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Show ae TheJecond Bookeof thefirstpart | ~-Cuar.26.§4 : nnn - CHari26.9.6. of the Riftory of the World. a The PrincipalofJapiters fons were Fannas;Perfens and Apollo. Faunia Was called by thename ofthe;Planet Mercurie: he reigned in Italie, after his father fhe and thirtie yeares : and then(findingthat all his brethren confpiredagainft him he went ins to Egypt,with abundance of Treafure ; where, after the death of Atifreims he got the Kingdome,and held it nine and thirty yeares After Mercurie Vulcan reignedin Egypt, ofChemmis, Cheops, Cephrenes, avdother Kings recitedby Herodotus aed Diodorus foure yeares andahalfe. Pore thetefore thé Greeke Hiftorians,I place Chemmis: br (according to ‘Then So/, the fonne of Vulcan; reigned twenty yéaresand'a halfe.There followedin order Sofis,Ofiris,Orus,and Thulesot whom we tpake' before: king twenty yeares. His fucceffor was Pharao, called Na? echo, that held°thée Crowne fiftie yeares,with whichthere pafléd from him the furname of Phdvao,toa very long pofteritie. Thefe reports ofCedrenwsI hold it enoughto fet downe as find them® let their cre: ditreft vponthe Author. 10 Others yet we find,that are faid to haue reigned in Egypt, without anycertainenote, when,or howlong : about whomI will not labour, as fearing moreto be reprehended of vaine curiofitie, in the fearch madeafter thefe already rehearfed,than ofnegligence, in omitting {uch as might have beene added. Vaphres,the fatherin law to Salomon, and Sefac, the affiiGer of Reboboam, leadys ie 1 baine into faire way,but notfarre.The name of/aphres is not foundin the Scriptures; Snga<p, Dut we arebeholding to Clemens Alexandrinus and. Enfebias forit. Thefe giueys nots Exang-i9.cq. the length ofhis reigne; but we know,that helined in thetimes of Daaidandof Salt- 1 King.g.x6, 798.He cameinto Palestina with an Armie,took Gezar from theCameanites,S¢gaucitto his daughter,Salowsons wife:thoughforher fake perhapsit was,thatin timefollowing eitherhe,or(as I rather take it)Se/ac his fon did fanour the enemiesofSaVomen,who kept fo many Wiues and Concubines, befides this Evyptian Princeffe. In thelife ofRehoboam all hath bin written thatI find of Se/ac, excepting the length ofhis reigne, which mutt haue bin fixe and twentyyeates, if he werethat Smendés with whom Enfebius beginsthe oneand twentieth Dyzaitie, 1 Nowforafmuch as it would ferueto no great purpofe, that' we knewthelength of Sefachis reigne,and oftheirs that followedhim, vnleffe theréwithall we knewthe be-3° ginning ofSefac, vpon which: the reft haue dependance; this courfe Itake. From the ourth yeare of /eboiakim,king of Juda,in which Pharao Neco was flain,I reckon vpwards the yeares ofthe fame Neco, and ofhis predeceffors, vnto the beginning: of mons teigne,and the twentyfixe of Se/ae withthe fifth ofRehoboam:wherein Sea: {poyled the sefie: by which accompt,the firft yeare ofSe/ac is found, concurrent with the twentieth of S#le- Ffai i914, Temple,and died,enioying thefruits of his Sacriledge no longer,than1o« the UYraclite, & Cralfus the Romane did; whoafter him, fpoyled the Temple of lerafalem. ) Tofillvp thetime between Séfac and Neco, I haue rather taken thole kings that I findiin the Greeke Hiftorians; thanthem which*are in Eifebius his Catalogue. For 0 thefethatare deliuered by Eufebins,we find no Name nor AG recorded elfewhere,fate 40 only. of,Bacchoris, whois remembred by DiotorePlatarchand others:muchbeing !p0kenof him,that makes himappeare to haué bin: 3 king. ‘Hereunto: Emay ade, 1 the ficceffion 1s. often interrupted in Ew/ebin} by <4thiopians, which got thekingdome often,and helditlong: whereas contrariwife it appearesby Counfellots of Pharao did vaunt ofthe long & flourithing the Propherz/ay, that ie continuance thataniiens houles infomuch,that they-faid ofPharaoh, 1am the Sonne ofthe wife,Cams the Sonneofofthe King.But that which ouerthtows the réckoniig of Enfebins,is,thegood agreement oft eee eee tunes - thekings oflads: For thought pleafe him well to - i © teignes of Jofias and Neco meet byhis computation, yerthis indeed martes?"s Feigne ofLofts being mifplaced. This ettor growes from his omitting to coonparc eS reignes ofthekings of/ude'with theirs of Yrael: by which occafion,, Ioram, king ° Yratl,ismadeto reignethteeyearesafter Ahacia of Iwda 5 