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Show Thefecond Booke ofthefirlpart Guanga Ca¥ .fo' $7, wv and flew.both him andall that belonged varohim, rooting out che whole poftetitie of : ofthe Fiftoryofthe World, ei reighned after /ehoram, deftroyed not onclythe race of his fore-goers, by Orured, the ancient enemies ofthe Mraclitesjand fometime of Damafcus which fo often afflicted them, And thus did the Vaffalls of the Adads this Aflyrian aduife himfelfe alfo their religion ; for whichhe receiued a promife from God, T hat his feed paula cupie the Throne vnto the fourth gencration, Yetheevpheldthe Idolatry of /ereboum, dea, andHierifalemjth¢y carried the peopleaway captive vwafted the Cities of Iu~ : but left no others in their places, bab, oe better than the' R omaties did: Forafter Titus and but a'very few fimple labourers, befides their ownethin decayed Pandithereby they gaue thar dangerous entrancetothe Garrifons, which foone Arabians and Saracens; who never could be dtitien thence againeto this day. 5 And thistranfmigration, plantation, anddifplantation, happened inthe yeare of the world 3292. the fixch yeareof Ezekieh King of luda siand the ninth of Hofea‘the laft King ofIftael; for which he was plagued with gricuous warre, wherein hee Was beaten by Hazael the Aramite, who f{poiled all the Counts ies to the Eaftof Jordan: in whic h w arre hee was flaine, faith Cedrenus : whereofthe Scriptures are filent. deha reigned 28.y cores. Joachaz or Jeboahaz the fonne of sehu fucceededhis father, whom Azae/ and his fon : Beabadad often inuaded, and in the end fubiected, leauing him onely59. horfe, 20. cha! riots,and ro0e00. foot; and as itis written inthe Scriptures, he made themlike duftber ten into powder. Joachaz reigned 17.yeares. i After foachaa loas his fonne gouerned //rael, who when hee repsired to Elifha the Prophet as hee lay.on his death-bed, the Prophet promifed himthreev itorics over the Aramites :and firftcommanded himtolayhis hand on his bowe, and Eli/ba coueredthe Kings hands with his,and bad him open the window weftward( which was toward Dt. ##a/cus) and then {hoot an arrowthence out. Hee againe willed him to beate the ground withhis arrowes, who {moireit thrice and ceafed: The P: ophetthen told him, that hee thould haue {mitten fiueorfixetimes, and then he fhould hauehad fo many victories0ner the 4ramites as he gauc {trokes. Andfoit fucceeded with Zoas, who overthrew the " A (Catalogue ofthe Kings ofthe ten TRI BES. 1. Jeroboam, Raigned 22 Yeares, 2. -Madab; 7 Dayes. 11 Yeares, 22° Yeares. 8. Ochozias; 9. loram; 2. Yeares. 12 Yeares. 10. leh, t+ Joachaz, 28 Ycares, 17. Yeates. T2. los, fors; but he recoweredall the reft ofthe lands belonging 10 W/rael,from Hamath wbich's neere Libanws, tothe dead Sea, andraigned one and forty yeeres. f Zachariasthe fiftandlaftof the houfe ofJehu, laine by Shallsn his vaflall, who rag Menahem whotoocke reucnge of Shallum, yfed greatcrueltie to thofe that didnotac 20; Yeares. 5: Zambris; 6. Omri, 9. Achab, Teroboam the third from Jehu, followed Joas his father, an Idolater as his predecel- 16. Yeares; 13. Leroboams; 41 -Yeares, 14. Zacharias, 6 17. Pakabia, r Moneth. 10 Yeares, 2. Yeares, 15. Shallum, 16. Aenahéms; 36 Yeares, 24. Yeares, 4. Ela, kedit with the Temple. This /oas raignedfixteene yeeres and died; in whofe time allo the Prophet Eli/ba exchangedthis life for a better. knowledge him : rippingthe bellies of thofe that were with childe. This A¢enabem be- 2: 3. Baafba; Aramites in three batrels, and recoueredthe Cities and Tetrirorie from Benhadad the fonneof 4Azael,whichhis Father Joachaz had loft. Healfo ouerthrew Amazia Kingof Juda, who proucked him to make the warre, whereupon heentred Hieru/alem, and face nedin his ftead, gonernedfixmoneths. shallum held the kingdome but one moneth,be-f! ing flanghtered by Azenahem of the Gadites, Vefpafiamhad 18; Phaca; Moneths. 