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Show ora Thefourb'Bvokeofsheyfcfpart \ Crar..¢.8, enoughfor fuch'porfohages as theyiwerey who. could fiifyingthcir Allegiance, "YheMacedonians: which notibe voor cereinenious inttes lay incamnped befére Nora, liked hisiwords; and gauc-hini leaueite par in Olympiae;) bindidie:himfelfe tothenandtheit adherents}::as Well andthe childiemof Alexander; asto Antigonus s andiohee des arted;: 1 tfiut o} | t i Antigonus had taken vpon him,as foone as hecam e downeto the Sea-fide,to remoud fomevofthe Gouernoms oftlie Provinces', behauing hinhfe lfe according tothe ay. thoritid whith hehad receiuediofc4mtiparen, cife inthe time df Watre.) Neither didhvtant fuffitient pretence whereby toiufttoexdt ifichis proceedings. For if Poly/perchon might laivfully /hold>che cee which othe bequeached vntodiim,asa legacie}>withourconfent old man doting omhis death-bed 10 mighofiot hehimftifeias welbreraitvethe Lieurehanrthofthe Princes or Souldiers; why. hin forthe getieraligbod bf: tht:State;:iinptefeitce ip of sAfiay that was granted vnto of the whole Armie, by the King; anidbylawsipeter'j soho had powerkoordaine what thould feemé conuenientivhilethe linedsunct thrdifpofé uF things? tat fhonldthappen afterRisdeath ¢ To giue afaire colonbtw his ambitibu,; thig wasfenongh:: :iflaaywere norherewith fatisfied;! hee had threefadtethoufkadfoormensténthoufand hotfe andthircie Elephantscin areadineffe to anfwerthem. : The Grft that perceiuedhis drift,atid Prowidedto refift him,was Arideus Gouernour ofPhiygia;whofortified theTownes ofhis owlP rouin ce,and fought to hatesvon Gy20 zicus, a faire Hauen Town,and feated very-conueni ently for him, but.wasfaineto goe away without it.Hereupon Astigonustooke occafi trie. > Aridem Wasfo farfrom obeying him, that‘h on to commandhim out ofthe Coun. uetthe lef finding eliehe wasvnable of himfelfee'fent forces tovelicue Evmehes, Neto make long refiftance, hetdokfuch companies'as he could drawal ong*with him,8 'fo'paf fed ouerinto Europe}tocomplaii atthe Court , Thetikéfortune hatiehitzswho ruled in Lydiay é< fought thelikeremedy OF his fornine,withfome hope attheirt (forb oth of them were entertainéd withvery g06d Words which quickly vanith as hath alteady been déclaréd, EIi3 J ed; & prewdef;péerate, when'they were bearen atSea} x {il : _ 30 +f a he &VILT Antigonus par/ues Eumenes: Eumen es bawine suthoritiefrom the Court, raifetligreat War against Antigonus ip defenceof theEoyall houfe, \, Weigonies hauing thus SOttcH into his hahd s al, ‘or moft ofall Afiatheleffe, wes able to have entte d: Macedda,'and feizkd vpon the Coit', which that hee for- ii bareto doe,it proceeded (as may feeme) for fomeofthefe reafons. It would hale bited as much 'iealoufic in Gapfa nder) "as fears in Polyperchow: ‘whic h might hau brotightthem to tertés ofreconciliati on; Te wouldaske motetimic than he could and thé ehuie whiehfolléwed the Protector= {pares thip was fuch,as he that had pawet enoug h 49 without the © flict) Ought rathé rte fhuun:thin to purfue. Befides all this,it'was imanifelt that Eumienes would Hop onely refale'to defenee'ofthe RoyalPhouteto which ittake hig pat; but would make war¥pont him in fected Again hit therfore he benthis Wasfound that Anti onde did nor‘ftand wel-af courfeand with anAtiny oftwentythouf foot; & foure' thonfaad horfe; madé and gréat hate toward Ciliciahopin g to fiippreife him beforehethould beable rs make head. t f _ Eumenes Wasone oftho fle few that continued faithfallto theirdéa ing well knownin the Cour d mafter,whichbe t, he had commiffion (eat vito him from thencetoraitesn ireas much 2s he fhould $° neede. Other levers alfo there Were direc ted to all the Gouernours of Prouinces,reque ting them to giueafiftanceto Eume nes, and beordéréd by his direGion the Captaines of ‘the old Souldicts,éalled the hy to Argytalpides! ‘oF filuer:thiefpecia eldedb to beeat his appointment: Héc Had oF his old follo we hered't nd Armicy and. make warvpon Antigoniés,taking of the Kings treaf fO6t} and fie hundred