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Show 5 een, ~ ThefecindBookeofbepifparts Guariagc tinuallprayer, the Godofinfinite mereie had refpectjand mouedthe Affpriansheartto deliuer him, Bi Itisalfo likely that Aterodach, becanfe he loued his father Exechias, was theeafilicer perfivadedrareftore Afana/feto hisilibercie and cftaterA tte vWhich; and whet hews againe eftablithed remembring the miferies vvhich followed his wickedneffe, & Gods great mercies toward him;he changed forme, dereftedhis foriricé foolith and deuillih Idolatry,and caftdowne theIdols of his Owne erecting, prepared theAltar of God, & facrificed thexeon.Herepaired agreat parvof lerd/alem: and dyedafter the long teigne offiktie fue yeares.Glycas and Snidas report,that Manaffeyyas held ina cage of yron by thes (firéaus:. and therein fed with bread of bran and Water,which men maybelécue as 7 it fhail pleafe their fancies; SIT. Hatthe wickednefle of King Mama/fes vvas the caule ofthe euill,which fell ypon his Kingdome andPerfon,any Chriftian muft needs‘belecue : forit is attire med in theScriptures. Yet was the ftate ofthings,ia thofe parts ofthe fuch,at that time.as would.haue inuited any Prince(and did perhaps inuice World, azerozach, whofulfilled Gods pleafure, vponrefpecborne to his owne ends) defirou s toenlarge, the pillar,whereon theftateof Jadeleaned, about thefetimes was ;which was become withciuill diffention,& after two yceres, ill amended by adiuifi miferably diftraded on ofthe gouernment betweene twelue Princes.After fome good agreement betweenethef e, eleucnofthem fell his Empire,tomake attempt vpon Juda. Forthe Kingdome ofEgypt out with thetwelfth oftheir colleagues, and were ail finally fubdue by him, who made himfelfe abfolute Kingofall. This Inter-regnum, or mecre Anarchid e,that was in Egypt, with the diuifion of the Kingdome followingit,is placed by Diodore,whoomi tAriftocratie,or twelue Gouernors, immediatly before Pfammiticus, yvho vvas one of them,andafter Sethez. teth Sethon;betweenethe raigne ofSabacusjand Pfammitices + but Herodotxs doth fet th : 30 eftate,becaufean Oraclehad foretold,that one ofthem fhould dépofe ali the reft, no ting him by thistoken,thavhe fhould makea drink-offering in'ra/e ans Temple,outot@ Coppergoblet. Whileft thisvnitie lafted they ioyned togethe r itvraifing a Monument of their Dominion;which wasa Labyrinth,builenéere ynto the foadmirable,thattas Herodotus,who behol ding it,affitmes)jno Lake ofMeris,a,wotke,o words could giueit commendation anfwerable to the-ftatelinéheofthe workeit felf. I will that vnpeffeaddefcription, which Herodotusmakes ofitjbut think not here fet downe enough to fay,that he preferresit farre before the Pyramidessontiofwhich (ashe faith) excelled thé Temple Of Dienaat Ephe/us,or any ofthe faireft workes in Greece: Diodorus. reports this Laby- dinth tohaue bin the worke of atéras3 OF Menides, aking whichlined Aue generations before Rrotews;thiaris, beforethe Narre ofTroy,and fromthis Labyrinth(faith he) dalustook the patterne of charrehich he madefo r atives in crete, Who' thisarus, of Menides Was, Ecatnot tell .&biaeccins takeshi m'to hauebin anemenes, whichreigne immediately: before DAvoris Puthis agrees nor with Diodore:for Daedalus & Minos Wes borh dead long before Aunemenesiwas fefemnt-Apps, the fabulous relations ofMancthou, King.Belike Reineccintdefirine toaccommodt Cheremon,e othets,that are found in Ze/ephiss 19g Ameenophis andhis children,ta theftarieofAmalisand Adtifanes the:£thiopian,touicl 0° tioned by. Diedoresheld it confequ ent, after he had coniestured Manethons Ameng", tobeDtodorus his Amafiss that Sethon fhould be AGhtifanesand that Awnemenes foul' be Mares, If inthis cated mightintrude y cohiec ure; the'tinies which we now h are thofe,about which Reineécin: hatherred in making fearch; Amafis was. Any/*s, fants as Sabacsszand Marusiwas one ofthefetwelue Princes ,to whon Heredorat g . the hongurofbuilding this famous Labyrinth. For Athifane s the Athiapjan deported Amméfis,Sahacus the Athiopian depoled Aayfis; Adifane s gouernedwell,andwas milde in punithing offenders, fo likewifevvas Sabacts, Marus thenext king after Athfazes built this Labyrinth,and the next(fauing Sezhow, whom Diedore omits, as haying not heard of him)that ruledafter Sabacus,performed thefame work,according.to Heredetys who was. morelikely to heare the truth, as living neerer to the Age wherein it was petformed.The varietie ef names, and difference of times, wherein Diodore