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Show Ovab: 4Gag Tbe Jfift:Booke of the\ fir? puro Cuary.$.15; the Romans whom they had kept out, ‘Thus.cach part having fome good attentle of the Liftory of theWorld. todoubti ‘Phe towne ofSalapia yeeldedvnto: Atareellus ; and betrayéd vato hima gal= lant Regiment ofNem:dian hotle}thebelt' ofall that ferued.vnder Hannibalywhich was ledge, the Senate made fuch anend ofthecontrouerfi¢ yas. beft- agreed! withthe ‘benef mmon-wealth:: blaming thetoo much 'rigourof Atercedlis syee no oftheir owne.Co g the b@otie "reftorin that-hehad taken ; nor: making:the Swracufians freefrom thelr fib. "tectionbut comforting them: with gentle wordsandihopefull promifes, ashath beehe his bitter enemy. Wherefore he brakethe matterto this Dafims in private and chatwids wasby himacens his Colleagtics to'theeid «deniedit) and by way ofrecrimination;{o vehemently preffed-hisaccufer withthe fame dhewed before.-The two new. Gonfuls:Adarcellusiand Laninus, were appointed tdthake iwatre,as their fhould fallout;the one in /aliethbather in SieiA TheIle ofsieil fell ntoMarcedlvs;lors which Prouince he willingly changed with jagreaterdofle, than the Towne it felfe,. -B/4(ixe the: authorof this rebellion ycould not bring his defireto effe& ; withoitgetting the confentof one Dafius, fed.vnHawnibal.But when he was conuertted-and charged of Treafon , ti¢e fo ftourly faultsthatdlansibal thought it a matterdeuifed outof meere malice; knowing well what that the Spracafans (whofe-caufe had notasyer beens héard:in-the Senate) miphenot eme hindred-by:feare,fromvttering their gticuances: reely,Afterwards) when hisbjore 7 ineffe withthemwas difpateht,he gently .vadertooke the patronage of then' which Femained longin his Familie, to)the greatbenefic oftheir Countric in times following, SoFalerins,the orher Conful,was fentinto,sieil,whofe doingsthere haue beené alteady Stphearled: but. stercellus was employed.againht Hawnibehe 9! duo j ors! enemiesthey were; and {ccing, that-ncither ofthem couldbritigany: proofe of what he roalitmed, ‘Ehis hotwithftanding, B/afivs did not ceafeto preffehis aduerfarieanew,and ge himnfromatimeto time,with fich lively reaforis; that he who could not be beleeued by Habnibal,was contentedat lerigth to win the fauour ofMarcellus,Prefently after this; theGonfiil tooke by force; Maronee and Méles,Townes ofthe Samnites;wherein he flew -aboutithree thoufand ofHawaibal his mens __ -Beforethe Confulsideparted out ofRogie they wereamuch troubled with prefliie of Haninibal.could not looke to'albat onée:'but:was faine to.catch aduantages, where hee might genthem the Romans now beinggrowne itrongerinthe field than he. The bef Souldicrs tothe warre sand moft of all with getting | Marrinersfortheir Nauie. They Gwereall ofthepoorer fort,that viedtobeemployediinSea-feruicessefpecially in towirg, Was,that his Carsheginianshaving wearied themfelies with ill fpeede in many pettie enterprifes; and laid afideall this while the care ofUralie,to follow bufinefieoffar lefeim- ‘Thefe could not liue without prefent wages: neither wasthere mosie chouglyinthe ‘Treafuricto gine thcm pay, Whereforeitwas ordained:sthat thepdhould be fer dut at ‘theexpence ofprivate men,whointhis neceflitic ofthe, States were driven toifitaine 46 all ublike charges. Herearthe. people murmuredyand weetesready to-fall into fedition; hadnot the Confuls deferred.the matter vato furthes.confiderations ‘The Senate tould All tell, whattodetermine or doe; in a. cafe of fuch extremitie.Formanifetit was) phat the multitudehad already enduted fo much,asaxell it could vndergoé s:and! fomewhat more,than could with honefty haue beeneimpofed vponit.Neiertholefteitwasimpof- ible to maintainethe warreagainitthe Carshaginjanssor.to Keepethe atacedomian out of 4tadie,withousaftzong flect,, Wherefore, fome were ofepihion »That, finde theconi- mon Treafure wasfoemptie,the people must be forcedybyright or wrong, itotake the burden yponthem. At laftthe Confuls. began. tofays<!;That noiper{wafions would be. fo effc@uall with.the people, as good examples}. andthat.if the Senators would follow yo the-Confuls, likeit was, thatthe people alfa.wouldfollowthe Senate. Whereforethey Beapenncedand it wasimmediately concluded, That euery on¢ofthemthould bring forth,and putinta the Treafuriesallthemony thathehad sand: that;:no: Senatorfhould _kcepeany veflell.ofgold,or plate whatfoeuer 5 ¢xcepting one Salt-feller jandaBowle wherewith to make their offerings vato thegods.; as.alfoa Ring forhimfelfe, with fich other tokens of.ingenuiti¢ for his wife and children,as chery one did vié,and thofeofas {mall value as might be, Thisaduice ofthe\Confulswas notmore thankefully-actepted by-the Senate,than the readyiperformance thereof byitheSenate was highly applauded, and haftly followed by the Gentlemen ofRome. Neither did the» Gommonaltierefule to doe that, whichtheir betters