horfes befo siuent him ; butnow-Hee purporea with al! the ftrength which he@Cre this authorivie was ould make, 10 BE with Antigowus in defeice ofthe Roya ll blond? Oljé him to bring help ther andes pie "hid writento him, dt Rer'Néphew the Son of Caravata ey . and inthe cece SUCRE: his aditice in the Which Polyfperthon requi ted ofher > forthe \Gund3,S-i9.) ofihe HiforicoftheWowld.aae "delicoustoretucneintoa¢aceden, bun fifpedted his sepbition, a3nonsonanned. waa Jawfull bounds. Bamenestherefore counfelled her toremaine in Eyires, tillfuchiti me¢. as hecould bring the watre to a good ifueiwhich doneshe promifed chathis faithand care thould not be.wanting tothe feedeof Alexander. 10 Mit oos SWIT IgHP- wales 9 Sttangeit isto confider,that inall the Em Pitey {cares any onecould be found among the Noble-men,jinwhom Alexanders mother, wines,and childreg, might repofef irme confidences fauing onely this Eamenes, .a ftranger.to.the Macedonian bloud, borne ‘at Cardiay.a Gitie of Thrace., His reputation. was no more.than his,owne yertue had made it; his followers obeyedat their owne difcretion ; and campelled ewas 10 farreas Perffa,to gather.together an Amie fufficient.-to refitt the enemies tortrauaile as that, purfued his heeles.:; : { "it Os fis. sn f edbo: Sebi (fox KA 3s ‘ How the, Princes, &f.Macedon foodaffected mutaslly; Olym pias takes Aridensind Eurydice; wherfhe cruelly wot boR putsibodcathe, aye OD Wiouforalmuch' as. ini this. oprefent, Warre!.all the! Rulerssof ) ie: the, Prouinecs did, entermeddle ; -and,)g reat, alterations happe- i) hed, ,, Rot::-onely, isl:.the »parts.ohcg fis, vbas) m:iv\ felfe, 7 vyhich, -broughty.anaew) face.vnto thie: States: Macedo bynthe extirpa- hp tion. of the royallchoufe, of Phitiecand Abwsnder's) I holdi @) Usient.in-thisplage, before) we jenter:davo} the» partic t:cone ulars of ar4.the, Warre. it-felfe; to thew} briefly: hows the Breat:lohes did vies ov : e3p>twally.--ftand. iafleded gland cbye vvhat» patfions they vvere drawne into. thofe conrdes., vwhichi! ireyy,jot, of themand. out ofiithei? do flunes builtthe greatneffe ofa fewie.as Querth likewile to whptyexcremitie, the factioa brake Out iMacedlaa it {elfe,about the maine controuertie of theititld co the Growne,wheres tponall other quarrels.vvereor thould have beene depen 5 7 varete the, King, beeing fimple:.and -fenrefull ,ding. .i did oncly, what ‘heeowas idden,, ! Polyperchoa,defirous to.continauelongii iOffice, hada pirpofeto adaance the fonne OF Alexander by Sexane,tothe kingdome,an nd becomie: Gouernaurtoa kingofhi sown Making, Eurydice the Queene difcouering plainely this intent , and meaning nothing leffethan tolether husband feruecasa Stale, keeping the thron e warmetil! another were growne old cnoughto fit in it,grew acquainted with c4//a sder,who hated the memory of Alex- anderand vvasthereforé the fittér for her turne. Caffander held freth in minde the danger wherein his family had beene through Alex. S@rsmalice, together with the indign ° itie'offered to himlelfé by Wdlexander, vvho knocked his head againft a wall for deriding one that adored himafterthe Perfian manner. The difpleafure hereof, andthe pleafii re which he tooke inthe amoro us Queene, made him to refolue, both tofuppreffe the linage which he hated, andto maintaine his | Oued miftreffe, either by fupporting het yycake husband) of bytaking her tobe ‘his PWnewife, ‘ . Thereft of the Lords held ita thing indifferent who reigned ower all, fo as they mighe flSacin their fenerali Gountries,S.eftablith thein aichority in fach wife} that itfnighc Rot betaken from them, ql "mone thele, Prolamieand Aatigonus wexe wellicnoug h already, if their aitbitfon Would hae fuffered thenr to f{ee.ir, lithe.and Seleucys lying farreoff,and being ftrong "Poo their ncighbours,Againft thefe, Reneeftesan s liad forne good: liopetoenctoach dfoteothers; with muchadoehardly reliance, varill facixtime AS Eanernes cametothem 3 who ptopounded corbin f Gist matters, which: he lined nowed accomplithsolynii! . Eeee 3,0!" aTRS. Olympias ‘281 j5. rt |