belecued the Priefts,might be a part ofthe Eegptian vanitie, which was familiar with them,-i n multiplying their kings,and boafting oftheir a ntiquities, Here I might adde,that the twelue great. als, Parlours,andother circumftances remembred by Herodotus, in {peaking of this building,doe helpe to proue,that it was the worke ofthefe twelne Princes. But J haften to theirend. Atafolemne feaft in Hulcans Temple ,when they Ofttoublesin Egyptfollowing the death of Sethon.Tbe reigne of Pfammiticus; Theo€cafion ofthis diffenfion {eemes to haue Hin the vneertainty oftitleto that Kingdome(forthat the crown ofEgypt paffed by flicceffion of bloud,I haueoften thew ed)which ended, fora while, by the partition ofall among twelue,though things were not fetled,vntill onehad obtained the Souerai gntie. Thefe twelve Rulers gouernedfifteene yeares,in good feemin g agreeme preferue,they madeftrait couenant & alliances one with another,being nt,which to icalousof their Cunranis.) ofthe HiforicoftheWorld,. wereto'make their drinke-offerines the Prieft,forgetting himfelfe, brought forthno more than cleuen Cuppes, Hereup on Pfammiticas,who ftanding laft,had nota Cup,tooke offhis brazen Helmet, and there. with fupplyed the want. This caufedall the ret to rememberthe Oracle, andto fufp ot him asa Traitor;yet,wvhen they foundthat it was not done by him vponfer Purpofe a ill intent,they forbare to kill him, but, being iealons oftheir eftate, they banithed him into the marifh Countries bythe Sea fide. This Oracle,and the euent,is held by Diadora 20@Satable,which I beleeueto haue bin none other: In the reft Herodotus and Diodoreagree,faying, that P/amnsiticus hyred Souldiets out ofCariaand Ionia, by whofe ude he vanquifht his Companions,and made himfelfefole Kins Theyeeresof his reigne,according to Herod. ftie foure;according to Eg/e.. biasfortie foure;Aercator,to teconcile th ortiefoure yeares to his fingle reigne,and ten to his ruling ioyntly with the Prince {poken of. Indeede,-hethat Wasadmitted, being'a man growne(for he cannot in reafon be fuppofed to haue beene thena young fellow) into the number ofthe twélue C lernors, muft be thought fo hane lined vnto extreame age,ifhe ruled partly with others, partlyalone, threefcore & hine yeares.I therfore yeeld rather to Ex 30ftom theAriflocratie:though peraduenture ebius.but will not aduenture to cut fiue years but fugceeded(either bycleétion,oras nextLfamuittens was not at firft dite ofthe twelue ofblou dJintothe place offome Prince thae dyed andwas ten yeares companionin that goucrnment: Another {cruplethere is,thoughnot great, which troubles this reckoning. Theycers of the Eeyptians, as we findthemfet downe, are more by one,than ferneto fill vp: the time,between the fift ofRehoboam,& the fourth oflehoiakin. This mayno t be. Where. fore cither Wemutt abate one yeare fromSethons 1 eigne;that was of vncertai neleristh a orelfe/which Thadrather doe ; becaufe Fundtins than I know,or than himfelfealleadgeth,in giuingmay haue followed bette: authority to Sethen atime fo neerély aoreeipno withthe truth Jwe mug confoundthelaft yeere of one reigne, with the firft of another . gosucha fuppofition were notinfolent.For Steat part of chem,which are fet downe inno man can fuppofe,thatall the Kings, or any Chronological! tables, reigned precifely fo manyYeeres as are prefcribed them, without anyfractions: itis thar the lurplufage ofone mansvnto time, fupplyedthedefeat ofanothers.enough to thinke Wherfore I pee found the laft yeare ofthofe fifteene, wherein the twelue Princes ruled, with the firft of Ffammiticns who furely didnot fall out with his Companions, fight with them & make himfelfe Lord alone,allin oned ay. : Concertiingthis King, itis tecorded, that he was the firft in Egypt, vvho enterta any mutie with the Greekes:that he retained ined in pay his Mercenaries OfCaria,lonig so whom he gaue large rewards and pofleffions. and that he greatly offen: ? s, by beftowing themin the left wing of his Armie, while es held the right wing( which we the more honorable place) inan expe€made into Sprig, Vpon this difgrace ir is faid,' that his Souldier s, to the laundre d thoufand,forfooke their natural] Countrey of Egypt,and went to dwell there : neither could they be reuoked by kinde Meflages, nor felfe, Whoouer-tooke them on the way; but when he toldthem of ioe oy? their Wiues, and Children, they anfwered, that their Weapons &ct them 2 Countrey, and that naturéhad cauidren, enabled themto get other wiues.and Ir |