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Show Thefecond ‘Booke of thefirst part Cuap.22,6,2, Gia apauny., flaine by S«@am, who reigned auing beenefixe monethsia King, wasthen+t y : S fat; onely that heew faction had labouredfor honour. Itfeemes thavheewas one of thofe, who intimeof thought callyé to downe, fitten iwere Competitors other whenall now arid himfelfe. ehiese a Ging) in whofeperfon the race.of Jehw was to faile. Manifel iris, 2 it sreuaile againtt that King; 5) inwhofeperion therace.of seha was totale, Manifelt aud the coaft thereof -cuenfrom that Sill hadadtrong party : for ‘Tiphfah or Thapfas Tirzah,where Menabemhis.enemyand fupplanter thenlay,t efufedtoadmit,as Kingin his ftcad,the manthat murdered him. Yeriat the end of one moneth, Sallam receined the reward ofhisitreafon,andwas flaine by ttemabem whoxcigned imhis place. andthatiie thtcarned Azarias and his Companions, to'punifhithem with death vnlefle igh. inférti Stor quiet hey would be q Barils a gtéat by inferting : argeth the si iniargetht p "sindeed - _‘ephus, ne he Story, ike, «which'did teare downe halfe.an Hill', that rowled foure furlongs ; tifit refted a idf oh-wave DI i fy td bse Hilly psi another ft ing vpthe hig h -wayes, aid {poyling the Kings Garden in f Earth-quake, he faith,that the roofe of the Temple did: ‘cleaue. 1a} . mire 0 13 ' Menahem the fonne ofGadi, reignedafter Sallumtenyceres« In oppofitiontoSallam, his hatred was deadly, and inhumane : for hénotonely deftroyed Fiphfah,andall thar were therin,ortherabouts, bit: heriptypall their womenwith childe,becaufetheydid not open theirgates and lerhim.in. Had this:cruelty-héen'vied in reuenge of Zacharias death, itis likeithat he would-haue beenasearneft,) in procuring ynto himhis Fathers Crown when itwasfirft due:Butin performing tharoffice,there wasivfed fuch longde- liberation,that we may plainly:difcouet Ambition, Difdaine,andother private paions, to hauebeen the caufes of this beaftly outrage. In the time of Menahem, and (as it feemes).in the beginning ofhis Reigne; Pil, King of Affyrid,came againft the Land of Iftaelswhomthis newKing appeafed,withathou- 5, faridtalents of filuer » leuied vpon all the fubftantiall memin his;Countrey. Withthis Iof, Aat.L.g.tt moneythe Iftaelite purchafed,not onely the peace ofhis kingdome; but his owne eltablifliment therein :-fome factious man(belike)hauing eitherinnited Pu/ rhither,or (ithe came vncalled) fought to vie his helpe,: in depofing this ill beloued King. Lofephus Ie ports of this Mesabem, thatliis Reigne was no milder:than his entrance. Buralterten yeeres his tyrannie ended withhis life : and Pekabze, his Sonne, occupied his : "roome.s Ofthis Pekabia the ftorieis fhort : forhe reigned onely twoyeeres; at the end whet of, he was flaine by Peka, thefonne of Remalia, whofe treafon was rewarded swith the Crowne of Ifrael, as,in time comming,another mans Treafon againft himfelte fhalbe> 54 There needes nomoretobefaid of Mewahem,and his forine, {auethat they were, bott of them,Idolaters:; and the fonne (as we finde in Zfephus) like to-his father in oucry: Concerning P#/the Affyrian King,whofirft opened vntothofe Northern Nationsthe wayinto Paleftina;it will fhortly followin order of the Story, to:deliner our opimlom whether he werethat Be/ofus(called.alfo Belefes,and by fome,Phal Belochuswhosoynee with Arbaces the Median,againit Sardanapalus, or whetherhe were fomeother manAt the prefent it is more fit that we relatethe end of Zzzizis life; who out-liued the happ* nefle wherein we left him. §. II. The end of Vzzia his Reigne and Life. BNE S the'zeale ofIehoiada,that godlyPrieft, was the meane, to preferuethe lin Of Dawid, inthe perfonof fozs s fo it appeares, that the care of holy men! not wanting to V=z#a, to bring himvp, and aduance himto the Crowtl ot Fot da, ‘when the hatted borne to his Father 4mazia, had endaneered his fuccellion.*>" Sas 2. Chro,26.5, Vesfe 165 itis {aid of Pzzia,That hefought God in the daies of Lecharia (which onderftood the vt of God) and when as he fought the Lord, God made him propper. tad se vanfore/ , But, when bee was firong, bis heart was lifted up ta bis destruction : for hee tranfgre] tasa on the Aa gaint the Lord his God, and went into the Temple of the Lord to burne incenfe, P Deiolts tar of incenfe.. Thus he thought to enlarge his own authority, by medling inthe! "eat office, whofe powerhadin eueryextremity beenfo helpefull to thekings of Iuda, Te meere gratitude,and ciuill policie,fhould haue held backe Vezia from incrochinf C upon ; yea, though the Law of God had beenfilent in this cafe,and not forbid 110 How/{deuer,the king forgothis duty,the Priefts