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Show a The fecondBooke ofvhiefirSt pare GaHarito.$.9 ? ofthe Hiftory ofthe World. CuarP.10,6'5 fol ofi a itsnorin fight of it) and there. neere er Marob now feate they for ites Ammon the Rabbah of o be Avot nderftand Rebbalrof Ateab; which they maket fore by Rabbath here wee muttv alfo (which Har '*: as:for And er. Harob t from guifhi dittin * Dentis9. Har :atid fo wee fiiutt needs Moz. the of fion poffef the in it feemes it continaed Ourofwhich Sane the name tothe coat adioyning) by ned weake ,firft Amsims ! called e peopl like Giantee bites afrerthey had once expelled the many fuffered es oftim hange r by the interc 21.28.areto chedarlaomer and his Aflociates: but Harohe es by Sehon,and fromhim by the Ita. Srsen ancient changes, as being wonne from the Moabit the to haue ot.20.11. Villagesithis 2#fi2s had belonging vntoit, according td Jofephas. HeemakesofitLisiaiAs adéption ofthe honour /w/ias,in named and beene builtby Herod Antipas, 29/ep-4nt.18.3. ed Julie. Anowhich adoption the was'call by : family Talian the o goflus his: Wife,inr Lindg.28, sos : oga . . 7"""*** Gaulanitis, lower inthe Herod, of brother the Philip by built was ther Juliashée faith which, he faith, isthe fatnie'as Berh/aida. d fiom in the ftory of ephtba,by thé Ammon ites:an tie of Hor, but elites and fromtheiti,as it (eemes . In S -Flieromes time the Jephrha of t conduc the vnder tes Iitaeli the by the coaftad= AHmonites againe Lot faued an earthquake, as alfo:Zoar, in which waned ty ercateft part of this Citie perithed by {cated not farre hence ¢ which they {ay was theres Sodom, of tion him(elfe ,in the deftrué sche outers e as awanton tumbling Heifer, fhe was thrice es ;. forecalled Vitula Conflernans, becav{ caufealfo Hierome feemes to thinke that this Zosr bierjaentap. throwne withearth-quakes: for which der ofthe old nameBalah,ot VponitheSea of Galilee neere to Julias in Perea, ( thatis, in the Region ouer Jordan) lofep. de Bel. doris they finidé Hetexobra,asitis called in sofephus, for Beth-ezob, which is as much as 10 hiffapi. Ofanoble womanofthis Citie, which for fafegard in thetime of Warte with "274% the Romances,came with manyothers into Héernfalem,and wasthere befieged.Jo/ephus in the placenoted,reports a lamentable Hiftory ; how fot hunger fhee ate her owne childe, with other tragicall accidents hereuponenfuing. OF Saccoth¢ which we faid of; 13.is placed with Bé#-harai,in the Valley ofthe King- had beenea remain te was ¢alled Saliffa, Or Bal-faliffa,as if Baal h hatha fignification of the termarie number, a,whic Sali{b and 14.2.) Gen. ch (ofwhi Bola, cine Ta domeofSehun) itis plaine bythe ftory of Gidion thatit is necre vnto lordan: where ‘it is imdg, 3.5. faid, that as he was paft fordan with histhree hundreth, wearic in the purfuite of Zeb2h and Salmunnah,hee requefted reliefe of the men of Succoth : who denying him, and that with contempt,in Gidéons returne were by him tortured, asit feemes vnder a threfhing nius his anso- 4d a}luded to the three earth- quakes. as beforeit is troted : feeing that prochard takes Haroher to be Petra, but ertoneoufly, es ing to Edom; whereas Haroher is in the where hee Petra was in the South border of Moab, adioyn whichis attributed Carre of ‘Tribalum,betweene which and their flefh he put Thornes toteare their flefh as and tordan they feate Dibon, makesSaid"* Worth-Eaft border. Betweene