigot: it from her 4 by-atricke.Thedeuice was this. Awtigonws {ent his young DemetriustsCorinths willing him to court'Wicwa,and fecke her marriage, The foolifhold widow perceiuediniot how vnfit a match the was forthe youg Prince;but entertained the faricie ofmarriage; whet totheold King was euen asteady, to confent, asvvashis fon; to-defires and caineatts, thi therin peifon'to folemnizeit, Heteuponall Corinthyvas filled: with facrifices;fe plaies, and all forts of games: in the middett of evhich; Astigénids, yvatchéd histime, and gotinto theCaftle,beguiling the poore Lady,whofe i¢aloufie: hhad:bin-excetaing diligent in keepingit.Ofthis purchafehe:-was fo glad;:that he couldnotcontaine him- felfe within the grauity befeeming his old age. Buras hechad {tollen' it; foxvasit* - ttollen from him t neither lived heto reuenge the loffe ofits being already {PO 5 withage. of the Hilton of:the World. ; Demetrius,the fon ofthis Antigounusfacceeding Nntohis father, reigned tenysee* Hemade greater proofe ofhis vertuebeforehe was King) than afters. The Dew We. Atolizns, and Acheans, held him contitually bufied inwar , wherein his fortune ¥* variable,and forthe more part ill. About thefe timesthe power ofthe Mecedantsn' 0° ganto decay : and the Greciansto caft oftheir yoke. "- Philip, the only fon of Demetrius, yvasai young child whenhis father died $ here rs fore Antigonas,his vnele, had the charge ofthe Kingdome, during the TO which molefted:his Kingdome,in the beginning of his reignc,V pon. confidence ofthis good fetuice,hetook {tate vponhim,as onethatrather were King in his own right,than onlya Protector: Hercupon the people fellto mutinie . but vvere foone appeated by faitéwords,and a feeming vnwillingneffe of his to meddle apy more with the Gouerne- ments The Achaians tooke from him the City of Athensfooneafter Demetrius his death 3 ro andlikely theywere to hanewrought him.out, ofall, ormoft that he held in Greece, if their own eftate had,not bin endangered by.a neerer ehemy.But ciuill diffention,which had ouerthrownthe powerof Greece, whenit flourithed moft; ouerthtew it eafily now againey whenit had {carcely recouered ftrengthaftera long fickneffle ; and gaueto this Antigonus no leffe authority therein, than Philp the father of Alexander, got bythe like advantage. Thefe sAehaiansfrom {mall beginnings, had increafed in thort time to gteat ftrength and fame: fortharthey grew the moft redoubted Nation ofall the Greckes. By theequalitieofitheir Lawésy:and by, their clemencie (notwithftanding that, they were a long timeheldvnder by the 4acedonians and Spartans) they did not only drawall others by 20 their loue and alliance,but induced,through their example, the réft ofthe Cities of P¢- lepemne/as;tobe gouerned by one Law,andto vfe onc and:thefame-fortof weights,mea firesandmony. Aratas.the Sieyonian;was the firftthat ynited.themagaine ahd gauethem courage,af tenthanthey had bin by the-A4esedonian Captaines, diuided into many. Principalitics, Ineldentimes they were gouerned by Kings,as moft of the great: Cities ofGreeee were; towhich kindeofrulethey firft,{ubiected themfelugs, after the defcent ofthe Heraclide, whehiTi/amenus thefon of Onefes pofleltthe TLetritoric of Achaia, In this eftate the Contitned:to therimeof Gyzes,s after whom,svhenhis fons,fought to charige the Wee I Soucknment oftheir Predeceflors into. Tyrapnie, they éxpelled them, and made their 30\State pio ular; asfeeming moft.equall., This.forme of, Gommon-weale had continus ance,withfomedinall changesaccordingto the dinerfirie ofsumes.tillthe reigne of Ph#Upand Alexander Kings of Adacedon: who tempett-like ouerturged all things in that part ofthe world. For thofetwelue Cities, called the Cities of alliaxce, whexcof Helice, ang BareouiOlenusthe Seahad eaten ypalittlebeforethe Bamaile ofLeudres ; were, by diftutbance ofthet4scddoniarss,.diuided fromeachother, and trained into a war,no lef colifhthan Ctuellamong themfelues;,Butin the one hundredand foure and twentieth Olympisdsin which, orneereitProlomicthefomof Lagus,Zyfimachus, Selencas,and Ptole- ME Ceraunas, okt the worlds-twovof teh. xemaining Cities and people, namely, the Patrenfes and the Dimejvnited themfelues,andilaid the foundation of that general ace 49 cord, and re-vnion; yvhich,after-followed. For hauing bin, fome of theny Partifags Withfundrie Acacedentan Captaines, and others hauing bin grouernedby petty Kings 5 they bepan to falten themfelues ina ftrong league of amitic, partly, inthe Olympiad be~ Srefpoken of;and,partly, atfach timeas Pyrrbas madehis fitft voyage into/talse.Now afterthe vniting of. the Patrenfes and, Dimgi, towhomalfo the Cities of Tritee, and Phargsioyned themfelucs 5 e&gire chafed aut her Garrifons: an dthe Borianskilling: q Gi Kifigs.entred with the Ceraasians intg,the fame Confederacie. Thefe Cities, for twentic-and fiue yeares,vfed thefame formeof. Gouernment with the, .Acheians 5 who ¥eStoatoricandtwo Pretors, ordered all things.intheir Commonweale and foone ter,by one Puetor,or Commander: of which,déarcus Caryrenfis was the firtt,and Argun e M*thefecond, aM. SollRhisidratas...was.ainobleyoung Gentleman ofSizyoz, who living at, Arges in exile, Wilehis Counttiewas opprefled by Tyrants,found meats, throughthe helpe Of o> *Merbavitaed men,to entertheir.own Citie by night, withladders,; whence they chia» ed the sbyiranty and reftored the. people ro libertie,, This wasin the time of Antigonus Conasas King of A¢acedor,a Prince morebufic in watching what ro get among theGreeks, wifeijn looking to-his. own. For feare of Aptigonas, the Sicyonians enter ifito the sia leacue- which thoughat that rimeit receiued moteincreafe by their acceffion, than it added ftrength to them,yet the benefit ofthis coniun@tion fertied well ak |