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Show The third Bookeof thefirst part Cuaras.§.8, of tho Hiftoryoptbe14 orld; ~~ + whereii Cyras hadtrainedthem, norall their ancient Captaines. In one fea-fight by theIile of Cyprus,the [onians indeed had the vpperhand; but they were Pheenicians, Iss and a oe smibadked dheirifelnes:in fixehundred Gallies ind other vee Tee the leffe, an a mid-way Inehe y, whichila clades; ectCy redtheMlindscnii yietothem;the Cyprians, in whofe aide they came, being vtterly beaten by the Perfian'Army at Land, and reduced into their old fubiection. So had the Petfians bothtelienc themteluesintheripaliage;an ifhrowd thenifelues fromalbfuddaine tems Egyptians,and Cilicians, whom they vanquifhed ¢ neyther was that vidory of an likewife by open warreand faire force ouerthrowne the Carians in two battailes, and reclaimed that Nation ; as alfo they had recouered the Townes vponHellefpont,with fome Holian and Tonian Cities : when Ariffagoras with his friends quitting Miletus, fied into Thrace, ‘defirous to feat himfelfe in Amphipolis,a Colonyof the Athenians, But the Edonians,on whofe Territory belike he landed,ouerthrew him,& cut his troups in pieces. ‘Absit the fame time, Histiews the firft mouerofthis infurreétion came downe' into thofe quarters ; who hauing vndertaken the performance ofgreat matters to Darius, was glad to flye from his Lieutenants, by whom his double dealing was detected. But this euafion preferued him not long.Forafter many vaine attempts that hemade, he wastaken in fight by the Perfians, and haftily beheaded,left the King thould pardon him vpontemembranceof old good turnes;as it feemsthat he would haue done,by the buriall which he commandedto be giuen to his dead. bodythat wascrucified , and by his heauie taking ofhis death. j Hiftiew had foughtto put himfelfe into Miletus ; but the Citizens doubting his conditions,chofe rather to keepe him out,and make fhift for themfelues,without his helpe. The ftrength oftheir City by land,which had in oldtime withftoodthe Lydian Kings, and their good Fleet,which promifed ynto them theliberty of an open Sea, emboldened themtotty thevttermoft, when veryfewfriends were left ypon that Continent to take their part. But their Nauy was broken as much by threatningsas by force; many of their companions and fellow-rebels forfaking him vpon hopeof pardon ; and manybeing daunted with the caufeleffe flight of thofe that fhould haue affited them. Neither wasit long beforethe Towneit felfe being affaulted both by Land and Sea, wastaken by force, the Citizensflaine,their wiues and children made flaues, and 30 ioe oodsa booty to the Perfians,whom forfixe years {pace they had pit to fomuch trouble. §.VIIL The mt art Darius made upon Greecewith the battaile of Marathon,awd Darius 6 His Warre with goodfucceffe finifhed by the Perfians, and fome attempts madeon Europefide with variable fucceffe: Dariz obftinate in the enter-4° prife and conqueft of Greece (though at firft he pretended to makethe , Warre but againft the Athenians and Eritreans, who ioyntly affifted the Toniais againft him, and burnt Sardis in Lydia) did now by his Embaffadours de- Herodbbs. mand an acknowledgement from themall : among whom, fomeof them not {o well Citeor tefolued asthe reft, fubmitted themfelues 34S the Aginets and others. Againft thefe, People were the Athetiians being inflamed,(by theaffiftance of the Lacedzmonians) afterdiuers oe encounters forc't them to giue pledges , and to relinquifh the party of the Perfians. Gttaahe, Cleomenesled the Lacedzmoniansin this warre, and caufed his companion-King De. opaad eta to beedepofed: who thereupon fled to Darius, farre the more confident of $2 Bietdve not victory, by reafon ofthefe difcords, alienations, and ciuill warres among the Greek¢sKnow: bur He thereforegaueorderto Hippagoras to prepare a Fleete offhippes fit . tranfporthis thole borde- Army ouerthe Hellefpont : the fam : PP ten rers,and next i e confifting of an hundred thoufand foot, and‘ theenemic, thoufand horfe. The charge inchiefe ofhis Army he committedto Dat#,accompanic a aflifted by Htppias, the fon of Pififratus, expelled outof Athens twenty yeares be- compound. 