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Show Lhe third Bookeofthesfripart.Cuariss6 ‘5, "28 Cameyfes into Egy pt, Where he hardly efeaped histyrannous hand. Whathis end was. But ia this time the races ofthreeof the greateft Kings in that partofthe Worldfook end ; to wit,ofthe Babylonians,Medians 8c Ly dians im Balthe/arcyawares sand Criefis, Trenches. 3 : : NowBa/ths/ neither any w Beeryee cnes within,norany poflibility ofaphis ar finding enemies . F doe not finde. OPA, cabin -- als or heads vin-cut, without, prepared an ex ling fumptuous feaft,oe publike Plaies proachfor LeninattcGolde athot f his Princes or Nobilita y, befides and Teer bane ofthat trade. This he did eitherto let the befieger s know, is Wi urtizans,cz others Be ean eres cae ge ee Satara Re t elie a Seabifiohswere eitherfufficient, not onely forall neec a V fes,but ea a oe exceffe : Or becaufe he hoped that his enemies, vnder the oe ie a ACC < iollity 7 re well- neere broken .orin renerence honour ofCD Belohlyi his moft reuerenc ec a : diftreffes were we ded Or for many orall theferefpects. And hee was not 105; was his birth or coronation day: na : alt cbod GRE DIeAD §... How Cyrus wonne Babylon. ~-Frer this Lydian War enfued thegreat Conquettof Babylon Which gaue ' vnty Cyrusan Empire fo largeand mighty,thar he wasiuttly repiited'the ed'the greatedt Mot narchthealiuing ypon earth, Howlong time the Preparations for this star i action tooke vp; itis vneertaine sonely it feemes, that‘ren wholeyeatés did pafle be tweene his taking thofe two Cities of Sardis and Babylon'; ‘which hevertheleq:1 doe not thinke to hane beene wholly occupiedin prouifion forthe Aflyrian ware, ‘but a> ther eens withfiich magnificence as'no Prince elfe could aa: ee Aten Bagiliie d himfelfe up againf! of Heauen:F & his ; oef whohe pastel ° + 7 the Lord r Fe, or he ater : ines made carowfing cups of the Veflels of God, shad, a Ra Stone vain ‘ait hi A ts,made of Siluer whe upy ersjma F & Gold ofBraffe,lron, Wood,and Stone;Qu if aoe to hauebin fpentin fetling thé Eftate which he had already'purchafed.' unto perhaps may bereferredthat which ctefias hath inchis fr:aginentsof And h erea war made by Cyrasypon the Scythians,though related as foregoing the victory obtained againttcre. fe. Hetelleth ys, Vs f Renee Pee ‘sureis bibentes, ligncos &Rs: reat a foolifbneffe lapideos deas landare rere fiultitin in vafibus aureis vib Se eye. f While r f sraife gods of Wood and Stone. POC: Y r y n , drinking in colden Cups, to praife eeeedivnditt wasit (faith S.Hierome,) drinking ing e 1 1s Aucitican cereiialt ieabied habenen e Balthefar was in this . fort triumphing,andhis or arraeniit fite vato him,certaine ,; a. SS aie nothewall jer wrote on > y ; words pp a by diuine power 2. 5 the wa oppo That Cyras inuaded Scythia, and being-viGtorious otier thir Nation, tooke.dmorges. their King) prifoner: but being ina fecond battel! ouerthrownebythe wife of Amorges Sparetha,and therein taken,the one King was deliuéted'for hoa Dea diettre him,as: the oe sperel c : herewith fo great a'feare and amazeinent feized p, pat :- 9_emm Which . retin od.‘ d his eemete fed iis kaees knees fmote one againft' Sirus theother. . fionwhen the eee out for his: Caldzean Aftrolog Biededt e s, ians, icedied hadin fome part re reac rewards, Sot a ird place place of honourin the King+ i ayer" "Cf 1 etnemgreat rewards, &the t s Athird Ne ES eS e : eecer eec coundehewsiiii g ybut it7 exceede d their Aut. Fa ee - that ee ‘id redid tine Que *9 hearing what had paft, and of the oe al this difturbance andaftonifhir t See ge There is aman in thy Kingdome,in ter reuerenc reuerencee dcdone, vfed this fpeech; Tere mazement , after SAGE GS 2, ee adsviadc whom istheppirit of the holy Godsand in the - oke father, Wahtand under Stawding, awd him whomthe 4 Posy Kiag " + i s foun an bin onofor 9 , He i Nabuchod y 0 lomelike the wifedome wifedome the Gods, foana wifedome, teethe > Shien he hal if sa »)of.thy Ee father was madechie fe of the lachanters, Aftr ologicians; Chala ger thyfathers the King (I fay) thy j hivit,and knowledge, and underfanding, deans, and Southfayers, the other. ~_-Likewife.itmay bethought,' that no fall part of thofetroubles'which arofein the lower Afia,grew foone afterthe departure ofthe victorious ariny, before the Cotiquelt wasfully eftablithed. Forafter Cyras was returned out of Afiat he leffe;many- Natio ns; conquered former. ly by. Crafis,and. now by Gyrus,reuolted fro m him ; againf and then Harpagas,who fittt reduced the, P hocians vader t whom heimployed Padli«, their formerobediente ‘and1 thenthe reft.of the Greeks inhabiting Afia the leffe,as the Tonians;Catians, Aolians, & Lycians,who refoluedly(according tothe ftrength they-had defended them felues. But inthe attempt v pon Babylon it felfe,it is not to be doubted,that Cyrus'em ployedall his forces, hauing taken order before-hand,that nothing fhould be abléto diuert him; orto 30 raife that fiege,& make