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Show ems Sheengy Th tt awe ; oO And farelyhadhcwas loft she ArmyobPerfia in Seythias itis nolikely, that his{én would fo foorehavetranf{portcdallhis remaining forces intoEgypt, fo farre offfiom that quarter » the Scythian Nationthenvictorious, ‘antbbordering Media neitherhad Cambyfes beene ablé-in fuclt hafte tb; hate vndertaken and performedfo grcarai Con. queft. Wherefore I rather beleeue Xemophon,faying,That Cyrus died aged & in peace: and that finding imhimfelfe that he:could not long enioy theworld,he‘called vntohim his Nobility, with his two forines, Camby/es and Smerdts; or after Xenophon, Tankoxares: and after a long:Oration, wherein heaflured himfelfe; andtaughtothers oftheimmortality of the Souleg;and of the punifhments and rewards following the good andill defeining of euctp maninthis life ; heexhortedhis fonnes bythe ftrongeft arguments1o he had; toa perpetual concord/and agreement. Manyotherthings he vttered, which makeit probable ;.that he received the knowledge ofthe true God from Daaiel, when he governed Sufain Perfia sand that Cyrus himfelfe had read the Prophecy of £/4y, wherein he was expreflely named, and by God(forthe deliuery:of his people) preordained.. Whichacofdeliuering the lewes from their Captiuity, and ofreftoringthe holy Temple andCity of Hierufalem,wasin true confideration the nobleft workethas euer Cyrus performed. For in other actions he wasan inftrument of Gods power, vied for the chaftifing ofmany Nations, andthe eftablifhing of a Gouernment in thofeparts ofthe wotld,which was novlong to continue. Butherein'he had the grace to bean in- firiment of Gods'goodneffe and a willing aduancer of his Kit8dome ‘yponearth; 20 ay which mutt lait fof euer, though heaven and earthfhall'périfh: Cuar3.S.8. and foueraigne Monarch,we hall findthem inthat Epiftle remembred by Z/dras,written by Belemus, Adithridates,3cthe reft;Prefidents and Counfellors in Phanicia, whereinthey complaine, that the sewes were cuermore rebellious and troublets of Kings ; #/4.1-.4; that their! Gitie being once built, they would then refufeto pay Tribute, and fall from the obedience of the Empirc,as they had formerly done in the times of otherkings. But thatwhichforthat prefentfeemed the moft forcible impediment was, that Cam- byfes,hauing it in his refolution to inuade Egypt, thatit vyas a common opinion,That the Zewes were defcended of thofe Nations, becaufe theyiflued thence vnder Mofes, when they conquered /udea;their Citie being once repaired andfortified, they might joreturneto their old vomit,andgine the fame difturbance to Cambyfes Conqueft, which they didto Sennacherib, Nabuchodonofor, and other Kings ofBabylon.For,as it is written Bek. in Ezekiel, Eoypt was the confidence ofche houfe ofUracl. Butitisito be vnderftoodsas Codomaz and others haue obferued, that ~Artaxerxes, to whom the Counfellors and Gouernors ofPhenicia complainedagainft the Jewes, did not precede,butfucceed Dariws Hy/ta/pesas inthe fixt and feuenth chapters ofE/aras it ismade plaine:and alfo that thofe Gouernors(whofe Epiftle fheweth as much) did not withftand the building ofthe Temple,butthe fortifying andinclofing ofthe Citie, as by thereafons giueninthe {aid Epiftle,and by the Kings an{wer,itis enident. Alfo inthe fixt of Ezra,the fourteenthverfe,thekings are namedin orderas they goqouerned,and C4rtaxerxes written after Darius;as: And theybuilt andfinifbed it (to witsthe Temple)bythe appointment ofthe God ofIfracl,and by the commandment ofCytus and Darius,avd Atcahfhafte Kings ofPerfia. Laftly, inthe feuenthof Ezra it is written; Now after thefe things, in the reigne of Artahthafte King of Perfia: vvhich vvas as' much to fay,as after the finithing of the Temple in Dariss time. Andtherefore Artaxerxes §.V IT. +» "Wp OfCytus his Deereefor building the Temple ofGodin tersfalem. inthefecond of E/drasis there named by anticipation;.notin his owne time and place, And thus much concerning the rebuilding of the Citie and/Temple ofHieruftlem, Whichaétion though profpered by the hand of God, was very flowly:purfued by the Auingtherefore fpoken of his great vitories,mentionéd by fundryHiftorians, Hi:: gloryof all which was a reward ofthis his {eruice ‘done vnto hind! S Authorofthemand ofall