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Show The Preface, The Preface. bisfonnesthe PrinceofSpainethegreatest Monarch ofthe world:faw him die in theflower ofhis yeares;and bis wifegreat with childe, with her vatimely birthat once eo: together buried.His elde/t daughter marriedyntoDon Alpho{o Prince ofPortugallbebeld herfirft husband breake his necke in ber prefence,; and being John;father to Alphonto,now wholly extingusfhed:whohdd not onely left many difconfolate:Mothers nF ortugallby thelaughteroftheir children; buhad forBeatrix,Daecheffe ofVileo.Thefecond Daughter of. Ferdinand, marriedto the yet bring his affaires to their wifhed ends, hauing it in his hope to worke that by merlyflaine withbis owne hand,thefonne and onely comfort of bis Aunt the Lady Arch-DukePhilip,turned foole, and died madiand deprined: His third daughter, be/towed on King Henrythe eightHefam caftoffby the King:the mother ofma- ny troubles in England;ex the mother of adanghter, thatinher unhappy zeale Jubtilty, which he hadfailedto performe by force : He fencfor Governour his ba~ ard brother Don LohnofAuttria; 4 Prince ofgreat hope, & very gracious to thofe people. But be, vfing theJame Papal aduantage that his predeceffors had done, made no {cruple totake Oath copon the Holy Euangelifis , toobferue the anew name; andby asbae family are‘gonerned and poffe/t treaty made with the Generall States; > to difcharge the Low Countriesof all Spaniards,ex other[trangers,theringarrifond: Towards whife Pay ex Paspore, Charlesthe fift,fon to the Arch-Duke Philipyin whofe vain enterprifes vpon the Erench,»pon the Almans,¢x other Princes and States fo many maltitudes of Chriftian Jouldiers,and renowned (aptaines; were confumed : tho gane the While a mojtperillous entrance to.the Turkes, and Suffered Rhodes the Key of Chriftendom,to be taken;was in conclusion chaced out ofFrance,and ina fort out ofGermany;and left to. the French Mentz;Toitle,and.-Verdun places belonging tothe Empire,ftole away fromAnipurg ; andfcaled the Alpes by torch-light, prrfued by Duke Maurice; haying hoped tofwallow vp all thofe. dominions Sebexes ia hee contactedvothing faue.his.awne difgraces..And hauin after the flaughter of fo many. Millions ofmen , noone. foote of ‘ground in sik : Flee crepe a 4 Cloy/ter,and made bimfelfea Penfioner of an bundved honfand Chutes by-the : : : : ene very9 [lowly [lowly recein aacitarasnce. receined his meane and ordi-rs | Eis Son againe Kin | g Philip thefecon dnotfatisfied to boldHoll peare tobisfonne P hilipsfromsobom he and andZe- land,(wr fied by hissanceftors‘from laqueline dein Prindelfe)enit pofefje in peace many othe i S: perfwaded by that mifminouse Cardin e di allst eh ofGranu tanda ile, entth ed other Romi Tyrants; not onelyforgot the moft remarkablefernices ,- done to Hift.of the Netherlands, all bis other barbarous murders cx maffacres.Bywhofe miniftry when he could not fred a world. of innocent bloud, lot, Calice tothe French wand died heart-broken without incresfe.To conclude: all thofe Kingdomes of Ferdinand haue mafters of Nether, Hift. ploied that moft mercile/s Spaniard DonFerdinand Aluarezof Toledo, Duke of Alua,, followed with a powerfull armyof ftrange Nations : by whomheefirft flaughtered that renowned Captaine the Earle ofEgmont, Prince ofGauare: ¢ Philip Montmorency Earle of Horn:made ay ay Montigue, or the Marquis of Bergues, ¢7 cut off an thofefixeyeares (thatAluaSouerned) of Gentlemen ¢ others, eighteene thoufand ezjixe hundred,by the hands of the Hangman,befides with cbilde by herfecond,died with it. Aiust iudgcmentof God vpon the race of i 