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Show Lhefift Booke of thefir{tpart Cutarn.64, Caar2Si2th ned them, and wouldneeds alwaies be mindefull of their good {emices, thi ‘After she began to put hand tohis purfes offering to giue them their whole payin hand;and then after Counttimen the s'; telling them,that they were.in farre worfe conditionthan either the Gaules,African the Greekes Spaniardsorany jthe forreynemercenaries; For( faith he)the/oar companions Dake no nore owneends;vhder faire pretence ofthecommincagt. Ajt which notwithitanding; Gefeois not wanting tothe gdod bfhis cdantries tur adaentires hime felfe vpon theirfurie}Ond whilehe deales withthe!@aptai nes|and: otterpriheipal meng taking then bythe hand; and giving gentle words) lonother while he woskes With' the feucrall Nations} putting themialbin hopeof;theirownhat s defire,ifany teafon would content them: None of: them areifo filllen as the Africans: indeed Hote Ofthemhad ts goodegufe.' They require hinvperemprorily;:to giuethe fo them withiwords. Theitruch is, thatthey arendtfoicoudt tscheit owne, and.not to feed ous-as they feerne? but will be mort glad ofanillaniwer, than of a good payments: smote than:'Ge/éa ikiiowes': hefees nor-thae 41stho hath any niore thanbarewordsVhis wwibettow Vpon them Where fore,as rebuking their inconfiderate heat; hetells therm; fland:in want of money, to {ecke it of their Captaine, Thatthey may doe wellifthey Mathes! Thisis enotigh? Shall\he bothdefraud them and deridethem¢ Theyf tay no longersbour lay violent hands Vpori thetreafare chat hchad broughtyyeavpon hitnabf oyand all chat:are wich hire as inten. to dob, thantore- seine their wages,andfoget themeone:: but wee, that.ar eto flay behinde in Africa,foalbe cal. led ta-another manner ofaccomptswhenwe are left stone'sf o that mee Yoall bawe caufe towifh, that wehadreturned borne beggars; rather than loaden swith the raoitie, which ¢ Little theugh i 20 be }{batt break our backes: Yee arenot iguoravt,how tyrannic allythofe our baughty Mafters of Garthage doereiine ouer vs: Theythinke it reafonab le, that onLines and20005 foould bee at their difpofition ; which they haue atather times beene sccuflon icd torakefrom vs, even withe Out apparant canfe,as if were to declare their Sousraig utic: what will they new doe,fecing that we hawe demeaned ourfelues as Sree men,and beenbuld tofer « goodface an the matter,demanding eur owne;cs others haue done? Yee alldec know, that it werea weryfoame forvs,ifhae wing beene as forwardin euery danger of warre, as any other king likeflanes, and not dare to pen our monthes, when others.men, wee {hould rove fland qua take due. This natwith{tauding yee taay affere yourfelues; that we arelikelikertie to require their tobe tanght better manners,csfooweas ourfellowes aregone:in regard ofwhom they are content tofladare their indige ation mith «goed, but forced coantemance» Let dstherc forebe wife ; andconfider,thas the3° hate andfearews; Their hatred willfbew itfelfeswhen theirfeu re ts ere pajhs-valeffe mee wow take our time, and, whileft we are theflronger,enfeeble themfogreatly, that their hatred Sballnor be able to doems wrong. Alltheir‘firength confifterh money, wbervithall they bene hired others againftusyand vs againft others, Atithe prefentinthey bane neither" money wor Sriends. The beft Armiethat euer erued them, whereofwe are xo Sates, ready tohelpe vs if we be min, A better "pportanitie cannot final part, lies at their be expected+ far were wt Swords oncedramne, all Afzick wouldrife or oarfide. Asfor the Carthag inians, whither cam they fend for belpe? ding fo takethis in paro ofpay mentjand,feor therett,to take anothe r courfel! Markoutid Speeding ateglad of this: It hadilittlepleafed {ee-cheir: Fellowes begin *6 "grow calme}byhis faire language : wheteforetheythiettats caft into bondsboth himand all he Care thaginians tharthe y:can finde pthar fo the Atinie be freedfrom danget of gooi\ad: motions Wwhichtheycall Treafony After chisfotmay lowes Open warte/ AcarhoLolliciresalt Afridkand his Embaffadors ry where welltntertained: Neither is iriieedfull'to ey vicper{wiafion:the vety fame areeuc dftHis rebellion fifheectrts draw theavholécounttieinta it.Now muftthe Carthaginians be Plagued forthof oppreilionsswithwhich they Hatie plagued others. Icis true that aduerficieach neuer ébeene-v arold ofhet erroursiand ag fheis eet affured:tocheate het owne;{o commoalywi her owhethe vndergoes thofe of other men. The Afticans findingthe Carthaginiansthhang vader rhe whecle;tel them ldly;ehat cheir Impofitions were mercileffes ‘thar they took from them the one halfe oftheir corne:; that they doubledtheir tributesin