20 Yeares. 19. Hofea. 1 9» Yeates, about whofe time Writers differ. 2 King. 16.19, ing inuaded by Phu/, boughthis peace withten thonfand talents of filuer, whichhee & acted by a Tributeoffifty fickels from eucry manof wealthin Z/rael. Ademahem goucl ned twenty yeeres. Pekabish or Phaceia, or after Zonaras, Phacefig: facceeded, and after hee had 1! Fi twoyeeres he wasflaine by Phacaor Pekah the Commander of his army, who ragne inhisplace. Inthis Pekahstime, Phulaffar or Tiglat=P hylaffar inuaded the kingdom © ‘ Ifrael, and wan lion; Abel- bethmszaca,lanoach, Kedelh; Hafor,arid-Gilead, withall the Ot 2King15.29. ties of Galilee, carrying them captives into A/fyriai: he was drawne in by Achas king© JudeaagainPekab and Rezin,thelatt ofthe Adades.> For Achas being wafted by Pere of Ifrael,and by Rezin ofDamafcus, did athird time borrow the Church riches,& nee with ingaged the 4/jrian, who firlt fuppreffed' that Monarchy of syria and: Dom and then of //rael: and this inuiting of the gteat .Affprian, was ithe ytter ruine of bo States,ofu/rael and offudea, Pekah reigned twenty yéeres. i Then Hojbea or Ofea, who flew Pekab, becatne all of Salaza(fir's oyebor's tofhakeoff the 4/jriin yoke,he fought aide fromthevall So, or Sua, or Sebicns King of Fgh' which being knowneto the Affyrian ,he ftredic carried therenidolatrous Trib caft him into prifon, befieged Samaria, al en es into ne in Affjria,and Rages 04" 4i2,and into other Eafterne Regions,and thereWini difperfed them: and into replanted sanwatl Witlnditiers Nationssahd chief y.with the cuthe( inhabiting abour Cathaa river 12 f ris . pte, . s « l a fossortather in Arabis Deferta) andwith the people Cztanei bounding vpons)" sf withthofeof Sepharnaijma (a People of Sepharin Adcfoporamiavpon Enphrates; of W . Sonquett Senacherthvaunteth )alfo with thofe of dia, which were ofthe ancient AN" Whe inhabited the Land ofthe Philiftims in Abrahams time ' neere vato f " Waom the Caphtorims roored out: and atthis time they weredwelling of Arabia the Défaths th Se Hawsi, willing to returne to theit ancient feates. Tothefe headded thofeof c"#"" Crap, xX Of the niemorableplaces of Dan; Simeon, luda; Reuben' Gad, and the otherhalfe of Manaffe, 6.1. OfDam, whereofIeppe, Gath, dtcaron, Azotus, and orber Townes. ww Ow following the coaft ofthe Mediterran i276 affignedto the Tribe ofDax, ioyneth to Sea, that portion of Land @) laft : of which family there were numb Ephraim, whereofI {pake red fighting men,all which lcauing their bodie at Mount Sinai'62700. gr farts :thereentred the Holy Land of theirs with the reftin the DeH) ames. Thefirtt famousCitic in this Tribe fonnes 66400, bearing V-46:! @4 Toppe,orIapho,asin the 19. of/o/ua: one on the Sea-Coaft was _ the ‘World andthe moft famous of ather of the moft ancienteft of s on ‘that coaft, becatile it, Was the Port ofHietufalem: From hence Jo#4s imbarked him(elfe when he fled ‘from ctuice of God, towards Tharfis in Cilici the a.' In the timéofthe Macchabees this Citie reae many changes'}-and While Zwaies Alacchabeus gouerned th@lewes, u at Were Garrifondin Toppé; hatin the' Syrians Mage. 2.1304 g their fléere in the Port, inuited 200. principal! Ci. ie ns aboord them, dnd'caft them all the Sea + Which Zedas reuenged by fixing Cet,and putting the companies whichinto their foughtto efcape; ta the fords h 3 is |