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Show ?Tiefecond Booke of the first part "AS6 F Cua 216.6, _-e ambition and zealeto het idolatrous worthip of Baslim, but p Sey Ot CARER Se 2S il 1 Gres.in feck he itheaccom: deftruGion of | and-child.and plithment of fome vane yall Fo wl ther it were fo that 4thalsa yall. rwihethes vere io th: the reft of the bloud the bloud noys , sie A Neniche Asin teeets i oe ef cis So e) liz nitat u nh are Not alwaies chafte i payne es whoredomes were vpbraided by Z ; Ries, whore domeswe si ror ai sdacenaitied > rmet wband, « doit . < > - whow O a r ol r s 4laughte Z¢, Who was daug nes of her own,anid thoie ICO OE BSE Ov ily a ot€ vi of geeghel ep sealawe W at her . " , Omri. rs, ANG andMiter iiitert tO proud andcrue lf ana be 4 ¢ ile : j 12 ; , st vinlikelw; ‘ cid 7 é ad rind bell re. in robbing old enough to be employed,ast » iN robbing : Lat. that t o fetele the wni yponher mple. Soitis not greatly to be wondreda claimes. \s fo; Loasifo other on the did feeke to cut offiby wicked policie,all er would miftruft the inter his grand-moth: er, yet fhe emiphe draw him feuotions And PAME him, OX left when he cameto yeeres,niy bhink aniai it might draw hin e r devotion, doe comtio beret fonet sbands. tharAnd eof (befides that w See ce in thercigne of her fonne: for hee made heir fonnes wiues) there is fome appe we mig in oof - "re De ae (h Fait him{pendall his tintin idle soumneyes, = iS ee See ae wee rule at home;andheliuing abroad beeftranged fi , taag. a idee fancies,wherein Zezabel had cunningenou; ee eee eT - igs ii Jehu hadradelycut in sect all thefe finedeuife Sd ia oe hréiOthers Te if | to worke, and-doeasthe did, wherebythethought to make ice dente each eae + could rather thinke)fhe wereonelyftepdame to /oas, we peen Or es mouing her to take awayhis life ; her ownehatred was caufe enough to d 53 : , ; > whe : mie } we it wl hh ‘ ' her won]1 mong thefirft. we §. VI. A digrefsionwherein is maintained the liberty- of "oe J of the Hifioryofthe World, iat ea acd taciariea toaad OP haps exactly in anya of kt thofEY Hiftori es that are in tl € pointsfitemat moft well notedby that worthy Gentleman, Sir Philip iamte, that Hiftor ofPoets , not i a onely oh much of their ornament, but fomewhat oft tions are oftenfalfe,records not alwais true, and noto ious actic 7 ie , cient to difcouer the paffions which doe fet them firft. on foot. : 1 ' (I {peakeof. thebeft,and an in that which is allowed-forto take out of Lint, t/) Lse5 cumfta nceof Claudiu < Ad. s hig . iouthey acainwt . . fArubalin Italy efle, or any practice of that kinde, is. neither Hiftori4cal] Pod Ait als ig the particu lar humour ALD of Princes,and' of thofe which1a haue ro the inftruments by which they wrouch motiues or impediments of euerybufin can imagine, thematter in hand. they:iud icioufly E ) j confider the defects in « obliquity in proceeding. Yetallthis, for themoft part, is notenou sh to giue affuran ce 5 howk giue fatisfaction. Fortheheart of manis vnfearcheak and Prince s,howfoeuey intents be feldome hidden from fome of thofe manye ves which ‘prie both into andinto fichas liue about them 3 yet fometimes: cither by: their ownecl per, or byifubtill clofe mifte, they conceale the truth from all reports, times the affections themfelues lye dead: and buried in oblivi on, when thep 20 Ons whichthey begat, areconuertedto anothervie. The induftr ie ofan haning fo many: things! to wearie it, may well bee excufed,' when findi caufe enough ofthings done, it forbearcth to make further fearch- tl fall out, where fundryoccafions worketothe fame end, that one ir weake minde is moreeff:€tual vfing° comieure in Hi Stories. oe 22 Hus much concerning the perfon of fas, from whom, as from eit 2 the tree of Dawid was propagated: into many branches. In handling which matter,the moreI confiderthe natureofthis Hiftory andthediuetTees, fitie between it and others,theleffeme thinkes I need to fufpec min pre{uinption, as deferuing blame,forcuriofityin matter of doubt,or bold f ty of coniedture. Forall Hiftories do giue vs information of humanecc ery ; e forth as the knowledge andfaith of the writers can afford ; buto ie d,they {peak onlyat randome, and many rane fall n profane writers, whoaferibetheill fuccefle of greet es fome impiousRites , whereof indeed God -mently,as they thought himto be highlyoffended wit! orted