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Show - ig :\ i f | i | | = . =ere oe >fecond Booke ofthefirst part - Curniig.§i7, | : a [yawheras it is written that: when news was an ooo Cuar20.§ if. ts thet M oab & Ammon : ane ee ener ah sd miled by God.Notwithitan dingthis victory,lehofephat -forgerting that hewas former- eregheiedhis eeipRGEY TS che WER of Tordat jaric that theifinum be . were many; hee ly. reprehended for aflifting an Idolatrous king; did notwith{tanding ioyn wit feared (to wit) the multitude,itis fot likelythiat he woitld ipea on fe my: of pene' Salonson had: but as Eliezer the Prophet foretold him;his thips petifhed, & wete rok oe the port ofEzion Gaber,and fo that enterprize was ouerthrowne: o to Better iudgeimehrythat thefeniitnbers fpecified in the {econd'o: e romictes the v7 Vdis ftributedto feuerall Leadets, Wet etaketh part with Tehoramthe brother of Ochazias; were tiot all'at onetime, but that the 300 thoufand vider Adnab<and the 260. andfoureftare thoulatidvader Tebahanda ywere afverward:coins nator tholemimabers,which he that comaiaided leat amon g teh ofaphaes Leaders tad vader Hane k { } roils wot any good towards him: Yet Ai¢haiah was {enc for tothe kings bur by the way the mef* i TaMoabites,fubiedts to Dawid & Salomon, forfaking the kings of Tuda; gatiethem19 . " orvailals to Teroboans, & fo they continued to. his fucceffors till the death of C& cha a Lehofaphat,norwithftanding the Idolatry of his Colleague; yetas it { eemeth, he Was drawneinto this war bothto be auenged of the Moabites fortheir defection from luda tolfrael,as alfo becaufe they hadlately ioined themfelues withthe Syrians againft Lofaphat,& thirdly,to punifhtheir double rebellion who firft forfookluda & now Itraek: gre yaa refolued to paffe by the way of Idumza, thereby the better toaffiire that : ation;for wefind that both Moab,Ammon & Edom wereallin the field together at ogaddiagnok Ichefaphat :But whether they had then declared themfelues againtt Ieoft? ie 1s not certaine;forin the 2.0f Chron. 11 «verf.§. itis written that inthe time ° Re oram the fon of tebofaphat,Edom rebelled:andtherefore it feemethto mee that naedamien they were flain by Moab & Ammon,notfinding themfelues {tif fel at fuch conditionsas they required,offeredto turne from them, &to ioyne them¢ ues with the army of Iuda. For,that they were nimbred among the enemies of /ehoLe ue , itis plaine in the 2.0f Chron.the 20.and as plain c.2.%8. that they werehiot deeee by apsbect madethem a king , till sebofaphats death. Nowin the paflage ofthefe feiger prayed him+toconfent with the reft ofthe Prophets and tovpromife victory vn tothem as theydtd. "But'Aichziah fpake the trith, and repeated his-vifton to both the kings, which was, that God asked who{halperfwade Ahabysharhermaygoevp and fall-at Ramith Gilead ?to Whoma {pirit that {tood before the Lord anfwered,that hee would enterinto his Prophets,atid be in themvafalle fpirit to deludeiFordasit is {iid by Chrifts Now trim vos eps dak Vaquimins, ‘fed[piritis patris veHtyi loguitur inivobis: It is not youlsa thit'{pike, bartheSpirit ofyour Father fpeakes| it yous fotine contrary. inde did the deuill in the Prophets ofBaa/, or Satan,incourage Achab tohis deftruction.- Andas ?. th Sowa € sMoab,whether it were by the extraordinary heat of the yeer,or whether ; e "saa hauinga purpofe to rebell,mifled the armyof Iuda & Ifrael, With intent een ple them forwant ofwater;true it is,that they fuffered the fame,if nota greater ; : t than the armies of Cra/fins & M-Antoniws did in their Parthian expeditions ; and ok AaB all likelihood viterly perithed , had not Elifba taught themto cut trenches 3 oflfranl, snemiract {prang,by whichnot only Iehofaphat andhis army,but Zehoram king aes . ? a atorwas relicued:the great mercy & goodnes of Godhauing euer been Th. Ren ie for the good,whereas he neuer deftroyed the goodfortheeuill. MartyPY ponthis placewell obferucth, théfe dill {pirits ateminifters of Gods venige- king of Eda. fo i Warte, and how Moab burnt his fon, orthe fon of the, x atice, & are vfed-usthe hangmenand tormentors,whichPrinees fometinie imploy. For as it pl 1 Godby his goodAngels,to faue & deliver fiom deftrn@ionjof which - the life otiy ortacrifice on the rampire of his owne Citie, I hauealreadywritten in wasburied ee eine thekings of Irael.Jeho/aphat reigned a5.yeeres and died; hee , Scriptures haue-many examples : {0 onthe contrary,it is by the-euill that hee punifhett tobefeen.f; ‘. 