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Show The fecond Bookeof thefirst part Cuar.8.63, rissa Ciar-pign a thy them eueninrofubie@ion. Which Hiram knowing ; was glad (and no meruaile) the i Salomon rather meant as aman of peace to employ his Fathers treafure, in magnificent workes, than in purfuing the conquett of all/Syria.. Therefore he willingly ayded him, and fent him cunning workmen,to encreafe his delight in goodly buildings, imageries, and inftrumentsofpleafitre. Asthefe pallages betweene Salomon and Hiram, are no ftrong Argumentsofpietie inthe Tyrians: fo thofe other proofes which Boztws frames negatiuely vpon particular examples are very weak.For what the Religion ofCadmus was, thinke, no man knowes. byes H Gu APs LX, ; "I : : Of the Tribe of Ephraim, and ofthe Kings of the ten Tribes, whofe head was Ephraim, grey, raustisel Aa ‘ Ofthe memorable places inthe Tribe of Ephraim, : \ It (eemes tome,that hauing more cunning thanthe Greekes, and being very ambition, PAWMOS Aving now pat ontr Phenicie; wee come tothe next Territorie he wouldfaine haue purchafed diuine honours: which his Daughters, Nephewes, and 7S) ah others of his houfe obtained, but hisowne many misfortunes beguiled himoffuch hopes, if hehadany. Tvales and Pherecydes are but fingleexamples: Eueryfaluage Nition hath fome wifedomeexcelleth the Vulgar, euen ofcivill people. Neither didtle a) BPRS Sy eh FRY morall wifedomeofthefe men expreffe anytrue knowledge ofthe true God. Only they of force, That Carthage, Vtica, Leptis, Cadiz, and all Colonies of the Tyrians (of which it bone 5 ro ButtheLraclites were no Sea-men, andtherefore glad to fhare with the Tyrians in their aduentures. Yet Salomon as Lord ofthe Sea-townes, which his Father-had taken from the Philiftims,might have greatly diftrefled the Tyrians, & perhaps haue brought made nogood mention of the gods of Greece: whom being newly comethither, they knew not. Itisnhogoodargumenttofay, that Cadmus and Thales being Tyrians, are tot Knowne to hauetaughtIdolatry, thereforethe Tyrians were nor Idolaters. But this is ofthe Hiftoryofthe World, we} Ue foe, adioyning': whichis that.of Ephraim: fomerime taken: per-ex- Plal-s9y78 cetlentium tor the whole Kingdome.of theten TribesiEphrain 12!" *5 was thedecond fonne-of‘vo/eph , whofe iffies when they-left Eerpeweresin number 45 005,\allwhich dying inthe Deférts,.(J0- fawrexcepted wthere.enwed the Holy.Land of their children wo SVE& ‘gtowsie to beableemen 32500. who fatedowneon the, Wett fide ; of Jordan, betweene Manaffes.and Beniamin:: who bounded E+ 10 phraim bythe North andSouth; asYordany andthe Atediterran Sea, did by the Batt and W eft. Ithinke,the lands before mentioned in the Red Sea to haue beene, for they traded in all Seas) were Idolaters, cuenfrom their firft beginnings : therefore, the ‘Tyrians whd planted them, and to whomthey had reference, were fo likewife. ; _° The firttand chiefe Citie which Ephraim had, was Samaria, the Aetropalis of the Kingdome of 4/rael; built by x_4ora or Homri King thereof, and {eated onthe toppe of the Mountaine sorroe which oucrlookethall the bowcome, and a8 farreas the Sea-coaft: Thistheir Idolatryfrom Salmons time on-wards is acknowledged by Bosizs, who [twas afterward called Seb4/teor-dugujla, inhonouirof Augift.Cefar. This Cticis of- would haue vs thinke them'to Hauebeene formerlya ftrange kinde - deuout Edomites. tenremembitd in the Sctiprutes': and magnificennir was inthe firft building} toras Bra Liticos as if it were impiety to thinke that God (who euen among the Heathen,which wore pf Hienufalen;vellchofe that behold them;wharit was whewit {tood vpright for Tn whichfancie heis fo peremptory, that he ftyleth men ofcontrary opinion, /mpits pi haue not knownchis name,, doth fauour Vertue and hate Vice) hath often rewarded morall honetty, with temporall happinefle. Doubtle(fe. this dodtrine of Bocixs would better haue agreed with fulian the Apofars, than wich Cyril For ifthe A fyrians, Gre cbardobferbesti, the ruines which yetremaine, arid which Brochard found greaterthan torhisday thereare foundgreat ftore. of goodly Marblepillars) with other hewne and 3.0 Catued ftonein grearabiindance;amongithe rubble: It was beaten totheground bythéefonnes of Hircanusithe high Prieft:, néftored and Romanes, and all thofe Nations of the Gentiles,did then profper alt when they dre" suit by the firft Herod the fon of Antipater : whoto flatter Caféricalled it Seha/lew, Here- neereftvoto the true Religion : what maybee faid of the foule Idolatry which grewi in were the Prophets Heti/gus,and Ahdias buried' ::'andfowas Jeb Baptifi.