fruftrate the work vpon which he did'fer ‘all hisren, And great reafon there was, thar he fhould bendall his care ty,whichbefide the fame & teputation that it & ftrength vnto'the taking of that Ciheld,as being head ofan Empire thereon depending, wasfo ftrongly fenced witha treble wal ofgreat height;& flirrounded with waters vntoordable, fo plentifully vidualled for many years, thatthe inhabirants were not only free from ali doubtand fear oftheir eftate,but defpifediand derided all purpo{es and power oftheir befiegers, becanfe a more excellent Sper Ra ° ThisQueene, /ofephus takes for the grandmothetyorigen Oris une cues ret Porthe orice» rheawy obanymothe? BLE Boca Of Balthefar pies ofwhich may betrue: forit appearetn, that Ine entttnade:anfwer in a he farre different ftylc . var. he wifhedthat the fame'might be4 ther! forthe euill which foretold rbaiewes ti ee nehuecndsntvene® Fall his hi enemies; ; = King(w ees (axy hofen >penladct odaapianlenloft e ; fall butto this eglect . Ae seit Tred gird in, with numbers neither gtcat enongh; cuit of thofe walls which they wereto :nor wherofiminiftr of men fufficienly affured yntothei > Mf oceafion were offered; than to vfe much d onthe behalfe of cyrus, who had, as it were, ¢ galling yoake of feruitude, Whileft thebefi yefterday laid Vponi'their' rieckes tht eged were pleafing thethfelues in this deceitfull and vaine gladneffe, that isthe ordinary fore-runner of fiad@ain : rés, whom the Ordinance of God made ftrong, conftant, and inuent by fo many channels and trenches as werefufficient'and capable of to draw the fame from the walls ofBabylon, facile and affured : which when by the labourtheréby to make of many his 2 was ANKIO. e ea(t. and aoe o ofdancing andban+ 4 :ary Cit - eee rete oe paftconaforache theage ATS nee Kings wiues,becaufe an . being .ine iP King bahislitrad Quetting, fhe came in vpon the bruit of the mirac rahe potters bork oF ponngst tion: And whereas Daniel was RROD and Cage hcl hocbuGAnaanthe dais US Yeates and times, this old Queene remembred oe r on vAinde botkr hisheligion axe Nabuchodenefor, grandfatherto this Baltbafar, and kept st ; 8 inci ! > thofe> one excelleiit' acknowledged htto the Kings iel was | brought Cn Danies ng prefence,who i anece sachae with pedmile r wie : ot enticlied Hitt he prayed him, together with p ae Staces wherewith God had enriched li Pea eeeyedemnithculoully wrlectirs to WHORs rewardand honour,to reade and int i. ie a that hee vfed towards his Grandfa* This was hard to doc,in regard of the vaft.cir ed yato theBabylonians martér ofg paftime,when theyfawthe Lydians,Phrygi aris,Cappadocians,and others, quar re bout their Town to keepthemin, who hauing bin their ancient friends &allie morelikely to ioyne with them : 7 interpretation, ofthatynwarlike multitude. In expecti ng the fieceffe ofthis courfe, theb werelikely to endure much trauell, efi arid all in vaine, ifthey did not keep and ftrong guards vponall quarters, ftre commander: The confideration Mied-and he willdeclave thes 3° oc werefound in himenenin Daniel,ce.Now let Danivlbe called ane 5 The onelyhope of the Medes & Perfians, who defp aited ofcafrying by. affaiilta City fo well ‘ fortified and manned, w as in cutting offall fupplies of viGizls andothet ceflaries ; whereof though the Towne was twenty years,yet might it well be deemed,thatfaidtobe ftored fiifficiently for more that inthofe gates, one great want or other wouldin fucha world of peopleas dwelt fooneappeaie, and vanquifh' the rel tion Meaoph.cyreped.lib.7. 29 of the Hiftory of the Worl : Cuar.3.$05. STI os ae ~yecutionns; for for hee had left cettaine r bankes : alt etime of his aduantage>» for the fort executio Ra et cece ae IPA sae ge cee hen cut, betweene the maineriuer which furrounded the City, and his owne -- ' in thefe Words, Keeperby Rew opaehyfolfeete Bee ETa before he hadperfor te h writing uutothe King "oie ; anafbew biethe 4 terpretation: DA ohn a ment aeainft him, andthe reafon'of med,i he gaue him fir(k + i : iu? cwemecnt aga : the caufe of Gods iuft iu o . wits men were vtterly ignorant. go ‘Mls terrible fentence 5 whereof the King andall his { Which being written at largein Daniel, h achthis effet, That forgetting Gods 8000pon.¢ dr 8itd. is pride< 20. Refleto his Father, whomall Nations " E edand obeyed, arid that for ‘his pride ee 1 ofhis eftate and ynderftanding pon . } fandineg -; {0 V Ipc teglect of thofe benefits, as he depriuedt ‘eacknowledgement of Godsinfinitepo rer he reftored himto both. This oe oe po a abuie -efuming botbothto prefuming and ofal! ;eéting 5 the Lord sainft the fameGod, vitandingolifted vp again powers praifed ane him ted himfelfe withftandi " 7 L o J worthipped dead Idols:of GoldySiluer,Braffe, a Wood: abeandthere+ pairs s'and I. the Stone, neglectingIron, ito:holyvfes,and dedicated racintlitls the (to wit)sene,Tekel,Vp p26M, ; delivered, ‘God Go ofxtruc Oracle Oracle the woids,fvoni "ethole fatetholewoids.fromthe |