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Show 276 ny eth "Thefife Bookeofthefiphpare Cuanaggs, \ AfterthedeathofMipprerates,Gelon(defcended from the Rhodians,which together with thetGretans fd: long befoteyamong other ofthe Gretks,feated themfelues in Sicilychar had&dmmandedthe forces ofHippocrates,in the former warre,with notable fneceffe,be. _ tame LordofGela, Heyafter his: Matters death,breaking the tiuftcommitredvnrohith thong Lyvidéppberatesouerhis childten,ind being in poffeffion of Gela, tooke the oceafion and "\* aduancageofabontention in Syracufe, betweene the Magiftrates sandthe People, For comming with 'ztrong Arnii¢ to the ficcour ofthe Gouernours,driben outby she mul. titude) they cheated him their P rinceybeing thefi rftzand (indeed) she moft famons;that Ritts, cuer gouerned the Syracufians.This change happenedin the fecond-yeere ofthethree{core znd twelfth Olympiad wherin the better to eftablith himfelteshe took to wifethe 10 Daughter ofThere, who had alfo vfurped theiftateof Agrigentum, »Nowthis Ge/on,the fonne of Diaomenes, had three brethren; |Aicro, Palyxelus, and \ Dhtafybulusscoxhe firk ofwhich he gaue vp the Gitie of Gelay when hee had obtained , the Principalitie ofSyracufe.For,after that time,all his thoughts trauelled in theftreng- een amplifying ofSyracufe:He defaced Camerina,that alittlebefore was fallen fromthe obedienceofthe Syracufians whobuiltit,and brought the Ci , tizens to Syracufe.The Megarians thathad moued a warreagainft bim,he ouercame,the » richer fort he broughtynto Syracufe; andthe people he fold. for. flanes. In like man_ ner dealt thee: with other places vpon the like occafion.. Not longafter this, Ther, . #Prince ofthe Agrigentines; hauing difpofleft Terillus, of his Citie Himera; the Cat. thaginians were drawneintothe quarrell by Amaxi/ie, Lord of Meffena, Father-in-law ko Terdl/as:and Gelon was alfo folicited by his Father-in-law, There... Gelon wascontent, 2s ais sri ane fineafteridiners conflitts,the Carthaginians,and other Africans, ledby Armileer, Fem. Pie: "svere ouerthrowneby Gelossandan hundred and: fiftie thoufand of them left their bo« dies in Sicil. 20 'This Gélémitwas.to whomthe Athenians andLacedzmoniansfentfor fuccour,when »; Derived with his huge Armie paftthe Hellefpont. He,fortheir reliefe hauing armed thitty thoufand Souldiers, and two hundredthips, refufed neuertheleffe to fend them into Greecebecaufethey refufed him the commandement of one oftheir Armies,citherby Sea,or Land: Si heevied'to their Embailadors onelythis laying, That their Spring wa 40 manera3 accounting'the! Armie, by him prepared, to be the very flowerofthe Grecke ation. The Carthaginians,after this great loffe receiued, fearing the inuafionoftheir owne Countrie, fentto Gelopby their Embaffadours, to defire peace; who grants itthem on thefe conditions; ‘That from thenceforth theyfhould notfacrifice their children to 5 tarne; That they fhould ‘pay hin 2000. talents offiluer;and prefent him with cee medthips,in figne ofamitie.: Thefe conditions the Carthaginians, not onelywillingly accepted, but with the two thoufand talents, and the {hips for warre,they fent vate De smarateGclons wifc,a crowne,valued at ah hundredtalents ofgold, with other prefents . Whereby we Iée, that fome Nations,and fome Natures, are muchthebetter for being # <WelPbeaten. The wattes eiidedsand Sicilia peace,Ge/on beautificd the Temples of tt ‘gods, and crectéd'others in honourofthem, So being exceedingly: beloued and jo noured'ofhis Subiects; he lefttlie World,and left for his Succeflor his brother Hi Philiffies and Plinie veport, That, when his body was burat,accor dingto the atone that Ave; Doggedthis,whichalwaics waited ot him, ranne into the fire,and fuffere hinifelfe to be burnt with him: . ‘fous To Gelon, Hierohis brother ficceeded; aman rude,cruel, couetons,and fo intpions Ofhis brethreti Palyzelas,arid Thrafybulws,as hee fought by. all meanes to deftroy ¢ . Notwith{tandingali this; by the conuerfation which he had with Simonides,he becal ofbetter condition,and gtearly delighted withthe ftudie ofgood Arts.Diuers ae fs hehad,as well with Therom ofAgrigentamas with other Cities:all which he%¢ri fhortlyoe H ter Componnded;and gaue a'notable ouerthrow to the Garthaginians,whom incited to' inuade'Sicil; fearing the firccours which Ge/on had prepared, to # . x Grecians, againft him. Hee alfo ouerthrew in battaile Thra/jaeus, the a . end, hee loft the lone of the Syracufians; and after he had reigned r1.yeeres,he e 16. kingdome tohis brother Theron; and thereby reftored' the Agrigentines, to their former libertie. But e tie Thrafybalas,who became amoft vniult & bloudy