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Show Thefeccna BookeofthejiritpartCu a ia Cw AP26.§.5. Fs ofthe Fiiftorie of the Worl d, After Rame(fesh isfon Amenophislreld the Kingdome forty years. Somegiuehinvon- This Preteas.or Cetes (as he is name d by fome inthe Réd Sea: wherofI haue already fpokeminthe firft Books ) ft é rw Of Proteuswho detained Helen Z ' , it is {aid. aid, Th; § LLL: That he b could foretell things oc oe necourvenenae himfelfe into al] d thapesi: wherebyis fignified hisGraftic herd re which heisgrown into a Prouerbe.. The Poets fained hima Sea-God d ke erol Of the Kings that reigned inthe Dynaitie of the Larthes. Weptunes Seale-fithes,for belike he was fome vnder -Officer to the Ad a th, fou = charge oftheFifhing about the Ifleof Pharos.as was faid before. Pe erae ‘ tt ; Io Remphes,the Pre Son ofProteus,i3s reckoned the next King,by Diodore, S Ethofis, oxZethus,reignedafterhis Father Amenophis, fiftyfive yeares.. To himare afcribed the famousacts of thatancient Sefofrés. itoo; gether with ith dba id ophe Thonedar , and othe ve ceca tioned by Greeke Writers in this bufineffe, orin ther {uch matters iiayfee rs, men me to be vnder-Officers: for fuchonly are like to-haue had their ‘refidencie abou t Pharos, and the Sea-coaft;where Mene/aus arriued. ly nineteene yecres!; and Mercator thinkes him to hauebeen the king that was drowned But the ftate of the worldyvas not fuch atthefe times, that fo great an expeditionas the old S¢/a/Pris made, haue been eithereafily performed,or forgottenin theCountries throu could ® tws,whocalls him Ram/finitws,8 tells longtale.fit to pleafe children ,ofh FE: ateouf secon ees eee eboulk wasa robb es ¥ aughter. ce : rai may belee ed by a cunning Theefé;that at laft married ue what he lift How long this king reigned I now w not;n notsnor orthi thinkethat-eeither ither he,orthi his Father,did id vhich he paf- edyhad itnow been performed as any man will perceiue, if, he looke vpon my Chronologicall Table, and confider wholiuedwiththis Zethizs, With this King beganthe Dyzafty ofthe Larthes; whichReineccius conieGures to hauehadthefame{ i reign rei eatall. NO vip wherinthe old Kings.of Hetruria, were calledLartes, (che Hetrari ofLydia, the Lydians out ofEgyprt),and.to hauefignified as much as Zaperator, ot Gewera. The Wats inwhichthefeKings were Generals, 1 takevo haue been againftthe &hiopians: for fure 1am, thatthey troubled.notthe Country ofP: t 1a} next yntothem onthe one hand;noris it likely that, they trauelled oucr the delart fands onthe other hand); tofeek matter ofconqueft, inthe poore:Countries of Africa, But . thefe Generals (ifthe Larthes werefuch) were aot many. Fiue only had thattitles aud thelaft ofthefe tookit, perhaps,..as hereditary fromthefirft); in fiuch fortasthe Ro, mane Emperours were proud fora while,to becalled Antonini,tiil the moft valuteable conditions ofHeliggabalws,madehis fucceflors forbeare the nae. Here itmay be obiected,that the Dynafties(as appeates by this particular)rookname to beconti- ty as himfelfe. The anfwer deved,that whatis faid ofthefe Larthes,depends only vponconicétur thory of the Regents, or Viceroyes, might be great enough, though fome jew kin took the condué of Armies intotheirown-hands. Forfo we finde in Jobs. Lea,thatt ate Soldanof Egypt (afterfuch timeasthe Soldane Saladine, murdering the Caliph, got the Soueraignty to himfelfe) had ynderhim a Viceroy,{tiled Eddazuadare, who hadau- thority to place; ordifplace, any Magiftrates,or Officers , and that this mans Family wasialmoftias great, as the Soldans.own.. Yet was therealfo the Amir Cabir, ot Lod Generalof the Soldans forces; who had the charge ofdefending the Land, and might as hethought good,{pend ofthe Soldans Treafire:So might the office ofthe Viceroy es continue, thoughthe Kings themf{elues, taking the charge, or title of Generals vpom them, did fomewhatabridgethegreatnes ofthat fecond place: As for the names otine Dynatties,it skills not whence they were drawn siwhetherfrom their Cou: 4 of the Thebans and Diapolitans, or from fome eminent men, or man,whosuled in that time ; as manythink, that the fencnteenth Dynafty was called ofthe Sheepheatds, ber caufe Zefeph goucrnedin part therof; or from the Kings themfelues tha was faidto be ofthe Larthes of Genetals.The next,as Manethotbut Annins nied, as is his dameth?) hath it, was without any Larthes or Generals, \yet was it not without Kings, forafmuch as Kaphreszand Sefaesteignedtheria,ifmanyothers did not, But let vs now return tote bufineffe which weleft, Ramefeswas King after Zethus,or Sethofis, threefcore and fixe yeares. He is miftakeh for that fecond Sé/ei#ris,ofwhom Lhane {pokenin the firft books. Lfind nothing wo ee rehearfall of:this Remefes,oviof Ammenophis and Aunemenes, that followed himinor the fornier of which reigned forty, the later fixe and twenty years. Whereforett very-wellbe, chat thenime which Zerhus had from valour, wastaken bythefeas het ditary. 