7fol3 13. mentofbis bafefifter, Margaret of Auitria,cx the Cardinall Granuile; Fie em- his Fatherthe Emperour; by the Nobiliti e of Hhofe.countiies'. not onel: Zz ; millions ofFlorenss,c éae era aeleai Pacfde me es ent ;macb Noua iry forg roppot alss nor onel of fort thatentr heey,had twicye ty (worne'tothe Genérall States, to maintaineand preferuethctr chent rights priuiled. : ans df ightsspriuiledgessand cuftomes,which they had entoyedonder thea ihirtie Alar: PDE O «\ é wingfetocar its: Conditional!Princes ofehfeBrexince but beg eee caalreiatien Uthem by theSpanithInguifition, and Bde Maer tun, many newdeuifed and-intdlerabléimpo/stions' he laft4,0)trong hand.and maine forceattempted tain an po/stions she lute Monarch oner themlike conto the Kinée Sea q Ings, aTe $0 tread under Bisfe : the Netherlands /trained themfelues tomake payment of 600.thoufandponnds. Which monies receiued, He[uddenly furprifed the (itadells of Antwerp <7 Ne- mures : not doubting (being vn[ufpected by the States) to haue poffest himfelfe ofall the majtring places of thofe Prouinces.For what/oenerhe overtly pretended, Hee heldin (ecret4 contrary councell with the Secretary E{couedo, R hodus, Barlemont, x others, Mini/ters ofthe Spanith tyranny; formerly praétifed,wo now againe intended, But let vs nowfee theeffect ex endof this persiry, & of all other the Dukes cruelties. Firft,for bimfelfe ; after he had murdered Jo manyof the Nobilityexecuted(asafore/aid) cighteen thoufandfix hundredin fixyeeres, eo mo[E cruelly(laine Man,Woman,and Childein Mecklin,Zutphen »Naerden and otherplaces : andafter be had confumedfix and thirtymillionsof treafure in fixyeares : notwith/tanding bis Spanifh vant,That be would/uffocate the Hollanders in their owne butter-barrells and milk-tubbes: Flee departedthe country no otherwife accompanied, than withthe curfe ex deteftation ofthe whole Natson; leauing bis Mafters affaires in a tenfold worfe e(tate , than hee found themat his firfEarriuall.For Donlohn, whofe baughty concespt of himfelfe ouercame thegreateft difficulties; hough his iudgement were ouer-weake to mannage the leaft : what wonders did his fearefull breachof faith bring forthother than the King his brothers iealoufie anddiftrujt,with the vatimely death that fet xed bim, euenintheflawreof his youth? And for Efcouedo his fharpe-witted Secretarie, who in his owne imagination had conquered for bis Master both England o> the Netherlands, being fent into Spaine wponfome newprotect, He wa.at the firft arriuall xbefore any acceffe to the King, bycertaine Ruffiansappointed by AnthonyPeres(though by better warrant than his)rudely murdered in his own lodg- ing. Laftly,if we confiderthe King of Spaines carriage,his coun[aile ex fucceffe in this bufineffe;thereis nothingleft to the memory of man more remarkeable, For he hath paid aboue an hundy ed Millions ex the lines ofaboue foure hundred thou- Nationall aird- funda- fand Chriftians for the loffe ofall thofe countries; wl ich,for beauty, gaue place to filpobtained emcl P ener ferent Rightealo fePbich after be had ea- moft willingly obeyed him; ¢ who at this day,after forty yeares warre, are ide~ hight ofall his forces become a free Estate, cx far morerich andpowerfull, than tion Wasthe Be real F h Pibentetion of bisformer Oathes (wmhich Difpenfa- [ince then;) és after he bad tried Uo)bythewar re rme, what he ne could Contd perfo dividingeoofbloudhed thety owne. N.ability: wider the: zonern? S ment none.<> for reuenue, did equall his Welt Indies : forthe loffe of 4 nation wri hb they werewhenhefirft began toimpoueri[h and aperelfé them. RR» at h |