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Show The JecondBovkeoofthe jist part 1 Quarinyphy, Smiail:plaves,heprocJainéd hinafelt Kime, - bya people whofeheait pecope!from God d1 had turnedfromtheirlawfull Prince) accepted fo readily,that Danze 4 doubting t6 of levufaalem,Nog ypon on thefuddaine, durft not truft himfelffein his owne Citic F other walled towne forfeare of furprife :butincamped inthe f ne s00.0f his : whom hed (pad hid twiltie friend, & infels of better to difcotier vnto himthe purpofes eaitto uty bela and make h confeder cy, t ven eit e Count: others in' the roll @ himfelfé from his peopl eag thofe whichihope-d for honourand reward after fos sr aduifed b | openill aga yfthee out ofthineowne honfe,and will take thy wines be hinegs and gine them vntethyneighbour, dudhee foalllye with thy wiues'in thefight of the Swane : e Th oididllefbit fecretly, bat Lill doc ehisthingboreal ral, aadsefore the.sanesT alfo gaue aduiceto 4//al(om,that himfelfe wiih anatmie of 12000. men it tthe inftant for furprizing of Dawid which hadwillingly beene im!sated fagdnoalbai Dayids faithful feruant giuen counter-aduice; andtwayed wadiine Ab/alom thabit wasfitter and more {afe'forhimwithall the f fa) -} en thanby fuch atroope,' which' Dawids valour c th sdndanger orrefift. This delay ii n Abflow, af after God, the loffe ofthe one: and deliiery of oo - y ast; other. ghitly caring hic Wh creapionAcbitophels Bee aa Tae: (by the occafion fore-fhewed)the fucect which i Ae werkaeelitesc-eftacesand then forfookeboththej care of Abfalem,and of bis owne life: Dianid being th @) kieweicoaap 2aink him, mate hed away <Te and peblardan; pote fins Hinesdsudawine ts eaebe ame ferh vimnkelfeiini chiewelvadainite- Danddafter'sanls de € of Gad: am Gin atter Sauls deathfeatedhimifefe. To which pact there repaired-vnto him Shobs the fonneofNabefothe Ammonite, whom beg ; the fame which Zo/epous calleth shiphar. And ther: ehit bee ereatlydi fputed,whatthis Shob: was,yet the moft generalland probable opin ion iakes hia4 fecondbrotherto Hanam,w‘hom Dauid for his fathers fake eftab linchie kiagdome Oliertre in thankfulneflé whereofhe relieied Dai Arthas ti s ijkecgaanNaceadrCian Fomine 1 ce companic. 8 Inchemhead'T ci "b x z ] e Gileadite, vidwill ingly fed Dantas : oAYE here ‘ hfe le A fac a ander x 0ee eeend aac to fight; Abfaleme made 4 BeaconDae apSentivacded "bp his.compan stot set Mors oftheP.aceatl he hadito /odb} Abifbaiand Wriaj.hata I e laches ot aeen ine if ebthenartoflsshanteit beats ftoeearing of NS 2SAn18.14. 5 . all:thatt sain thai! Ss very cruel bytnatur ose cone: CAfalom arod rns Resieterincdenasenearepalaces iyedi Abfalomhadlately ve Chae Abela alten orethevictory beingobtained, &enewesbre e. y haire of his head on a tree, when hee onl not perfivaat tuneand kill him, hehimfelfe with his owneferuants aidpatcht eo Paci lenger to ret fences, andiyad rather deferued death than re ompence'. Whereupon Loab pref 6 hile before Daaid, perfwaded himto diffemblehis forrowfor the prefent affure cherhfelues;tha the y wouldthen refoltiedby AdaonAlfaslam acid his his cafe } without fear ne iuen vp vpona reconciliation betweenethem. This faluagearid -impious(thoughHit ue oun fail ey Achitophetindec de viged forhis ownerefpett,as featfig rebelli on might take endtohisideftiuétion's; who: moft of allorhcr inflamed Aé/alomagain his fatherAnd now:wasit fulfilled that 2athan had direétly foretold Dawid twraf 2540.17. Hereof,‘together with newes ofthe victorie,when know! dge was brought'to Daxid, he mourned andforrow edjnotonly ‘as‘a man that had Joft a fonne, but as one that had outlived all his worl dy ioyes, and {eene‘eucrie delight of life interred. For heefo hid victorie)coiiered themfeluesalfo in the citie, as if they had committed the greate y his matter Afgphibofceh thefonneof forathie: And: Shir F the honfelof sal