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Show ™ Lhe fecona Booke of the first part a Sc -Cuap.is Sia ~ oh cannot finde inthe Almageft (forthe Scriptures are either filent in this Point, orad. uerle to Scaliger and other good authority, I know. none,in Cuaras§.2. pen more neerelyprouing the fucceffion of Merodach to Nabena/ ar,than theplacenowlat rehearfed : which makes no more,tofhew that the one of che te ance fathe : to the other, than (that Imay viealike example) theas neere {ucceflion ory illian f the Conguerr, declares him, to hauebeen Son,or Grand-childto Edwardthe Confefor. This confidered, rofws, and out of him lofephws, and Saint Hierome, together with Herodetws , rem asfolloweth. Herodotwi calleth Senmacher ‘ ib King ofArabi te rai a &A flyria: i which| iuftly doe, becaufe Tiglath his grand-father held a ercat patt thereof; which he : ; : epee 10 fromPekah King ofc Ifracl: as G:/eadouerIordan, ©and the reft of Arabia Petrxa ning < the fame Herodotus alfo maketh sethon King of Egypt, tol bee aleans Priet teporteththat the reafon Of sexmacheribs revurn from Pelufium in Egypt, which healfo belieged, was, thataninnumerable multitude of Rats had in one night theBow-ftrings of his Archers, and {poyled' the'reft of their Weaponseatenin finder in that kin which no doubt might gteatly amaze him : buttheapproachiof Tarhaca, rememb by Jofephus ae and Berofis. its, was themore vrgeut. ypon'thefe geut Saint int Hierome: Hi auen F and j und thirt thit ty of Bfay, out of the fame ; : ie in in thethe fourteen f pire car of Ezekias, zekia he demandeddof th yeare o himfich c Tribute 29 Pay as was agreed e time as Ti on, at fuch rand-father of Seamacherib Tig/ath, the Berofus, asalfo-in part out of Herodotus, whotn loferhus ci- n abies teth fomewhat otherwi aefe than his sheewords a lye, reports es ; Senacher : ibs vetraitin one thefe vords: tiie ‘ : : ; Pugnalfe autem Senacherib Regem Alfyriorumcontra Agyptios, &obfe 8, tat gue extruis angeribusurbi capienda, weniffé Tatacham Regen ; and Fatherof Sa/mana/fer,inuited by Abax,inuaded ‘Rei King of Damafcus, and " Aith; uered himfromthe dangerous Warre which Ifracl had vadertake n againft Dian se ‘Tribute and acknowledgement when Ezckias denied, Sennacherib, hauing asit ine purpofe to inuade Egypt, fent one part of his Armyto lye before ietulsletiyg oy though Exechias (fearing this powerfull Prince) had acknowledged his aue er chafed his peace, as he hoped, with thirty hundredtalents of {iluer,andt hirty saa gold: wherwith he prefented Seamackeribnowfet down before Lachis in ae bs 2Kjagx8ax. VAder thecolour ofbetter aflurance, and to force the King of Iudzatod eliuer ho ee the Aflyrian enuironed Terufalem with a groffe Army,and hauing his {wordinhishand 30 thoughtit the fitteft time to write his owne conditions, ey: Exechias directed his three great Counfellers, to parly with Rad/aces, ouerthe Ws . and to receiue his demands: whovfed three principal! arguments to perfwadethepe pletoyeeldethemfelues to his Mafter Sennacherib. For though the Chancellor,Stevard, and Secretary, fent by Ezekies, defired Rabfaces to {peake vnto themin the Syrian ‘tongue,& notin the lewifh,yet he with a louder voyce directed his fpeechtothe mut 3 f Zs ‘ tude in their own language. Andfor the firft, heemadethe mknow, That if chee nued obftinate, and adhered to their King, that they would, ina fhort time, beiafat 1 to cate their own dung,and drinke their owneyrine: Secondly, he altogether difad a 9 2 . the King ofEgypt, from whom the Iudxans hoped forfuc cour ; and compared him eas a; brokenftaf fe a fe,a on. ee whicht whofo cuer] at h, > plercet Oo OF pi own hand Thirdly, that h h his his oye he go s who fhou hespethem, Ezechias had formerly broke nand Lt ‘ cei n and defaced, bejo chiefely (asit is thought by fome) thebrafen Serpen t, which had beene preferut = ime itha 2m Tf Cae fiesdaeFine: ape withal other Nations » l hee bade them remem ber the gods af of on Lowe alia avered eee: 5; ME G aga Vee a ofp> theirs, his Mafter ar i had issmn eat gti byn0 owne ; and for God himfelfe, in whomtheytrufted, hee {waded the ve lent meanes to telye on him, for hee would deceinethe m. But ing (for fothe King had. commanded them)after a while, when he hadvnde the people a rftoodthat ; , f : Kingof m1 Crh Arabia was marching on with a powerfull Army, Alive hee himfelfe lefeche AI ' ah forces im chargeto others, and fought Senmacherib, at Libna in ludea, either é A; the forme him of their refolution inTerufalem, or to conferre with him concerns Armyof Tarhacathe Arabian, Soone vpon this there came letters fromsenia Exckias , whomheepartly aduifed » and partly threatnedtofubmit himfelte enes : Ve the fame blafphemous