goodneffe : I holdit meet at length to fpeaké oft men whomit moft concerned, butfirft fet on foot by Cyrws. The otherordinances of Decree madeinthe frtt Sfhis Reigne, being perhaps the firft that euerhe mide ¢ his poffettion‘ofthe BabylonianEmpire: Thatthe captiue Iewes fhould returne againe 39 30Cyruswith his formeand mannerofgrouernment, areto.befound in Xenophon. Arhis into their own Territdry,and re-build the Houfe of God in Terufalem, hauing flowet- death he bequeathed the Empire vatohis \eldeft {on Cawbyfes, appointing Smerdé or the accomplifhing whereof, hee gaueorderto his Treafurers to furnifh them witl things neceflary and wanting. Healfo reftored vatothem five thoufandfourehundred Tanaoxares his younger fon to be Satrapa or Lieutenant of Media, Armenia,andCadwfia ; andthendiedafter he had xrcigned({aith Herodetusyone & thirtieyeares, or(according tolwfline)buethirtie. dured andfinithed the threelcore and ten'years captiuityby the Prophets foretold Fot threefcore andnine Veflels of Goldand Siluer, whereof. Wabachodsnofar the gtandfew/a ea Y nEfl.3z. Eiass- - ofthe Hiftorie ofthe World. ther of Bs/thafarjhad formerly tobbed the Temple. q aislat Thenumber‘ofthe Tewes whichreturned out of Chaldwa vadertheir Leadet Zorbebel; the fonne of Salathiel,and Nephewto King /econias, and Jéfus'or Tofua the fon e §, VIII. OfCytus his ifue : and whether Arofla were his daughter, or(3fomethinke ) were the (ame with Queene Helter. ot dofadak 5 were aboutfiftythoufand ; where, as fooneas they attined theybuilt ‘Altartothe'lining God', and {acrificed'thereon, according totheir wne Law,and terward bethought themfelues how'to prepare materialls forthe re-building ofthe ? Trushadiffue two fons, Camby/es and Smerdis, with three daughters, Ataf, tglanarr. Temple. But no foonet did the Tewes begin to lay any one ftone, thanthe Samaritans &other idolatrous Nations adioyning,gaueall the impediment they cold? Sodic nouts of thofe Prouinces vaderCyrasaleogcther ‘Countenaiice the difturb: fort fauoured the Tewes;northe labours nor purpofesthey had imhand. And Efd,tc2v,r6,thofe which werebutProuinciall Lietitenaats anid other dfficers'oflaffe place,t ; byfes bimfelfey who haniag théevharge ofthe whole Empire, while \cyrasvas bull Efdu.r6, therwife,countermanded the biilding began ‘And whereas fomeé Aatho that Whatloener.Camby/esdid whenhitnfelfe had obtainedthe Bmpire,; ye eee + life of Cyrus there was nofuch impediment‘ or prohibitions They may h ENE: themfeluesiout6fa/dra') That bythe Confpiracies ofthe neighbouring} building was hinderediallithe time of Kitts Cprus lifes&eeAnd therforeir iS Tew *s thenifelues affirmeyasit is written'in thefecond ofohn) Thatthe Tenip! years in {etting vp, hauing 'réceiued fo many hinderances from tlie firft fouti thefecond of-Dar/as. ‘And if we feck the naturall' gad politique courfes which mondd Gamby/esto W ichitan® his fathers decree,as wellwhile he gonerned vnderhiin.as whemhimielfe becam Meroejand ‘Artyona: Ctefias addeth to thefe, Amptis.. Atofa and Meroe their brother Carmby/es matried ; Arf yftoza,Darius Hyflafpes obtained; fo did he -4- tolfa,Cambyfes being dead: who(as fome Writers haue fuppofed) inflamed both her uusbands, Darius, and Xerxes after him, tainuade Greece, to be auenged ofthe whole Nation for the cruell intent that 4ax(whomthe oldtranflation calleth a Macedonian) padgaint the Jewes,though the opinion of Jofephus be more probable, who findes 4- mn a Can Amalekite.Butit is hard to be vnderftood, how Atofja; the daughtet of .27#,fhould haue beene Either . whofeHiftorie feemes rather to appertaine to the soliine of artaxerxes Longimanus,than of Darius the fon of Hyflafpes, orofXerxes. The = ofAtoffa to haueGreece brought vnder the yoke.of Perfia,waspartly gounded Ypon the honour whichthereby fhethought her husband mightobtaine, pattly vpon @Teminine humor ofgetting many braue Dames, Corinthians, Athenians, and.others of th ane be her bond-women, Wherefore I cannot gine affent to the aie: (by the Larter « ui oe neere found che oe pans Cian eles, thougl i Sica. "he aE ber wasalfo callec dna est eeDans om great ; Lady pet : ‘ that E/therconcerning her parentage,a while mightbe taken for a Y3Yt Codonigins inférericeis nothing probable; that the fhould therefore, an Lil fo |