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Show SC>0€0€0O©&C_&@F»"EF-ee Thefecond Bookeof thefirktpart Cuap.22,§.8, Ca dpiz2g.9. teftifie; faying, That he defpifed God,and that being puft vp with his good fucceffe,of Which neuertheleffe he would not acknowledge Godto be the Author,he commanded Joas King ofIftael to become his fubiect,andtolet the tenneT ribes acknowledgehim their Soueraigne, as they had done his Anceftors King Dawid and Salomon. Some thinke that his quarrel to Joes was rather grounded yponthe iniury doneto him by the ried himadireatly to Terufalem,where Iftaclites, whomheedifmiffedin the tourney againft Mount Seir. And likelyitis, that the fenfe of a late wrong had more powertoftirre him vp,than the remembrance ofan old title, forgotten long fince, and by himfelfe neglected thirteene or fousteene yeeres. Neuertheleffe it might fo be, thatwhen he was thus prouoked, bee thoughtit not enoughto requite new wrongs,but wouldalfo call old matters into queftion ; that ‘ fothe kings ofI{tael might, at the leaft, learne to keepetheir {ubietts fromoffending Tuda, for feare of endangering their owne Crownes. Had Amaxia defired onelyte. compence fortheiniuriedoneto him, itis not improbable that hee fhould hauchad fomereafonable anfwer from Jozs,who wasnot defirous to fight with him. But thean- nedito lerhim in‘and his Atmysth Godsaffiftance, a cowardcould get victorie, but hee wouldge one without fuch helpe : after which proud {peech,thoughhe did manyvaliantactsjhe had{mall thanks, and finally, killing himfelfein a madneffe, whereinto hee fell vpon dilgr: receiued, was hardlyallowed the honour of buriall. That Amazis did vtter fuch wordes, I doe not finde : but hauing once entertained the thoughts, which are parents offuch words, he was rewarded withfucceile according. The veryfirft counfaile wherein this warre was concluded, ferues to prouethat hee was a wife Prince indeed at Ierufalem,among his Parafites ; but a foole when he had to deale with his equalls abroad. Forst wasnot all one, to fight vvith the Edomites, a weake people, trufting more inthefite oftheir. Countrey, than the valour oftheir Souldiers ; and to encounterwith Jozs, whofrom fo poore beginnings hadraifed himfelfe to fuch ftrength, that hee wasable tolendhis friend hundred thoufand men, and hadall his Nation exercifed, and trainedyp 124 long victorious warre. But as Amazia difcoucred much want of indgement,in vndert- king fich amatch; fo in profecuting the bufinefle; whenit wasfet on foot, he behaued himfelfe as amanof little experience, who hauing once onelytriedhis fortune, and founditto bee good, thoughtthat in Warre there was nothing elfe todoe, thas fen adefiance, fight, and winne. Joa on the contrary fide, hauing beene accuftomedto deale with a ftronger enemie than the king of Iuda,vfed that celeritic, which peraduenture had often ftood himin good ftead againft the Aramite. Hee did notfit waiting the enemies brake in and wafted his Country, but prefented himfelfe withan Army 18 Tuda, ready to bid battell to Amazia, and faue himthe labour of along iourney- 10s could not but greatly difcourage thofe of Iuda- who (befides the impreffion of feare vvhich an inuafion beates into people, not inured in the like) hauing denouredin theit greedy hopes,the {poyle of Ifrael, fully perfwading themfelues to get as much, ane # as eafic rate as in the iourney ofEdom; werefo farre difappointed of their expettatio"s that well they might fufpeétall newaffisrance ofgood lucke,whenthe old had thus D¢ guiled them. All this notwithftanding,their king that had ftomack enoughto challenge the patrimonie of Salomon, thoughtlike another Dauid to winne it by the fword Theiffue of which foole-hardineffe might eafily haue beene forefeene in humane" fon; comparing together,either the two kings, orthe qualitie of their Armics, OFF firft and ominous beginning ofthe Warre. But meere humane wifedome, howloc it mightforefee much,could not haue prognofticatedall the mifchiefe thatfell vpo"", mazi4. Forasfooneasthetwo Armies came in fight, God, whofe helpe this wict lofantg.tre Man. had fo defpifed, did (as lofephns reportsit) ftrikefach terrour and amazement" the men of Tuda, that without oneblow giuen, they fled all away, leauing thel! kin fhift for himfelfe ; which hedid fo ill, that his enemy had foone caught him,an "hic himchange his glorious humour into moftabied bafeneffe. That the Amy ¥% ing himotherwifewith prefent or s being in weakerftate, held out two yeeres vate oat ; a yo wezzar,was viterly difinayed, whenthe Kinpythat fhould haue alge hi i fe bt viedall his force of cémandand intteatyto'betrayit:So thé penedto Jows,with vwhich honour(greater than any Kineof I could nor reft-contened,but,the