albthingselfey atid et at they inhiged Man their vaflalsthegieatett punifhmentfor cheleatt oktences s Theft cruelties the Gare on themfelues hane forgotten: bur the pedple, that haue fiifered {6 much) retain é a in perfect memdric. Wherefore notonely fuclvas'can beare Artites,are ready to'doe 3 praice in this great Commotion; but the very women bring forththeir Tewels, ‘and 6+ fe omnamentsoffering all to fale for the mainténdnce of foriatt . quartell By this great eeamaelte; and liberal] contribution; MarhoandSpendi ns atc lupplied: witha rong alde ofthreefcore andrea thoufand ‘Africans: and dré torconer furnifhed with inoney; ee tofatistiethe prefenc appetite oftheibmeny but fintfici enrto continie the wat sSun,thouighit fhould be oflong endurance. Thecafe itfelfes Plaine preuent the diligence of Geico, 6"y incealing :but wee wauft quickly refolue. Either wee wif the/é Ganles and s antaras, andprocuring them ie draw blond; or elfe it bebooueth vs to pleafe ourgood imafters, bry toywiig with them againft our fellowes, yea by offering toSorgine vate them all our wages, if fo(peraduenture ) they-mapvee wonneto forgive vs, or wot ouer-cruellie topuni(b ourfaults committ wretchedflaue, that neither hath care te winnehis Majflers owne libertie, ed. He is wsoft sworthsly & lonesnor the courage to attempt bi 4 By fuch perfwafions atatho winnes the African fouldiersto are notnow fo greedy of money, as of quarrell ; which he that feeketh, will not mifleco finde. When Gefcotherefore offered té pay them their whole ftipend prefently, ferred their other demands, for horfes and victuals, but reto fome other more convenient time; they breakein to §reat outrage,and fay that they will haue all,euen all at on that out of hand, In thistumule, the whole . Armie flocke toperher about ateba "adand igence is not wantin g:to add oe fidlkts the frealec sein adyb! ot to 1 aiken cial whom thefouldiers will hearken : et wee of ftones, flying about' his eares, puts him Mids fpeak owordion: Neither {tay they'to {pokefinen ; f%that Se a Us RLis 40 eee i confide07 5yP ie othe arn £ id. vi * b Yhofe enough hath beene {aid already by ; an be rd faueonely Throwshrom. bthi ™Word Cehough perhaps tothe fame purpof e ea 5 H * Sey an e eae Sapa Ts ok §. II, Diners obferuations upon this warre With the mercenavics, . iv his owne purpofe. They 19 Nowthe Rebellibn begins totakeforme. Murhoand Spendéwsare chofen Captaines! who, followed by: a.defperate crue of Ruffiansywill fifferh ocnian to intiake his owne peace,but purfure their to confiderof other reckonings ata more conuenientti me. This hadbene well accepted, and might haue {erued to.bring all.to a quiet paffes if; two {editions ring-leaders ofthe multitude had not ftood againftit. Therewas in the Campe one Spendiws, a fturdic \. , Fellow, and audacious, buta flaye. that.inthelate war had: fled-from:.a/Roman whom hee ferued,.and itheiefore hood in feate,leftihethouldbe deliuered backeto his Mafter;at whofehands he could expectnd lefle; than tobe whipand d. This wretch'could o better way'to prolong his ownielife, thanby raifincrucifie g fachtroubles as might feraefinden to, withidraiwmeb rom care! of prinate matters, and make his ownereftitutionim ; ware his Matter neuer: f importunate.With Spendiné there aflociated hinfelfe pofible, one Matha an hote-headed man, that had beene foforward in ftirring vp the tumislt, as he could not choofebut featé,left his. owne death fhould bemadean exani ple;todetertco thersifromthe like feditious be. hanionr,This Mutho'deales with his ofthe Fiiftorieofthe Words q I I. Of Tyrannie;and how Tyranteire Saine tovfe the helve of mercena ries, Eete let vsreft'a while,as.inia conuenient place.:\ whence weemaytakesd ‘prd= {pect ofthefubie@, ouer, which we tranailesBcholda tysanei cal \Ginyypenfecnted by her owne mercenaries with a deadly warre.Jt is acomm on thing; as bee. a neceffariey that a tyranniefhould be vplicld by mercenarie forces? it 1 ednr4 On that metcena ri fiould be} falfeza $0 tants, thou! ¢ naries 7" nd itis jeg commoti chatall ' Wwarte arte m madedea in ¥y ae ide aeatht ~ 3 !hould be ing filll ofthareand cruelty, Yet wefeldome heareirhat Guét' t ne te Ofatyrannicexceed is Proctited or foughr:by thdferh at Were hired co miainvaipehe pow: ores andfeldome or neuer do wt readeofanywarie thathathbeen profecuted with inexpiab le h : : 7 Th Plable hatred; as this tharis:inowin Kandy mioTd ; dis: Beary DADE at which we Properly call Tytanniejis;4~violearforme ofgomernmint,nor reppehay S004of thefubiecdbis onely shepleafute ofthé Comman der:T pursolely forbeatetd Tay; od z Sy Wthtvaint ruleofone oerminy : for very truely doth Cibe in Thviydiltesin |