7 ey of Uchofaphat, and a part of the Pyramisfet ouer his graueis yet and deftroyeth;both which arefaid to,performethe will of theit Creator, Meet » ore dem animo. Ecclefiafticus remembreth afecond fort of malignant natures,but theyare ¢ uety-wherevifible. Thereare {pirits, faith he,created for vengeance, which in ne gourlay on fité ftroakes, In the sineof déftruéion they thewforth their power, aa accomplith the wrath of him that made them. fi NowAichaiashauing by thishis'reuelation gteatly difpleated'the King, andthe Pro- s.chonig. 4° chron.20, There fined, ‘ith agaalis acts are writtenat latge by debu the {On abittamaas perils Severle Albans in Iral BYE PereetOpbratenei in Aflyria, Capetns8 Tiberinns kings of the In sehofaph vig 2 the latter the riuer Tiber (formerly Albula)tooke name. Corineh as sah alforuled Mecades or Mezadesin Athens : Agelas or Agefilaies in Baseforuicaisd ae the famerace, of the Heraclidzx the feucnth in Lacedzmons the Lytians ; Achab,Ochazias and Jehoran the Lcaelites, a si eh ~ it Cua Pp, XX, , Of Ichoratn the Sonne of Ichofaphat and Ahazia. phets whofe {pirit he difcouerédwas ftroken by Zidkich Oe bEBaals Prophets, an@ >) Caehab himfelfe Committed to prifon': where hé appointed him'to be referned ana tee ne eSina till he returtied in peace. Bar atichaiab not fearingtare Wered, If toon returnein peace, the Lord bath not fpoken by juees" Neucrthelefle A went on in that warre, and was wounded to Beth: Tebofapbar yerurtiedto Ter fates Whete he was reprehendedby rehuthe Prophetforaffiftinganidolatrous Prince, " one that hated God. ‘i . After ths os Aramites or Damafcens.ioined With the eg e Means to inuade Iudxwa:who paffe Iordan & enc? a i.& when le7o/spe" DINE -}, ty That Iehoram was made king Jandry times. z thered his t e thould be obtal ' ayY aiProp As ey Y> : 1 sca(Tortt ned without any bloud-fhed ofhis part: & fo when Lehofaphat approac ee ON brake themvtterly: which donethe alfo inuaded Bah c HHH which broiled attains took the fhoileofd il if Wonca re sacle was forecold & P 3 5 tok tae ipole or them all without any lof$ of his part,ds it 4 his appeares byth "fe a tbe lands| ie his ftead, as Abab, didhis fon Ahazia, es fir c cucrall beginning swhich aregiuen in Scripture to the two Teho- 1 Kin22v.5%e 6S0f Ifracland ludayand to C4hazsa the eldeft fon of -4hab.For Ahaziais friomecubanotenemescartinCusgetnmamene 2.ChreI0, 2.Cbron.20, againft.the Moabites, with which kings of luda & Iftael the Edomites ioyne theirforces,no t forgetting: ir feemes that the Moabites affifted by theAmmonites,had notlong before deftroiedtheirany, wack cPhisamiehty Pritice notwithiftanding hisSreatheflesyet hedoyned in friendfhip with Abid king of Hrael) who had married that witked woman Vexubel. ‘Him telafaphatvit redaeSamatia,and Chufed his fon Yorants marry Athalia this Achabs daughter: Hhab pertwidedTofaphat vo-akit him in'theWarre againitthe Sytians;: who heldthe City of Ramoth Gilead ftom him, & called together foute hundred'obhis Prophetsjor Badlites to foretell the fuccéfle: who promifed him victory: Bur senofaphasibelecued 9 nothifig at allintthofe dininers, but refolued firft of alkto cod fetlve with fone one Pro phétof the LotdiGod of Ifracl:' Hereupon Ahab made anifiverthat heehad one called Michajahbut he hated thar Prophet, becaufe hee alwayes foretold of enill,and neuerof 1 Ochazi- By the fon of Achab, in Preparing a Fleet to fend to Ophir; hoping of the like return Xerxes, iFhee could hauebrought intothe field PY ae beh Ss saan : ening meh, leauing allhis ftrong Cittés manried. Tata cn ener coche Ie wi ng ay alfe minded and muttered by Amajidh; Eliadesand Fehofabad : for the grofleand totall isnot inthat place fer downe,as it was ¥rideit the'other kings formerly framed: "Againe, as thea aycestwihithWha/ephar brovightto Ababdidnorthew thathewas a P viet of extraotdis nary power,fo the Moabites & Ammonites whichhe feared,could neuer make 'the‘one aa gti ofthe Hiiftory ofthe World, S erae the fon of lebofaphat king of luda began foreigne at thirty two Ros yeeres of age,and lined yntill he was forty ecres old, being eight yeeres * king: but of thefe cight yeeres, which Eh ‘< Tidt Aes Fsta Sectsobmdoietin alicetsiewogangwe espnyar faid |