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Show 494 oo - en Ce Thefecond Booke of thefirfipart Seee Cwar.r3.§.v, ~~ sAbaz, was an Idolater,exceeding all his pfedeceffors, I te Be a motte n Hage: for ae aXing.x6.11. dimand burnt his fon for facrificebefore the oats HOPE parenets: ips Lal 3 chran.28. prefented by a man-like brazen bodic,bearing the 1eac : aia re yi P. : ar tom derufalem,ina Valley fhadowed with W oods,called Ge nnem,orT ep het from w theword Gebeanais vfed for Hell. The children offered, wereinc kaffe ofthis Idoll,andas the fire encreafed, fo the facrificers, with a noy fe and other Inftruments, filled the ayte, to the « nd the pitt os Il crie oF thechildren might not be heard : which vnnaturall, cruelland diuellith ¢ ble cane am oe phet vehementlyreprehendeth,and of which Saint Hierome vpo ee thot aa en hath written at large. By the prohibition in Leniticws thee centh, it ape: reth that this horrible finne was ancient:in the twelfth of Deter engmie,it is ca lled an abhoming tion which God hateth. That it wasalfo pra@ifed elfewhere,and by many Nationste. mote from /adea, divers Authors witnelle; asVirgé/in the fecond of e£ncids--- Sanguine placastis,crc.andSiluins, Pofcere cade Des. Saturne is faid to hane brought this cuftomie into stelfe,befides the cafting of manyfoules into the River of Tyéer, in ftead of which,Hercu/us commanded,that the waxenImages of men fhould bethrowne in and drowned. The Deuill alfo taught the Carthaginians this kinde of butcher, in fomuch, that when their Citie was befieged, and indiftrefle, the Prieft made them beleeue,that becaufe they had {paréd their own children, and had bought and - vp others to be offered; that therefore Saturnehad ftitred vp; and ftrengthened . 0 EvfthdePrep. Enemies againft them : whereuponthey prefently caufed two hundredofthe no . Evanglé. al Acoft.de Bift. WRG Ind. youths oftheir Citie to be flaine,and offered to Saturae.or Satan,to appeafe him: w : befides thefe forenamed Nations, had inftruéted the Rhodians,the people of Cait 6 Chias,of Meffena,of Galatia,with the Maffagets, andothers, in thefe his feruices, on ther,as ifhe werenot content to deftroy the foules of many. Nationsin Ewrepr,4 at Africa, (as Acofa writeth ) the Mexicaxs and otherpeople of America,were brought , the Deuill vnder this fearefull feruitude, in which heealfo holdeth the Flaridenta Firgintaasat this day. For the ickednelie ofthis King Abex,God ftirred vp Rezia of Dams a0dTe kab che Son ofRemaliah,King offraclagainfthim, who inuaded. Zwdea, andbelieged3o Ierafalembut entreditnot. se The King of Syria, Rezin,pofleft himfelfe of Elab by the Red Sea, and ake sie 2CHOH2S. out ofit; and Fekabflaughtered:iirone day an hundred and twenty thoufand l cs theableft ofthe kingdome,at which time A4ea/eiah,the Sonneof Achaz was alfo i by Zichrisvith dzrtkam the Gouernoutof his houfe 5 and, Elcanath the fecond ia vntothéKing-Befides.all this,two hundred thonfand prifonets of women & rae the d/raelites led away-to Samaria: butby the counfell ofthe Prophet, Oded, they ) returned and delineted- backe againe, ; sine a As Ureeland Aramyexed Iuda onthe North; fo the Edomites and the aceon" euermored attended the tnine of Iudea, entred vpon them from the, Southan damey 2 Chron.28, 2Kings 16 Bethfemes, Aialon,Gadercth,Socho,Timpah,and Gemzo,{lew many people,é& cattle oe many‘prifoners. Whereupon when Achaz faw himfelfe.enuironedon all ie "a hisiftolsand-dead:gods gaue himno comfort, he fent to the.4//jrias Tighatp? tl 3 defireforveaide from:him againft the I/raclite? and Aramites, prefenting him filueramd gold both of the Temple,and Kings Honfe. ) 1 Tigharphilefer wanted nota good example tofollow,inmaking profit opt troubles Lie that rofe in Pa/estiva His Father hauing lately made himfelfe from a P sono ot f Cunrag8-7. ofthe Hifforie ofthe Worl ny centr and thereft beyond Jorden,which belonged to the Tribes of ReubenGad, and Mana(fe. And then paffing the Riuer,he maftered the Cities ofGelil ee,inuaded Epbraim,and the kingdomeof //rael,and made themhis Vaflals. And notwithftanding: that he was in- uited and waged by Achaz,yet after the{poileof#/rae/,he pofleft himfelfofthe greater part ofJude,and asit feemeth,inforced