rc re theomitiel Hereat we maythe leffe wonder, if we confider the anfwer mad bythe Iewesin "al vito Zeremythe Prophet reprehending their Idolatry. For howfoe uer the written o r of God was known vntothe people,and his punifhments laid vpon them for contemp " thereof, were verie terrible,and euenthen but newly executed ; yet werethey a " Nately bent vntotheir wils,that they would not by any meanés be drawneto a Ter.44.17-18, Cuap.zi 6.6. {.4, ledge the true canfe oftheiraffidion: But they told the Prophet roundly , that would worlliip the Quete of Heauci}as they andtheir fathers , their Kings ae Princes hadvfed to doe: For then {aid they) bad weplenty of vittualsy and rae felt 20 ewill -adding that all mannerofmiferies were be falne them, fince they le i that feruice of the Dueene of Heanen:Soblindé is the wifedome of man,in pegeets to the counfaile of God, whichto finde out; there is nobetter nor otherguide ti his ownewritten will not peruetted by vaine additions. ) But this Hiftorie of the Kings of Ifrael & Iudahath herein 2 fingular prerogatil it boueali that hane beene written by the moft fufficient ofmeerely humane a fetteth downe exprefly the true, and firft caufes ofall that happened; not in imps the the death of ahah tohis ouer-forwardneffein battaile; the ruineof his family, ge fecuritie ofsehoramin Izreel ; northe victories of Hazeel, to the great commo oa railedin Iftael;bythe coming of Zebs < but referring all'vnto the will of Godtey to his reuealed wall : from whichthat his hidden purpofes doe not vary, this Mae of f ciues moft notable profes! Tue it is; thar the coneurre manygreat Sexamples, : 2 efPp? Dears z ; fecond canfes with their clfects,is ura cibed» nor Pe in thefeboo kes nothingl argely deferibed ; haps l, than manythat {eemes farre greater. So comesi t ma» nietimesto paile', that great fires, which confu me whole houfes or townes; begin withaf ew ftrawes, that are wafted or not feene ; when't faftned vpon fome wood pile, that catcheth all about it.heflame is difcouered, having Queftionleffe itis; thatthe waite commenced by Darius, and purfued by Xerxes againft the Greekes,, proceededfromdefire of the Perfians to inlarge their Empire ': howfoeuer the enterprize of ge the Athenians vpon Sardes, was noifed abroad as the ground ofthat quarrell syct Her odotis telleth vs,that the wanton defire of Queen ‘Atoffa,to haue the Gre herbon dwomenydid firft moue Darizsto prepare forthis warre before hee 1€e h Na ued anyiniury,& when he did notyet fo muchdefire to get more,as to nioy what w. already gotten. Iwill not here ftandto argue whetherHerodotus be moreinftly by fome, ordefendedby others, for alleadgi 1g the vain appetite, andfecretreprehended {peech of the Queen in bed with her husband, asthecaufeof thofe great euils following ; this I may boldly affirme,(hauing,J thinke,in euery eftate fome fufficient witneffe) that matters of much confequence, founded in all feeming vponfubftantiall reafons., haue iffued indeed 40from fuch Pettic trifles, as no Hiftorian would either thinke vpon, or could well fearch outs Therefore it was a good anfwerthat Sixtus Quintnsthe Pope madetoa certaine Fri: €r,comming to vifit him in his Popedome, as hauing long beforein his meaner eftate," beenhis familiarfriend. This pooreFrier,being emboldenedbythe Popetovie his old liberty of {peech,aduentured totell him,that hevery much wondred howit' was poffibleforhis Holineffe,whom he rathertooke fora direct honeft man, than any cunning Polititian,to attaine vnto the Papacy 3 in: compafling of which,all the {ubtilty (faid he) of the moft crafty braines, finde worke enough: and therefore the more I thinke vpon the Art of the Conclaue,and your vnaptnefie thereto, the more Ineedes muft wonder. yo Brpe Sixtus tofatisfiethe plaine dealing Frier,deale with himagaine asplainly, faying, Hadft thoulined abroad as I haue done,and feen by whatfollie this worldis gouerned, thou would surely eftwonder atnothing, é , if this bee referred vnto thofe exorbitant engines, ee thecourfe of by which vcs moued, the Pope faid true. Forthe wifeft of men are not without their are which requiring and finding mutual toleration , worké more clofely, and dard Ys than tight teafoneither needes of can. Butif wee lift vp our though:to afi eee Goeurnour, of whofe Fimpire all that is true, which by the Poet was faid ‘ap iber : i, Vv : Dug oud |