Samaria is taken by Sa ie naffar before Hexekiawas kine: and'ina word,all,or moftof the kingsy haue their b¢ foe in fomeother yeere, oftheir collateralls,than the Scriptures haue mined; Siculus, which reigned bet weene the times of if Rehoboam ay Ezekia. Diodore) Chembis, firfk in' the ranke 6f thofe thar e Kites after Sefac. He reigned fittie yeares,.and built the greateft ofthe three' Pyramides which was accounted one ofthis worlds Wonders. The Py+-zmis hath his name fromthe fhapeé tn yo the lengthoftheit feuerall reignesis not fet downe.A fter Thales,was the great se/astri eu, eae § VI. that it refembleth a flame of fire, growing ftomthe bottome vpwatds narrower and narrower to thetop. This of Chemis being foure-{qu arejhad a Bafe offeuen akets enerie way,and vvas abouefixe akers high:It vvas ofa very hard & dureable ftone. which hadlafted, when' Diodore {aw it,about athoufand yeares,yvithout coniplainine of an iniurie thatit had fuffered by vveatherin fo long fpace.From the reioneo fChemis vi. totheage of ducu/lus Cafar, vvherein Diddoré liued, are indeede athonfand yeares ; vvhich dothgiue the better likelihood vntothis time wherein Cheininis is placed, As forthisand other Pyramides, late Writers doc teftifie, that they ‘hatiéfeene them yet ftanding. After Chemmis, Diedore placeth Cephrenes his brather; butdoubtfiully. and enclining 20 father tothe opinion;that his fon ‘Chabreus fucceede d. Herodotus hath Cheops ( who Heres might be ChabreusJand Cephrenes afcer him: Thefe are faidto hauebe rethyen: ‘but the length oftheir reignes hay arguethelater tohaue beene fon to the former: for Cheops reigned fiftieyeates , Cophrenes fiftic fixe. Thefe vvere, as Chemmis had beene builders of Pyrat ides,wherebythey purchafedgreat hatred oftheir people, who ale ready had ouer-laboured themfelues in resting the firft. Thefe Pyrarhides were ordagned to be'"Tombesfor thofe that raifed them: ‘but the thilice ofthe Egyptians is faidtd have caftouttheit bodies;éto haue call t Monuments by the name ofari Heardfman;thar' kept his Beafts thereabouts. It may be; thatthe robbing them oftheir honor entitling a poorefellowtotheir workes,was held tobethe cafting Out oftheir bo. 30 dies: otherwife,ic is hard to conccite,howit might be,tha t they, who had not power toauoid thelike flauerie,laid vpon'themby the younger brother of fon} fhould hauie Powerorleifure to takefuch reuenge vpon his Predeceffor. ‘To thélike malice maybe alcribed the ledeuifed azaintc ops his Daughter ; That her Father, wanting money did proftitur eher,& that fhe.o hat fhe,gettin g ofeuery manthat accompaniedher, one ftone, did emafourth Pyramis, that ftood inthe middé# ofthe other three. Belike linfolent Lady, and made themfollowtheir drudgery,for her‘fake, longer 2 ntheythought to haue done,inraifing a Monument, vvith the fuperfluitie athers prouifions, * ‘ of a baikactae the fon of Cephrenes, reignedafter his Fathet fixe yeares.He wouldhaue arlnaa ore-goets did, but prevented bydeath, finithed notwhat hehad begun. The ist ee pe agood King, forthat he did fet open the Temples, which Cheops caly teen kepr fhut. But an'Oraclethteatned himwithafhortlifeof fixeyec cS : oe e of us his devotion; Fer(faid the Oracle) Egypt fhould bene affated Susiehis befvolea hd which thy Predeceffors knew, andj erformed' for their parts gods thoitdbe fend cfore foalt thou dine but ('xeyeere » Itis very fitangc, that the a Countrieimpions-vnt ‘vith a King for hispietie ; orthattheyfhould decreeto make fo decteed it thouldlie in oe people were defirous to ferue them; ortharthey having ofthe vodeco fille : a voeiien, steSache déftinie,and make the ordinance was} doubelefts ree seca effect. But thefewere Egyptian gods, The true God dah hadi i ne ed with the inftitution of fuch Tdolatrie, than with the hele leave ae ae k Nett potlier Chemmis did not learne formewhat at Leriifatfollowed bins . i E therSefac, that made hint perceitie, and deliner to thofe le Vinielintech Tatpete eet sue it is Rar! i n tha . nd bi ck, of 5 le api : é * V a es oe ana more ape CS aH, VVNO to -delude the Oracle, reuelléd aw ay both dayes and. gp. Veo : candles lighted, he‘had changéd his nights itite‘dayes,and{o eapp d:aferpice more' pleafing vo the Déuil,chanthe reftitution of thenfeeme; Wherit could fpeede no beter. 2] find it Remecdins Fiftie Beez yeeres |