had openly done beforethem. Forfince the piblike 4° neceffitie could no otherwife beholpen;euéry'one was contented,thathis priuate eftate dhould.run the fame fortune withithe Conimon-wealth;which ifit faffered wracke, in vaine could anyparticular man hopeto enioy the benefit of his proper fubftance. This magnanimitie deferued well that greatnefle ofEm pire,whereofit was the foundation. bo CGonueriicnt orderbeing thustaken'foran'Armieand Bleet: azareellus went forth 0 the Citic againit Hanmibal;and Leuinué toward Sicil. Thearthie oftannibal was greatly diminithed,by, long and hard. ferice : neitherdid his Carthaginians feemeto gemember him,andthinkevponfending the promifed fupply,or dny:fiuch proportionashe needed. Hiscredicalfo among his sta/tenfrien ds,was much weakned,by the loffe ofcapmaiwhic gauethem cauletolookeynto therhfelues,asifin his helpe there weresittletruft to berso pofed, when they fhould ftandin needex'This he well perceitied; yet could not tell how toremedy.Eitherhe mufithrult Garrifonsinto allTowries that he fafpedted,and thereby fodiminithhisarmie, that hefhouldnotbeableto keepe: thefield : or‘his elfehnae leaugthem to theit owne fidelity , whichiiow. began toitvatier: -At length iealoute 20 Portance;had now at length refolued;tofend prefently the gredt fupply,that had beené folong promifed 8 expected. This ifthey had done in better feafon;-Rome st felfe might hauebeene ftrucken downe, the nextyeere after thar great blowreceived at Cannes But fince that w**is pat cannotbe amended; Haunibal mutt force himfelfe to makea good colintenance;andtell his folldwers,that this mightie fuccour would cometime enough, For. Mefami(fa was'at Carthage with fiaethouland Namidians,teady to {et{aile for Spaines whitheriwhen he:came,,. it was appointed, that 4/drabal fhould forthwith take his iour= nie into Ztalie, ofwhich there had beenefolong talke.. Thefenewes did not' more com: fort Henmibal and-his followers,thanteitifie the Reewans.Whéreforeeach did-their beft; the Réman5 to prevent the threatning'mifchiefe, and winne asmuchasthey could vpon Hanbibal; before the comming of his brother ; ‘Hawaibal, onthe contrarie ; tohold his #° owne,and weaken the Romans as muchas hewas able. He hadintelligence; thatCwi Ful= wits, Roman Pretot, lay neerevato Herdonesto gevthe Towne by practice. It was not long, fince; neere vitothe {ame place,another:Gn.Fé/wins had loftihis Armic. Therefore Fanvibel made great marches thithetward:& came tol Herdemea ere Plains heard newes ofhis approach, As fooneas hecame; heoffered battailero the Roman Pretor ;who.ac<epted it with more-haftethan'good {peede. The Roman Legionsmade goodrefiftance awhile, till theysverecompafled round with the Carthaginian horfe. Thenfell-they to Touts and great flaughter was made ofthem:. Fawive himfelfesiwith twelueé Firibuwes or Coronels, were lott + of the common Souldiers., that were flaine, the number: is vncertaine» fonie reporting feucn,others:thirteene thonfand, TheTWnaeof Herdonta, be= #9 canfeit-was-at pointtohaueyeelded.vntoFalsius, Haxeibal did {ecow fire randputting thofeto death that had practifed-with the Enemie;carried away the multitude;whom'he beftowed among the Thurians and Metapontines, The Con{ul Atarcelus hearing*of this, Wroteyvato the Senate.:-and exhorted themto:bé of agood cheérég for thar hee would thortly abate the enemies prides Heefollowed the cuxthaginiawapace';-and ontrtaking him at Vumsifrointhe Countrie ofthe Lacabs, fought with him abattell : which begin- hing at nine ofthe clockein the morning;laftedvntill night; and ended,byreaforof the darkenesfe,with vncertaine viGorie. Afterwatd:Hanwibal. departed thenceintoCspulia; Whithen starccllus followed him,:An/esufiz theyiindt, and had nianyskirmithes:; but fone dfimportance.. Heanibal -remoued ioftensand foughtto bringthe cnemie within danger of fomeambuth. Bue arcelus,thoughhe 2was« very eagerof battaile, would fo yet aduentire nothing; bueby open day-light, andvpon faire ground. « Thos paffed thetime away, wntill Qe Fabins Maximus) and 2. Fuluiws, hee that Jately had taken Capua were-chofen Confuls. ».£bin, confideringhow much the komene af- ines were bettered by the taking ofcapisd 3: purpofed that.‘ yectere befiege planta grew fo-outragious sthat he facked , and wafted , thofe places thathe was vaable to - Whichif he could winnie slikeit was, thar fearceone good Citié would afterwards te- mies,the purchafe from whichilie could Aotlinder therBut by this example; = seas, (to whom was: continued the cdmmiand:ofthofe Legibnstliatfertied vader him theycexebefore) toprefle the Carthaginian {a hardyas hemighc hale no leifure to hel pe fend : thinkingthat the bef wayto enrich himfelfe;andmake vaprofitable,to his ene" Were quitealicnated from:him 5and fome ofthofé jwhom before hee had leaft -. maine trneto Heanibal, Wherefore hevchemently exhorted his Colleague, and ‘A4ar: Tarcutsi. |