10tC, and by Artaphernés his brother, Gouernoutof Sardis, and the Sea-coaft of Alia than there the leffe. ‘Thefe Commanders hauing their Companies brought downtothe Sea-fide; peltsandiouttages >» ted‘Naxds: rf Tothis endthey firft pofleft e the ee)Sodid ow Which Jfland,theihhdbirahts defpairing oftheir peopleofDelos,of which Apolloxvas nariue?W hich I shh Dadri ¢ : Seed 10 faacke;but recalling the'inhabitants,hegauc oraertot anaes - . ioe ‘the Perfians Sacrifide,tia Apollo ereéted: And hauing recomeredthefe and other Iilands; thew 1 rerod, hatlibeene fhewed) adyhatlibeene th directed their courfe for Eretria in Euboea r ians t06k fHatanit shied lisiIni tooke: ePerlian Sardis: firinmotof S 4kine8& firing <atthe taking fairs hadaflift, adthe Ionians pay peel by f ore 8 giound,andbefieged Eretria veryftraitly,and after fixe dat b chea2 pe = to : in pathy the treafon Of Emphabus:c nd Philags me fayles. oe theground, Thusifarthe winds of profpcrous for thePerfiahs paftthein ArmyintosAttica, condictedatid of Athenssand marching towatdsit,they encam os Sea,where they landed,towards Athens. Jat it - by -- . rinee ; Marathons inthe way fromthe sc ES Oe <n 30. TheAthenians:finding theti earriued,wherit they W eretq dif te o oh nar vertues againft Forturiesand to caft lotsfor theirdib wp fot their - tei¢ ma sles basenjans * ith and their lines; pucthemfeluesimthe be fborder they couldto. Negotis monians forfuccour, im ploying slates allfentaway withfpeed:to h "Arcadia; wn ecatrel 7 ami iar ation one Phidippidesswho Howilled him tou - eee Dinellywhich he fuppof ld beprefent at » aerate ft a e promifing thar fome one of theg ir enemies: Phidippi es amete50h e ue fend themizeainfkrhemulci could not bring witlbhim any pre tfuccours froSpaitayyct bes a egdds.and promife diafhftancefrom: k sens HehBe tailingto bring newes what likely to be his owne) yet itgre is eit 3odoubt (though the det whoin all ages /haue bin more ne vp sie ley gedthé multitude and cot fond Propheciesiandoti tiousfooleries;'than by -any iuft-eaufe or folide sr iiKke iu reafon, TheiAthenians beitis nowler teans i bec! é (Who habing:witn extremity did in thisiS extremity witneti i to.difpates\ Whether: it: werecmioft sy with Guethoufand onely of the Pla- ‘ { haha oe s, ee "4 the Theban by thee Athenia ‘againft nss ag Athenia bége : on) difpofiti wll! lucffe' and grateee ee aduantage to dete id = nee of A for their ~ 4 : c oi arash 21 7fame'con: c i Inthe end, rthoufand ‘ane and itingof teh thoufand and:oneone thou and ofcthe ‘ofthe Plarzans." eh bedutriopuateex avi Athenians; fiftine, 2 by thetriall perfwaded who Asiiziadesy opinions, of diiiatfiny preat 49.2nd atten Breuailed: t ans Atheni the! TheArmies bei nowpeatharienee : : inview , and withivwmile of each other} mies being then they of ‘hotne CTbaa ar :tearme inoeods) two ing bias ifpof {Pofedthem{elucsneittto three troupes ¢ tweravines andthebody ofabattaile. The Pevfi cing towardsithenr, thought the~Athe sas mA f 3 therefolutiomwhe than Pollet with rco the Hans chcemed their owne numbe Menin view, rather tobe defpif for -ed for donbtfally ballanced "ory Y being being doubtfully > | $0 fometimes; ee ee bab nad,the Perfians for that they ' ne 6 i rout, the Athenians following tl| putin Suians{o manyofthemas loft not theirwits "Beir fips. they'p er ss ti: wdine? poffeft of DIN SCs andrefiftleffe jedhew.:So bauinice Sh shart inuincible WUECEE ahi ne ae vec an recians, nie See orall that they swete difordered eee .where -{hore ; h el sitsthe a-{fhore Sfaued ased therfeluesd themfelues in ir courage, c thoufand horfe; and tensere a ThePerfian Army confifted of an hundredt houfand ciesfoot ) ufandthree hundred, and{of the Grei Which there were flaine in the place eto pafle, eyther by ee an hundred fourefcore an affrig e heraffrignt, fome other by fomeo : by ‘Or J Panici serrores,or ‘Page Vifions, which were af ward called i Mmm 2 ¥ aaa eh oh farre on. ‘Thereis al{o a City called AE Siuimnot farre from fiothir gtolbsintde nthe tranGreecess Bot (obtaining choferphiresythe Perfians hadthen eee ties {poxtasion oftheiy forces ouermtle Aigcan Sen4 eee rian 1¢e had) the thens 3-dr to. put themfelues into the field with fuch forces:as they 3 aeath, aoa Caves$8. e ; sig] ee OT ee ered hh Aegen,Linie 3433.0 a4 mbarkea |