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Show 158 The fourth. Booke ofthe fritpart. ©BAP.2.§0 From: Arbela Alexander tooke hhis:way towards Babylon, -whete A4az¢a5, in whom Seige 159 ofthe Elftorie of the World, Cuar.z.§.12. Dariws had moft confidence, rendredi himfelfe:, his. Children:and the CityAlfo the totheirlowne Kings, ate-neuer to. bevfed aloneiin great enterprifts bythofe Princesthat entertaine them, not:cuer to betrufted with the defences of any frontier-Town, or Fortrefle ofiwaight,bythe rendring wherof they may redeem their libertyand-eftates loft. gers): followed. this Captaine in great folenmnity to entertaine: their new King: 4f. Spaine, was trufted with Fonterabe,in the yeare v523..> ee Ra Whiledlexander{poiled Atbela,adazens might haue furnifhttheKing from Babylon; Captaine ofthe Caftle,who was keeperofthe treafure,ftrewed theftreets with flowers, burntfrankincencevpon Altarsoffilueras U4lexander pafled. by, and:délivered yn. to:him whatfoeuer was committed to his trufts"The Azagi (the Chaldean! Aftoli: ter thefecame the Babylonian horfemen, infinite:rich in attire, but exceeding pooreiti watlike furniture. Betweene thefe(thoughnot greatly tobe feared )and himtelfe, Alex. ander caufed his Macedonian foot-mento march:'When heentred the Caftlé, he adu mired thieglory thereof, andthe aboundance oftreafuretherein found; amounting t fifty thoufandtalents offiluer vncoyned. The City it felfe I haue elfewhere defcribed; 19 with the Wals, the Towers, the Gates and Circuit, with the wonderfull place ofpleas {ure abont two milesin Circuit, furrounded with a. Walllof fourefcore foore high, and onitne top thereof (being vnder-bornewithPillars): a Groue of beautifull andfruitful trees; whichit is faidthat one ofthe Kings ofBabylonicaufed to be buile,that the Queea and other Princeffes might walke priuately therein: In this City, rich incall things,but moft oFall in voluptuous pleafures,the King refted himfelfe and the whole Armyfoure and thirty dayes,confiming that timein banquetting andimall forts of effeminate exercife;whichfo mucifoftned the minds ofthe Macedonians,notacquainted til now with the like delicacies, as the feuere difcipline of war which taught themthe fixfferances of39 hungerand thirft, of painefull trauaile, and hard lodging,began ratherto be forgotten, than negletted. Here it was that thoft bands ofa thoufand Souldiers ‘were ereéted,and Commanders Hereofthe Frenclvhad.experience;: when Dox Pedyode Nauarra, being banifhed out of and while he ftayed.foure and thirty dayes at Babylon, déw/ires might haucholpenhim from Sufazée while he'feaftedthere,Tiridates from Perfepolis might have relicued him, » forthegreatmafle of treaftire was laidvp inthat City. But who hath fought out and toftiended: fearfulladuerfity ¢ Itis certaine, thatbenchts bindenotthe ambitious,but the honeft's for thofe thar are burgreedy:ofthemfelwes; doe in all changes of fortune onely confult'theconfernation of their owne greatneffe, torepoferhemfclues. Itis faid,that Charles the fift hauing promifed charles of Bourboo the gouertiment of Marfeilléssifhe could hatiefore'titj& whereof he made fureaccompt; told fome of his neereft:Conitifellers,that he meant nothing leffe than the performance of that promife, becaufe hee fhould thereby. haue leftthe Duke (reuolted from: his: Mafter)'very well wherewithall to haue recoucredhis fauour. appointed ouer them, who thereupon were ftiled Chiliarchi.. This new order Alexander brought in,was to_honourthofe Captains which were found by certain {elected Iudges to hauedeferued beftinthe late warre. For before this timethe Macedonian companies confifted bur offue hundred. Certainly the drawing downe'of the foot-bands inthis latter age hath beenthe caufe ({aiththe Marfhall Monlud) that the title and chargeofa Captaine hath been beftowed on every Picque Baufor S purn-Cow; for when the Cap- taines of foot had:athoufand Souldiers vnder one Enfigne,andafter that fiuehundred, as in thetime ofFrancés the firft,the title was honourable,and the Kings wereleffe char- 3° ged, and farre betterferued. K.Hesry the eight ofEngland neuer gauethe commandement of any of his good fhips,but to men ofknown valour,and ofigreat eftate,nayfometime he made two Gentlemen of quality Commanders in one thip : but‘all orders and degreesiare fallen fromthe reputation they had. ‘While Alexander was yet in Babylon,there cameto hima great fupply out ofEurope; for Antipater {ent himfixe thoufand foote and flue hundred horfe out of Macedon ; ot Thracians three thoufandfoot,the like number ofhorfe,& out of Greece foure thoufandand foure hundredhorfe, by whichhis Armywasgreatly ftrengthened: forthole