Outrage againft theall-powerfull God , as before. a Bute as fending thofe Counfellers to the Prophet E/ay, which had lately Saces , xeceiued fromhim comfort, and affurance , that this heathenbeen tent to' d Idolater hor Not preuaile ; againft whom the King alfo befought aide from Almighty Gos the peating the moft infolent and blafphemous parts of Sennacheribs letter, bet : : : - cles or Parilipomsenon, {peake but of the affaires ofthe ewes in effect) Ps s of Sez - tures are filent ofthat enterprife (whichin thefe bookes of the Kings thing in ity agreeing with Awuiws, forafmuch as thefe Kings mentionedin Scriptures, reigned in Babylon and Aflyria, inthofe very times which by Diodorws'and Prolomje} 5 cy 7 Grand-father ~ goas, but the worke ofmans hands, een wood andflone, eve. i Theteafon that moued Sésvacherib to deliréto poffetfe himfelfe in hafte of Ierufa fem,was,that he might thereinto haue retraited his Art nie,which wa meth from the fiege of Pelufium in Egypt, forfeare of Terhaca: and not fearing, that the Readers will be driuen from our Booke; when they find fome- <1 Of the danger and deliverance ofIndesfrom Sennachcrib. : pofleffion Pie oftheEmVV Salmanaffar was dead,andhis fon Sennacherib in ; - Lands, and hadfet fire ou their a0ds, farth we may fafely goc on with our accompt from Nebona/ar, taking him tor Sabmwartiffa r mica naming any othets,that reigned there in thofe ages ; and all i)t0 ftronomicall o teria tions, fitly concurring with the yearesthat are attributed tothefe, or numbred froin them. - Altar ofGod in the Temple,conifeffing this part thereof to be true. That the k fhur had de/ltayed.she Nigiansaea Lisi this bufineffe anyfentence ee Wake are afligned to Belofus, Nabona/far,and Mardocempadus, and ee, herd a ae : nh zp; . i a " ST eeeeee Septal aieeritniseect ofthe Hiforie of the World. Una noteiuxta lerufalem, centum octoginta quingue millia cxercitus 4 ruiffe, narrat Herodotus : ¢ plenifsim BerolusChaldaice Seriptor Hiftorie, g deproprijs libris petanda oft ; That Senacherib Xinz of the Affyriansjoucht apainfi ther« Liptians, andbefieged Pelufium, and that when his aounts were builtfor Tarhacas King ofthe Ee.biopians came robelpe thems and that inne night,taking the Citie; t cereofleru/ one hundred eightie Jine thoufand of theAfjrian Armieperifbed bypeflilerive. of:thefex 1 things (faith Hierome')'* Herodotus reports » land wore at large Berolus « writer of a Chaldean Storie, whofe credit is tobe takenfromtheir owne Bookes: Out of Efayit isoathered, that this deftruGio n of the Affyrian A‘tiy vvas iin this manner +>» Thou foals # hathit more|; the fame Berofas, an authorie Ayéeinite fowell agreeing withtheScri omitted apie eect Tash Sennac hetibus ates ab Bgyptiaco mi bello renertens ,i‘ ¢ vifited Lord Hoafls with thunder and baking, and a great noyfe, winde andaofthe tempef?, andofaflarie of dewouring fire, But Iofepbas quem fub Rablacis imperig reliquerat pefte dininitus immifsd quam Vrbem origi hapevasl oo citms Ducibu s guingu deletum bunts e millibnus Militum i gta bale tervitas GH de reli itineribus in reonum umncontindit. ad Pariane gue Nines fidias Seniorum> fils (ais. K Nechi oepeiGatanahenlairiaries 4 en ol quod dicitur ofilys fais, dramelechi, c Selenn vitams ami emplo Arafci , quem precip uocults dizwabari, atur , quibas ob p pularibss pallis ee in Armenians fagien tibus, Afaracoldas minor filisinl , Sennacheril ¢/aish Tofephus ) returning from the Egypti anewarre ,opfoand the hi ht eon gee Sre Armie , weich bee had left under the command of Rabfac es, deflroyed by a peftilence OW, J , L 2 Kin . 4 we i > thefirft night that hee had begunneto affault the Towne: rcfcore anafise thoufand of the Souldiers beeing confumed with their Chicftainesndredfou and Coronele With which defyudtion3bein8 terrified, aoe and withall affraid - t might bet f the reff of his Armiz ‘nus, ava wh ce Maat creat marches into his Kinodeme, toh ortly after by the ‘ean of twoof theeldeft of yall Citic, which is called Soames; Adramelech Selennar or Sharezer 3 hee loft his life in the Temple dedicated to Arafces 5 or ' : whom hee [pecially worfbipped. Thefe his Sonnes beeing for their parricide Chafed avoay by the people + and fring into Aymenia, | oldas bis younger Sonnefue.' ealegh vee > JOnrg feeded ia the ome. ‘ho in the beginning of his reigne fent newtrou Affyria-and § ria, to eee eS, vistiby higGrade manalfar, What this Nefroth was, itis vncertaine + Hierome in his Hebrewtrad h fomewhat of him. but nothing pofit tiscertaine , that Yewus Vraniayyas vorfhipped bythe Affytians . and{owas Jupiter Belus, as Dion; Enfebius; and Cyriflys ritneffe. Manyfanciesthere are, ira his fonnes hadto murtherhim; butthe Dddz moft |