Haroberhaue' buile it, Numbers 32.34. though Jo/ae 13.7 ule they are faid to 20 they were preftand trod vnderthe Tribwlum, and after which fort alfo Dawid vied fome ofthe Ammonites,thoughinot with Thornes, but with tronteeth of the Tribulum. As x sain.12.31; forthenameof Saccoth, whichfignifieth fuch Tabernacles as were madein hafte, either seni tothe Gadites,beca this Citic among the reft of that 4ofes gaue ittothe Reubenites. Ofperith, minand he yer/e't 7 .ivis {aidand and the Lakes aboutit fhould thavit Hieremy prophecied, for Men or Cattell, A4o/es, Gew.3 3.17. witneffeth that the originalofthe name was from Balpalfa,z. Moab, bothE/ay c4rnon-in Saint rune withthe bloud of the Inhabitants. It wasa great Village neere Keg 442. fuch harbours, which facob in his returne from A4¢/opotamia builtin that place : as alfo Exod.12.37, the place beyond the Red ‘Sea, where the children of /rae/,asthey came from Ramefes iti Egypt; had their firft Station, was vponlike reafon called Saccoth : becaufe there they fet vp their firft Tabernacles or Tents : which theyvied after for forty yeares in therevié.23.432 Wildernefle. Inremembrance whereof, the Feaft of S#ccoth, or Tabernacles was' inftituted. 5 areeee Hicromes time. Cities of fame to roe, was BethninBabaltobe as Keeping the bankes ofAvmén,one ofthe next thereo f(bould be dried up :and al thevale munch ne rahof which E/ay prophecieth, That the waters in this Tribe Hier'. Efe Of Adoab withered. Notfarre from Bethnimrah 15.2%: Judg.84%- Adrichomins placeth Loghebt, of Gideon : and that Togheh and Nobach or Nobe: of both which wee reade inthe ftorie 'and't herefore Nobach allo 32.35. amb. es, appear ,it Gadites the by was'in Gad,built onlythat} Num-3%38* muftneeds be in thefe parts ; but whether in Gad or AZana//éit is not certaine: (faith hee ) went and tooke it was anciently called Kenath, Mofes witneffeth. ‘Nobacbalfo where becaufe the verles name, owne ofhis Nobach it called and , Townes her Kenath with wouldhaue eprecedent fpeake of the Manaiffites, and becanfeitisnorlikely that 44Zo/es uered this feate ofthe Gadites fromthe reft,ofwhich he fpake before, v.34-35-3 6.there of Tordan : though gaechonins place ir in Gad. For whereashe fuppoferh it to bee the Be fpeake * in the Tribe of Bemis" odin the bor- fame With Nob, which $au/ deftroyed,ofthis we thallrefted themfelues intheir flight from der ofihe Boe. Andas for that Karkor where Zebach and Salmunah NoIris called wal ple # this Webach sand logbeha, though fom marched through 2 to whichplace Gideon is : naan: Gideon, eras, 6 h E/ay 15, and 2 Reg.3+25 and therefore place init Gad, and make ic the fame with Kir-chares, ofwhic with Kir-charess a e yet therecan be no certaintythat it was in Gad sandifit bethe fame aee blethaet was Certaine thatit wasa principall Citic held ftill by the: Moabites, and not in the TH of Gad. inGad. a Chap.12.§.1+ To the body of this Tribe of Gad they place Hataroth: of which name the Scripture Indg.8.10. that two Cities were builded by the Gadites; the'formerfimply called Hel witneffeth 34> Nwin.3>. Cities,Roth and Sh 3% roth.the later Hatroth-Sophan : for whichlater the Xulgarmakes two Inthe Valley of the Kingdome of sehon,together with Bethnimrab,ofwhich we ha {poken, /ofia cap. 3.0.27. nameth Beth- haram and Saccoth'sthe former, Numb 323, ( where itis called berh-haram) together with Bethnimra,is faidto haue been buileby &™? Gadites,whichcperhaps