Tyee the Sybulus inioyed his Principalitieno longerthan'tenmoneths, For; notwithitan es Cub esd.4cg ofthe HilarieoftheWorld, fotce of metcenary Souldietswhich heentertained for his guards,. w as ofSyracufe by the:Citizens,to whom,being befiegediin Acradina , he reftored thego+ uériement,.and wasbanifhed the Mand. From whencehe failed into Greece, where he dieda priuate man,among the Locrians. ; ; And.pow had the Syracufians recouered againétheir former liberty,as all thereftiof the Cities did,after which they had neuer foughr,hiad the Succeffo rs ofGelon inherited his vertue,as they did the Principality ofSyracufe.Forin all changes ofEftates,the pre{eruation ought to, anfwerthe acquifition. Wherea liberall, valiant,and aduifed Prince hathiobrainedanyynew Signioty,and added it tothat of his owne, or exalted himfelfe yo!tom being a priuate man, to the:dignity ofa Prince; it behooueth the Succeffour to maihtaine it by thefameway ahdart,by which it was gotten. Toconclude, Sytacufe (though not without blowes, erethat thee could clenfe her felfe‘of'the creatures and louers of Gelon) was now againe become Miftreffe ofher felfe, and held herfelfe free, well-neete threefcore yeares, tothe time of Diony/ins: though the were inthe meane while greatly endangered by-a Citizen ofher owne, cal led Tindario. ; t Now, to preuentthe greatneffe ofany one among thent,for the future, they devifed akinde of banifhment of fuch among them,as were filpected'; taking patterne from the Athenian Oftraci{me.T hey called this their new deuifed tudgement ofexile, Pétali/mun, 20Wherein euery\one wrotevpon'an'Oline ledfe (as at ‘Athens they'wrote vpon hells) the hameofhini » whom ‘htevvould ‘haue expelled the City. Hee that had moft fuffrages againft him, vvas banifhedfor fiue yeares. Hetebyina fhort timeyit came to paffe that thofe of: iudgementy:and:; beft able to goueine the: Commonweale, were by-the worft ablescitherfippreft; or thriftioat of the City! Yea; fiich asfeared this Law; though they had: not yetfeleir,, .withdrew.themfelues' aé fecretly as they could ; fecking fome place ofmorefecutity, wheréirito maintaine themfelues.. And good teafon they had fo:tédoe:ifeeing that thete is nothing fo terrible:in any State, as 4 poweifull and authorized ignorance. Bir this ‘Lawlafted not very long... For their neceffity taught themtoaboli(h it'y:and: reftore againe the wifer fore vnto, the Gduernement ; from which, the Nobility hauing practifed to banifli one ahéther, the State became al: together Popular.‘Butyafter awhile; being inuaded by Dacetsuss, king of the Sicilians; thatinhabited the inner partofthe [land (who had already taken Enna; andfome other ofthe Grecian' Gities > and-ouerthrowne the Army of the Agrégeritines) the Syraculians fene forces againft him, commanded by: ati vaworthy. Girizen oftheirs y cal led Bolcon, This their Captaine made nothing fo much hafte to finde out Dacetins, a> Sainkwhom he was im ployed;.as he didto flee from the Arniy heled, as fooneas' Dé- ‘ts: prefented him battell.So forwant ofcondudijthe greateft nurtiber of che Syracu+ ians petifhed. Bi Making better) choice ‘amang.thofe whom they had banifhed, they leuie othet toupes::by whomisin.conclufion; Dweetins being beaten, fubmitteth himfelfe, and is Conftrained to leaue the Handfor atiine. Yetit was not long ere he returned againe,and builtthe City Collatinaon the Sea-fide: < Ducerins being dead: allche Greek Citiesdidina {ort acknowledge Syracufe: Trina- Cla excepted, which: alfo by forceofiarmes, in the'fourefcore and fift Olympiad;they roughtro reafon. -Butthey,doe not long enioy this their Supierintendencie.. For the Citizens ofLeontum, being oppreft by them, {eek aide frdmthe Atheniahs, abourthe fixe yeare of the Peloponnefian Warte. In this fuitethey.preuailediby the eloqtiehceiof Gorgias theirOsotater sand gor an hundred Atheniati Gallies tofuctourthems:vaderthe leadifgof'La2 Mesan Chareodes: € o this feetsttie Leontinessand their Pattners;added one hundred mote; with which forees,and with fome fuppliés brouglic by Sophocles, Pytbodor us; Exe *ymedén'and other Athenian Captains;they inuaded the Terriroriesof the Syracufians; @nd thelr Partifans ;Wanne and loft diuers places: ‘tooke Meffana': and; inthe feuenth Yeareofthe Peloponnefian Warte;|Joftit againe. They alfo atthe fanie tiine, attemp: ‘Himietay. but: in:vaine. ‘The: fire of this quarrel tooke Hold vpon many Cities; Which did inuadéieach-orhers Teivicory with great violence.» But when they ha Weariedthemfelues onall hands} & yer could fee one iffuc ofthe warte,the Leontines} ithe aduice ofthe Atheniansjcamcto an-accordwich the/Syracufiansyandwere Lill 3 adrtirted |