5 Thuoris,the laf ofthe Larthes, reigned only feuen years ; yet is he thoughtto haue ibi that Protes, of whom Herodotus hath mention, faying, Thathetook Helena from andiafter the facke of Troy, reftored her to Menelaus. need fay nomore in rel ta oe ‘ofthis, than that thetime of Thworishis reigne, lafted not fo long as from the Bape Helen to herreftitution, This Me to be Heland; and thathe confulted with the Deuill piri 2m : chap, 4s, defiring to know, who before him had beene, o¢ af eee 6 migh from the Kings; that the Kings alfo did adminifterthe gouernment themfelues, &that therefore Lam deceiued in a{cribing fo much yntothe V.iceroyes, But : Ofthe ¥gea whofe wames arefound[e atterins infundrie Authors, their times 4 _ inging not record Th Kings vaca.ed. The 25 OfEgy | ptaccording to Cedre =¢ nus. OfVaphres azdSe ; ; fgc. = "Met other names of Egyptian Kings,are found.fcattered heereand there. s48 as T¢ Tb» nepher/obisofvvhom Suidas deltuers onely the barename and title; Sexe n oa toni eati Macrabisa, vvho perhaps was the fame that by Seidia rn oo conte ote by occafion ofa gteat Phyfician thatl inedy nderhim¢ = os aa y) - tipiemanpsaes hisgreat iuftice; and Thala ofvvhom Suide ae, oe : an - is: Empire exte nded to the Ocean Sea; that he gaue name s 'to wee ee ic - ae 7 able;whichI find Englifhed in the tranflatio or confeffion ofthe Deuil] was re2 n of Ple/sis his Worke,Ofthe trune/fe 3° ofChriftian religion. The Greeke Verles are fomewhat otherwife,& much more imperfe& inthofe Copies! that I -ha ue > Ge Cex, C2 /! afr Si ; this': P of Cedremus and Swidas, but the fenfeis all ones which ig Firft God,and next The word,and then The Spirit, 0 "a: "+ Whichthree be Cve,and ioyne in Ove all thiée + Whofeforce is endleffe. Get thee hencefraile vvieht The Manof Life vaknowne excelleth thee. 7d Tthoul ne wd-haue mie sn onan that Suidas ; had borro wedall this of Cedrenus, had I not fotind te in Saszaesthan Cedrenw hath hereof;as the formeofinuocation which 40 Thalisy{ed ciui }ngnameto the Tlan nold Suide»Sth his glui r atcla4nfe y of his d:s though int his lat point: I King fack prapesleccinesises Setmoeniess (at leaft)feems to the, in dinates this 5 ntiquitie of reigne.Indeed the very-na ten by Cedrens i i i Feigne decathe «t c me " pecaicle he calls, Litt/e Genefis,is alone very:name ofthat booke; cited ‘off enough to breed fafpition offome diferedix binfle rierly: fhuffe that healledgeth, out ofity is fch as vwould ferusto good iudgement : reat not othetwifeapp arant,that he yvas aman both dewout:& of ofold Epsptian Per thatfell vyithin his compaffe. Iwill here feodown the Lift The face ee €hitlered by. him, and. leaue the cenfureto others he finds many ue nee tha he fets downe,is Mizraimthefonneof Cham. Afterhit any ivace,Sdcri deriui alf uiog ther icpede ardaal alle. Peslee rf Chas, ; rs: thus Winer od,thé fonof sott o cal C led Orion, furt wag : ; F her , "ste ‘pon him the dow named Si> Planet Pl Satu aturnnejhad towif Semiramtssxh w et iffe o wasofhis owh ¢g r 7 Bel and ge, Niars,Picus ch afingo t iftiey eares ti essand then bY ; cy "her threefonnes 5 Picsfurnamed Iupiter,, hic fathcr £ . es his. outof Affyria into Italie, reigned in his ftead > p-tha eS ; odometo Jallev ea Zaye. his fit hi$fon + after if which Bolus ie ee Hingeoste Fo Zane,b isfilter and wife, and to Belns and marrie his d owne mothe TayGig ed onely two yeavesy : Nénus liad the Kingdome the Semiramis, But Fic et Saturne , Saturne forth tan ir Italie,2 tovifit rifit hisold a hi Bu Pius ner Went into rigid ip vesiienoe "with refigned the Kingdomevnto him. Picas e fa. lupiter reeico ré and two yeares, had threefcore cabines, andabo tasmany chi; ldren; finally died,a lyes and ten Wines or Cone nd buriedin the Te ofCrete > iu 4 ~ *, C j Eee The |