therather, becaufe in'zo/ua it is called Beth-Haram,) fomersiet which so/ephus)after by Herod called Julias.But whether - vt Retaramptha,(of afta. be bps3: ramotha were corrupted from Beth-Haram,orfrom Beth-Arimatha cofwhich ari of &Laedatby thereis mention in Lofepbas) or from Beth-Remphan (of which Remphan, an ide ie des te thofe Countries, wee reade, Acs 7:43. and to which Junin' teferres the olechil ut torre Resear ot Rephan, 1 eteI of this queftion it Were hard to réfolue. nin Sapondome * asCaccording to Jofephus fometime Bataramptha') the fame 1ofephws placet v3 Hannoritaran REQiON OF Peres, beyond Zordan, which Regio Pereasas the Greeke word fig 3° Other foure Cities of Gad are named, of: 21.38. Ramoth in Gilead, Machawaym, Chesbow,and Iahzer,allof themby the Gadites giuen tothe Leuites, of which /ehzer, as Cheshon or Hesbon was achiefe City of Sehon,whence' Num.32.1. his Countric is called the Land of sebzer. Itwastakenby Adofes, hauing firft fent {pies to view it. In the Num. 22,32: firft of the Chronicles it ismade partofGilead. In later times (as it may bee gathered * Chron 2g3K by the prophecie of E/zy, touching A4Zoab ) it was pofleffed by the Moabites : to which z/y 6.8. of Afana(fe, which wasin the Fal bidcae pO fore it may feeme thatthis * Nobach wasin that part phan :the name Hataroth, is as much as Corone. 331 which lanomorethat Regio wlterior, the Countrie beyondtbe Riner ,and thetefore-they ne Fouretee fieeds. than paines mote take beurre (adowne the boundsofthis Pera; 90 place of E/ayyalfo Hieremie ina like prophecie alludes. Itwasat length regained ( butas-xicrom, 48.923 it feemes fromthe Ammonites) by Judas Macchabeus : asit is 1 Adace.5.8. where Lumius Out of Jo/ephus,reades Iahzerthough the Greeke hath Gazer. For Gazer ot Geer ( as he gathereth out of/ofaa (6.3. 8.and Judg.1,29.) was farre from thefe Countries ofSe- 40 hon, feared inthe Weft borderof Ephraim, notpoflefied by the Iftaelires,varill S2lomons time, for whom the King ofEgypt wanneit from the Canaanite, and gaue it him as. a Dowrie with his Daughter. Of Cheshon it may be maruelled thatinthe place of Jofwa,and 1 Chron.6.81. it fhould befaid to hauie beene giuen to the Leuitesby the Gadites,fecing Zo/wa 13.V.17. itis reckoned fora principall Citie ofthe Reubenites : Adrichomius and fuch aslittle trouble themfelues with fuch {cruples, finding Casbon, 1 Mace. 5+36-.among the Citiesof Gilead; taken by Judas Maccabews, makestwo Cities of one: as if this Casbow had beene the Chesbon of Gad andthat ofReaben diftin& fromit: but the better reconciliation 1s, that it being a bordering Citie, betweene Gadand Reaben, was commonto both, and 5° thatthe Gadites gauetheir partto the Leuites, for fo alfoit feemesthat in like reafon Dibonis {aid in one place built by the Gadites, and in anothergitien to Reuben, as before isnoted. Of Atachaiaim, which word fignificth adouble Armie; wee reade Gen. 32.2. that it was therefore fo called,becaufe the Angels of Godin that place met /acobin mannet of another Hoft or company, to ioyne with his forhis defence : asalfo Luke 213+ wee reade of a multitude of the Hoft of Heauen, which appeared to the fhicepe- heards,at thetimeofour Sauiours birth : and fo vnto the godly King Ofwald of Northumberland. when hee was fooneafterto ioyne battaile with the Pagan Penda of mid- the dle-England, Beda reports, thatthelike comfortappeared : whence the field where Battaile |