more to defpile aiic cubitsofthewall to be thrown downe.and entted the c breachjcarrying the king before himjas in tridmph.T! theKings'Palace,andfo,taking hoftages of maziz, was glad of his lite and returned'to Samaria. that which Jofephus hath written)betweena king of ancientrace, andoneof Ieffenobilitie thanvertuc. Itis by Sephocles reported of iax,that when going tothe Warre of Troy, his father, did bid himtobevaliant, and get victory by Gods affiftance, he made anfiver, That by' he bad him procurethat the ¢ 108 wholwt deat Seite amazed wasithe mifetable captinéwith thefe'dycadful words. that he durtda, ' dion than perfwade the Gitizens,to yeeld'them{elues to the mercie ofthe Gori sets ope Townewhichafterward {wer which Joas returned, likening himfelfetoa Cedar, and Amazia in refpettofhim to no better than athiftle; fhewes that thechallenge was made in infolent tearmes,ftuft perhaps with fuch proud. comparifon of Nobilitie, as might bee made(accordingto Sophocles in Adace Lon of ‘the Hiftorie of the World, fled} faftained anyotherloffe than of honour; Iineitherfindei n the Scriptures need to fephus 3 teeinglikely that the foone beginning oftheir flight, which made it'the Ss : fhamefullgmade it alfo the more fafe:But of the mifchiefthat followed his 0 dees ear * irwasiGods will that Amaxia himfelfe fhould {uftaine the wholediforace, B ae arOWS sof len edene ' $ ethe i ride z fackt she Tens sh = I liebe 20 diftonfe s/ ofthe reafans : A4 difconr hindering; 15s from ‘ayeiti uniting Vuda'td the Cromie of Vrach, whew hee hadwon Terufalem, ‘and held' Ktoa prifon er. The endof Toas his Répe, is Reigne 2 a Arp £60 bined] eee s$ . NG mp HEé may infty inaruell how it camets pallthat Joabei°ngthusiin:poffAion of UN Tetufalem, hating he King is his handsyhis enemies forces broken; &‘his'owii : ‘entire;could be-focontefit t6 départ quictly with 4 little fpoylewhen he mighe io feized vpontiewhole Kingdom héreigne of "rbdlis had sien him caiete that the iflue : ope, ek iflue ofof mere Daaid might michebée ‘led-of be difpoffef that crowne é fed-of that i Owne Nobility t ; his 7 o aetonneand sran-childéof' Kings, tosether vvith the famous aes that hee had t to‘make the people of Tndaithinke highly of him WHO michtalfe aeatbefo rechar of theicasy ent; sre ; efpecial their owne Kings Rs ait ly at see ect Princes had imotheted thethanks.which oe ae ie memory ofa few good ones. The commodirythat vvould haize ; pou lie te ‘of allthetwelue Tribes; enfued: vnderoné Prineeisito apparéatithat I Abas 16t honk i a I 2 onit-Ph atany wG melusefrom God forbad fi anerae dsin the Hracliteras aftéetwar te : vy ae Pékathe {ort of Romelia dot vPan haz) eotGyne his préfe t aduantage, othebé he e;>) we caok keene doe not readee? eaten DAT thie takes hy : thé more dificult DAI this if yto¥efolie the it oe ne . ny a Priniée'fo vel exérci(ed; as Teléshiad beeawia recouérine his ownsiia i 7 hiha fr nihg ae ‘3, enemy, fhould forfake Le an the poenio fist n ofalt; Wy hes falemiaad'wilhil ly Hest erect the Poflibilit pe caksat a ies a LeSs jor rather fixll atirance Tather-cattway thea fill aMnraa ce ofto othe)Fave A z eye ag xingedome of Iida. ey uloler bas f ene asitre Butéotcernine ¥ " cy f -- eetataR + art detieatin mes that point,» int.vvHic Hichjof alb< seh ff nad been fioft marérial 4 f Tmeanth j e ‘teed, va Si i peopléte acceprth e Threlite fortheli heseis plainely fen ier ree Crulelein in triumphariemannee dis Vas Vivablet6°COnG6EHig owniiee Cl "POor.the Shy. ay eee az 2 he opehing ES 3 i of thie gatesx siecle u into the Royall Throne,had bééte Cncigleto haeleciimrnst Onely tht andthe peoples hearts, whom by faireintredty : ¥ a 2 ne fre meanes of. compulfiud bheé m1 havenndetRawnae ¢bhen re 1é > p 5 A 5 * vat betisre rhefs ues betrayed] ana bafely piuehaway by him whofethey hid Beene aaa hie a bik marke Which this opportun itieprefenteds! ihe didinbeayine at be. Ore Stak . ition-was othorwift and ihorenieanely bufied, in‘leucMiie at the elsry co invellenou lantentr Yerkchis errourrnighr/atrerpayds have been ythrough arbreach Fan: ekte : ea gh, if entring as an! enemy, afd thewinawhatizelé suld doe, by Penidinghisanoer vponthewalsy Vabiooned rote" hehadwit hin thethe Cirmidone Ho pe nad within loRicssd6 Cieysdon a eofices3tsfifrien ey Giohaed ET A bare x. dand ; Zallgoe + ten new good W illo 3 > ; the ihhetyica mes) But whenhis pridehad done; hiscone. . hese" aud aye ; foughs to pleafeitfebfejwich thavwhichis comnion ly mon Feat Phin. ecthould be moft forbornmecT he'Treaf ure wherewith 9/ac,r744567 "te chive #as.mien ighorant ofthe trieiGod .and his Rdigionshadquenched their TG 5 * iA L. 5 t+ Ht OUBht hot tohane tempted the appetite of upasiwhe thoughan Idalates, a fAad 2 y S ‘ yet |