remembredtheirs,and God forg® \ toaffit them. Azaria the high Prieft interruptedthe kings putpofe,and gaue eee derftand, howlittle to his honour it would proue, that hietooke vponhimthe: 0° thefonnes of Aaron, There werewith Acariafourefcore other Priefts,valiay- m* 481 asthewed onelyin affifting the high'Prieft, wher? (aceording to his duty) : elumption. This was enough, thereft God himgelfe perva thatthe King had apparrelled hinifelfe in Prieftly habit, sfantd,g.c.1i; y I. . S not finde ; faue Kingrs.t3. afer him,.2b (pace of « monetiin Samaris. What this Sallwm was, Idoe Traytoursandthefonne of one Zabefh, whereby his father got to soatheBilorivoPbetas Ge. ‘ 1 a 7 ee pensar tite vponthe Kings face,: which was prefently infeGed a peoirs ae ear ane beenetrive a+ F » the hatte : . Towith leprofie. eiehieany hane beene true ; and fome there arewhothinké that' this Earth-quake is the fame,which is mentioned by the Prophet 4wafswherciti they doe much mifletreckon the times. For the Earth-quakefpoken of by-Amos was in the dayes of Jeroboam' King. of Ifrael, who dyed. feuen and:thirty' yceres' before Pezia ; fo that Jotham the Sonne of Y=zia, whichfupplied his Fathers placein government Ofthie Land, thould, bythis accompt,haue beenethen vnborne:: for he Wasbut fueand twenty yedres old, when heb ganto reigne as‘King, Therefore, thus fare only we haue af. 2.chre.ae.20: furance thar while NV zzia was wroth with the Priests, the leprofie rife'wp in his forthéxd,bevhithe Pos Rate. he Mur ba okt : Ss fore the Priefls. Hereuponih eectatrera was caufed, inall hafte, to depart the place, anid t6 line in a houte by himfelfe, vntill he dyed ; the rule ouerthe Kings houfe ‘and' omer ail the 20 Land, being committedto sotham, his Sonne and Succeffor. sothamtoo ke nor Vpon himfelfe the ftile ofa King,ti was dead;whomtheyburied in the fame field oP mpatd tet Pras iheecstoas jo : r yes wherein his Anceftors | ty interred ; yet ina Monument apart from the reft, becanfe hee was a Leper. 6.0 1 T, Ofthe Prophets which lined in the time of Vosia, andof Princes themruling fome other Countries. Se in Egypt sin anki, ect ea WN thetime of4zziawerethe firtt ofthe leffer Prophets Hofea, loel, Amos. Oba 30 €) @ Skee d/a,andlon, Tis not indeedeifet downe, whenJelor edie did praphecie', eS . but if the Prophets, whofe tithes are not-expref ed; ought to be ranged recor. ding to Saint Hieromes rule) withthe next before them contemporary with Ho/ea andmos, who liued vader then muft thefe two beiudged King "zie. To enquire which linnay, eee vam parhang be thoughs, at leaft a fuperfluous la. Bae 4 Peasnina: Uerwen dued 5 hath fo pai oe beene fought, without Te. eee : 9: : e de ta ed, wl ich offers toifeatc OWE the antiquity of thefe ho. j pilets ¢ deemes to me, that the firft of thefe, in orderof time, was the Prophet fons 3 who foretold the great vitories ofJerebeam King of /fracl sand therefore js like tohane prophe i d inthe dayes of Jozs; whilcftthe affli lon of Irae! was exceeding bit ae gotersthe Text itielfeintimating no leffe: by which conf juence, he was.elderth = dye 2 = Prophets, whofeworkes are now extant. But his prophecies that concerited the eee ie Wloft. That which remaineth of him, feemes, not without whofe alayies Si coe ° fhde rh belengat - phe ace a ne = fufferiiigs,than by ofthehtene his eaeings .now : enenyed aS rophet rather taught Chrift by his extant: in all thereftare found exprefic promifes Inthe reigne cigneof Hzzialik of.zie ewife; likewife it was,that E/ay, the firft of thethe foure fi gieat Prophets > . loans pee differenc This differen fOice his. villons, a ‘This cee ofgreat andEe leffer Tice Prophet , Is taken from the they hauelett writren(as S. dugufline giucs veafon of the diftin@ionybeer Dave -writte "oAt -e. The y het Efayw: "¢ svg.de.cinit ; afare Ejay was greatindcedesnot #41 f.e19 ha Papphte wie' rittenlarges cr smuch eee writing, le gg orof his a obility.s Nobility, (fortheir fe opi heir opinion réiected, who w isSs réiccted, im to cene the jonne of Avos the Prophet)andthehigh account wherein = es forthe excellency,both of his ftile & argument, wherein he{oplainlyforere feBirth, Miracles * ~~ irr. sentiles that Nin ae. ail, j a . ;Palfion ,and whole Hittory ] of our Sauiour, witht ecalling of well be called an an Euangelif Euaneclift- t,as.a hehemichtas mightas well 2c Prophet; having be called haui i written hat (as: Hieromefaith) one woulathinke he did notforetell of things to Come, Hier.ix pref. ompile athe an Hiflory of matters alreadypaft. Liper Mfaiain dechoritSSS was DING Kine.o€, Geupt a : ~eofhic OL egypt, andthe ninthycere of hisReign Re. ey: by. our computa tion Bbb (where- |