Achaz to pay him Tribute. Forin the fecond of Kings, the eighteenth it is written ofExechia,that he reuolted from Afbur, orrebelled againft him,andtherfore was inuaded by Semacherib. After thefe miferies,in theend ofthe fixteenth yceu@ ofhis rcignie,Abaz had beheld and borne he died but was not buried inthe Sepulchers of the kings of luda, 10. With ahaz lined Adedsdus,the thirdPrincein Media;who-gouetned 40.yeares, faith Enfebius : Diodorus and Ctefiasfind Anticarsus in ftead of this Adedidw;to haue beene £u/zh.iz chrb, Sofarmus his Succeffor,to whom they giueso-yeares. Tiglath Philefer held the Kingdome ofAfjria,all thereig ne of Ahaz:yet fo, that $4/manaffar his Son. may-feeme to haue reigned With him fome partofthetime. For we find that 4has didfend unto the Kings of Athurto belpe him. The Geneda note faies, that thefe Kings ofAfbar,were Tigleth Pilefer,and thofe Kings that were vnder his Domini- + King 28,16, on.But thathe orhis Father had hitherto made fuch conquefts, as'might ginehim ‘the Lordthip ouer other Kings, I doe neitherfiad.any Hiftorie , norcircimfance that proz « Ueth. Wherefore I thinke that thefe Kings. of Absr, weteTi¢lath; and Salmanaffar Vis 20Son, who reigned withhis Fathe r, a th beene' faid: before: though howlong ‘he teignedwithhis Father, it had beenc hard to define. At this time began the Ephori in-Lacedemonya hund red.and thirty years after Lycaronslag isi according to Plutarch. Eufebius makes their beginning far laver; namely3in the fiftee nthsa Olympiad, Of thefe Ephori, Elalu 99 ," s was the firfts Theo pompus and Polydorus being then Joynt Kings, Thefe Ephori, chofen cucry: yeare swere controllers, as-well'éftheir Sengrots as of their kings,nothingbeing done withont their aduicean Cicere ) they Were oppofed againft their d confent. For/faith kings as the Rowae Tribuneés againft the Con- fuls.In the time of haz died #fchylus, who had'taled in' Arhes euer fince the fiftieth Yeare of Vzzia. Alcamenon the th istéé nth ofthé Medoutide, or Gouernoui's of the 430 theniens (fo called ofMedes whofollo wed coil Was the laft oftheir Gouernors:he tiled onel s ) faccéededhis Fathet eAfchylusand y two yeeres.Forthe Athenians changed irft from kings(after Codrus to Goue rnors forlife; which ending in this Alcamenon, they erected a Magiftrate;whom they term ed an Archon,who,was a kindeof Burghoma fer Gouernor ofthei City for ten yeares, T his alteration Paufanias in his fourt h Booke begin s, in the firft. yeere.of. the eighth Olympiad. Enfebius and Halicarnaffeus in the firtt of the feuenth Olympiad :at which time indeed,Caraps the firft of thefe,began his ten yeares ; The kifigdome df the Latives,couerned abou rule. t three hundred yeare bythe Sylug, of the trace OfEneds, ‘tooke end in the fame abaz time ; the foundation of Rome, bein g 40 laidé by Romixlus & Remus in the eighth ycere ofthe fame king. Codoman builds it inthe eleuenth of Athaz,Buchaleer in the eighth,as I thinke he fhould; others fomewhat Ia ter, andfi the reigne ofExéchias,Cicero, Entropius, Orofias, and others, {quar ethe time of the foundation tothe third yeere of the fixth Olympiad,But Halicarnaf Antiochenus, Clemens Cdlexandrinas, and fens, Enfebius,to thefirlt yeare ofthe feuenthSolinus : who Heme not otiely to me, butto many very learned Chronologers, to: haue kept herein the beft accom pt mehrs e tenani,king of Babylon dnd Affiriashad a little before led him.the way. into Io ile ted by Acwahem, king OfYfracl.Wherefore now the Son willingly harkenedto? Tani. and embracedtheaduantage. As for Belechus himfelfe,he was conrenseo aig eget other time forgoing throughwith this enterprize: becaufe(as I haue {aid beforeet notfirmely fetled at home,and the Syrian kingslay direGtly in his way, ie wile ftrong both in menand fame. But Tiglath,hauing now,withthe treafures killed prepared his Armie,firft inuaded the Territorie of Damafcus,wannethe oe ; Rezia che laft ofthe race ofthe Adads,who began with Dauid,& ended w it a tol' At Damefcas,Achaz met Tiglathand taking thencea patterne of the Akato recur riah the Piieft,commandingthe like to be made at lerufalem, whereomataist 7 7 4 et eft al Boos burnt Sactifice tothe gods of the SpriansLn. the meane while Tiglsth poet 4 CHAP: |