ivcofwholé hatred Daurds pro{perity had fmothered, bit hiisaduetfity iStighened) ng himfelfe vpomthe aduantage of amountaing fidese uftdtones at Z hid mot pight fully curfed him to his face: but Danic at tending no pramate ret ss, Forba éto purfuehimffor the prefent fentadt antage offered. in {oue enge,Miatials fonne Salomon. meLom being now pofletof Terwfalen lace, 4 bitophel totrfehis'ffathers conicubine38 - ome fucleM- urd ackhoy ledged, Dunidyetlining; andfearing the difpofition OF Aion, hen iiiBraed FH the "Hot icés fie'sreatly doubted Naeere eantes. athe itnif ~Zi of theiiftorie oftheWf‘orld, It appeared alfo by the fequell that Toabateced Adinigal who: be rd, and fewelfe. TheP riefts hee left in Terufalem with the Headefired to be rtifed of thofe things that chanced. allhis outward:"aa Cua HAPIT, pang o. fhew himfelfe to the armie. For firft,he told himthat hehad difcountenance d his uithfulliferuants , who had that day prefer uedhis life; inferring that notthing 1 more dangerous Se not onely notto ack nowledge fo great a] Vea franitieitvhiss people, who being but fewin number; did yet refoluedlly expofe fehics to great perilsfor} 1is fake: but onthe cont rari¢, griicue and lament at thei ood face fle. ‘For, no doubt» they might all hat "bous Heer peaceof AYfalorn xPatents th it was genet:illy beleeutd,tthat he loued ae] rate. Secondly,he vrged that CS & Da- ted his friends; andthat he witnefled by this his mourning, that ha | not anie refpedt of his Princes,‘andothers his faithful! feruants sbut sn more haue toyedif they had 2o.all perifhed,and Abfalom liued,thanin thevictoriebytheir & valour gotten. Laftly,heviedthis prewalent argument, That if the King camenotout andthewed himfelfe publicklyto his men of warré that theey wouldall that verie night aband him,andreturne ; concludingwiththis fearefull thre:atning, 4ndthat will be b wer tothee thaw all the euiléshatfell on theefroin thy your hitherto, Bythefe ouer-bold eaepeeches(though Pecapee vitered witli agoodintent) Josh raifed ps4uidout his bed of lortow,and brought him tothe gates Of thecitic amongthe peop le, whom, aflured ofhis loue and affection,efpecially Amafa, who commanded the armie of feto whomlie promifedtheoffice of Licutenanthip; the fame which _44/alom ee n him and wins nowenioyed. For Danid doubted, that if asayawere tisfed,he might draw'from hima ereatpart of theftrengtth of Ifrael, nowvnder meas Byae A dtowatds Tor ‘This done,tt King'marched towatds lordan hémeward, wherein hispaflage| ace pardonédshimei whohadlatelyreuiléd Himto his face: butthis remif x. cernall aati hedt ns Temllsion Was but ex ernall,as‘appearedafterward. Healfo aécerpted of Atephibofherh his excufe.whom Zibahad falflyaaccufedand ° Let ; betrayed. ° fees ‘ : 2.54.19. ti aiseeee the bgmoepee ies doris liberal! Neaft, ae foll »w him to Teru-* samt 5 alem that he might reward his fertiice done him who excufi 1g himfelfe byhis age, oappointed his fonne Chimbam toattend theKing. At Gilgal onthis fide Iordan,all the Tribes afte which ofthem ought to‘haue moft: interet'in eft ir Dit ned to-Tenifs 5 . But Sheba the fon of Bichr > F Sail halitie fore difcantent anote the TL fj ena WOH The? hid hp +ef Pkewdt bes andin effect ofalbu 7 4 Biter Gu i ing. Deadplyed nc : Mee, " ie bra te,of the fa ao: andr veitneffe his tuft, as alffoBecaife he. ae rerae] mofethan Fed had.' Heréceite: id to afler : lealous ae of ¢ the _ ch ayes, W . i f iHie ace ‘ ‘ se stO gitie him contentt Amati hadinterctt h heef fo Ed bit beingon et] xp c accom ee and overig Amal Sess ae Atrial ‘Wns oF Abn nite iSinthe fe ans maiz 4 ft "he oe =o bone Biior a he f tmurdered fie Rclofed ait Hea eeaeeie figs parilicd Sheba aoe ibe ait the citie : thatsone, ete izens | ae ee ae inabiting,c = hebahishead, and flung t vee returnofthe houfe ss 1uid, as HOON 1e,he retraired his Armicto Terufilem:and comman |