\ Tunow hath Rome, as fatt as komeit felfe grew : aad was enlarged with fome new fiperftition, ali Hocsing buta few CotrageSfilled with Grecian Monkes. vpon cucry newvictory' How few great battailes did the Romanes win, in whi vowed not cithera Templeto fomenew BdeSeleanaeertibiour co Bub ofth gods ¢ yea, what one Nation, faue onely that ofthe Iewes. was fabdued by them, wh godsthey did not afterward entertainc in their City ¢ Onel vihie rue God which W the Godof theIewes,they teiected,vpbraiding the Tewes wich iinas Fhewere W thy of the Romane Maic fty : fall we hereupon ehForeethéle aes fo lith cone! which Heathenwriters vied againtt the Chriffiansinthe Pri: a "g a ; That {uch! dolatry hadcaufed the Citieof Rome to flourith edie ein 3 Wecte Sam arta towards tlic Southyis the Hill of: Bethel;'andaxowne of thigname:on the top ofw hich Mountaines veroboam erected onedf his golden Calues,ro be Worfhip= Ped: with which he,fedutedthedfruetires, dn fight of this Mouiitaine of Bethelpwasthatancient Citieofsichem: after thereftau: Sicharrohits rationcalled Neapolts, now Pelofa, and Napolafa :bIe wasdeftroyed by Siméon atid Leuk, Meboethan, qo Mrcucngeobetherauifhimencof theit filtet Dina-ziandafter tharby Abimelecoucned With 2" the foy ta\ Lerebaameraitedicvpagaind sand the Dianafeens athitdtime caltit downe: ofth fs shomintt ; V Ader Siebem toward theSea ftandeth Pharatomor Pirhathonjon the Mountainc Ama. Ludg, 12.1 5 ons did alfo bring with ic the decayofthe Empire? Tt might cil fehic aah if pt {per ite Were a figneor effet of true Keligion, Such isthe blinde veale of Boel who writing againft thoft whomhe falfely termes im pie oi Reene I sfach as i pote lacerd. Butflich indifcretionis vfually eit ah eet nial fs aauing once either foolithly embracedthe dreamee nf ee a te oly embraced the dreames their owne braines any fttange Chimeré's of Diuini tesein eathiontd of others or vainely wi? fach faihto in oes ‘nie of.Aoaon litdgeot J/rarts And vader ieBerhoron of che Leuitesjbuileas icis86" i3 oftheir zeale,as Atheifts andInfidels, chat are foe Biteuahae at haciad pers ignorance. Great pitic it 1s ie fuck at Ass - Faniportedwitht ne a a who hauing the command ofmany tonsue 4 a eee oar cham in open andgenerous oppolition' wil ee andhi en they them{elues cannot ea an ypecrite, : oundhimfecretly by the malicious Vv" faid by Sora, tne daughter of Ephraim. Neere tathis Citic Iuda Adacehabdusauerthrew cerepand Lifses; Licuteiants to Antiochia.. This Citichad Salomon formerly repaired apd fortified... : pon weene Beterom and the Sea, ftandeth Samir, of which Jof. 10. and Saremwhoft King5 waWaban by hier /efaesicisall(S Jal gh sinten if mentioned 44s. 9.35.and; of ! this Sarouthe Valloyta Tok,¢.14.3 8 ketb name, which beginning atCsfares Pale/line ,-cxtendethirfelfe alongftthecoaltas 59 FAN a8 Jepdeidawth Adrichome:) though indeed thdname Saroma is not particailarly gir Wemto thas alley, ‘bur vo eweryfruit full plaine Region, fornot onelythisVadlleyis fo fatied,to wit, berweene Cafaree and foppe, burtharalfo betweene the Mountaine Tabor BES the Sea of Galilee : forth S, Hierame vpon the fiuc andthirtieth Chaptenof £/ay,intern: ST PINT uf ¢ Word Sarém n and {odoth the fame Father in his Commeéneagics vponbWe, iad Sexes tord/fsrdecd ynderltanding thereby aP laine necre:Lidda which Lidda £8205 une was called Drofpels,orthe Oiry of /ypiter, one of the Toparchics of Indeathe Aas O58 18 Sepnvic (or che thirdaftcr Pliny) where Saint Peter (monfua j fed Chrifii virtuteyour Lucaj. 10d Enter Newer calls abkthar Regiontrom Amtic/ibamus toJeppe, Sarina, This Loppe ™tit7. «m4 Afia [al,5036%4 was |