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Show O the F fecond Pooke, The Contents Europe Of the inftanration of siuilitie sm Rrometheus.amd pandof the[estimes about Atlas. 7 of Hazon. +.a51, OfCezfarea Philippi. of A chabaudbis S4cceffours : with the pe TLIT. §.1Vi OfCapernauni,and the Cities of Deca: OfDcucalion adPhaeton. §vi x Of Hermes and Trifmegiftus. Oftiamath. Ofianntsand Tambres,and fore others ‘ that lined about thofe times. -WIdI. Arbriefe of the Hiflerie of Lofaa: aitd of f thepace bitweenebim and Othoniel: ando « with ; es anit Cana ¢he' of rs inde rema the Note offorme contemporaries tototua: nd of the breach ofFaith, CHAP: VIT. Ofthe Tribes ofIftael that were planted in the borders of Phoenicia: with (undry Stories depending ti V. Na eH ‘is He Preeme tothe selhaiptiee ofthe whol Land ofCanaan.z with an expofition of Townes. SAV. The Tribe of Labulon, §. VI. The Tribe of \ffachar. §. VITs The halfe ofthe Tribe ofManafte; fa Pithe bounds ofthis halfe Tribe: and of Seythopolis;Salem,T herfa;en others IT of Cefarea Paléeftine, and fome other Townes. : ofthepromifes touching this Land. §. Lid, Ofthe Tribe ofAfher. the de Lit bounds of the Tribe ofAfher. Las S.J: He bounds and chiefe Cities.and Foun- ders, and name of this Kingdome: and of the inuention ofLetters afcribed tastem, +, aL ble f.Vs Ofthe Caftle of S.George. Tyriansfrom them received andbroughtdatoPh@&hiciathe Krowledge of she mostre GOD, nites. tie eld Le Of the Dead Sea. Tee Of the Kings of Moab, much of whofe Country within Arnon,Reubenpoffef. . Ve CHAP.IX. Of ThoromGifcalasandfome other pla- Of the:Tribe of Ephraim + and ofthe Kings of the Ten Tribeswhofe ces.4 +. VIL Ofthe Riuersand Mountaines ofAffer. § DTT ; wehbe Of the memorable places of, the Reube Of the mamovable placer of the Gadites, 4nd the bordering places of Ammon. t.iVd OfAcziba,Sandalium, andothers. fever Head was. E- the bounds' of Nephtalim . and of O; the memorable places in the Tribe of Ephraim, ries the Gadites manfrom Og ,the king of Bafan, a Ofthesther halfe of Manatle. §..1. +. I1. SVL OftbeAmmonites,part ofwhofe Territe- §. VII. phraim. Ofthe Tribe ofNephtalim: Ofthe Tribe of Beniamin,and of erufalem. 11 : §.-1. F diners memorable places in the Tribe enres manne from Schon, kiag of, Hels O ofBeniamin,wheresof Hi¢gxigho, Gilon, * gall, Mitfpa, Bethel, Kama, Gobah, aed Ofdinexsplaces bordering Reubenshelor ging 30 Midian,Moabyar. Edom. Progenitours of the Tyrtians : and that the OfProlomais or Acon, §. I. of their power. §. IT. Ofthe firf kings of Damafeus, and ofthe other balfe of MaLroming up of their power. nafle. §. III. Ofthe latter Kings,and decay, and the di nersfortunes thereof. §. I. ‘ §.ITIE. Ofotherleffer kingdomesof the Syrians, E Dan: where of loppe, Gath, () Accaron,Azotus, andother towns. which being brought under the Affyrians , neuer reconcred themfelues againe. §, LI. The Trike of Simeon. Ss TI h The Tribe of luda. CHAP. XII. PULL §. IT. Ofthe Ring of Tyre. OfBozius his conceit, that the EdumzOfSatepta,with a briefe Hiflory of Tyre ans, inhabiting along the Red Sea, were the in the[ame Coaft, E ( ) F the City ofDamatcus, & ouerthrow on,luda,Ruben,Gad, and the and Ammon ; part whercof, the Reu- + TEL OHeliopolis ai-Abi diveltion the Eaft of lordan. ape aeats ana bounds.of Midian,Moab, OfLidon. F Borderers ofthe Hraelites, that i. Of the Kingdome ofPhenicta. §. II. Ofthe boundsofthe Land ofCanaan, and Of the memorable places of Dan,Sime- §. ELIE. The Fribe of Reuben, \ana his borderers. CHAP. VIE. tees ti The Fiiftorie of the Syrians, the chiefe CHABR.X. teVE Of Reblatha,«wa Rama,and dinerfe other on thofe places. the same ofSyria. Captinity of the ten Tribes, C HAP..X1L polis. suv ' §. II. Ofthe Kings ofthetex Tribes, from Teroboam ¢e Achab. " &. TL. 7. Il, §. MIE Gibba. §, Is Of, diuérs memarable things soucerning Hiervialem. : age Ofthe destruchon of Hierufalem by the Romans, §. LITT ts of of the waine andmalicious yepor sent Awpc she, ing sawch Heathen: Writers, Icwes, CHAP. XIIL. ned in Ofshe. memorable things that hap Ipfua, to the world; fromthe death of the Warre ofFroy + which was gbout the time of Jephtha. §. 1. Iofua's r the Iotet-regnum after , niel Otho f o sand ey s.IL |