that were infected with the pleaftres ofBabylon, could hardly be brought againe, Dé quitter la plume ponr dormirfur laduresTo changefromfoft beds to hard boords. ; Heleft the Caftle and City of Babylon,with the Territoriésabout it,in three of his owne Captaines, to wit, Agathon, Minetus,and Appolidoras;tocharge with Supply * Wants,athoufand talents : butto grace Mazeus,. who rendred the City vnto him, #8 gaue himthetitle ofhis Lieutenant ouer all, and tooke'with him Bagé/fines that gale VP the Caftle,and hauing diftributed to euery Souldiera part ofthe Treafure,he left Babyco and entred into the Prouince Satrapene : from thence he went on towards $ erfia,the fame which Ptolomy,Herodotws,and Elianus call Memnonia,fituate on the Riuer Euleus3a City fometime gouerned by Daniel the Prophet. Abulites alfo,Gouernout oe famous City, gaueit vp to the Conquetor,with fifty thoufandtalents of filuer 12 59 DiaderSpex hi ce andtwelte Elephants forthe warre, withall other the treafures of Derias. In kethoi more "US fort did thofe Vaflals of fortune, louers of the Kings profperity, not ofhis per" than forty (for fo all ambitiousimen are) purchafé their own peace and fafety Sith the Kings trea leowrnbati. Alexander aduifed.that whore ents inbulli-{tes-And hereinwas nectite hehe nauegaue tothe a er well wel aduifed,that whatfoeuertitles tothe *PE , on,and ofnme Babe yet he left all places of importance in truft with his 6wneCaptaines , to WI? Sec . Fe onsSula,and Petfepolis,with other Citics and Prouinces by himconquer¢ d for taformaexcrfi. oe ums (asyet liuing)-had beaten the Macedonians but in one battell,all the N of Perfia would 'h ane ‘returned vato their naturall Lord: Thofe that ‘ are oa of : The gohernmenvofSula,withthe Caftle & Treafure,he committe dto hisowne Maz cedoniatisymaking Abalites;who rendred it vate hit, his Lieutenant,as he had done Mae stusandorhers,in giuing them titles, but neithertruft nor power; forhe left threethoufand old Souldiers ia Garrifon to‘aflure the placéjand Dariws motherand herchildren §. XII. How Alexander came to Per{epolis,and burptit. Rom Sula Alexander leadethihis. Army toward. Perfepolis, and when he fouche F: pafle thofe mouataines which funder Sufianaand Perfia, he. was foundly bea ten by Aréobarzanes, who defended againtt him thofe Streights,, calledPyte Pesfi- 3 disor Su/wide,and after the loffeof many Gompanis of his Macedonians;he was forc't to fauehimfelfeby rettait,caufing his Foottomarchclofe together, and to couerthemfelues with theirTargets fromtheftones tumbled. on them.fromthe Mountaintop. Yet intheend he foundout another path,whicha Lycian,liuing in that country, difcouered vato him, & came therby fuddenly in'view of Ariobarzanes, who being inforc't to fight Yponeuen ground,was by Alexander broken,whetuponhe fled to Perfepolis:; but (after that they ofPerfepolis had tefufedito receiue him) he returned & gaue afecond chargé pon the Macedonians, whereinHe wasflaine.: In like manerdid King Francés the firtt, inthe year 1515.findea wayouerthe Alpes,the Switzers vndertaking to deferid all the paflages,who,iftheir footmanthip had not fauedthem vponthe Kings defcent on the other fide,they had beenill paied for their hard lodging on thofe Hils. Foure thoufand Greekes, faith Curtius (Jufline numbers them but at eight hundred) hauing been taken prifoners by the Perfians, prefented themfel ues to Alexander now in fight ofPerfepolis, Thefehadthe barbarous Perfians fo maimed and defaced) by cutting off their Hands, Nofes, Eares, and other Members, as they could no way have beene knowneto their Countri-men, but by their voices ; to each of thefe Alexander Satethree hundred Crownes, with new garments, and fuch Landsas theyliked to liue Vpon, Tiridates, one of Darias his falfe hearted Grandes; hearing of Alexanders approach, made him knowthat Perfepolis was readyto receive him, &prayedhim to doublehis S©pace,becanfe there was adetermination in the peopleto f{poyle the Kings treafure. This ity was abandoned by many of her Inhabitants vpon Alexanders arriuall, and they thatfaied followed the worft counfell.for all was lefe tothe liberty of the Souldicrs,to *Poyleand kill at heir pleafure.There was nO place in the world at that'time, which, if whad bin layed in the ballance with Perfepolis, would haué waighed it downe. Baby= Onindeed and Sufa,were very rich ; butin Perfepolis lay the bulkeand maine ftore of *he Perfians, For afterthe fpoyle that had beeh made of mony; ctirious plate, bullion; tages ofgoldand filuer,and other Iewels ;'theré reniained to Alexander lrimfelfe ON¢ bundy: edand twenty thoufand nf talents: He lefc the fame alimiber ofthréethoufand Tacedohiand e |